Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Passion Pathos Pathology

                   Blog stats reveal that readers from Ukraine may be using my blog for lessons. Lessons in what, I don't know.

                   After posting many disturbing contemporary music videos on my g+ account, (tap flower icon at the bottom of my posts archive list, on the right of my blog pages,) I've rid my particularly popular social media of any semblance of purity. The works of entertainment are usually contemporary and they show the evolution of our post baby boom disillusionment. As the pro psychic, I don't buy into the myth of a superior purity. The superior moral code is public property. Immunity is only a fantasy. Fortunately, many of the people younger than me here in the States are often shrewd and jaded. The naivete' of "New Age" dogma has met it's best critics, it's our children.

                   I have been encouraging an open demystification of the PSYCHIC ENTERTAINMENT MEDIUM. Proxy dependencies aside, I don't like it when people aren't critical. I want to post on my website, "True believers are Verboten," and "Skeptics Only Need Apply." It just make good (business) sense. (And I don't even like money.)