Sunday, July 14, 2013

Persistent Points of View

                          Point of view: By checking my blog stats, I've found a URL of a many continuing page hits from Russia. I know of theses readers. They market relationship and seduction materials, and porn. I once sent them a comment about how though I'm not interested in their training information at this time, I recognize the "Applied Games Theory."They are using "games theory" in the content they are selling. I would like to feel good about their interest, but I'm not sure what their intentions are. These are very shrewd people. I personally love the whole subject of human relations, so I will presume that whatever is done with my work is honorable. Please people, protect yourself. I am choosing to take a very calculated risk. Choosing to write my book on the web directly is for the evidence of process, not product. The products will have to sell itself. It soon should be available in book form. No one is going to be able to steal it. For now it's free.

                          As frequently happens, controversial points of view persist. The arguments about "Psychics" aren't going away, pro or con. It's not just a parlor game any more. It has become a painful reminder for many of us, of how gullible we as humans really can be, pro and con. This has nothing to do with being a real living sensitive or a statistical profiler or diagnostician. Much to the contrary. We wouldn't need competent sensitives unless people were capably misinformed and or intellectually and emotionally constipated. Buyer Beware. Everyone has blind spots, and everyones blind spots are different. {2nd Axiomatic Rule of the Para Psychological Method}

                          Ever observe the way that as time goes on, the profusion and novelty of fashions and cultivated tastes always continue to change, but somethings can't be improved. The "Classics" become the benchmarks by which everything else is judged. This is why people hate psychics. We are traditional. We are investigators. We are trained to look for what others don't see, and don't want to question. Persistently, nothing has come along to replace us. Our dubious views persist. Voila. How can you replace something that never goes out of style unless you destroy it? How can you destroy something useful, even if it is just a fashionable art form? It's just more culture, your beliefs aren't the critical real issue.

                          I find it particularly odd that the persistent Iconoclasm of the monotheistic religions have been retained by the atheistic positivists, while ignoring the useful documentary histories which in fact may be the most rational elements of mass religion. The Old Testament, is the first documentation of sundry cleanliness and practical epidemiology, even if it is all bundled in with a lot of other stuff that is no longer relevant. The obscurity of the practical documentary history is lost of the  religiously biased on both side of the pro /con biases and antagonism.

                          Hence we have arrived here at a society where people on opposite sides of arguments can be equally arbitrary in their judgmental zealotry. What ever happened to the scientific method? I thought we are supposed to be looking for the uncertainties, the as yet unknown. I think in this 21st Century a little moderation is called for when it comes to understanding conflicting philosophies, and their abuses. I know it is preferable to think, that if you think something is bullshit, It is. But having someone look at your hands is not always a waste of your time. "Please tell me not everything I've done is bad." Quotation of Claude MONET.


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