Saturday, August 30, 2014

Marketing Ideological Neutrality: Can I Do It?

                   Without money or a cult of personality, just counting conversions won't tell me if my cult is truly ideologically neutral. "COMPLEMENTARIANISM" isn't neutral just because I say it is. That "COMPLEMENTARIANISM" is unbiased ideologically, may be unimportant. Finding a base case for an "Institution" with a "Neutral" ideological bias is difficult. We want our institution to survive. Perpetuating a tradition biases our ideology, I think.

                   Saying that I am starting a new religion under the pretense of a non bias is just here say. Even if I can do it. My induction hypothesis says: "I can do it." (Do it? What is It? Start a "Harmless Cult?" Is it even possible to create a "Harmless Cult?") Measuring conversion rates as of yet, tells me nothing. I can't even identify terms that can signify unbiased personal opinions for our potential converts. Doesn't matter. Our non biases don't necessarily match up in the first place. Everybody and their dog has tried starting their own new religions under all kinds of noble intentions. And for me to do so for some academic justification is equally silly. But I'm doing this anyway. My motivations may never be pure no matter how innocent I may want to be.

                   Question is: Can I sell it? "The Anti Bias, Bias." "COMPLEMENTARIANISM,"

                   Starting a Sub Cult for those of us with rational "Bias Fear" is a really good idea. But it may prove nothing by itself. Pretending to be Agnostic is not the point. Yes I do know exactly what's going to happen. And I'm not telling. Telling would spoil everything. This experiment must be handled very delicately. I want to see people buy into my religion of non bias by conversion. The trick is going to be tracking how and why.

                   If you haven't seen all the supporting work that has brought us to this point, (or even if you have) this all must look very silly indeed. I want to track the development of this theoretical "Religion" from it's beginning. I'm going to establish my domain name and website to anchor the project into usable business culture. While retaining independence I want no money.

                   The question is no longer, "Can I do it?" I am doing this. Question becomes how and why.