Thursday, January 30, 2014
A Complementarity Movement
Tonight I'ld like to start by saying, "Hello" to any of my friends here in the U. S. who are actually reading my blog. If any of you are reading my blog, you are not saying much. I also left the comment boxes blocked on purpose, I'm deliberately trying to find out what it's like to appeal to an unknown audience without getting direct feedback. Thanks.
Complementarity is an idea that is able to promote itself. I think asking for everyone's opinion at this time would be confusing. Complementarity is an idea whose time has come. I provide working models for the study and application of the changing dynamics of personal and social opinions. These transforming social awarenesses are released into a receptive changing society. It'll happen without me.
I want to make this just like getting a "perfect reading," where the reader doesn't have to be there with you. I want to make this fun for you, just like having someone read to you in an entertaining way. We used to use tape recorders, to record the readings. Like with good music, when reading out loud we can become entranced. But if you like what you see then please pass this along. Thank you.
The kinds of real information I get to use to help identify you, is particularly accurate. By virtue of being derived from objective distinguishable markings, I can always show you what it is that I am trying to interpret. Done this well, almost everyone can learn to look for these characteristic distinctions between people. Having this broadest base of diagnostic resources, means that I get to show people things very directly. The touch therapy (massage) is an effective way for me to identify our real emotional boundaries. Understanding these emotional dimensions that shape a persons physical awareness, means I often get to experience things that are very unique. Recognizing people as unique is often very gratifying for me. I love that I've been trained to know how to relate to people as individuals.
Whenever we are dealing with anyone who is feeling defensive, a respectful diplomatic sensitivity is the best way to respond to peoples painful and often unintentional avoidances. Generally when I tell someone, I'm an entertainment medium, it's my way of letting people know I'm open. I care about what people think for the same reason I want to be aware of other people's feelings. I always try to pay attention to what other people may be feeling. I sometimes fail bad at reading people, but I do try to stay on topic, while allowing myself to enjoy peoples company. Were I to deceive myself, I would be a terrible fraud.
The place where we generally get hung up is with our interpretations. As individual humans we all have our preferred language. And there is so much unclaimed emotional baggage on both sides of a polarizing subject like Psychic Readers. How we interpret language is as distinctive as a fingerprint. And studying peoples individual distinctiveness, as a "Personal Intimacy," doesn't have to be confused with the New Age popular romance fantasies or narcissistic self absorption.
I have a job that demands that I be able to understand and appreciate the value of different people and their sometimes conflicting expectations. I propose that there in essence is a "Complementarian Movement" already in popular culture. Accept that there is no such thing as a "Complementarian." Yet.
Test Post # 7. (Asserting Our New Wealth)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
The New Wealth
I am going to attempt to demonstrate that information is the only real form of viable currency today. The irony of this statement is that many of us live in graduate school ghettoes.
New Core Concept:
We are going to construct, the "INFLUENCE MATRICES."
In tracking and generating the dissemination of new information we observe the lines and vectors of influence. This simple phenomena can be observed as the transformative medium of truth. Let's demonstrate.
How many of you had ever heard of an Opinion Bias before reading my blog? Even fewer of you had ever considered that the opinion bias was a shifting system dynamic. As we communicate, we generate and disseminate information. As we listen and learn new things, our opinions can change. I used to the think the Catholic church was never going to change. I'm so glad to be wrong. Interestingly enough, even my research told me I was wrong.
As information is generated and disseminated into groups and society, even this sways opinion. And not always in a uniform fashion, we often observe upheavals and discontinuities in the mass proliferation of "TRUTH." We started here with something relatively harmless like psychic reading so as to observe and model for this demonstration of transforming truth. Invariably, we have observed several of the "Shock Values," of transformative truth. (Term borrowed from differential calculus to describe the abrupt acceleration of a rate of change as it jumps out of a linear continuity. This creates, "Shock Values," as they are often unexpected and unpredictable.) We don't always anticipate an accelerated rate of change. It is therefore not necessary for me to try to persuade you, I find it much easier, (and more fun,) to inspire and entertain. Hence the itinerary of the consummate entertainment medium. And this is how it is done. (Is this shocking enough for you?)
As our society has encountered and assimilated new transcultural influences, we have come to adapt to the changes. Advances in diet, language, politics and even faith are transforming culture as we speak. People will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. But that is neither your job or mine. Let the truth speak for itself. It is our new wealth.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
First Person / Present Tense
I'ld like to thank whoever it is that has been trying to access my older posts. Blog reading can be boring and this is a very difficult subject. I believe that someone in Germany has taken an ongoing interest. I hope that the reader from Russia is one of the people whose been reading since I first laid out "Core Concepts." I know that by not paying for blog promotion means that, my "Glittering singularity has turned into another (gravitational) dead end for my eternal massless particle. (photon / light)
How do I tell a story with no beginning or end? You are my client, you look to me to look at your hands, Shake your hands, Look into your eyes, Listen to your voice. I may look at some of your writing, I may get to see your feet, Your body, Your tongue. I may take your pulses. I look to your bone structure, I may be touching you to help you with pain. The color of your skin, It's texture. Your smell. I will to look to you. I may even get to know you. (ECHO IMPRINT)
I am a parabolic mirror that is not looking for flaws. Preoccupation with human imperfection is the wasteland of spiritual obesity. As our own worst critics, we all need someone to reflect on us, while getting in the way of that horrible judgmental narcissistic mirror. Even if our sin's are inexcusable, we may need to know why. Sometimes, we can be saved by another someone who has nothing to gain by telling us the truth. This is my story that's all about you, each and every one of you.
Pretense of objectivity, Oh how I loath you. So many will try to listen, and yet we may still not hear. Generally, most people do not actively seek to understand differences of opinion.
"Complementarity" and "The Copenhagen Agreement" worked to reconcile divergent philosophies in early quantum physics, why shouldn't the same be done for the salvation of our "Social Science." A similar major schism has erupted between the "faithful" and the equally partisan "rational positivists." There is an actual cable program about a diplomat who relies on his tragically manically depressed daughter, to help see solutions to the problems of toxic ancestral loathing in the politically deadlocked "Holy Lands." Does it always take a crazy person to face that inevitable need for what is right?
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Aesthetics of Choice / TURNING The BLIND EYE
As someone that is interested in mapping out the evolution of influence as an object directed language, I find it particularly interesting that I'm letting you, the random reader, critique me by "Un Following" me. I have cause to believe you want to read my blog, not a serial novella. My writing isn't that good. So what I do expect, is that I'm best advised to stick to the blog at hand. If my research is correct, your right of refusal is a matter of choice. But not in the standard preference oriented way of influencing my decisions. What we don't want is in fact hardwired into our brains, (no real choice there,) these are the little quirks of our personalities. We don't choose our quirks. We follow our interests. Interest based learning is about patience. For me to learn about influence, I must appeal to you as readers. This isn't going to be easy. The blog has buried my earliest posts on "Interest Based Learning" & "Vital Paradoxes" etc. In order to continue to inspire readers, I will want to continue to generate quality content on this very contested issue of psychic reading and intuitive diagnostics.
The whole concept of a "Psychic" is still debated fiercely. It is by definition a "Vital Paradox" with intelligent people on both sides of the arguments. As I've written, as a vital paradox, the dialog is in fact the whole point of mapping out the boundaries of conflicting opinion biases. These differences usually seem to be just semantics arguments. But as is usually the case with beliefs, most people are not actively seeking to be interested in understanding conflicting opinions.
My research emphatically asserts, "Societies opinions change much faster than do personal beliefs." This is why as a "psychic" I expect to be wrong! Were I to presume to be right, I am wrong! It is never more amazing to me, than what it is I'm getting to do with people. I love getting to leave my own personal beliefs behind. The "JOHNSON METHOD" is nothing more than the close examination of detailed physical evidence of the distinctiveness of all of the for mentioned modalities of recognizable personal differences. Heaven forbid that I should have to explain.
I have taken a giant step back away from the pretense of authority on the dubious subject of "Interpretive Objectivity." Even if I am correct about someone's issues, so what. There are much more important things than worrying about appealing to people's sense of self importance. I've tried to turn my work to much more significant issues than trying to get followers. My job is not to pander to you, but I seek to solve problems in realistic responsible ways. This may involve inspiring you to want to explore these social dimensions of functional personal differences. The only "Blind Eye" I'm trying to turn is that of those who have decided that they have no choice. When we believe we are always right, we have given up our freedom to actually choose.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
How We Defeat the Lobbyists, (It's the Right Thing to Do.)
As much as I'ld love to go on about the droll sport of competitive psychic reading in the future, there is much more important issues to confront in the mean time. If we want to look at the practical applications of creative speculation, we must confront the real abuses of power today.
The public's money may seem to be gone, we can still vote with our values. I don't believe in trying to tell people what to do, so instead I'll tell you what we are going to do. We will be voting with our feet, our minds and our hearts. Organic food has shown us the way of shopping for better, safer, more delicious foods. Non violence has shown us an indomitability of truth. Occupy Main Street has revealed an inevitable need for unity. Pollution, over population, human related climate change and the economy of massive scale has made for an unsustainable global condition. The politics of denial is doomed and the real challenge is confronting it. Apathy and popular paranoia are not solving the worlds problems.
Some one, maybe you, is going to write a "Viral Petition." Yes, you heard me. A "Viral Petition," petitioning for a mass ANTI LOBBYING LOBBY. One of the most cash intense industries today (computers) is giving us the technology necessary to achieve this seemingly impossible job. If the truth is inevitable, (and it is,) intelligence dictates that smart people like you and me are not giving up on our planet. Right? The real enemy is ignorance and denial. Look at the lobbies.
I personally believe that the one percent of the one percent of the one percent of the worlds most affluent people, really don't want our world to collapse into the chaos of a carrying capacity crisis, where there is not enough resources to go around. World environmental catastrophes are inevitably bad for business. How can this ignorance of the truth continue to be perpetuated? I say it can't, it wont, and the question is not if, but when we can bring our society into agreement with itself, it is only a matter of time, (hopefully it is not too late.) The how is a proposition of factual intent. We know what it is that has to happen. We will need to agree that it is definitely going to happen. And we are going to make the truth of our unity happen together.
I know that in the face of overwhelming opposition it is easy to just criticize and presume futility, but these problems are much too grim for us to ignore. We can not deal with political and industrial ignorance arrogantly. This is where exercising "Good Faith" is our best solution. If we were to believe the standard bias of, "It's too late for us little people to change anything," then ignorance has won. This is not the time to believe in ancient conspiracies or apocalyptic determinism
One of us, maybe a group of us, will come up with a viable proposition for petitioning society for a change independent of the political machine. There most definitely will be a mass movement demanding a total Anti Lobbying Lobby. Fight fire with fire and the money will follow, just watch. As hard as this is to believe, you skeptically know, this is going to happen. We've been blaming Wall Street, their just the pawns. We are the ones that banked away our securities. We were conned. It's not going to happen to us again. We need to help ourselves to help each other. This is a first step. We know what the truth is. Now we will make the future happen by predicting the truth. This is just another story that ends up coming true.
This is how we defeat the lobbyists. It is the right thing to do. Spread this around.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Free Fall
I feel that suspense as a chronic condition is burnout, depression.
I feel it is my responsibility to tell you how we get from here, to here and back to over here again. Everything has already happened. As an applied spiritual technology, prophecy is no more difficult than honestly assessing public intuitive apprehension.
Horrible climate changes will help drive our species on to seek perfection.
Let me demonstrate. Before I get to the stage, certain things are going to happen. Much good will can come to the world, but there is much calamity as well. The nature of the political animal will change drastically, demographics will change the way we are represented, power politics will run smack into the limitations of reality and consequence. No more will the power of propaganda be absolute. We can thank the internet, but likewise the forces of climate, overpopulation and information undertow will produce an informed but distracted public. The hardships of the predominate surviving populace will seem trivial compared to what we will see in the newsreels and historical documentaries. The indulged millennium generation of industrial parentage will discover that affluence is just another fantasy. The third world will be moved by climate; out of Africa, out of the Middle East, out of California and the American Southwest, Eastward. The "Arab Spring will finally come into it's own by virtue of a trans national "Mediterranean Commonwealth." There is only so long you can promise "Armageddon" before the truth of non violence becomes inescapable. Russia and China will experience the blight of pollution and governmental over reach. And though the aging party states of the 21st century will still try to cling to power, "There will be no denying the truth for an informed public."
Consider how difficult life will still be for most of us normal inhabitants on our beautiful blue planet. Hope sings, "With the Voice of a Child." Plutocracy goes to Hades, dispersion of wealth is inevitable. The question is will it happen spontaneously, or with violence? (Obviously it's going to take both.) The technological age has produced a new era of popular education. Learning will become the privilege that it really can be. Scientific research will become a competitive sport with prizes. The next twenty years produces a Renaissance of Arts, Science and Culture. But fame will prove a ravenous fickle public. There will even be cults of infamy, with tragic results. However cults in general will become very popular and necessary as political movements. Once it's understood that most cults are in fact no more harmful than have been the very ugly though necessary religions, the "Complementarian Movement" will take root in the fertile ground of human decency.
I know none of this seems very likely right now, but that's why I'm writing this down. Thank you for your attention. And now back to our scheduled program.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The Mastery of Spiritual Fiction
"It is with great pride that I get to announce the rollout of our latest upgrade in personality inventories." Gretchen is absolutely radiant! "Tonight, you will get to see our panel of experts beta test the INTER SENSORY PERCEPTION BATTERY." "Phillip, will you be competing with us here tonight?" "It is your brainchild," she extends her arm toward me with feeling.
It's now midnight Brussels time, April 24th, 2031. At this moment the hall receives a welcome calm. A warm solemn hush overtakes the audience. What at first seemed like total carny, now becomes sober science. From wrought anticipation to patient revery, the crowd unites for the love of our arts. I know these witnesses are all my faithful readers, of whom many have been following since I had first offered to prove this creative Evidentiary Assertion. "I will be my privilege to get to play with all of you this evening!" The tension is broken, I hug Gretchen and Gunter in turn. The audience applauds in sympathy. They sense something very special is indeed happening. And it's not about me.
Gretchen announces, "The competition will be in three phases." "The first is in general readings and diagnostics." Wireless keypads are handed out to each of the audience members. "Votes will be tabulated recording each persons reactions to every individuals readings." "One or two points will be given for every near or direct hit whenever a reader gets an accurate read with their client." She continues in outlining the rules for the competition, "The second Phase will entail analysis by comparative review of observable facts, often people don't even know when their reader is right, so confidence levels will be factored into the correlative scores by computer." "There is provided the opt out button on your keypads for anyone who doesn't want their personal records checked for the accuracy of the readings." "Please people, if your not interested in getting read in public, do not volunteer." "It's perfectly understandable if you don't want us looking into your vital statistics" She finishes up by saying, "The final phase of the tests this evening will be for general showmanship." "And we all know who'll win that," Gretchen says smiling gently over at me. Soft laughter comes from the gallery.
It's approaching my bedtime in the U. S. I'm starting to split into over here and again somewhere else over here. I'm starting to see all my dreams unfold before me, just like my very first deja vu. I've adapted myself to being in at least two places at once, all the time. And I'm still living out all my own premonitions. I address the gathering affectionately, "May I say to you, my esteemed readers and designers, in spite of being tricked into coming here tonight, I couldn't be happier to be here with all of you." "Thank you so very much for coming tonight." "Let the games begin!"
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
The Frontier of the Unknown
It was inevitable that I come back to a place where there are no words. As I'm escorted into this great hall, I recognize the place I've dreamt about so many times before. I've seen so many faces, so many hands, so many peoples bodies, I don't see the eyes anymore. I don't hear voices. I see and hear and feel the light. The light of my many children, just as I wrote so many years ago. Radiant bodies of light bouncing and chanting my name, I'm both bummed and elated.
I'm walked to the left of the stage, up the stairs. Stepping up to the podium, I speak to the microphone, "Does anyone want a reading?" The place explodes with cheers and laughter. The crowd has become a single breathing seething organism. I'm not afraid, but I should be.
As Master of Ceremonies, Gunter steps up from behind the curtain stage left. Quickly, he is apologizing to me, "Sorry old man, we didn't know what else to do." "Were it still up to you, we would all be reading as good as you do." "Where's the profit in that?"
Gunter is right, but I still feel ripped off. I can't remember if I've ever felt so jerked around. But somehow I know this is going to work. And despite the ugliness of an actual competitive "Psych Out," I have arrived. I have always loved the stage.
Entering from stage left, I am greeted by; Carl, Bettina, Maria, Benjamin, Vera and Terrence. Each barely registers my presence much less anything else as they are seated in chairs that appear almost by them selves. They comfortably seat and slip quietly back into Kriya Yoga breathing. These are my competitors. It's going to be a bumpy night. The silence on the stage, the chaos in the pit. I glare at Gunter once more. I know he can feel my anger, he extends his hand to draw me back to the podium, Saying to the hall, "This is the man with the plan, why don't you tell us Phillip why we are all here tonight."
Stuffing my emotions, I walk back to Gunter's left speaking to the mike. "I'm sorry, I don't think I ever got my invitation." "I guess I'm just another piece of property for whomever paid for the hall." The crowd goes Woo. Gunter places his hand over the mike, reminding me that I was the one that wrote about all this and that this is the final push to get my work accepted by the advanced literary society. "Sorry friends, I'm just feeling a little put out because you right now, know more about why we're here for tonight than I do." Pause for effect, "But if I had to guess,.......," a chorus of soft laughter of recognition, "Thank you, we're here to test out the, INTER SENSORY PERCEPTION BATTERY." "Does everyone have their no. two pencils," I look around feinging bewilderment, "what?" "No one uses pencils anymore, I suppose it's going to be a waste time to ask for a slide rule?" The audience roars out of religious revelry. The mob is ready. I see cameras mounted all around on stage and in the balconies, all focused in on me like the buffet I always knew I would become.
"If I am correct,....," I look over to Gunter with conflicted emotion, furtively he glances at the floor then sheepishly back to me, "The world will be saved with the voice of the child!" The swarm is practically dancing on my fingertips. It seems everyone here tonight has read my books. I'm starting to feel nauseous again. I have to take a deep breathe. "I would like to introduce the wonderful players in our little game." Lights go up on the stage. "To your left we have this gentle giant, Carl Benz, Take a bow Carl ." "Next to him we have the equally tall and brilliant Bettina Van Der Bosch, I wish I had time to tell you more about each one of these wonderful people." "Next is the lovely and very feeling Maria Gaultier," she stands and then sits back down very quickly. "And next we have the very young but talented Dr. Benjamin Lehrer." "I had to visit his examination lab earlier this evening, long story." "And Vera Ming Wong, a total standup scientist of the soul," Vera gives me another dirty look, and then sits back down on her hands as if to say. "And finally we have my dear friend Terrence Tabor who I just learned is a collector of alien artifacts," pause,......, "and now I would like a word from our sponsors." I nod to Gunter to come back to the podium.
Looking to me for approval, I send him a sideways grim, He starts hesitantly. "I owe my dear friend Phillip an apology, it's true." "Mr. Johnson, in fact, wasn't invited, he was abducted, willingly. Phillip was told to come to our fair city to perform another routine extraction of my one time business partner." "Now I'ld like you to put your hands together for C. E. O. of Oraca International, Ms. Gretchen Van Hauer." Come on out Gretch." Resplendent and beaming from stage left, she sends me the warmest and most loving smile of concern and apology. I'm all surprised out. The gang of eight now is complete.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Anatomy of a Dream
My literary plate twirling is probably getting really boring for you, my faithful readers. I promised (from behind my keyboard,) to bring you "The Entertainment Medium." Even if I am the only person who ever gets to read this stuff, I don't want to be telling boring lies. I want my bullshit to be honest and entertaining. If you are going to be reading this, then I want it to be rewarding for you.
As an evidentiary statement this roadshow variety has to be a fully functioning carnival.
I realize I've left things undone in the future. Everything is fine for right now but I'm still an anonymous nobody. None of my better work is understood and I like having my feet firmly planted. I am blessed with a stable personal life.
But it seems that the reason my friend Gunter, will want me to go to Brussels on the 23rd of April, 2031, is because he wants me to compete against the best readers from all the other para psychological institutes. It can't be delayed any longer. Beings as I'm the person who has designed the Psycho Kinesis tests, they won't be able to compete against me. I already know all the answers and techniques. But it would seem I'm going to be getting it for making the world a safer place other honest psychics like me. It's not going to be a big change, because I'm just writing about what everyone already knows, and we all disagree anyways. Psychics are maybe real, Big Deal, I never really cared I just wanted to show people how to make sense out of what we are doing and why intelligent people will continue to rely on people like me to break down problem sets into manageable bites. WE don't know everything and this is the perfect place to start. Bring on the uncertainty please.
But since this book is going to end up being published, people are going to want proof. I can hear the voices now saying, "Where's the proof?" "Where"s the proof?" I'm expected to prove myself over and over again. I'm getting bumped upstairs into the high paying future of competitive psychic reading elevated into a full contact blood sport.
Through my fingers I try reach out to the five young adults driving me silently to a nearby theatre. Out of the front windshield a crescent moon. I don't want to talk. I know what is about to happen. I wrote about it. Everything always happens if you know what you are waiting for. I'm grasping the wind. My poor sorry escorts actually care what's going to happen to me. I have no idea who these people are. But I feel like, ...., we pull up to the front of the hall, and I'm ushered into the front door right through the crowd of cheering spectators ready for a show, And I'm the featured performer. The atmosphere of the proceedings are more like a roman orgy than a scientific exhibition.
Nobody tells me anything about it. Here I am and the only reason I know anything is because I wrote about it twenty years ago. My writing was terrible, why would it actually come true? But here I am. I'm pretty sure there is going to be something or somebody getting ready to do Psychic Battle with me, regardless of what might end up happening to them. Awe, I've had a good life.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Re Enter: My Surreal Novella
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Without followers, today I have been freed to hear the requests of my readers from the future. They want me to read them the story about their future timeline. I started with the repost of the last entry from "SURREAL NOVELLA." Remember time goes backwards in blog form. Starting with "Just Another Day In The Future." Monday Nov. 15th. 2013 There are already 16 posted story pages, if you want to start at the beginning. The next page will be
; "First Person, Present Tense" See you then.
A Zeal of Purpose, A Theatre of One
As I sit in front of my Computer I slip in and Out. I see myself being abducted from the steps of Oraca, Brussels. I just wanted to go for a walk. I can tell through their gloves and mask, I'm being read,....., again. This group I suspect is from InterSpace. They would not have been told about my voluntary detour into Oraca hands. Bag over head and tossed into a van. From my keyboard, I see the identifying husk of my presence remain behind, a shed skin of my consciousness if you like.
I remove the bag, but just like before none of my abductors is talking. I'm tired and still full so comfortable I don't care and let my abductors know, I know who they are and that they know I wont fight them. They too remove masks and silently, timidly apologize with quiet eyes of misplaced concern and regret. I'm saturated and jet leaped. It's going on midnight here but the sun has just set where I came from.
I realize the faces I'm seeing are just shadows of an unformed dream. This is not a vision of the future that I want to share. So as the readers peel off from the pages of my blog, I feel the strain of loss. The traffic source likes teasing me with the promise of readers, only to shut down feed to international markets for my spirituals arts documentaries. I find this more embarrassing than the awkwardness of being shuttled like a hot potato from the oven to the plate. As the future flakes off like old paint, so does this facade of self consciousness. I may have missed the mark terribly as I wrote so many years ago.
I start hearing that flushing, whirling sound, when the world is about to change. Where will I wake this time? Will I be the Liberian mother of six with the orphan free school for abandoned children of AIDS parentage? Will I become the Russian research physicist with the tiny glasses and the taste for exotic music? Will I end up back in my own body, at my own desk, only to discover that I took an inescapable wrong turn that lost me almost all of the followers that were driving this blog on to literary acceptability. I can see you all leaving.
First to leave were the hundreds of readers from Russia, and the Ukraine. You had all accessed me through the porn brokers of what I suspect may have been Russian mafia. Then I lost the readers from Serbia, the Netherlands, Canada and France. Now even those interested readers of Indonesia and Malaysia, with their sophisticated translation software have peeled off like relatives who picked over the dishes from my spiritual buffet. Now Brunei, Puerto Rico and Viet Nam have now un followed me. I'ld take it personally but this is what I get for using a blog in an unprescribed way. And besides, Maybe Vera will be right to tell me, "Go back to your own time and stop writing about us."
I'll go back to writing my future without "Spiritual Fiction." I may have to see if I can't regenerate interests in new readers. I'm not sure I can keep writing to an imaginary audience. So many will never come back. Remember folks this is an experiment, and I still may fail at writing a best seller in the reverse biographical blog form.
I will return you now to your regular reading practices and will avoid lengthy narratives in the future unless absolutely necessary. Please forgive me if this has interfered with your desire for cohesive information. I will re evaluate my manuscripts and see if I can't upload much more interesting material. But even if I do, It'll be a very long time before this is read by more than just a hand full of loyal U. S. readers. And as for a public address, I may have to just start over.
And the InterSpace workers and their van, vanish. I may have to go back to see them again in the future. I'm awake back at my keyboard and market research is shutting down. Don't that beat all.
"the Saviors of God"
Here I want to show you how to do a little kitchen drawer magic. I have mentioned our religious intelligence for virtue. By being honest about what we know and what we don't know we have latitude to the variable degrees of free will.
Point Question; If all of our various unintended habits of evasiveness are the cause of our dishonesty and dysfunction, Then maybe it is still very important for us to embrace and understand our own capacities for evasion. How can we be honest when we have a healthy need to lie? Honesty is not the opposite of evasiveness. Honesty is the opposite of censorship, not evasion. Sometimes we must be evasive. Some times we must be honest about lying.
Wait a minute. What happened to our dualistic sense of good and evil? Know thine enemy, and your enemy will not know you. For a psychic, being right all the time is just weak. Being honest is always much more challenging. You don't have to tell the truth, if all you want is the credit for being right all the time. That's easy, just stick to generalities. But if I want to tell you the truth, I'll be admitting to what I don't know and what is in fact none of my business. The only fantasy I want to indulge is for the sake of conjecture. It is only by virtue of honesty that the story I'm telling you turns out to be true. If I want to redeem my faith, I get to sacrifice unnecessary egotism. Authoritation by Proxy may in fact be the only real false prophet. People want me to tell them what to think, what to do and what to believe. (Even if that just means telling people only what they already want to hear.)
A dear atheist friend refers to modern church goers as Voodoo Christians, taking only what they believe is virtuous in their religion and denying everything else. Not all Christians judge me for being a psychic, even if I am seen as wretched as the Witch of Endor. Spiritualism had fed itself on peoples belief in an afterlife, which is a core belief of many religions, East or West. I in no way separate religion from the occult. We just will to believe, in what ever. The "Tarot" is the "Torah." Johannes Kepler, the father of our "Elliptical Orbits" was the (church sanctioned) German court astrologer. Most of my Christian friends are much more forgiving of my diagnostic/academic palm readings than are many atheists.
Fo me, the possible existence of a God rises to the level of a "Vital Paradox" with intelligent people on both sides of the opinion bias, I never argue pro or con. (Discuss amongst yourselves.) There are more than enough people calling each other stupid. I would rather want to redeem the value of what God is supposed to mean to people, rather than try to polarize people with an already contentious issue. Even if I did believe that someone was wrong in this situation, I still wouldn't censoriously condemn anyone. I myself do not believe in a personal God. But trying to explain why I think we live in an intelligent but non sentient universe is even harder to understand than a creation story. So I'm blessed with an acceptance of beliefs, a "Neutral Opinion Bias." I rather harshly criticize myself for my Neutral Bias. Now days, I try not to take sides in "Vital Paradoxes," no matter what opinions I may have. But I still have the freedom to admit to being wrong. Most of the time, if I ever do pray, it's just to say thanks.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
"The Science of Non Violence"
I feel most people try to externalize their own truth. We as people are so used to expecting the answers to be elusive, that even when confronted honestly, we can miss it. Here in the U. S. gun rights are fearfully defended. I see numberless people hounded by the ghosts of their ancestors that they don't even recognize. Up tight meditators, classist christians, anorexic nutritionists, sexist celibates, cowardly aggressors, ignorant scholars, need I go on? I see more beauty in one human soul than most people get to see in a whole lifetime.
If the truth is an indomitable force like light or gravity, then non violence is our template for the dissemination of truth. Gandhi may have been a bit of a jerk as a father for his own children, but as the father of his own nation he was definitely O. K. Non violence had won the day. The affable Nelson Mandela outlasted Apartheid. Martin Luther King gave his life so as that I can ride the bus in peace and comfort with all my fellow brothers and sisters of different mothers. It makes me so happy. The truth is winning and yet still, man does not see it.
I believe that in truth there is no objective evil. There is real evil in the world, but it is ignorance, not conspiratorial intelligence. Were evil intelligent, all we would have to do is show it to be false and it would be smart enough to agree. The perversity of evil is banal.
I will also assert; "Innate to our humanity is the religious intelligence of virtue." (Virtue is sexy, and integrity is hot.) No where is religion more vital than in the fundamentals of "healthy" morality. I have been privileged to do good work by learning from the hungry heart. "So much said in listening. The heart that wants to learn is a heart in love. And I would never want that anything I do could ever hurt you. (If hurt people, hurt people, then I have been blessed to live in harmlessness. Thank you so very very much.)
Sunday, January 12, 2014
How Do WE Know When WE Are Wrong? "STYLES OF EVASION"
Silly question? Maybe not. I have the privilege of working with believers and non believers alike. Providing alternative diagnostics means knowing the territory and it's boundaries. The most consistent barrier is denial and ignorance. I know about denial and ignorance first hand. But I can't blame myself for other peoples evasions and denials, I can only confront my own avoidances. This means on occasion, I have a responsibility to speak up for myself. Rational "Complementarity" does give me good cause to respect others "Bias of Opinions" without being confused. The dynamics of normal social tension are riddled with these emotionally glaring incongruent evasions. Interested in understanding peoples Cycles and Styles of Evasion? For clarity I have reposted the pertinent documentation from "Some People Are Very Different, Very Differently." April 27th, 2013;
At this point I would like to enumerate four "Styles of Evasion."
1. Active deception, Showing Off, Lying, Phoniness, Bragging, Exaggeration, Hyperbole, etc. <
2. Spacing out, Disengagement, Withdrawal, Omission, Vagueness, Aloofness, etc. ^
3. Condescension, Put downs, Dismissal, Negation, Passive Aggression, etc. >
4. Over Compartmentalization, Long Suffering, Burnout, Over Conscientiousness etc. v
You probably recognize any or all of these evasions in yourself and or others. Some more than others. I'm showing the ways we confront or avoid the stresses of uncertainty. When in doubt, learned styles of evasion take over. A little Meta Formally Logical diagram to demonstrate;
2. Spacing Out
1. Lying + 3. Condescension
4. Burnout
At the center of this diagram are the unknown uncertainties that we can try to evade, just in our own individually distinctive way. You will notice the symmetry and the two axis of polarity. Acceptance of the various uncontrollable uncertainties in life is the mark of a truly open person. It is almost impossible to be open all the time. We have these evasions hardwired into our survival instincts. Often we exhibit these different evasions for innocent reasons. The next time you see someone being evasive, consider the source. They/We maybe feeling vulnerable.
The two axis are; Horizontally, Positive Misrepresentation of fact on the left side and the Negative Misrepresentation of emotions on the right side.
Vertically, Passive Evasion of responsibility on top and the Active Evasion of irresponsibility on the bottom.
No point in making a big deal about the why we behave this way, even if the emergence of this kind of soul symmetry is more than many of you are going to be willing to accept. Just know that when we evade, we use energy and that any real sensitive will know it. Show a little empathy. This is where I get to show a little tact.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
This is so people can find the Math Graphics which are a kind of an indirect proof of all the other types of intuitive creativity, that evades the short sighted. The non linear production of creative assertions are usually lost in plain sight and are therefore "Pearls before swine." I only hope that not everything I've done is bad. Tap on the linking URL.
This is so people can find the Math Graphics which are a kind of an indirect proof of all the other types of intuitive creativity, that evades the short sighted. The non linear production of creative assertions are usually lost in plain sight and are therefore "Pearls before swine." I only hope that not everything I've done is bad. Tap on the linking URL.
Proper Care and Feeding of your Propositional Assertions
Up to this point I've been teaching you how to predict the future by searching for the truth. As investigators we create. Right or wrong, we create. Ask a question and the truth is out there. It's often where you look last. The truth can even be hidden where we have already looked. But until we have made ourselves ready, the truth can persist to evade us. This is where we can have a consensus of mutual blind spots.
A propositional Assertion can be like a magical incantation, or even a poem. We all make plans and commitments, that doesn't mean that every thing turns out the way we want, but we still project ourselves into possible futures. Think of your Propositional Assertions like planned parent hood. Conceptually, there is nothing complicated about making propositions. Even if you're not very assertive you can actually make viable assertions. The truth almost seems to have a life of it's own. But it can't speak for itself. "In the beginning there was the word, and the word was made manifest." You yourself may not yet see the life of truth, but look to the works of poems. See how truth may speak to you. And you will ask, "How did they do that?" that is the right question and you may soon learn the answer. It starts with an assertion. A statement. A proposition that starts the dialog, the proposition is like your children. You love the truth even at great cost. For you, what you believe to be true will be sacred. Just go with it. I'm not advocating giving up control to your muse, I merely suggest that if you want to understand how we create, it is the same for how we approach truth. There is some unknown, some uncertainty, it moves into the center of our attention and it becomes of some value to us. Enough so as that we give ourselves to that pursuit of truth or understanding until it becomes real for us or we look somewhere else. For most of us this focus on the uncertain is undramatic. But we all can experience moments of meaning and closure.
As I've repeated "Truth is the only eventual inevitability." My 4 Propositional Assertions are;
1.) A persons guess is always better than odds would allow.
2.) Everyone has blind spots, and everyones blind spots are different.
3.) Some people are very different, very differently.
4.) Everybody needs love. (All things are drawn to love, {Power?} especially love.)
These are not weak truisms. These are my armor. This is my truth. It's not about me and I promised in the final analysis this would not be about me. I had to allow that many paths to the undertaking of Intuitive Diagnostics would become rational for popular culture as the result of the inevitable shifting of popular opinions. I merely predicted it in a way that ultimately makes sense, I hope. But that's the thing about building your own propositional assertions. They are born of love. It's the antithesis is censorship. Viral statements merely obscure. Your propositional assertions are statements of intent, without pretense of authority. This is what make the advances in science and medicine so powerful, truth ultimately asserts itself and becomes inevitable. Can you see your minds whirling in doubt, frustration and denial? You can help it, you are under the effect of rational doubt. Unlike viral statements, ("Branding?") thoughtful propositional assertions feed on Rational Denials. This is how you test your assertions to see if they are true. Start gently, Then improve your testing mediums ability to challenge your assertions confidently.
Look at the 4 primary propositions of the para psychological methods. They have Number (Enumerate Partition). And they reconstruct into a Unity (Coalescent Symmetry). These are all statistical models for analyzing information about people and our health. If you haven't worked with Intuitive Diagnostics up to this point, then this will seem to be so much gibberish. But if you have, you have seen this useful though seemingly artificial compartmentalization of data used predominantly throughout the world. Then Intuitive Diagnostics may not offend you.
As my Croatian Sociology professor would say, "Make predictions, and be prepared to be wrong."
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Threshold of Truth, Finding NEW FAITH
I can't tell you how often my friends ask, "What's it good for?" (Can it be used to make money? How does it relate to something that has meaning to me,"or anyone else for that matter?") I find it strange that a treatise on the mechanisms of evolving changes in society and personal awareness would seem so pointless. I found a few good models for explaining variability of perception and personal awareness, but it always seems to come back to just business. How much do you want to learn how to read people correctly? How much would I have to pay you for you to want to learn something that "today" is thought of as being uselessly esoteric.
The likelihood is that Self Searching Propositions will become much more common. Hard problems don't have to be hard to understand! Enquiring minds want to know. We will be able adapt to asking questions that DON'T already have answers, (No immediate payoff?). People and society will be much less inhibited about using different kinds of data processing, not just applications. For now people like feeling awed and intimidated by technology (when they're not pissed off by it.) But that's mostly because of the inevitable fear and boredom that comes from over specialization. Most people worship the "RED CODE." They don't even want to understand. It's much easier for people to want to be told what is going to happen. Or we may antagonistically think that the future holds no inevitable force whatsoever. Pro or con, truth or deception, I try to understand why people would rather take sides and play follow the leaders. For most people, getting "Authoritation by Proxy" is such an overwhelming temptation that we almost always expect others to know how to think and when to act and why, and this of and by itself isn't even the problem. I come to you, and tell you, you and your opinions are going to change by orders of dimensions. And you will not know what to do. People want to think that it's everyone else that is going to have to change their point of view. I do understand, I just don't know if I can explain or demonstrate. Understanding the "Code of Language" is much harder to communicate than it is to persuade or intimidate.
My father always said, or my teacher said, or the doctors say, or Alan Greenspan says. What do you say? Are they right? wrong? Don't know? How DO YOU DECIDE? And how are your views changing? We have already looked at "Non Falsifiability," is a very dubious criteria for absolute truth. What would you say? One of the biggest taboos of today is directed against the courage to doubt erroneously "Dense Code." It is equally common to curse against the complexity of modern technical language out of resignation or rebellion. I know many who say they are open and faithful, but their eyes and ears are closed to anything that would require a "NEW FAITH" of any kind. A "NEW FAITH" in myself may be the only way I can achieve what it is I have set out to do. I do not have the means at this time to make these simple easy assertions accessible. My research says that even if and when I can predict the future, just like Cassandra from Greek Literature, it will not make sense to anyone. All I can really do is to be humble and hope that the process is understood. But even that isn't going to come easily.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
The Tyranny of a "Red Code"
I've been told not to call what I'm doing the Johnson Method. I must confess, because of the likelihood of people avoiding doing the homework, I must allow for the awkwardness of bringing advanced Spiritual Technology to the general public. This is my "RED CODE."
Trying to apprehend the outcome of events on the level of society in transition is not for the faint of heart. Influence Matrices mapping for the dissemination of "The Self Propagating Assertions. Projective differentiation across the shock values and uniform discontinuities of predictions, means we are analyzing the particularity of data first as parts and pieces into the Inevitable Self Coalescing Totality. I know it sounds like B. S. But all discoveries of the "truth" have a scientific dimension. The challenge is as humans we have natural intellectual limitations that prevent any objectivity at all. Don't take it personally. My faith in what I'm "Trying" to do, provides me with unlimited power of speculation. The imagination is from where "ALL" of this has come. If you want to understand a religion of AWE, look at your computer. Symmetries upon Symmetries. From the Many, We Learn As One.
Friday, January 3, 2014
SOCIAL PHYSICS and The Bias of Temperament
I keep going back to the original problem. How do I de mystify Psychic Reading, (Intuitive Diagnostics?) The language of science begs recreation!
"How do I teach people what I'm seeing?" If I'm correct, "Everyone has blind spots, and everyone's blind spots are different," Then, I'll make a "personal language for you. "Our" language is about you and much less about me.
It's about temperament. Identifying distinctions about you and hopefully you only. I like being able to keep a polite safe distance. Looking at peoples hands, seeing people very close up is something that has given me an exceptional power to communicate and understand people in a way that is for me a godsend. {thanx god!} The palm reading is just the perfect front end to be able to study other people, with your expressed permission. And thank you very much.
My level of proficiency is only because of bridging seemingly unrelated soft technologies. I've trained actively as a sensitive and find utility in accounting for the variability in different peoples temperaments.
I'm having a hard time explaining how the TAROT and Kaballa are both models of "Dynamic Systems." (As with all of our "Symmetric Coalescence.") The "Modularization" of "META DATA" is the key stone of my very system. I believe that when psychics get bogged down in Astrology it's because they don't understand what the models are mapping. This is where the repetition comes in. I've said routinely "The Map Is Not The Territory."
In "Soft Tech," Unity is everything. You can't waste time looking around for the answers. You must know what to do when you are looking out for things that are unusual. You need to have basic characters for your typographic renderings. Human temperament can be as varied and nuanced as a Sung Dynasty Ink Wash Landscape Painting. You'll need to be quick and safe if you want to learn the territory. Most people are generally not respected and if you can communicate honestly, I believe that most people can tell. Integrity is hot.
I have proposed to pull off the "True Hoax" by teaching readers my Johnson Method for reading all the distinguishing details for your client's and whom ever. I believe it'll be much easier to just put the information out there and let the results speak for themselves, hopefully helping people all the way. But even this could take a while. (Still calculating.)
If even the two larger scale propositions don't produce concrete results in my lifetime most of these changes in social language are predictable. But once you get a clear view of distinctive variability, you get to know people with a complement. ECHO IMPRINTING and everyone does want to be recognized.
I just thought by teaching people to look at predictive mediums as dynamic systems, I was modeling changes in variability. Social physics is life in the matrix of probability. Come on, take that look off of your face. I know this is boring. But if I don't speak to the largest audience possible, I'm just wasting time typing in the dark. Damn it I'm your reader. (You'll be getting my bill.)
Thursday, January 2, 2014
A Living Dream "Cycles of Symmetry"
I share the belief that marriage is ideally a state of "Healthy Entanglement." An interpenetration of shared reality. But that can be said of life in general.
I find that it's really hard to explain our cultures "Sacred Idioms." I try to explain why the Tarot actually makes sense to me. I understand the data distributions. I understand the basic directional polarities of the signs in their ordering. "Sacred Idioms." have always been the most inspiring, most literal and most easy to understand parts of religion for me. Even prohibitions and taboos are sometimes based on real issues.
So talking about "Symbolic Language" aways comes back to that which is most sacred for each and every individual person. No where else is this issue of aesthetics, Choice, so influential and therefore important. People often worship, money, status, glamour, but when it comes to the "Sacred Symbols" people still often believe in something greater than themselves. You don't have to believe in "God" in order to still have symbols associated with that thing that other people are calling god. What the concept of god may symbolize to you is definitely not the same as it is for those other people.
I've come to understand that the design of a "Meta Formally Logical" model predicting the unknown outcome of events, still sounds very un plausible, for many people. I find that it generally comes from an unfamiliarity with the use of symmetry. I try to explain "Symmetrical Coalescence" It's the unintended collectivization of our "Symmetries." Map to map, symbol to meaning. Mathematicians have invented a language and theory about symmetries. Artists and readers had discovered symmetry and had to create other kinds of signs, structures and models to demonstrate the place of these "Cycles of Symmetry."
So I have to come up with a way to show these symmetries in language in general. The primary ordering principles (Polarities) inherent in the interpersonal dyad is an actual linguistic unit. When two people understand each other, we have a special language. A shared platform. This is that active phase of life. In larger groups we are still dealing with a lesser degree of shared language. In particularly large groups, shared languages become less meaningful for people individually. Symbols end up taking the place of actual language. Symbols, often mean opposite things, can often evoke conflicting emotions in different audiences. Symbols die harder than do languages. That is essentially the resistance people have to me being a pro psychic. It's about what this symbol means to them.
If, "SOME PEOPLE ARE VERY DIFFERENT VERY DIFFERENTLY," then, we can anticipate that even married people can still sometimes have their own opinions, contrary to the popular myth. But then again we don't just travel in straight lines, we actually go in routine circles.
Story So Far "Our Shared Unknown"
Let's talk about what we have already achieved. We have awareness. As readers we have the art of living fiction. I don't mean that we live fictitious lives, I mean that we tell stories that come true. When we say we are going to do something, it doesn't always mean that it's going to happen. We are committing to an action. When we approach an unknown, something happens. A story emerges. The unknown is a boundary. We are defined by boundaries. We tell stories about our boundaries. They almost always include people. We become aware of our personal and social boundaries by identification.
The story up to this point has been about cultivating the awareness and identification of boundaries. Social, personal, intellectual, physical boundaries. This is a literary experiment in language and documentation.
We have identified a type communication that is in fact influence. As we confront and define popular opinion biases, pro and con, we see that boundaries of opinion shift. This story is to help mark, and facilitate that moving shift of popular opinions.
Much to my surprise, I see very little work that is designed to help "Society" learn en mass. Most stories are oriented to preferentially biased markets. That's why I've insisted on not pandering to you my "Sacred Unknown Audience." I want you to all be different. If I do this right, the story takes effect without you even noticing. If this story is to become true it must be handled very delicately.
As your reader, I may even get to know if I've done my job correctly. You may be able to feel the gentle release from the overly familiar. There is always suspense that accompanies true learning. My job as a reader is to teach, not preach. I may even be able to teach you how to be a good reader. You are reading this story right now. And all I had to do was trust in your ability to recognize the truth when you see it, even if it is still only just another story.
This book is a door into "Our Shared Unknown."
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