Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Interest Based Learning

                      Generally we have two very different ways of learning. All of us have been confronted with the structured basics of reading, writing and arithmetic, history, social studies and physical education. But most of us have also felt the pull of personal interests motivating and directing our attentions into potentially unfamiliar areas of exploration. If you happen to be very self directing, this could be the class for you. However let it be said, I too often hate unstructured learning. Sometimes it does not pay to explore unsupervised. I can't protect you from going off unprepared into that wilderness of social climbing. But learn we must and sometimes our best work is completely unnoticed. I read an interesting analogy of the popularity of string theory amongst physicists. Roger Penrose, in his book, "THE ROAD TO REALITY," near the end of this big book, tells a story about how, people may choose to go it alone into territories unexplored. But when even the destinations are still unknown, people will often follow a popular tour guide. At least this way when we are lost, we are not alone.

                     In essence this is where we are. I don't consider myself the authority on the subject of divination, but I am one of the only people I have ever heard of that is taking this daring approach of walking right down the middle of that path of neutrality. It's very logical and studied. But although many will be following us, I do not consider, "Complementarity" to be that final answer. I could be right however to drag these denigrated traditions of psychic reading out of the tea rooms and side streets back out into the light of day. I intend to prove that divination is entertainment. Wish me luck. The depth of theory behind my work is probably going to be missed by virtually everyone. And even if you do happen to understand why I put so much emphasis on the dynamic of conflicting opinion bias, no one else is even going to care. <That is why this is considered "Magic/Occult." Almost no one gets it.> And so for the most part, your methods, your skills will remain hidden. A truly gifted magician can reveal their tricks and still not be giving anything away.

                    So. There is no escaping the fundamentals. But have we the interest necessary to pursue our studies without the constraints of popular biases, one may create something new and unexpected. We can make psychic reading fun and interesting again. This is true of any unique area of inquiry. When we ask a difficult question that we don't already know the answer to, a new place opens in our mind that otherwise would never have been noticed. Enter: This is an inner classroom of your own design. May you be nourished by your healthy rational interests.

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