Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Tyranny of a "Red Code"

                   I have seen more than a few proud souls give their life to the mastery of "Code." What is that mystery that binds us to achieve? No where is the human more vulnerable than when bound by a superior principle. Even very good people can be mislead by contaminated code. Ethics, Values and Principles, the trifecta of greatness. Mine is obviously making sense of the intuitive. For me there is nothing sub rational about intuitive inductive reasoning. But that is only because I actively accept the limitations of the "Medium." As I particularly love the beauty of the great coalescence of disciplines, being wrong generally doesn't bother me. This gives me an huge advantage. But it also makes me very unpleasant. "Complementarity" is the only reason I can stand up for myself as I don't agree with most anybody, pro or con. That's how strong my lust for knowledge is.

                   I've been told not to call what I'm doing the Johnson Method. I must confess, because of the likelihood of people avoiding doing the homework, I must allow for the awkwardness of bringing advanced Spiritual Technology to the general public. This is my "RED CODE."

                   Trying to apprehend the outcome of events on the level of society in transition is not for the faint of heart. Influence Matrices mapping for the dissemination of "The Self Propagating Assertions. Projective differentiation across the shock values and uniform discontinuities of predictions, means we are analyzing the particularity of data first as parts and pieces into the Inevitable Self Coalescing Totality. I know it sounds like B. S. But all discoveries of the "truth" have a scientific dimension. The challenge is as humans we have natural intellectual limitations that prevent any objectivity at all. Don't take it personally. My faith in what I'm "Trying" to do, provides me with unlimited power of speculation. The imagination is from where "ALL" of this has come. If you want to understand a religion of AWE, look at your computer. Symmetries upon Symmetries. From the Many, We Learn As One.