Sunday, January 26, 2014

How We Defeat the Lobbyists, (It's the Right Thing to Do.)

                   As much as I'ld love to go on about the droll sport of competitive psychic reading in the future, there is much more important issues to confront in the mean time. If we want to look at the practical applications of creative speculation, we must confront the real abuses of power today.

                   The public's money may seem to be gone, we can still vote with our values. I don't believe in trying to tell people what to do, so instead I'll tell you what we are going to do. We will be voting with our feet, our minds and our hearts. Organic food has shown us the way of shopping for better, safer, more delicious foods. Non violence has shown us an indomitability of truth. Occupy Main Street has revealed an inevitable need for unity. Pollution, over population, human related climate change and the economy of massive scale has made for an unsustainable global condition. The politics of denial is doomed and the real challenge is confronting it. Apathy and popular paranoia are not solving the worlds problems.

                   Some one, maybe you, is going to write a "Viral Petition." Yes, you heard me. A "Viral Petition," petitioning for a mass ANTI LOBBYING LOBBY. One of the most cash intense industries today (computers) is giving us the technology necessary to achieve this seemingly impossible job. If the truth is inevitable, (and it is,) intelligence dictates that smart people like you and me are not giving up on our planet. Right? The real enemy is ignorance and denial. Look at the lobbies.

                   I personally believe that the one percent of the one percent of the one percent of the worlds most affluent people, really don't want our world to collapse into the chaos of a carrying capacity crisis, where there is not enough resources to go around. World environmental catastrophes are inevitably bad for business. How can this ignorance of the truth continue to be perpetuated? I say it can't, it wont, and the question is not if, but when we can bring our society into agreement with itself, it is only a matter of time, (hopefully it is not too late.) The how is a proposition of factual intent. We know what it is that has to happen. We will need to agree that it is definitely going to happen. And we are going to make the truth of our unity happen together.

                   I know that in the face of overwhelming opposition it is easy to just criticize and presume futility, but these problems are much too grim for us to ignore. We can not deal with political and industrial ignorance arrogantly. This is where exercising "Good Faith" is our best solution. If we were to believe the standard bias of, "It's too late for us little people to change anything," then ignorance has won. This is not the time to believe in ancient conspiracies or apocalyptic determinism

                   One of us, maybe a group of us, will come up with a viable proposition for petitioning society for a change independent of the political machine. There most definitely will be a mass movement demanding a total Anti Lobbying Lobby. Fight fire with fire and the money will follow, just watch. As hard as this is to believe, you skeptically know, this is going to happen. We've been blaming Wall Street, their just the pawns. We are the ones that banked away our securities. We were conned. It's not going to happen to us again. We need to help ourselves to help each other. This is a first step. We know what the truth is. Now we will make the future happen by predicting the truth. This is just another story that ends up coming true.

                   This is how we defeat the lobbyists. It is the right thing to do. Spread this around.