Friday, August 30, 2013
The Language of Perceptual Ordination
Another wonderful religious artifact is the keystone that holds up the vaulted ceilings and domes of the cathedrals and mosques. The "Monstrance, is a sunburst. The receptacle contains the consecrated Host exposed for veneration. Like a halo, this sunburst is a symbol of the radiance of the spirit.
I will use this symbol as a model for perception. Awareness radiates. Simply speaking, the lines of attention have names. Up and down. Left and right, Back and forth, Before and after. Four lines, four dimensions. Stating at the beginning, awareness is generated from the center projected outwardly. Your 1st primary boundary is from the self to other(s). Within this boundary of self, there are definitions, divisions, simple elegant math. The monstrance shows a symbol of symmetry. This measuring of space is very logical. We are studying ancient science. This is that innate symmetry. A modular soul if you may.
These types of statements are so redundant as to be easily misunderstood. I could just as easily write many individual pages about each sentence. The naming of these most primary subjects is meta formally logical. We have the basic; SYMMETRIC UNITY DIVIDED BY ENUMERATE PARTITION {Local Gauge Metric.} That's a mouth full. And I am suggesting that we look at symbolic language as an enumerable discreet phenomena. Words have number. Images are symbolic language too. ( A few of my readers right now are thinking, "Imposing symmetrical laws onto everything was stupid." And it's why stupid people like me are still superstitious.) Look at how the machinery worked. It got us here. That's early science.
"Understanding" is this simple trick for rapidly analyzing data. You don't have to know everything. Meta formal logic just imposes structure by dividing the whole into equal parts. It's very simple and very hard to believe. It worked very well for early man and it gave us our society. It gave us our days and years, minutes and seconds. The naming of discreet subjects starts with the ordinals. The metaphors make much easier sense than does the math. I hope that the graphics will help. Scanned Images will be added very soon, making everything much more clear. Dividing important subjects into manageable pieces was how our ancestors learned to prioritize. Sequences, Series, Groups and Domaines. The ordering of information is as simple as organizing things by successive size. A middle, a beginning and an end.
In almost all metaphors, there are vectors, and there are symbols. By giving directions and characterizations, we can tell stories. I am telling an whopper. Investigative reporting is supposed to be about learning. (We will soon be coming to social algebra.) This process of the dissemination of information is the story of humanity.
We can identify a change in popular opinion bias, by the spread of new language. We all have individual histories, but we have only one shared meta formal logic. One became divided into two, the two are now counted as separate subjects and can be counted with that original one, becoming three, and so on. Four corners have the square, the cube has only six faces but eight corners. Look at a cube through its corners and you see a star. {Repeatedly illustrated in the already posted graphics.} Language is simple. People are confusing. But the language of our collective behavior is sometimes divine, reflected through our love of order and meaning. For all the chaos we bring into the world, we still do truly amazing things. Were it not for that occasionally radiant soul we would have died off a long time ago. (Some of my readers don't like metaphors.) Shine on!
In posting the math graphics I have presented a series of proofs. I am using symbolic language to tell a story. I know that I could be messing up horribly by passing out formulas. But the use of a visual metaphor is a lot like comedy. We may not always have to know the joke in order to get the spirit of the levity.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Surfing the Boundaries
Much to my pleasure the work is getting done.
Today we will be looking at models of definition. In all Hindu temples is a threshold between the porch and the inner sacred space. This portal, the Ghriba Griha, is compared to a dynamic discharge of energy, like lightning or sexual congress. As a creative act, the entering of the temple joins the universe of the spiritually divine with the mundane world. These types of definitional boundaries are used much in all spiritual practices. A ritual of purification is mandatory. These linking principles are in fact much more important than the rituals themselves.
Understanding the dynamics of polarities is an important key to understanding ALL spiritual technologies. Simple concepts that are almost impossible to explain.
I hate the fact that I need too use a lot of undesirable drama to make this book palatable for the public, but in order for this to sell, I need a killer application. But for this to happen, I need at least one of my readers to know. If the story is going to be corny, it has to be true. The reading public are tired of being handled.
Fri. 8/23, 2013 In "Social Linking Phenomena," My intentions are to train and inform budding psychics. Anyone who has read my blog knows it is not easy. Let the games begin.
In approaching peoples sensitive boundaries you must understand, you are making yourself vulnerable too, just by suggesting that you may be able to read them. You are opening up yourself to all that other persons business. You will need to differentiate your own feelings from those which are not yours. And if you get a good reputation as a reader, you are going to want to get yourself a good pimp, (i,e. driver, tax accountant/ book keeper, lawyer, secretary). You're going to need it.
It will be really odd if I turn out to be correct. I'ld love to be able to make what I do for a living less hated. And I'ld love it if the true believers wouldn't worship me. Point is, I have entered into a new place with my writing. If I fail, I will have to eat this poor helpless kitten. Kidding. Most of my work isn't that funny per se, so I won't be dragging out the grease paint, floppy shoes or clown costumes. But I just wanted to give you a heads up, that this story is going somewhere, and it could be very fun. Thanks for listening, I hope this works out for you. I know you. (By the numbers.)
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Coalescence in the History of Syncretism
Dashboard Dictionary
Syncretism |ˈsi ng krəˌtizəm|
1 The amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.
2 Linguistics, the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language.
As evidence, I'ld like to mention the unity of well established spiritual technologies. I get to teach accupressure for the treatment of pain. The meridian system allows me diagnose and treat physical and emotional health issues. The "Fate Line" follows the "Central Circulatory Meridian" up the middle of the hand toward the middle finger. The Health line covers the "Heart Meridian." Massaging these lines works those meridians.
Just like math or science, you are usually talking about study throughout ones life, and theoretically life long practice. With any honest spiritual technology, there is going to be a learning curve. These traditions are the result of generations of Coalescence in the History of Syncretism.
The essential principles of Accupuncture are easy to understand if you are aware of the language. Yet just like medicine or mathematics the language is precise. In fact the language is much more difficult than the practice itself. The fact that you may have to take my word for the accuracy of the technical science is separate from the evidence. It's very hard for me to be speaking for the inevitability of this transition in "Popular Opinion Bias." Because of the hostility I have encountered I feel awkward and vulnerable. As a result of being mocked for my work, I've come to feel that I even sound like an arrogant coward lying about my achievements. Yet these experiences of the utility of said practices are common.
Fortunately, this isn't about me. The transformation of societies practices benefit from the long term analysis and examination of these coalescing traditions. We have the good fortune of being here at the later end of so much collected learning, and it is still going on.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Where This Is Going
As I have had the opportunity to write I see that in essence, this is my job interview. For those of you have been keeping up with my blog, you have already seen a creative process unfold. As "The True Hoax," I'm designing a self asserting proposition that proves itself by the very act of expression. That the proofs are in fact non finite, provides the means to demonstrate the risks and absurdities involved in parapsychology. No amount of explanation is going to redeem the culture of spiritual abuse. Prophets are just religious politicians. The history of the abuses shared by modern psychics is appalling. Meaning is very personal. Everyone has a bias. Explanations of spiritual technologies and techniques are interesting only for a few people. Writing is a linear narrative. Reading is a process of subjective interpretation. As is ideal for a reading technology, I am not accepting feedback or validation. Generalities should be avoided by me at all costs. However, as is the case with the use of any "symbolic language," obscurities can abound. Even with clarity, a receptive audience may not be able to translate my attempts at sensibly ordering data. As a writer who could die before my work reaches the general public, I must learn to communicate through writing. I will probably not be alive to explain.
Ideally, I'ld prefer to just say that, "You just do this, and then you just do that, and this is what will happen every time." And even though this is basically true, unless you are able to read the recommended readings, and do the exercises allowing for the limitations of your medium, you will probably never learn how and or why psychic reading is still a vital part of transformative culture. "Errors are the portals to discovery" James Joyce. Poetry is a language of personalized meaning. Prognostication is rocket science, vectors of vectors influence the outcome of events. Directions to directions operate on the variables of the unknown. As we desire to learn, so is there a desire to teach.
This is where science will have to become art. Who knows if I will ever be able to produce a best selling book about something as dry as "honest psychics." I personally spend most of my spare time studying physics and math. Psychic reading can be equally difficult as the math of physics. The similarities between the science of prediction and physics are many. My favorite books are so hard to read, that they are case studies in insufficient background information. And even with all the detailed evidence, research bibliography and diagrams, there are still routine typographic errors, excessive assumptions and an almost complete lack of common language for none technical reference. Physics books are either written for an elite few or dumbed down for mass indoctrination. With this book, I hope to be neither obscure or banal. But it looks as if I am sometimes both.
I'm not overjoyed about my probability of failure, but I am proud of having chosen such a difficult proposition to prove. As a child I decided by age nine, what it was I was going to do. (Tuesday, April 23, 2013 #1. A PERSONS GUESS IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN ODDS WOUL ALLOW.) Now the only thing left is for me to do is to do this exposition correctly. I have communicated my intent and made considerable headway. Execution is inevitable. This may work. But this is where you the reader will have to engage your own instincts of reason. If what I have written makes sense for you, you have been given an upgrade to your overall processing capacities. Good luck. A win for me is a win for you, and also a win for everyone for that matter. Demystifying the power of the occult is a divine calling.
Boundaries of Your Dyad
Having great reception is a lot like being a concessioner. A "Transactional Analysis or "Games Theory" allows for modeling human relations as business. Mutual benefit is at the core of all intentional dyads. (Dashboard Dictionary;
dyad |ˈdīad|
noun technical
something that consists of two elements or parts : the mother–child dyad.
• Mathematics: an operator that is a combination of two vectors.
• Chemistry: a divalent atom or radical.)
My common process of writing means after I leave the house I know what I want to write next. Next day I wait until I can see the point of what I forgot over night.
As stated in, "Turning to Face Your Sensitive Boundaries" May 25th, 2013, I talked about how people see differences as boundaries and barriers. These can be differences of; age, status, gender, politics, religion, language. Almost anything can seem like an insurmountable boundary, keeping people apart unable to communicate.
Yet, as stated, we can look at said boundary as contact. Not just one surface of separation, but we are also seeing two sets of points of connection. Those differences act as a topological duality. Experiences and differences between different people have a language unique to each and every two people.
Taoism allows for a dynamic model. Communication between polarities in the most simple way means, a communicator and reception. This type of simplistic modeling over generalized is the cause of so much misunderstanding. Sexism has exploited gender politics. The male brain is not well known for linguistic sensitivity. Men through history have feared and reviled women as the source of original sin. Being not only the source of life but also the vessel of all that is tempting, has been blamed on women, as if women were innately evil.
Fortunately, when we talk with each other, our polarities can reverse. If I talk, you might listen. When you need to communicate, I can listen. If communication is a charge dynamic, then listening is positive reception. It's not about gender per se. It is more common with the female brain, that you will see women listening and talking simultaneously. With age, I can do this a little. But my brain has freakishly good reception for a guy. And although I must never try to multitask (one track mind,) listening is my luxurious privilege.
As an active communicator, I never let anyone waste my time. I believe in the sacredness of a receptive audience. I so don't want to waste your time either. Taking the initiative means I almost never expect others to understand most of what I say or do, no matter how much I want to be understood. But I do try to always make good sense.
Having great reception is a lot like being a concessioner. A "Transactional Analysis or "Games Theory" allows for modeling human relations as business. Mutual benefit is at the core of all intentional dyads.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Your Transformative Medium
I have resolved to accept that I do not have enough energy at this time to provide a thorough narrative for all the diagnostics of the mentioned ancient analytics. (i,e. Classical literature and histories, Statistics and Critical thinking, Philosophy) But in providing overviews on each subject I am able to show some of the shapes that these data have. Were this simply a proposition of proving myself right, I would only have to wait as the evidence of alternative medicine continues to come in. Having an advanced education for decades has allowed me the time and foresight to study the minutia. Testing the popular myths and antagonistic biases has made me into "The Lucky Magic Turtle." I get to see the whims of fate and fortune from the point of view of, "Your Transformative Medium." I have also had the strange mixed blessing of hindsight. It's almost impossible for me to refrain from negativity or condemnation of the arrogance I see our species is prone to.
One of the high points in my career has been being able to accurately predict the actual cause of death for a self proclaimed black magician. He had said, "If you see someone drowning and they can't pull themselves to safety, they don't deserve to live." I told him that his philosophy was going to come back to bite him on the butt. I'm sure you can guess what happened. Rumor was that he went for a couple of years avoiding the lakes.
I love that my writing is being done in a kind of void. Few people ever get to read me. Fewer still see the larger unity of all these separate posts coalescing into a greater unity. Thus is the life of the gifted reader. No one will ever have the time to review your narrative. But the impact of your work will be recognized.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Social Linking Phenomena
This page should have been about "pastimes," shared experiences, and beliefs. I want to show you the shape of your social data. As much as your taste in music and types of food do give you a shared frame of reference, we are defined by so much more. I'ld like to focus on what it is that I can give you. Sensitivity to style takes energy. It is the expression of energy that you respond to. If you choose to want to train yourself, WE ARE TRAING YOU TO BE PSYCHIC. This will take you to a place of exceptional exposure. Style is always an energetic proposition. Sorry, it's the truth.
When we get to understand our bonds of interaction between all people, we must consider having limited emotional resources. Each of us has only so much energy we can use before we get burned out. One could suggest that emotions are nothing more than energetic fields. But emotions are very slippery and understanding them is not easy. My argument is not with the absurdity of emotions but with the difficulty we have making sense out of them. Something that is emotional, acts as both a signaling and immunological barrier. But emotions as a conscious subjective resource are much more important. (Did I say everybody's emotions are different?)
It was necessary to come up with a way of mapping out these peculiarities of the emotional fields. We have also lived in, ({Soft spots} well mapped,) a shared language of subjectivity. We rarely use it. These emotional resources are easily qualifiable by the examination of the body. Language is critical. I'm sorry for being clinical about it. It is essential that I find and use an understandable language for describing and detailing the subjective. We have literally a shape to our awareness, (Perceptual Ordination/The shape of our individual senses.) An emotional field is just one example. There is also a kinesthetic boundary of awareness (Touch, Taste and Smell), a visual range of perception and even equilibrium for balance (A Sense of Place), that all can be experienced subjectively at the same time, (that's a lot.) As subjective awarenesses have no material substance, we have only our bodies to speak for our awareness.
Mirroring someone is one way of defining shared emotional space. Just imitating someone, however isn't always a compliment. There are also many other ways of defining boundaries of awareness, (Conflict Resolution, Neurolinguistics, Active Listening.) Most of my work always seems to come down to defining boundary conditions. There is the boundary of self. There are also boundaries of contact. As well, there are group identities and "Self Defined Boundaries of Distinction," (mostly defined by social identification, membership or groups. {i,e. I am a boy, white, I am a gym rat, I like girls, etc.)
Most of our daily emotional resources can be used up everyday, just like needing to eat or sleep. If we are not able to recharge our emotional budget, we can experience life like someone who is hungry or tired. There are so many different factors to our daily needs. Life was very different for our ancestors. They experienced much emotional pain and grief. Since then, infant mortality has dropped in this country steadily. The Industrial Revolution and immigration has helped to bring millions of my fellow citizens to the U.S. People have come to live much longer here in the states. Emotional variables have continued to change for each generation, especially for those of us who are employable and enjoy longer lives. Unlike most of us, many of our ancestors lived through much more difficulty. Life is still hard for everyone, but they had to deal with grief as a consequence of almost daily living. There are many people alive today who are still living with war and poverty.
When I look at your hand I'm seeing your family history. It's not in my interpretation of the hand. Partly because of the mythological significance of palm reading, most people have never really looked at their own hands. Much less do we inspect and examine each others. There are still places where you could be killed for being a palm reader. Start with eye training. Just look. I know what I'm asking.
If you decide to start doing this you will have little difficulty looking at hands. Cut yourself a lot of slack here especially at the beginning. Most people will want a palm reading. And I do mean everyone. It may be worth it for you, simply for that surprise of uncertainty. That joy of wonder. No answers, just clear understanding. Oh come on, I know you can do this. People will love you when you make what you say the truth. Come on. I want to hear you say it. "I Don't Know."
I want so much to make this easy and understandable. PEOPLE WANT TO BE RECOGNIZED. And you will never know what it's like until you start to do it. The books are just a way to see what you can look for. Interpretation is something learned by exposure. People will be showing a lot more than they realize. They will be thinking about their fate line. You"ll be looking at size, shape, texture, coloring, depth, sensitivity, subtle motion. This is a lot easier with time. Your resources allow you to absorb that distinctiveness for each person. and interpret what you see. As a reader you don't have to be right. You must be sensible. PEOPLE WANT TO BE RECOGNIZED.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Aesthetics of Science
Please forgive me for posting unfinished pages, I find assertions, like red wine need time to breathe. Such are the aesthetics of science. If we want to understand that beautiful dance around the "Void of Content," approaching the unknown we must consider our choices. On this most practical level we all make decisions based on our preferences, desires and aesthetics. Yes it's true. This search for truth can be absolutely beautiful. More soon.
If you are reading this, you probably have opinions that are as distinctive as a fingerprint or a signature. Just like your little quirks, hangups and even your unique "Styles of Evasion."
(Reposted from #3. Some People Are Very Different, Very Differently. April 25th, 2013)
{At this point I would like to enumerate four "Styles of Evasion."}
1. Active deception, Showing Off, Lying, Phonyness, Bragging, Exaggeration, Hyperbole, etc.
2. Spacing out, Disengagement, Withdrawal, Omission, Vagueness, Aloofness, etc.
3. Condescension, Put downs, Dismissal, Negation, Passive Aggression, etc.
4. Over Compartmentalization, Inaccessibility, Burnout, Over Conscientiousness etc.
You probably recognize any or all of these evasions in yourself and or others. Some more than others. I'm showing the ways we confront or avoid the stresses of uncertainty. When in doubt, learned styles of evasion take over. A little Meta Formally Logical diagram to demonstrate;
2. Spacing Out
1. Lying + 3. Condescension
4. Burnout
At the center of this diagram is the uncertainties we all can evade, just in our own way. You will notice the symmetry and the two axis of polarity. Openness to these uncontrolled uncertainties is the mark of a truly open person. It is almost impossible to be open all the time. We have these evasions hardwired into our survival instincts. The next time you see someone being evasive, consider the source. They/We maybe feeling vulnerable.
The two axis are; Horizontally, Positive Misrepresentation of fact on the left side and the Negative Misrepresentation of emotions on the right side.
Vertically, Passive Evasion of responsibility on top and the Active Evasion of irresponsibility on the bottom.}
The melding of genotypes with the peculiarly unrepeatable conditions for each person's life can never be duplicated. The science and math of a multivariate analysis of these kinds of variations are in fact some of the most cumbersome calculations known to computation. Just know that when we evade, we use energy and that any real sensitive will know it. Show a little empathy. This is where we get to show a little tact.
When our self reflections are done without an understanding of the commonalities of the human experience, we often feel very alone. Everyone does. But It has been said, (I don't remember exactly where, maybe it was me,) "Our personal problems all have a public dimension." This is obvious when we are confronted with shifts in bias as is the case of changing popular opinions. (Author's Message!)
I must admit that my writing has become too heavy. No fault of mine, such is my love. I doubt there is any other way to report the detailed sensitivity of my work. I need to be as truthful as I can possibly be. Who would have thought that gravitas could cause an informational black hole. This is one of those things that no one will believe until they can look for themselves. We are seeing the beginning of an educational event horizon. Possibly my work will not escape this informational undertow. Only those in the distant future will ever know I'm right about: "Preverbal Ordering Principles," "Coding Density Thresholds" and "Echo Imprinting." By then, my work will probably have been lost, as generally happens for most people. No big deal. But I could be very wrong, in many, many ways. Please forgive me.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Who Is the Spaminator
Now that events have eliminated most of the false subscribers, "you" are the only remaining readers who have chosen to continue reading for now. If you yourself have been able to find the reading materials I've recommended, you may have seen my personal bias for historical accuracy. As the whole point of my work is the understanding of symbolic language, it has been a privilege to be able to appeal to the most academic of psychics. I do feel a little badly about screening out questionable traffic sources by ignoring the spam they have been trying to use to entice me. But they should have the choice of deciding for themselves whether they want to keep me on as a free content blog provider.
I have just checked for what actually happened to the traffic source, "The Tao of Badass" and as they have said in their seduction video offer, it was a limited time only offer. The website is no more. Classic "Games Theory." (Basic premise, "You know you want it." "So your going to pay for it." But I didn't want it. And I certainly didn't ask.) But it still leaves me wondering why and how so many in Russia were using their commercial website to access my blog. But unless I'm contacted, I'll never know why. What a strange compliment. I'm still occasionally being read via their other website for weight loss through applied games theory. Interesting stuff, if you don't believe in yourself you will not achieve your goals. But that's just a good place to start. I like "Games Theory," but that is it's problem, it's theory. And although attitude is critical, it's almost harder to maintain attitude than it is your weight or sex appeal. Such is the power of faith, (and it's limitation.) Mind control is not something that everyone has, nor can it be marketed as a consistent product. That's why I never make promises or take advantage of peoples gullibility. No matter how tempting I wont sell false hope even when I know it may be the only thing that works. That drive for "Authoritation By Proxy," is so great for most people, that it is inevitable that people accuse me of being a con artist brainwashing the foolish and weak minded. It's OK to give your money to a stock adviser or a political campaign. It's acceptable to believe in cranky doctors or criminal attorneys, but I still prefer to let people make their own choices. I realize the sacrifice, but I stay out of trouble. Peace out.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Lies About Misanthropes
One of my pleasures in study and research has been busting myths, (this one is unspoken.) One of these most destructive myths is our tendency to judge and divide people by type. Case in point. Misanthropy is nothing more than a variable of temperament. Not all misanthropes are un loving. People don't choose to be clannish either. And even then, misanthropes don't necessarily hate, they just don't care for people. Including themselves, these often wonderful people will sometimes be able to speak their minds without concern for everyones fragile emotions. This is something I don't do, and sometimes I wish I did. What I gain through kindness, I pay for with a total lack of passion and warmth. I too am very loving, but without healthy attachment. You win some and loose some. But understanding constructive polarity is always a winner.
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that misanthropes are incapable of empathy or dignified self restraint. I'm asserting that being a zenophile comes with overwhelming baggage. And until I understood the importance of this grossly misunderstood difference, I was in agony. Judging myself harshly for crippling scruples, I have had little choice but to learn why everyone isn't like me. Those who are the most different share in the extreme. My friends are good people, but only about half of them are actual misanthropes. My mom was a misanthrope. She said, "You really care about people, and that's good." "But I don't." "I don't even care for my self." Hence the talk, she went on, "People's concerns are in fact for themselves only."
I said, "As they should be. Any concern we have about another person is in fact an extension of the love we have for ourselves."
The opposite of zenophilia is not misanthropy, it's xenophobia. Most people who are misanthropes would be much closer to being what I would call zenophrenic, (my invented word for, "conflicted about people in general.") Even as an involuntary zenophile I too can have dread toward other people. I just care a lot that's all. When my nervous system isn't shorting out I see the radiance of the human soul in each and every person. But some days I too feel really ugly towards strangers. But I do "always" care deeply. I love all people deeply. I've never had any choice in the matter. (I am a cup bubbling over.") Even when I feel bitter and hostile, it's always easy for me to want take other peoples feelings into consideration. I don't even have to think about it. If everyone was like me we would all starve to death out of courtesy. Thank God, (if there is a god,) for all of the angry functional misanthropes. God created misanthropes and atheists and all those other people whose enlightened selfishness is so different from me. I see everyones point of view. Thy skepticism nourishes me. Thy severity maketh my path clear of self deception. Thy criticism toughens my skin. Thy evasion quickens my step. Thy obsession with death keepeth my heart pure and unpolluted from attachment. Thy fear of death doth maketh my job of guiding you into the beyond a privilege few can ever know. Your fear of God only makes my love deeper. Thank God not everyone is like me.
If you search, zenophile, you can come to a well established group of committed bloggers advocating challenging xenophobia in all it's forms. A new approach has been to create a dialog, literally a new language of inclusion, including everyone. This language of inclusion means we seek to understand, everyone,.......without exception. I myself have had the privilege of seeing this process at work in my own studies and practice. I'm a little embarrassed to admit, I love you and I have no idea who you are. Weird. I have no idea where this is going.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
More Meta Formal Conventions Partitioning Data
For the sake of brevity we must start in on Caballa {sp.}(Jewish/Christian Mysticism. As in this example we have the three pillars of: Mercy, Mildness and Severity. Similar to the Ida, Kundalini and Pingali. (Hindu,)Satva [Fire{"+"}<PITA>], Chi [Air{"+"&"-"}<VATA>] and Ananda [Water{"-"}<KAPH>). (Chinese,)Yang(Positive), Yan (Neutral{the Tao}) and of course Yin (Negative). Qualitatively, you will learn to be able to make distinctions based on comparative differences between people and their temperaments on the basis of these similar differences. Much more to come......
These Pillars have names. They are parts of the tree of life. The Sephir Yetzera (I'll have to check Spelling and all,) is the text that outline the Sephiris (Plural). These are the spheres of contact that manifest reality in our existence. This is an Implicit model of creation that has 7 attributes of God that can be comprehended by man. Ten in total spheres are identified, graphed and wrote about extensively. These divine maps simultaneously represent the spiritual history of the holy Torah and the creative spiritual life of God and People. The living text has a body. This blueprint is called the "Adam Kadmon." We are supposedly created in the divine image of that body of the word. The Wife is said to be the "Torah" in that the woman is the spiritual manifestation of the feminine spirit of God {Shekina}, in her home as well as her marriage. In the name of Jehova, (spelled Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh, in Hebrew,) we have the original balance of God as masculine and feminine. These correspondently are depicted in the Tarot as the four suits of: Clubs (male), Hearts (female), Spades (boy) and Diamonds (girl). There has been much talk of freeing this "exiled" female manifestation of God with the return to paradise. (Talk about a lot of pressure. Oy.) I have loved my time studying the history and traditions of Jewish mysticism.
Monday, August 12, 2013
SUBTEXT That Which Doesn't Get Said
As I examine the Wikipedia, it's very limited documents on palmistry, and especially it's talk page, I'm especially impressed by the call for a "consensus." There is also an absence of accounts for the variability of the different traditional schools of interpretation. As well the conspicuous "Void of Content" is a proof of the gap between practice and philosophy, dooming the dialog to mutual disagreement. No real attempt has been made to analyze the "Opinion Biases." The notion of "Pseudoscience" is flagged, promoting the usual propaganda about "Cold Reading," when the prospect of educated (informed?) guessing is blamed for the untrustworthy analysis of "psychics." WOW! I must confess that I have also always sympathized with these objections to palmistry. But my intention to embrace a "Complementarity" is because, I WANT INFORMATION. Not simplistic generalizations, pro or con. {The expected utility of the proposed quantum computing will be able to handle the larger scale calculations of facial recognition software and all the other Nth order multi variate statistics. Will our minds be able to keep up with these very reasonable requests for information?
I've made a few basic assertions, like the four basic propositions of "The Para Psychological Methods."(#1. A PERSON"S GUESS IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN ODDS WOULD ALLOW, April 23rd, 2013) Which though deceptively simplistic, these may prove to be the only way I can prove by statistical analysis, the falsifiability of the pre-eminent concept of "pseudo-science." (The concept of "pseudoscience" does not rise above it's own deductive criteria of "non-falsifiability." The concept proof of "pseudoscience" is in itself, "pseudoscientific" in this most arbitrary way. It proves itself wrong by it's own absolute over generalization.)
The dialog on the subject of "Opinion Bias," has for too long been dominated by the abuse of "Subtext." This is most often carried out through the subterfuge of an elite spiritually abusive few, controlling the dialog by deciding what is allowed to be said. This is how arguments are polarized by partisan religion, and pretentiously dogmatic belligerent science. We are often silenced by mockery. Cloistered with baseless viral statements, memes and party lines. Our healthy survival instincts can understandably end up being used against us, negating our will to communicate. We have all become shy introverts. Of those of us with the intelligence to form personal opinions, we are marginalized. For instance, I find myself wondering if I haven't lost all of the Russian readers to the weight of politically expedient popular biases. The web has been criminalized in many countries. It may simply not be possible for me to reach those thousand plus readers who may never be able to come back to reading this blog. It may be too late and there isn't much I can do.
But as this book is ultimately designed to be re-drafted into a book form, hopefully, if and when the book may prove that "The True Hoax," (May 23rd, 2013) is actually substantiated, the book will still become accessible. As I have suggested, I am going to continue to alternate the documentation of pertinent information with these occasional narratives. This may make my own subtext more approachable.
With your advancement into "Eye Training," "Ear Training" and "Voice Training," (and hopefully "Touch Training," if and when we get the time for this most basic of diagnostic resource,) you yourself will be able to more clearly identify "SUBTEXT." I had originally planned to use the notion of subtext as a way to describe unspoken, often unintentional behavior which precludes and substitutes for communication. To Go Where Words Dare Not Enter (July 14th, 2013) & DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY (June 28th, 2013) Good luck and best wishes. If you have been able to read between the lines, I'm trying to say much that I prefer to leave to you, the readers to figure out in your own good time. You may have already noted my "Subtext."
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Redirect Back to the Philosophy
I suspect that as I've lost close to a thousand readers for my blog, this may be a great time to redirect our attention back to the philosophy. There will be plenty of time to fill in the details. The relevant books are out there and although Wikipedia has put out requests for volunteers to help them with their history and science documentation, I'm inclined to think most of us will need help with our more basic human relations skills. This is at least as important than the dry data.
The traffic source that was sending my blog to eastern Europe may not want to carry me anymore. I suspect their initial interest was due to my work on the dynamics and polarity of the reading model. This is a natural extension of the human relations dichotomy. As I mentioned they seem to be the same company that markets games theory based seminars for meeting woman and such. Loved the attention while I got it, but I probably hadn't earned the access to the Russian readership.
Let's stick to the subject. In Chinese philosophy the Taoists are known for their respect for the balance of Male and Female, Yang & Yin, Light & Shade, Warm & Cool. This essential "Diametric" is integral to understanding Chinese medicine and diagnostics. No where has the sophistication of Meta Formal Logic provided such well accepted and practiced methodology. Although here in the west Acupuncture is becoming an accepted medical adjunct to western medicine, yet it is still not understood, and interestingly enough it is still considered Pseudoscience simply because it contradicts western scientific philosophy. Yet what Chinese medicine and diagnostics lack simplistically it makes up for with thoroughness. The five element mandala can be laid out on a five pointed star, with the elements of;
Fire Heart Small Intestine
Water Kidneys Bladder
Earth Speen/Pancreas Stomach
Wood Liver Gall Bladder
Metal Lungs Large Intestine
Or the elements can be laid out as a cross with the Earth element in the center. We'll see another example of this arrangement when we get to the Tibetan mandala for the realms of attachment in the afterlife. The central primary realm is in the center of the diagram. Look at the Yin Yang Mandala. These energies are all interconnected and circulated through the body by longitudinal "Meridians." They are if fact all linked perfectly with the corresponding times of the day in series. With the inclusion of the central "GOVERNING and CIRCULATORY" meridians, we get each of the meridians corresponding to the twelve divisions of each day where the organ is strongest and most active. Your digestion is timed to be most active in mid day for instance. The subtle toroidal geometric symmetries of the meridians are too difficult to explain here without my diagram. This too will be added. thank you for your patience.
Appreciating this rotational wheel behavior in these Meta Formal models, is useful for understanding the implicit philosophy modeling the human existence, inwardly in terms of health and outwardly as reflective of nature and the human dynamic. {"As above so below." Metaphor for the symmetry between the Creator and the created world. <Blessed Be!> } Look at your Yin/Yang symbol. Fire feeds on Wood, and Fire is extinguished by Water. And so on.
Friday, August 9, 2013
What's Happening
It's time for me to review some of what has been written so far. I do believe that in some ways putting theory before practice was the right choice when it came to designing this Interest Based Learning module. To the contrary of the time honored failure of Math education, I have been teaching you how to Preview / Prepare. You will want to familiarize yourself with what you are going to be learning. We are learning Palmistry, Hand writing Analysis, Chinese Diagnostics, I Ching, Tarot, Kaballa, etc. We still have several more months of blogs to down load. These large scale spiritual technologies can be just as boring as linear algebra. I prefer to give you Maps that will show you destinations. That way as we continue to fill in the exhaustive details of these related ancient analytic models you will have a sense of context.
This seemingly backward approach weeds out the selfish. No one is going to discourage you for giving up, divination is much too closely associated with Magic ("THE MYTH OF THE MAGUS" by E. M. Butler.) And it is almost unheard of that anyone would ever try to prove the validity of prognostication through the medium of oracles completely independent of religion. Case in point, many of the traffic sources have dropped my blog. For one thing, only a couple of the traffic sources used their real URL. My blog was bundled into seduction and weight loss videos. Sending my blog overseas gave me the false impression my blog would continue to have readers. I may be selling nothing. But the content is priceless. No where are we going to find another neutrally biased approach to psychic training.
Unlike all those linear algebra classes that never seemed to go anywhere, I'm not going to abandon the challenges that will inevitably get difficult. Learning linear algebra without a clear overview of what it is going to be used for is a lot like looking at a map in the dark. These processes of attributional interpretation and modeling analysis have yet to be solved. No one as yet knows why every bodies hands and hand writing are so different. It's one thing to construct a checklist/array for analyzing the elements of a P. P. I. Reading, [Psychic Personality Inventory Reading.] But being able to interpret which of the elements are even pertinent for that persons individual reading requires an aesthetic. And a viable reading therefore can't even be done by a computer without at least the voluntary discretion of the querent. However I have met more than a few people who say they can work a matrix out in their head much easier than on paper. This is also going to be the case for you readers. It is too easy to want to give up on such a difficult proposition. But your own personal motivations will help to inform you as to what is going to be in your interest in this kind of research. It may be very fruitful for you. But, "I Make No Promises."
One thing I like to say is, "I don't know, but let's consider what the answer is probably going to look like."This is surprisingly effective. If I do know what the answer is to some ones inquiry, I like to let other people decide when they have found the answer for themselves. This is especially handy for getting people to listen to what it is that they really don't want to have to look at.
I've already heard the criticism of many people I know, in my head. "This is just another futile endeavor." "What is your handle?" "Why don't you let people comment?" "Do you honestly believe that anyone is going to believe you?" And of course, "But you are just a no body."All potentially valid. All mockingly condescending. I certainly don't have to ask. Maybe we who are intuitive's can automatically find the right answers in our heads. This is one class where you will not have to show your work. This kind of education works best when no one is telling you what to think. Again, Bless all of you.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
CHECKLIST # 4 The Quality of Lines
Now we will look at some of the incredible variations. I'll keep filling these pages in as I can review my notes and get more of the precise details. These varieties of line behavior is indicative of qualities of health, mood, mental processing and quality of life in general. there are ideals in terms of what one may prefer to see. But as a person with bad left hand markings it is better to know thyself, and so on.
Are the lines;
Deep and Bright
Shallow and Faint
{Origins and Endings} Forked, Feathered or Frayed
{Line Quality} Twisted, Dotted or having Islands
{Line Afflictions} Broken or Blocked
{Line Structure} Singular or Multiple
{Intersections} Crossed or Starred
{Grills} Squared or Triangular
Analyzing line quality is something susceptible to subjective preferences. You may find that you enjoy the company of people with fewer lines that are deeper as this often goes along with highly dynamic "go getter" personalities. Yet equally we may tire of the self indulgence of the sensuous types. Just as often however, our tastes for the more sensitive aesthetically inclined can prove to be just as exhausting and almost anybodies personality "type" can end up tainting your palette, leaving you feeling burnt out. Learn to appreciate the full spectrum of flavors of people as this will accelerate your learning to differentiate the different kinds of people.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Boundaries of Identification
Boundaries of Identification
Palmistry documents are near the bottom of the page:
We are here in the middle of our proposition. The types of signs given to each marking on anybodies hands are most clearly attributes. It is not necessary to attach importance to the personal nature of peoples individual psychic reading. You are given permission to closely examine and analyze each persons identifying features. There is still much confusion about the differences between a palm reading {Maps being read by a Reader,} and the oracle itself {The Maps themselves.} The reader translates for you what they are reading, the oracle is just a way of storing and processing the information you will have to translate for your clients. You can get a unique astrology reading from your Astrologer with unique unusual combinations of the possible interpretations, but the good reader is still just a translator. [The medium is not the message.] It is not necessary for me to assume to know everything about you, but it is wise to know how and where to find answers, even if they are in fact nothing more than a randomly assorted series of unrelated signs. There are limits. These are some of the Boundaries of Identification. And again the map is not the territory.
At present a lot of this work has been about identifying peoples individual sensitive boundaries. Recognizing boundaries is always helpful when dealing with people in any personal transaction. If you are able to recognize distinctive details of another persons identity, that's unusual. That makes you distinctive. Soon you will be able to see the hand as a mask of the body. You look into the hand, you are looking into the body. Study it. Get used to recognizing the details and differences. Unusual markings happen on unusual people. You will recognize the moods of how each of us moves, with style. Your interpretive skills and sensitivity will get you paid. This is where being tactful is the way to be modest. These are some of your Boundaries of Identification.
Understanding the delicacy of handling peoples self image is a matter of good sportsmanship. You are better off not to worry about being understood, just be understandable. Like a good bartender, always friendly never familiar. I don't ever try to focus on someone defects. I will always try to play to your strengths.
These are some of our Boundaries of Identification. Let's get to it. {I don't think my readers like the wheel of emotion.}
Creative 2nd(Empty Yang) Summer 3rd(Empty Yin) Receptive
^ > > > > > v
Spring 1.Youth { ^}Happy "O" {v}Sad 3.Maturity Autumn
^ < < < < < v
1st(Full Yang) Fearful{<} 4th(Full Yin)
Fire / Up 4.Death Water / Down
Winter <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you keep studying with me you are going to get to see a lot of these annoying diagrams, these are largely done for the sake of thoroughness. You will recognize the basic ordering and arrangement of the data, as is characteristic of an oracle, Tarot, Caballa, I Ching; all modular, each a coalescent. These are all mandalas. Modules of data. Totalistic, Hyperbolic, Analytic data. Take a unity, a whole person for instance and take them gently apart. Not a good Idea. But now take a map of a persons life for instance, and that can be worked very efficiently. The hand is read in the same way. The hand is divided into quarters, and three areas vertically.
Mercury 3rd. Passive conscious Jupiter 2nd. Active Conscious
Luna 4th. Passive Unconscious Venus 1st. Active Subconscious
There is some encyclopedic documentation of most of these models sited on WIKIPEDIA. As we compare these models for analyzing hands, stars, Tarot, Caballa, I Ching, we will see some unreconcilable differences between the models, as we compare them to the each of the other disciplines. Not all maps are the same, no matter how similar. learn to recognize the strengths and subtleties of each different type of analytic model. Each map is for the subject of each different types of mediums analysis only. Don't over think. "Not all software is compatible." Joseph Campbell.
1st. The life line is rising from out of the thumb, (Mars, over Venus) 2nd. The line then departs from under the index finger, (Jupiter) 3rd. It then sweeps out toward and past the little finger, (Mercury) 4th. Ending back at the bottom of the hand, (Luna)
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