Monday, October 13, 2014

Social Software

                  Social Software. You and yours. What are your objectives? Intuitive logic must be seamlessly precise. Your behavior is your business, don't waste time. Inductive logic done correctly does not lie. Mis representations about yourself and unsolicited advice must be avoided at all costs. You must always check all of your propositions. NEVER ASUME. I make many mistakes.

                  In inductive logic, just like in computer logic, your propositional statements are stated in the affirmative. As in communication, statements are arranged in order of informational charge potentials. Socially identify who is in charge. Identifying operations input strings of expressions from the objective of a stated proposition to a goal. This sequencing of orders starts with an induction, all definitions are thus boundary dependent. Boundary definitions are inductively logical by order of being positive or not. Logic demands that the sequencing and ordering of induction is correct to only the proposition stated. Ordering these inclusive and exclusive boundary definitions are how we design code, either socially or as software. If a base assertion is incorrect the code will not run.

                  Games theory is big now in business modeling because of the usefulness of hierarchical command. Seeing the systems dynamics of a business as a number theoretical expression makes it possible to not just follow the money, we can lead with the money. The charge potential of money is in it's "currency." Redundant but true. We ask not only how do we make money? But we must also ask what can we do with our money. We have to ask who is in charge here as well. The sequence of operations starts up from our desired objectives to process our operant selections. We are looking at the combinations of inductive and deductive logic gates. Contra valence can still come into the intended reward payoff as long as there is no such thing as a rational altruism. But that gets into social philosophy and most games theorist don't like being wrong ever, except when it is for the sake of an intentionally calculated risk, just for the sake of getting more information. So now we have come to the use of information as another identifiable form of currency, just like with money. And in fact it maybe much more valuable that just the money itself, but we have to start somewhere.

                  Social circuitry abounds. Codes, rules, definitions, proceeders. Numbers, Systems and analysis. In a social linguistic we must consider the conscious and unconscious boundary dependent operant behavior. Ones and zeros. To buy or not to buy. To sell or not to sell. To share information or to keep one's information to one's self. No matter how strong the desire to have someone else in charge, we are all ultimately responsible for communicating our own personal "in charge potential." Responsibility is just another word for, "In Charge."


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