Sunday, August 31, 2014
My Best Readers
Blog Games. Modern journalism is still a competitive art. Tracking the transmission of my distinctively designed new data and new media, gives me information about peoples reading behavior. As I'm sending my traceable influence out into general society. I start with writing my own identifiable signature work.
Experimenting, writing to my general audience, I want to find out what my "Best Readers" want to read. I don't want to waste peoples time with surveys. Being a reader myself, I know about how quickly readers can bounce. It takes a lifetime to write, and only a moment to bounce. In blogging we are looking for readers, not bounces.
Somewhere between what I write for people and my best readers are subjects that are interesting for reading. I have an editorial policy of truthfulness to what I know. "And honesty about what I don't know," along with a strong moral core. I never try to create trouble. Analytics can give me resources to provide more interesting information that my readers may want, even about them. I'm going to take this slowly, having mentioned my concerns about resorting to stunt journalism. I still want to be a well read author. Talking about myself as the psychic is boring, unimportant and total here say. Speaking authoritatively on issues of religion, spirituality or meta physics, I'll do it.
Most of my really good writing seems to involve an element of the fantastic, be it fiction, essay or documentary. As a magazine the product does have appeal. But my work needs work. What has happened to the re drafting of each manuscript, each index, every footnote, is going into designing correct Induction Hypothesis. Any time I want to find an accurate subject for a base case has to prove my argument. To get any kind of meaningful evidence of what people want me to write about, (for them to be able to read) I must be clear about what I'm offering. Classes, Checklists, Assays, Exercises,
Bibliographies, etc.
As a "Reader" I teach Psychic Reading. I want you to tell me, if you want to be a reader too. Hands, Handwriting, Voice, Personal Linguistics, Styles, Stochastic Prognostication, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Massage. And Much More! "Psychic Reading" is Marketable Spiritual Technology, it's a demanding discipline. I want to teach you the "Method." Offering "FREE" subscriptions to my magazine is easy but it won't go out and find me new potential browsers. I'll make this easy for everyone who downloads my magazine blog.
The instructions I'm reading for google analytics are very blatant and without shame. I'm not a big money person, (at least not usually.) Theoretically you don't have to say anything unless you want to. And even then you only have to ask questions or make requests. It's going to be a lot of work but if it helps me to better Understand and Identify My Best Readers and your reading desires, what's not to love? Google stands behind it's free analytics services as one of their own brand name products. They demand I never give Google any personal information about any one, cool huh?. Even though I'm a novice, I'm learning a lot. Google may or may not care 1 iota about what I am doing with their analytics product service. So I need to get back to the books and see if I can start at the beginning. I promise only "To mind my own business." You may get to participate in helping me to understand my business better.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Marketing Ideological Neutrality: Can I Do It?
Without money or a cult of personality, just counting conversions won't tell me if my cult is truly ideologically neutral. "COMPLEMENTARIANISM" isn't neutral just because I say it is. That "COMPLEMENTARIANISM" is unbiased ideologically, may be unimportant. Finding a base case for an "Institution" with a "Neutral" ideological bias is difficult. We want our institution to survive. Perpetuating a tradition biases our ideology, I think.
Saying that I am starting a new religion under the pretense of a non bias is just here say. Even if I can do it. My induction hypothesis says: "I can do it." (Do it? What is It? Start a "Harmless Cult?" Is it even possible to create a "Harmless Cult?") Measuring conversion rates as of yet, tells me nothing. I can't even identify terms that can signify unbiased personal opinions for our potential converts. Doesn't matter. Our non biases don't necessarily match up in the first place. Everybody and their dog has tried starting their own new religions under all kinds of noble intentions. And for me to do so for some academic justification is equally silly. But I'm doing this anyway. My motivations may never be pure no matter how innocent I may want to be.
Question is: Can I sell it? "The Anti Bias, Bias." "COMPLEMENTARIANISM,"
Starting a Sub Cult for those of us with rational "Bias Fear" is a really good idea. But it may prove nothing by itself. Pretending to be Agnostic is not the point. Yes I do know exactly what's going to happen. And I'm not telling. Telling would spoil everything. This experiment must be handled very delicately. I want to see people buy into my religion of non bias by conversion. The trick is going to be tracking how and why.
If you haven't seen all the supporting work that has brought us to this point, (or even if you have) this all must look very silly indeed. I want to track the development of this theoretical "Religion" from it's beginning. I'm going to establish my domain name and website to anchor the project into usable business culture. While retaining independence I want no money.
The question is no longer, "Can I do it?" I am doing this. Question becomes how and why.
My consort and I, (You may call her "GOD.") have planned parenthood. We've conceived a church of "COMPLEMENTARITY." (If there is "GOD" I am so not worthy of this opportunity to create a lasting institution of Spiritual Technologies. But we have to start somewhere.)
I am serious about giving life to our entity of learning, I'll document the process as it unfolds. Cults are here to stay. I want to design a "Good Cult" that is harmless and demands nothing of anyone.
Can I do this? That's what we are here to find out. The spiritual technologies already exist. Now I just need to hook up the machine. Any Questions?
Strengthening Your Induction Hypothesis / TEST POST MAGAZINE
Social Induction. Conversions. Cults of Personality. Presence. I want to map influence.
Influence in time is information. I'm experimenting with the statistical analytics features on my social media. Releasing data, media or content on to the web each carry a signature trail of influence. I can easily trace my own media in a "Campaign" using the objective of conversion: I use models for the longest campaigns possible. Time encapsulated campaigns. Only our children will know. I'm totally open to staying simple. The "True Hoax" has now become a Game.
Influence. I'm designing an institution of "Culture." {"COMPLEMENTARIANISM"}
As the so called pro psychic I am my own worst critic. I am totally skeptical.
I want to promote my free magazine, <ZENOPHILE>. (I probably can't use that name.)
I really am a psychic and I know what people want to hear.
The Proof: I want to see if people will want me to "Read" for them. (Proving I can sell magazines?) I need better proof.
Starting with the wind, we may be able to map for influence in say; Documentaries and their resulting changes to popular public opinion. And how long does it take. (In my magazine, I am also the reader.) "Influence," and the dissemination of influence through media moves social dialog in mass culture. Spreading and disseminating new information can be tagged. We are disseminating identifiably new data with this "Test Post Magazine. Cultures change, opinions change. These boundaries are trackable. Eventually.
"Conditions and Requirements" I keep records, My demands. My offering.
1.) SUB CULT. I am designing a sub cult. I am generating buzz without expense.
2.) CONVERSIONS. I get people to want to be readers too, starting small.
3.) EDITORIAL INTEGRITY. I do my job right. Honest. Be brief.
4.) INVISIBILITY. I don't exist. This is an unrealistic literary exercise that might succeed.
#.1 First Failing. I don't want money. I won't play around with business. (I'm not stupid.) Big frailty on my part. Sorry. No Compromises.
#.2 Safe Sound Practices, Marketing used for Good.
#.3 That's it. Thanks. I'll try to make this a lot clearer as we go along.
Constructing a propositional assertion that can be proved by social experiment is hard. Imagine checking all the terms of analysis. It's not easy. Constructing hypothesis in expression strings do not allow trivial generalities. Computer math is sensitive about weak and faulty logic. Assumptions become those little lies that creep into a psychic's career.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Everybody Wants to Be "It."
I've been looking at the google analytics for my social media. I really enjoy reading things I can do with data. Marketing for things like "conversion rates," It must be "point of sale" and I really laughed. I enjoyed reading about features and actual systems analysis for data modeling. It was really fun and I honestly don't know If I'm going to be able to keep up with this. I do like a good social experiment. I'm going to see if I can do this, it's not a big thing. I'll stay open. Can market teaching people "How to be Psychics," Classes taught over the web without ever having to meet you. And I am actually already doing this professionally. (I actually am. My magazine has both content and learning modules. I'm not worried about money. Nobody should trust a psychic with money anyways.)
I love math. Instructions speak about tracking real behavior in your markets and marketing. I was reading something beautiful and poetic, not vague. I got it. I think I get it now. "It's" that quality of something, or someone indescribable. "It" is market gold. You want "It." You have to have "It." You have to get "It." Everyone wants "It." Now is the whole point of "It." Now is very "It."
And now "It" has become very measurable. (google analytics) And I had a good laugh and feel very good about what I read. It gave me a kind of hope. Targeting an audience (Analytics) can be a very dynamic medium for communication, you can get individual consent to participate, screen and/or filter involvement in that analytic.
I ask you, "Can Marketing become a Force for Good?" Similar to your own personal social media, your data can be what and who is accessing and interacting with your media. Questions like, What accesses your market? In what way? By Whom, When, Where, and much more subtle details. How do you identify Yourself to your market? These can be your metrics, just like time, proximity, age, etc. You can segment your data. Each parameter sets for scheduling, usage, length of a campaign. Hard for me to keep up, but it sounds fun, so we'll see. Fun Huh? I'm going to see if I can do this. Thanks as always, you are a blast. "It" has taken surfing the web to another completely unexpected place.
P. S. Nobody wants to get permanently stuck inside of the "It" box, at least not for very long. We are happiest when we matter to other people. Creates beautiful things. Be very creative, a completely different challenge entirely. Enjoy simplicity. We are "It" already. Forever! (Buzz on google analytics, kind of creepy,.. I laughed.) Are we there yet?
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Today we will attempt to discuss the Topological Algebra of social co-boundary definitions. We have already looked at the "Dyad." This most primary of social groups can also describe the self separate from an individual group, self to groups, or group(s) to group(s), as long as they are defining two separate "subjects." But when we get into the topological algebra of more than any "2" separate things, (groupings) we are dealing with a much higher order of boundary relations. I will spare you the deliciously tedious geometrical configuration notation for combinatorial spaces where we count vertices as well the edges of lines connecting each vertex. (Big words, simple ideas.)
In doing couples counseling I often have to do the math of identifying both people as individuals while respecting that third entity of their shared relation. "The family is a delicate flower and it must be preserved at great cost." When "I" am talking to you, you are the center of my universe. (Sorry, that's a personal challenge of mine and it is why I much prefer public speaking to say group therapy, or worse yet board meetings.) So when I'm with a couple, I feel I'm switching back and forth between two completely different personalities in me. Talking to that couple inclines me to want a singular identity. I've had to do the math and see the absurdity of wanting to reduce multiple people to closed groups, no matter how conventional. As mathematical relations modeled on co-boundary chains we can think of individuals as vertices forming a central point for the intersection. (Where "i" is the enumerative index. Sorry, math joke.) But we can also turn our social model inside out and start with each of the individual dyad relations (lines of connection) as individual vertices themselves. (This is because each individual relation is discreetly enumerative, but this is descriptive of that singular line of connection forming an edge boundary for separate planes of inter relation.)
Some simple groupings can be mapped onto flat closed networks. But in this kind of 2D model, once you add a 5th entity to a model must take on a higher order of space in order to avoid crossing the "Edges" of these individually countable unique relations in an otherwise flat graphically insufficient 2space.
Although when "God" presides over the joining of two people in this sacred marriage union, we still must respect the "Discreetness" of all people as individuals. Same for all family members. And separate people in groups. No matter how tightly we pack our "Groups" we are still talking groupings. I've had some of my greatest challenges come from disentangling these "Groupings" issues. I would like to go into the covariant and contravariant notations for mapping co-boundary triangles leading us into these higher orders of co-cycles in relationships. But not only does my blogger not handle fonts for boundary chains, I know that the subtle but also potentially apparent dynamics of relations don't need over examination, at least not here.
({r=2sin2phi*sin2theta*sin(phi)} Is the parametric equation I used to demonstrate subjects in spacial relation. Each of the graphic models are different angular views for this same expression. Four like subjects projected into a 3space, demonstrates the limitations of 2d networks for mapping more than three things in relation to each other.)
Monday, August 25, 2014
More on the Abuses of "Cold Reading"
Sunday, April 13, 2014
The Linguistics of Violated Boundaries
I found on close reexamination of my post on "The Fine Art of Cold Reading" (Tues. June 4th, 2013) I neglected the whole issue of psychics who lie and then make up excuses. Cold reading usually means making overly general statements with the intent of fishing for "Hits." We've all seen amateur psychics who believe their own hype, wrecking things for everyone.
I can do better. Instead of being overly general, I much prefer to use language that makes people think. The real problem with "Cold Reading" is the violation of trust. We are all reading each other by different degrees all the time. But this is something that, out of respect, we do carefully and with discretion. Boundaries are delicately set to respond to any and all points of contact. Sensitive boundaries are the ones we train to interact with the dynamic social and physical environments. We may be able to recognize when others are feeling an attraction. Do I really want to know if that attractive married woman over there is attracted to me? No. Definitely not. Those perfectly healthy feelings of attraction that normal healthy people feel can occur for any of a variety of reasons. None of which are any of my business at all, ever. She in fact could be very happily married, much to contrary of that very destructive prejudice that says that happily married people are somehow incapable of enjoying the aesthetic stimulation of other healthy beautiful people. Any assumptions on my part, even if I do have an inside understanding of the micro expressions that can be read, would be a total violation of the basic codes of the ethical treatment for people, as well our right to the pursuit of individual personal happiness.
One of the ironies of my 2nd Vital Paradox, "Are there any Real Psychics?" is that there are so many phony psychics. (General Concepts, April, 9th. 2013) VIOLATION: Lying to people in order to get paid is always a "Moral Hazard." Forced Listening, just like Mind Reading is strictly verboten. Why don't we just put all the so called psychics into a cage and let them read each other? Oh yah, we tried that in the future and, well it gets interesting. I still believe it is wrong to take advantage of people by playing on peoples gullibility. Also, I have no respect for people who grope for approval from "True Believers. Pinging someones Sensitive Boundaries is going to sometimes happen accidentally anyways. Besides, making a big deal out of being able to easily read people is one of those things you generally want to play down. Being a good reader is a mixed blessing as well as a thankless job. What it is possible to know about a person will shatter any sense of privacy a person may have. I also believe in making people make their own decisions, always. And I will say it, repeatedly. "Everyone has Blind Spots and everyones Blind Spots are different." (2nd Rule)
Basically, here in this blog, we are building bridges to a Language of Mutual Reflection, by turning boundaries into identifiable points of mutual contact. Understanding our Sensitive Boundaries is at the core of the techniques and technologies we are learning.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
"OCCULT" Sexy Meta Tag or Superstition
That being said, "Why did I go to school to learn the "Tools of the Trade?" If I don't believe in psychics, why did I study divination? My teacher said, "The greatest evil is claiming to be an authority, when one is in fact ignorant. (Business as usual.)
The etiology for the word "Occult" implies that which is hidden, Secret. So, Occult and it's implied pretense of authority appeals to many of those instincts which incline us toward a sense of belonging and identity, and the desire to believe. This is it's blatantly (anti?) "Catholic" Blasphemy. My Grandfather would say, "We should have sided with the Nazis, at least they aren't godless communists." (of course these were the later dark ages.) My friend admitted to doing a certain amount of soul searching for himself and had considered some very unpopular movements. (Bless you my much younger friend.)
As a culture, we have made a lot of progress distinguishing "Occult" from what are in fact only foreign cultures. But as always, popular prejudices do reemerge. There still is a need to stop confusing the unknown with with the power of some occult force. Proxy Dependencies are an inevitable necessity but responsibility still falls on us as individuals to make up our own minds, for ourselves. We have more information than ever, but that capacity for ignorance, evil and the abuse of power persists. I believe that the appeal of the "Occult" is contrarian. Hence it's "Sexy Meta Tag." What's your sign? (I don't care and I'm not telling you my birthday.) The popular appeal of taboo in a changing culture is greatest when groups and group identification (Proxy Dependencies) breakdown.
Contrarian dogmas are by design antagonistic. Getting yourself identified with the "Psychic Arts" can be an invitation to get punched in the nose. Thank you very much. But I am merely a "Complementarian" and I prefer to suspend judgement. Proofs from my social experiments will continue to be published as they become available. I hope to be able to construct thought experiments that will produce healthy supportive results.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Conjugate Consciousness: The Power of a Positive Negation
In logic, statistics, number theory and in systems analysis, we get to see the value of looking at things in opposition to themselves. (Some things exist only in the context of their opposite, their conjugate.) Such is the dynamic of reason. Never are we more rational than when we are willing to engage contrary points of view. (Hypothetically.) This virtue, this strength is my gift to you.
Social Recursion, if you remember, is the Self Identifying Distinguishing Boundary Definition. I am a boy. You may be a girl. We are different, but yet we may have much in common. Appreciating our differences can make it meaningful and fun for us. Although these Mutually Defined Boundary Distinctions may create a feeling of separation, our love may unite. (Enter: The Cult of Complementarity.)
Politics in it's present incarnations, (and it's exploitation,) is the perpetuated "Illusion of Conflict." But in spite of real conflict just like some demonic dance, opposing parties feed each other, they feed each other hate. Behind the scenes, you might think that the Fascists work for me cause when they look stupid, I get too shine. And when radical liberals want to spit at a cop, I wonder if they're working for the opposing team. I hope that this subtle but very real dynamic of human behavior is understandable. Being self critical is the only reason I trust myself to be a Pro Psychic. Without the power of self criticism and self negation, I would be a hack. The power of rational thought always exceeds mere rationale.
How are you at asking yourself the really hard questions? (Two heads are better than one, but it does make you a little schizophrenic.)
Monday, August 18, 2014
On the Shared What's Up With The Blog
I'm doing this really weird blog project. What are the boundaries on the social media network without advertising? Using g+ I used my blogger to document this "Psychic." It's me of course. But using a graphics calculator I did manage to make some interesting art. And I'm getting a lot of satisfaction using the social media as a way of getting attention. I don't even advertise myself.
I am a professional psychic. I don't believe in psychics and I'm really good at it. I want to be able to read for society. This is a fully functioning hoax. A True Hoax. "Urban legends are not born, we are fabricated."
The art speaks for itself. And now the work represents me. I don't want unnecessary stress. I know when to quit and keep a respectful distance from my products and services as a psychic. Merchandizing an idea is demanding and I appreciate limitations. I'm obsessed with math and writing down results. I stalk the hidden market where ever there's a reader. Will you read for me too? I teach people how to be psychics on the web. I might even be able to teach you. It's not easy but it can be very fun. And there are hazards. I am very greedy, I want soul.
AS always I want to thank the people who have been helping me to get this written. I'm very grateful to
I deliberately put Shocking Rock Videos on my blog after about a year. I did so on purpose. I'm splitting the bias, I want healthy skeptics. I promised this isn't about me. I want to be honest. Having great luck and free time I deliberately wrecked my career. I'm not going anywhere, but we'll see what happens. I don't know who I'll be tomorrow. I just wanted to be honest about my writing and I don't want to deceive anyone. I like my job very much. Reading for people is a real joy for me and I'm all too aware of all the complications of being the psychic. I'm sure I'm going to have to pay for this in the long run. As always, thank you so very much.
Shared Physical Languages
This model is not mine. Quasi Spherical Orbits and the FRACTAL HEXAHEDRON by J. Snuszka Taken from Pacific Tech Graphing Calculator
Our Shared Physical Languages are the real daily lives we live together.
Sex and gender. These boundaries are dependent on our shared physical universe. This joining is also the separation, more Shared Physical Language. I am this, then you are supposed to be that which I am not. Different yet the same. One to one, and yet we don't understand each other. People come to me, hoping that me, the pro psychic teaches us all about each other. In love and in lust, in boundaries of attachment and separation, we all hope for understanding in a Shared Physical Universe.
Yet in a Wheel of Objectification we merely label people as;
#1)"Sex Objects" (No explanation needed)
#3)"Love Objects" (Romantic / Sentimental)
#2)"Objects of Worship" (Status Symbol)
#4)"Objects of Loathing" (That which we love to hate)
#0)"Security Blankets" (Central Object Attachment)
Fortunately, our Shared Physical Languages are not objectifying. Objectification is not sharing; Objectification is owning, labeling, controlling, dismissing, demeaning. Without really wanting to, we are all often swayed by the languages of objectification. I am frequently objectified for being the "Psychic." For instance,
I touch people in order to identify each of you individually, so I often get treated like I'm the attractive and potentially seducing "Sex Object."
I have a deep feeling of sensitivity supportively recognizing each individual, and I'm often seen as the desirably cherished "Love Object."
I show understanding for the presence and power of Shared Physical Languages, and I'm thus envied and worshiped as the influential and important "Status Symbol."
I show impatience and contempt for peoples prejudices towards alien cultures, so I am reviled and scapegoated for people's hostility toward the unfamiliar, on both sides of a bias. "Dogged!"
And finally because what I do is an expression of my faith in learning, I am expected to be the supportively comforting "Good Shepherd." ("Suffer the little children to come unto me." New Testament ) I'm supposed to be a "Rock."
Our Shared Physical Languages are about contact, connections. We are not objects. Finding a neutral non objectifying language is the only way we can really understand how other people see the world. And this with all of our own uniquely distinctive perspectives must be done with respect. Pro and Con. In understanding our Shared Physical Languages I advocate for a "Universal COMPLEMENTARITY."
Our Shared Physical Languages are the real daily lives we live together.
Sex and gender. These boundaries are dependent on our shared physical universe. This joining is also the separation, more Shared Physical Language. I am this, then you are supposed to be that which I am not. Different yet the same. One to one, and yet we don't understand each other. People come to me, hoping that me, the pro psychic teaches us all about each other. In love and in lust, in boundaries of attachment and separation, we all hope for understanding in a Shared Physical Universe.
Yet in a Wheel of Objectification we merely label people as;
#1)"Sex Objects" (No explanation needed)
#3)"Love Objects" (Romantic / Sentimental)
#2)"Objects of Worship" (Status Symbol)
#4)"Objects of Loathing" (That which we love to hate)
#0)"Security Blankets" (Central Object Attachment)
Fortunately, our Shared Physical Languages are not objectifying. Objectification is not sharing; Objectification is owning, labeling, controlling, dismissing, demeaning. Without really wanting to, we are all often swayed by the languages of objectification. I am frequently objectified for being the "Psychic." For instance,
I touch people in order to identify each of you individually, so I often get treated like I'm the attractive and potentially seducing "Sex Object."
I have a deep feeling of sensitivity supportively recognizing each individual, and I'm often seen as the desirably cherished "Love Object."
I show understanding for the presence and power of Shared Physical Languages, and I'm thus envied and worshiped as the influential and important "Status Symbol."
I show impatience and contempt for peoples prejudices towards alien cultures, so I am reviled and scapegoated for people's hostility toward the unfamiliar, on both sides of a bias. "Dogged!"
And finally because what I do is an expression of my faith in learning, I am expected to be the supportively comforting "Good Shepherd." ("Suffer the little children to come unto me." New Testament ) I'm supposed to be a "Rock."
Our Shared Physical Languages are about contact, connections. We are not objects. Finding a neutral non objectifying language is the only way we can really understand how other people see the world. And this with all of our own uniquely distinctive perspectives must be done with respect. Pro and Con. In understanding our Shared Physical Languages I advocate for a "Universal COMPLEMENTARITY."
Saturday, August 16, 2014
You Have The Touch
Sunday, October 6, 2013
More On Intuitive Touch
It has come to my attention that the specific technicalities of the psychic reading mediums is much better documented than is the fine art of intuition. When most people talk of the "intuitive" they in fact are referring to just meta formal logic. As my documentation for the implicit structures of meta formal logic processing has been clearly outlined, I believe it is my responsibility to move on to the issues that are much more pertinent to the understanding and application of intuitions. When a product is marketed as being "intuitive," it's intended to be easy to understand. I know from looking at my own writing that what may seem logical to me isn't always logical. Often my arguments and intuitions are sensible to me only.
We have come to sharing language that defines personal differences. Indexed by delineations of bias or gender, we are enjoying a renaissance of communication. People are learning to understand differences in linguistics and style. Well, we can dream can't we.
Identifying and respecting personal boundaries takes tact. Knowing or learning how to respectfully approach others is a matter of profound sensitivity. If and when we are actually touching each other, a whole new series of instincts and intuitions come into play. The standard ritual of shaking hands is a beautiful place to start. Open handed and firm or are you just given the fingers? I like to feel the whole hand. Skin firm and tight or is the hand soggy and mushy like mash potatoes? Many of the biggest most muscular guys have this characteristically self indulgent skin on their palms. Moist and sensitive or dry and callous? Do they pull back quickly or do they enjoy that moment of contact? As we will be having the time to be getting to massage therapy after all, we'll be able to work from the initial sensitive encounter toward a deeper understanding of "Intuitive Touch."
Let me talk about one of the most common processing errors we are prone to. Intuitions can easily be confused with projections. (Commonly mistaken mirroring projection of a reversed referential index.) Anecdote: Two shy people, (perhaps you and me,) notice each other. We are both decent respectful people. Not wanting to be rude, we both try to ignore each other. I can't help but notice you are way out of my league anyways. And even though you may be alone, you are probably much more popular and confident than me. I've always resented those people who have to be the center of attention, (myself included.) The one thing that most of us never realize, even beautiful people can be lonely too. There is an overwhelming probability that the very person you are noticing, at one time or another feels exactly the way you do. If that person is attractive, that person has probably heard every line. They have seen every stupid jerk off arrogantly throw themselves at them; male, female, young or old, rich or poor, we all have seen people act like idiots. This is where a sensitivity and tact is what people really want and need. If anything makes you feel lonely it's being socially bored. A respectful distance my be required but as often as not, that is the wrong thing to do. That other person can be having exactly the same thoughts, ABOUT YOU. Don't assume. Look but don't stare. Even someone who has just been short with you, may respond favorably to a friendly response.
Now don't pee on yourself, and don't turn into a stalker. A lot of the beautiful people can be narcissists anyway and that's just ugly. But what I am saying is some of the kindest people you will ever meet are beautiful and they shouldn't be judged prematurely just because of their appearance alone.
Confidence building can give you the "Touch." Rapport is largely a matter of tact. As with any type of new learning experience there is a learning curve. Even what seems to be the straight forward proposition of a "Touch Training," is so fraught with nuance and subtext that the whole thing sounds like an insulting waste of time. Don't get bogged down in excuses. People who already know you, may not be the best for exploring new social skills. But then again, if your friends are "becoming" people, (growing and learning,) they may like exploring the touch of a person who is just learning too. Be honest and if necessary clinical, we are just learning. The secret to learning and mastering intuition is trust. And just like sincerity, you can't fake trust. You can be wrong about who to trust but you can't fake real trust. No where does this become more obvious than in the looping interplay of touch.
As I have chased away all of my psychic reading customers, I now have the time and energy for my work as a massage therapist. My work with pain management usually involves imagining what others are feeling as I stroke and massage deep connective tissues. Like as I mentioned, I don't find the experience easy for me, giving or receiving. But it has saved my life and sanity. While keeping me out of a wheelchair and in the gym, I was overjoyed discovering that I'm not the only person who is lonely for touch. Being a Satyr and an ecstatic, I had overwhelming concerns about touching people. After my separation from my "X" in "92," and my diagnosis of of partial paralysis from wry neck syndrome, I gave up on intimacy. I was in my fifties before I even considered dating again. It had been for over 15 years that I had avoided touching anyone.
Trusting yourself is wonderful stuff. If you want to be able to trust your intuitions, "You may have the touch."
Deeply Felt Apologies
Dearest readers,
Sincerest of apologies. Those of you who have been following the blog for a while, have been seeing the changing culture of our (Sacred) target audience. What started out as an act of faith has become even stranger than this. No more expectations of believers. Yet I persist.
"What was once esoteric has become colloquial." and "You need not believe, in order to perceive." The paradigm shifts, "The Culture We Create Consumes Itself Completely." All sentiment aside, whether we like it or not "Change is Stability," and in the spiritual realm of things, "Nothing ever really happens." I ask you, "What isn't a meditation?" "What in the world could be so wrong as that we wouldn't need the clarity of a "Righteous Mind?" Whether we like it or not, the work of a pro psychic will obviously have to be that of a strong "Neutral Bias" without attachment. NO FOLLOWERS HERE! You are a reader, not a follower. Good luck with your careers.
Gateway To A Dream
Fantasy Entertains Dreams. Proscenium Soul; Lights On. Stage Set. Orchestra Curtains. Drawn Home Windows to the Stars. Lines Read. Parts Learned. Cues Measured. Players Go On. Theatre accesses following. Enter: Places Everyone. Possessing the Witness Dreams, Beginning and Ending. Work is never done. How do we see the players? The Apron Line rounds the Bending Stage, down to you. Threshold Joining, You and I. We have been together a million times before. (What is your wish my child?)
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Passion Pathos Pathology
Blog stats reveal that readers from Ukraine may be using my blog for lessons. Lessons in what, I don't know.
After posting many disturbing contemporary music videos on my g+ account, (tap flower icon at the bottom of my posts archive list, on the right of my blog pages,) I've rid my particularly popular social media of any semblance of purity. The works of entertainment are usually contemporary and they show the evolution of our post baby boom disillusionment. As the pro psychic, I don't buy into the myth of a superior purity. The superior moral code is public property. Immunity is only a fantasy. Fortunately, many of the people younger than me here in the States are often shrewd and jaded. The naivete' of "New Age" dogma has met it's best critics, it's our children.
I have been encouraging an open demystification of the PSYCHIC ENTERTAINMENT MEDIUM. Proxy dependencies aside, I don't like it when people aren't critical. I want to post on my website, "True believers are Verboten," and "Skeptics Only Need Apply." It just make good (business) sense. (And I don't even like money.)
Bears Repeating / Asserting True Wealth
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Test Post # 7. (Asserting Our New Wealth)
Sunday, September 22, 2013 The New Wealth
I am going to attempt to demonstrate that information is the only real form of viable currency today. The irony of this statement is that many of us live in graduate school ghettoes.
New Core Concept:
We are going to construct, the "INFLUENCE MATRICES."
In tracking and generating the dissemination of new information we observe the lines and vectors of influence. This simple phenomena can be observed as the transformative medium of truth. Let's demonstrate.
How many of you had ever heard of an Opinion Bias before reading my blog? Even fewer of you had ever considered that the opinion bias was a shifting system dynamic. As we communicate, we generate and disseminate information. As we listen and learn new things, our opinions can change. I used to the think the Catholic church was never going to change. I'm so glad to be wrong. Interestingly enough, even my research told me I was wrong.
As information is generated and disseminated into groups and society, even this sways opinion. And not always in a uniform fashion, we often observe upheavals and discontinuities in the mass proliferation of "TRUTH." We started here with something relatively harmless like psychic reading so as to observe and model for this demonstration of transforming truth. Invariably, we have observed several of the "Shock Values," of transformative truth. (Term borrowed from differential calculus to describe the abrupt acceleration of a rate of change as it jumps out of a linear continuity. This creates, "Shock Values," as they are often unexpected and unpredictable.) We don't always anticipate an accelerated rate of change. It is therefore not necessary for me to try to persuade you, I find it much easier, (and more fun,) to inspire and entertain. Hence the itinerary of the consummate entertainment medium. And this is how it is done. (Is this shocking enough for you?)
As our society has encountered and assimilated new transcultural influences, we have come to adapt to the changes. Advances in diet, language, politics and even faith are transforming culture as we speak. People will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. But that is neither your job or mine. Let the truth speak for itself. It is our new wealth.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Proxy Dependencies in the Era of Search Engine Optimization
Presence. Visibility. Placement. Belief Expectation. Branding. S.E.O. SearchEngine Optimization. Big Business Ethics Today. Sexy Sells. Professional Psychic, "Guy With Answers." Sexy sells. Lust Big Business Sales. "Occult" Sexy Meta Tag. Everyone Wants Power. The Fantasy IS Better Than The Reality.
I'm sure this is all too redundant and boring to have to actually read, but if you are reading this you probably know what a meta tag is. (Or at least would know where to look it up.) You Know You Want It. It gets old. Angst is the new black.
Observe Popular Culture. "Would You Like To Take A Survey?" (No thank you.)
Stylish Sincerity Is Infectious. Inevitable Proxy Dependencies. Taking Responsibility "Easier Said Than Done." It's easy to be Grandiose when young. Rational Sensibility, Depressive Pragmatism. We all have to come down sometime. Cyclical maturation is "New History." I've stopped worrying about making a mark.
You Need Not Believe, In Order to Perceive.
Privileged by the host of Readers who have taken time to Read my book, I've seen a reason to hope. Hope that I may be able to teach others this valuable technique for Reading Technologies. Our society is in transition, nothing new there, but we also have more toys. More deadly dangerous toys of destruction and dissipation. Never has the pointlessness of life been more appealing to the mass boredom of our culture of ever increasing intelligence. Yet how do we feed the minds and interests of popular mass diversions? Is intellectual laziness a rational response to saturation? Is boredom going to become the norm? One Question at a time. 1.) Very carefully. 2.) I would hope not. 3.) And you turned the page, didn't you?
So the core propositional assertion was that I could teach people how to become "Psychics" through the web, without ever coming in contact with any of you, my new readers. This is most advantageous as that I believe direct exposure to me would only pollute the experiment. I need the work to speak for itself and hopefully, I do not want you to be swayed by the force of my personality.
A "True Hoax" if you like. So I have documented here a plethora of spiritual technologies in their pristine and evolved histories, along with extensive essays on the subjects involved. I have also written a linear narrative, in the form of a "Spiritual Fiction." The "Surreal Novella" and the "Novella Nouveau" on the blog site; "The Bridge Between the Worlds" <> which has a future timeline of predicted outcomes written from the viewpoint of a 1st person future tense. Language is always difficult, reading people can obviously be even more difficult. If you are lucky you will learn to read for people even more difficult than you. (Or more critical than me, for that matter.) The outcome of your participation is the unmapped social landscape. Good luck.
There is a lot here to like. But don't be surprised to find yourself alone in your pursuit of the understandings necessary to communicate. What starts initially as subjectively observed perceptions, turns into Identifiable Distinctions with which you can recognize the distinctiveness of others. I do not recommend using Astrology because it is too partisan and subjective, and it has no grounding in our "Shared Physical Languages." That being said, just because you can point out a distinctive marking or characteristic, does not mean that even if you can identify accurate interpretations, that you will automatically be understood or believed. Have a sense of humor. I'll say it again. Make yourself easy to understand. Don't worry about always being understood. This job is hard and thankless. Your job is to be truthful and honest to the best of your ability. In other words, don't bullshit people. And most importantly be honest about the limitations of your chosen medium and don't think that any interpretation has to be right. One of the worst things that ever happens to a psychic is being right.
Friday, August 8, 2014
The Possession of the Witness
Todays lesson is on the "Eye of God," that horrible marking of war. The eye of god is the blind talisman, this is a marking of protection against the evil "Eye of Envy." In many of the Old World cultures, looking at someone intently without an introduction is a violation of space. (Don't look at me!)
Everything seen is sacred. Don't be afraid to look briefly. (But be afraid to see.) You are all supposedly children of god anyways, whether you believe or not. I thought I could demystify the traditions of "Reading" by extricating the origins of our modern science from the "Sins of our Fathers," only to realize that I am up to my eyeballs in the occult. Not what I wanted. And now you too are a witness. The reality of life is not convenient or comfortable. My greed for the light of consciousness has made me gross. Bottoms fall out, there is no bottom to hit anymore. Feet are flying, winds howl, truth is not beautiful, we need each other's help to understand why beauty is never in the eye of the beholder alone.
So holy are the methods for stopping time that when the eye is open the world disappears. We have all heard the stories, but do we understand? Close your eyes, shut the doors, the words won't make sense to you anyways. We can dream that it all will all be over soon anyways. Everything inevitably comes down to, "The Possession of the Witness."
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Confessions of a Professional Psychic
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Confessions of a Professional Psychic
Being receptive to an audience is a good reason for taking the initiative to read, write, speak and listen. It is the privilege of wisdom to listen. It is the wisdom of privilege that demands that I speak out. I have always heard the voices. Soon you too will have to communicate.
This is where I'm going to let the blog tell the story. Trying to put both narrative and heavily indexed documentation together has proven to be too much for me. You readers need to be able to find your way around easily. Damn the mystique. I'm more than willing to reach my audience one person at a time. Finding a story that can go viral without a target audience is like cursing heaven. It supposedly achieves nothing accept that I'm getting a reputation for being crazy. First rule of mental illness, try not to act crazy. So, I am a psychic. (OH-OH!) No I can't read minds, (supposedly.) But dang if don't get really close. Too close. Way too close. Is that crazy enough for you. (Time to burry my head in the sand again.)
How can I keep this entertaining? I've made a few propositions, I'll make a couple more. I'll take some pictures showing some basic models. Illustrate the basic principles. Design the better mousetrap so to speak and show how it works. In theory simple.
I'm not the most energetic person. This project could be a crashing flop. But as for a business, having my work speak for itself is the best way to manage the risk of moral hazard. I'm protecting both myself andf everyone else by not over selling the product, me. There are good reasons why artists, leaders and conspirators burnout, no matter how innocent.
I remember being born. I remember hearing my parents arguing outside the womb during delivery. I then turned around and went footling breach with the cord tangled around my neck. When I told my mom that I remember being born, she shook her head. With a sour look she said from her wheelchair, "If you remember being born, You deserve it." "You were a horrible birth."
A little story here that I may take out later, as this may prove to be just too irrelevant.
<Once upon a time we all lived in the same body. We were never confused or alone. We were happy, but there was no drama. No conflict to drive us on. But soon a little voice was heard to say, "I'm not happy." "I'm hungry and lonely." None of the other people of the body could pretend they were happy anymore. An injury to one is an injury to everyone. How did this child slip through the cracks? Soon there were more of these children of neglect. Soon we filled the world. So we invented language, but as we divided the subject from the object to speak, the separation only grew. Soon everyone could feel the hunger and the loneliness of that little voice. The very words that were meant to build the bridge to bring the lost children back into the one body, were no longer heard. The more the words were built, the words only separated us more. The noise deafened everyone. Everyone thought they knew what was right but it was the little voice that needed to be heard. Everyone else just echoes the words they hear. More words, more noise, more separation. Soon came the codes. Great ideas, terrible consequences. It was said "In the beginning there was the word," But that didn't make it true. There was less room for all of us. Everyone wanted their own words. The expressions became arguments. Arguments became law. What started out as good was no longer so good. For good reason people just stopped listening.>
That's kinda where we are today. <"AFTER BABEL", by George Steiner>
Wanting to be receptive to an audience is the best reason to take the initiative to read, write, speak and listen. It is the privilege of wisdom to listen. It is the wisdom of privilege that demands that I speak out. I have always heard the voices. But soon, you too will have to communicate.
This is where I'm going to let the blog tell the story. Trying to put both narrative and heavily indexed documentation together has proven to be too much for me. You readers need to be able to find your way around easily. Damn the mystique. I'm more than willing to reach my audience one person at a time. Finding a story that can go viral without a target audience is like cursing heaven. It supposedly achieves nothing accept that I'm getting a reputation for being crazy. First rule of mental illness, try not to act crazy. So, I am a psychic. (OH-OH!) No I can't read minds, (supposedly.) But dang if don't get really close. Too close. Way too close. Is that crazy enough for you. (Time to burry my head in the sand again.)
How can I keep this entertaining? I've made a few propositions, I'll make a couple more. I'll take some pictures showing some basic models. Illustrate the basic principles. Design the better mousetrap so to speak and show how it works. In theory simple.
I'm not the most energetic person. This project could be a crashing flop. But as for a business, having my work speak for itself is the best way to manage the risk of moral hazard. I'm protecting both myself andf everyone else by not over selling the product, me. There are good reasons why artists, leaders and conspirators burnout, no matter how innocent.
I remember being born. I remember hearing my parents arguing outside the womb during delivery. I then turned around and went footling breach with the cord tangled around my neck. When I told my mom that I remember being born, she shook her head. With a sour look she said from her wheelchair, "If you remember being born, You deserve it." "You were a horrible birth."
A little story here that I may take out later, as this may prove to be just too irrelevant.
<Once upon a time we all lived in the same body. We were never confused or alone. We were happy, but there was no drama. No conflict to drive us on. But soon a little voice was heard to say, "I'm not happy." "I'm hungry and lonely." None of the other people of the body could pretend they were happy anymore. An injury to one is an injury to everyone. How did this child slip through the cracks? Soon there were more of these children of neglect. Soon we filled the world. So we invented language, but as we divided the subject from the object to speak, the separation only grew. Soon everyone could feel the hunger and the loneliness of that little voice. The very words that were meant to build the bridge to bring the lost children back into the one body, were no longer heard. The more the words were built, the words only separated us more. The noise deafened everyone. Everyone thought they knew what was right but it was the little voice that needed to be heard. Everyone else just echoes the words they hear. More words, more noise, more separation. Soon came the codes. Great ideas, terrible consequences. It was said "In the beginning there was the word," But that didn't make it true. There was less room for all of us. Everyone wanted their own words. The expressions became arguments. Arguments became law. What started out as good was no longer so good. For good reason people just stopped listening.>
That's kinda where we are today. <"AFTER BABEL", by George Steiner>
Wanting to be receptive to an audience is the best reason to take the initiative to read, write, speak and listen. It is the privilege of wisdom to listen. It is the wisdom of privilege that demands that I speak out. I have always heard the voices. But soon, you too will have to communicate.
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