Sunday, August 4, 2013

CHECKLIST # 3 Longitudinal Lines

                                                                 Check List # 3

                         I'll lay out longitudinal lines according to the corresponding fingers. Under the first, [Index] finger are the origins of possibly the head, heart, and of course the line of life. Here under the finger of Jupiter we find the signs for youth. These are the areas we want to look at if we want look at childhood.

                         Under the Saturn finger we find the "FATE" line. The fate line is often measured from the bottom, as years rise on the fate line going up to the middle finger. Sometimes straight down the middle of the hand, sometimes diagonally going to the corner {LUNAR} of the hand, sometimes short and plugging into the life line. Not everyone has a fate line and they can often grow in latter as nature demands. Fewer lines are more common in men but not always, some woman have few lines too. {Fire Signs} These simple guidelines are reflections of mental processing. What connects to what, like your sense of grounding. As with much in life, more is not necessarily better. Simple equipment is often more robust. Intelligence that is focused can be less confused. The Fate line exemplifies the primary line of gravity, grounding. Fate line on the hand bares little significance in the hands of people with pointed fingers. People with square fingerprints will often have little or no fate line, and when they do this is very fortunate.

                         Under the ring {SUN} finger, we may find a third series of potentially orderly lines. Sun lines often do not form until one's fifties, reflecting an appreciation of maturity and or the arts. In a young person this line may bode great good fortune and exceptional skills. Parallel lines of fate and sun going toward the corner of the hand used to be called the marking of evil genius. I've noticed such people are good strategists. A sun line that touches the life line is thought to connote fame, and or a talent that required fore thought long term planning. As with the fate line touching the life line, Lines joining the life line bring resolution and fortune. Energies combine.

                          The little finger, {MERCURY} has it's own little fugitive [Health] line, little finger goes down to the life line. Where this last line intersects the life line mean the end of life. Any line that actually crosses the hand from one side to the other is always considered dangerous. Some people never get mercury lines that you will see:

                                      No pinky {MERCURY} lines means, Yang types, Burns brightly, Dies quickly.

                                      Mercury shield, (Pinky line) means, Yin types, much more wiry, {Skinnier} more long term stamina, Dies slowly.

                            The mercury finger can also generate "Influence lines," that go all the way across the hand toward the "Venus" mound sometimes intersecting the life lines. These are not supposed to all be dangerous but they do suggest active interaction in the world. The lines in the middle of the hand can merge, cut through or block one of the other main lines. Any line can be afflicted or re enforced by these variable "Interactive" lines. A Mercury line that forms a triangle with the head and fate line is often called the "money" triangle, especially on square hands that have few other lines.

1 comment:

  1. Makes sense to me. Surprisingly! Maybe my feeble brain has in fact retained a thing or two. Thank you.


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