Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Aesthetics of Choice / TURNING The BLIND EYE

                   As someone that is interested in mapping out the evolution of influence as an object directed language, I find it particularly interesting that I'm letting you, the random reader, critique me by "Un Following" me. I have cause to believe you want to read my blog, not a serial novella. My writing isn't that good. So what I do expect, is that I'm best advised to stick to the blog at hand. If my research is correct, your right of refusal is a matter of choice. But not in the standard preference oriented way of influencing my decisions. What we don't want is in fact hardwired into our brains, (no real choice there,) these are the little quirks of our personalities. We don't choose our quirks. We follow our interests. Interest based learning is about patience. For me to learn about influence, I must appeal to you as readers. This isn't going to be easy. The blog has buried my earliest posts on "Interest Based Learning" & "Vital Paradoxes" etc. In order to continue to inspire readers, I will want to continue to generate quality content on this very contested issue of psychic reading and intuitive diagnostics.

                  The whole concept of a "Psychic" is still debated fiercely. It is by definition a "Vital Paradox" with intelligent people on both sides of the arguments. As I've written, as a vital paradox, the dialog is in fact the whole point of mapping out the boundaries of conflicting opinion biases. These differences usually seem to be just semantics arguments. But as is usually the case with beliefs, most people are not actively seeking to be interested in understanding conflicting opinions.

                  My research emphatically asserts, "Societies opinions change much faster than do personal beliefs." This is why as a "psychic" I expect to be wrong! Were I to presume to be right, I am wrong! It is never more amazing to me, than what it is I'm getting to do with people. I love getting to leave my own personal beliefs behind. The "JOHNSON METHOD" is nothing more than the close examination of detailed physical evidence of the distinctiveness of all of the for mentioned modalities of recognizable personal differences. Heaven forbid that I should have to explain.

                 I have taken a giant step back away from the pretense of authority on the dubious subject of "Interpretive Objectivity." Even if I am correct about someone's issues, so what. There are much more important things than worrying about appealing to people's sense of self importance. I've tried to turn my work to much more significant issues than trying to get followers. My job is not to pander to you, but I seek to solve problems in realistic responsible ways. This may involve inspiring you to want to explore these social dimensions of functional personal differences. The only "Blind Eye" I'm trying to turn is that of those who have decided that they have no choice. When we believe we are always right, we have given up our freedom to actually choose.