Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Power of the Heart

 This heart is not mine. I downloaded it from the examples files of the Pacific T graphics calculator.

                        Beings as we have entered the season of death, (Scorpio is ruled by Saturn) this is a great time to talk about that only spiritual force that is stronger than death. I'm talking about love and that force of attraction that draws all people back together. If we are to imagine that, "Love is the Law" we must allow for the strength of vulnerability. The secret or "esoteric" traditions often come back to that liturgy of love.

                         As a psychic I have the mixed pleasure of playing many roles. As is the challenge of understanding, I experience each and every person as unique. This moves me. Even with friends I can imagine their pains. Their joys. Their difficulties. This can be an immense burden. Add to that that I am an ecstatic, the pain can sometimes almost be unbearable. But my work is never about me. I have been given heart. Although I can get bummed this time of year, all I have to do is count my blessing and the pain doesn't seem so bad. I am always in constant mutation changing to fit the needs of each and every person. I am a freak. I get to see that power of the heart whether I like it or not. Check out books on Tantric sexuality, Taoist sexual medicine and the dimensions of the human social dynamic. Study human relations and the subtleties of human differences and dynamics. I dare you.

                         I am often asked, "What is going to happen between me and my sweetheart?" I always say, "That is none of my business."  I'm not going to spoil the ending by telling people what to think. Besides, were we able to control the outcome of events, that would be way too cold. For all the pain and trouble that life brings us, why should I spoil others fun.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Emissaries of Joy

                         As this blog has inevitably reached the point of an infinite scroll, very few of you will ever go back to the beginning of this book in order to use this library of information. I have already posted volumes on the specifics of different psychic reading technologies. I had anticipated this happening from the very first page long before it was even posted. I needed an honorable gimmick to help get the proofs for the basic propositions out to you.  My vision of the sacredness of all receptive audiences, has made this a bittersweet melancholy joy. And just like any contribution we make for the welfare of the world, we must have faith.

                         I must sometimes sound like the happiest man in the world, (I'm not). Enough about me. Hidden in plain sight is this call to action. I'm calling on you, the "Emissaries of Joy." (I Ching / Hexagram # 58 "The Joyous Lake" It's about the melancholy joy that comes from sharing.)

                         Readers, I am calling you to task. If you have been able to "read" between the lines, you may already know. This is a story. We will get to speak. We must take the high road. I ask no one to fight, I only ask that we will win. Do we not make the future happen by predicting the inevitable truth? Much harder problems have been solved by just accepting that, "The truth is out there." Why can't we reassure the children of the future? The world was saved by love. I know how silly this sounds. That's why this is all posed in the supposition of applied para psychological proofs. It may only be the children of the future that will know that we were right to live for a future we will not survive to enjoy. How wonderful is this?

                        Please don't judge me too harshly for attempting something so seemingly absurd. The rest of this book and it's publication may be fun, Opinion Biases aside. These propositions if done well may be entertaining, I hope. Writing a book is much easier than saving the world.

Monday, October 28, 2013

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                         If when you go to my Google Plus profile page check out the Photos, and oh my God check out the Videos. Google Plus makes dynamite reproductions of my math movies. WOOF!

The Boundaries of Contact

The Flower Icon at the Bottom of the Archives List Accesses My Profile, You'll Get My Designer Math Graphics.

                         Sorry 'bout the slow steady pace of the learning in this module of "The Para Psychological Methods." This is not just for our immediate benefit. This work is designed to embrace, adore and affirm even the little children yet to be. If you have been learning from the models of mutual support and understanding you have come to recognize the timelessness of these shared resources.

                         As sensitives we subjectively explore, "Boundaries of Contact." Please keep reading friends. When you read for people you are in fact touching in a way than can be both very loving and disorienting at the same time. You might be saying, "I'm not a reader." But as you read this blog, you're reading me. We all engage Boundaries of Contact.

                         Who are you wonderful people? I look forward to reading for you everyday. Who is that in the Ukraine? And who is that person in Russia that has been reading me in Russia for a long time now? And what about all you people reading me through Indonesian and Malaysian connections. As well all of the new people who are reading me now here in the U. S. Am I making any sense for all of you? Send me a sign. I've blocked the comment pages until I can hook up the chat lines directly. But as I mentioned, this is me reading you in the dark, and the only way I know you is by your; National Traffic Source, Operating Systems and your Browser. So when you read me, I'll try to read for you too.

                          These are some of our experimental Boundaries of Contact. This may not seem very intimate, but in some ways it is more personal than the "Cold Readings" most people expect to get when they go to amateur psychics. As sensitives we all experience boundaries that are  hard to define or identify.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Undiscovered Truth

                          Today we will be exploring the "Boundary of Contact." Again as I have said, "People often experience personal differences as boundaries of separation." I say, "That we can turn to face that wall, and that we can experience those boundaries as Points of Contact." True empathy is more like a mirror agent than a spy or an imbedded secret serviceman. Every time we get to meet someone new, in a very real sense, we are seeking "Undiscovered Truth." I know we can do this.

                         I read and study as much science and math as I can. And besides all the great stuff I get to read, there is a great amount of fantasy science out there too. The Math may be much harder to fake. But it is still easy for people to exaggerate about what is really known about the "Physics" of reality. Because of all the wackos out there, I'm almost ashamed of the fact that I'm using modeling techniques derived from physics to help describe the analysis of comparable data sets. The "Big Lie" ( Politicized Junk Science,) just keeps getting bigger and it seems that the truth may never be found. ("The truth is out there," but does it always have to be so far out?)

                         Fortunately those "Boundaries of Contact," are as much "Point Sets of Connection" as they are "Barriers of Separation." And yet, like narcissists with personality disorders, we are expected to ignore those boundaries. We must respect and appreciate each others differences. And when it comes to the beauty of human relations, nothing shows greater empathy than understanding and appreciating differences.

                         So we must search for undiscovered truth about each other. Where will it lead? (The final frontier?) More on this tomorrow. Good night.

An Ocean of Desires

                         What are these little essays in the face of the real problems of the world? We are confronted with an ocean of desires.

                         Here I persist in going on about the petty little problems of being self doubting psychics. But don't we have much worse problems? What about tyrants who exploit, starve and oppress their peoples? And what of the future of our children? And the suffering of those who are denied quality education? And the environment with it's toxic effects on all of us because of pollution? The carbonation of our oceans, {CO2} making sea water too acidic to sustain coral? Etc?

                         And of course what about our beautiful dying oceans? We are confronted with an ocean of desires. Sometimes it seems impossible to maintain. But are we going to give up? Desire in this situation is a very good thing. Do we not want to keep holding on to the good? "Desire is what keeps things in place." (Quoted from my teacher, Steve.) Apathy is much worse than Heroine. Much worse.

                         I have a friend insists we about three years left before we are all dead. I must confess that this is not he first time the has thrown this kind of doomsaying in my face. In principle I can agree, things are bad. But as I had first said to him decades ago, "The world goes out with a whimper, not a bang." Quotation not mine. (C. S. Lewis? Gertrude Stein? T. S. Elliot? I don't remember.) Theoretically, we could already be too late. But that's not what I saw, then or now.

                         Not being a Monotheist, I easily reject this eternally postponed Apocalypse. If I'm going to be writing about a future I believe I have seen, the rational person will want to see proof that we are going to get there together. I can wax poetic about our beautiful undiscovered truth. But what does it mean in the face of so much suffering? These problems are not going away on their own.

                         "Do not take away hope." The fact that my pessimistic friend has been VERY WRONG in the past, is no guaranty that he is going to be wrong this time. Any sense of pride or comfort I might derive from his skewed intuitions is quite empty. Not just because these problems aren't going away, but a "Let It Be" attitude is what gets us into these problems in the first place. There is real evil in the world. But complacency is much worse than Heroin.

                         I can sound foolish insisting, "It's all good" or, "We should be so lucky." But I tell Mark (name changed,) "Only these things will change us and get us off our butts, and a sudden end would be much too good for us." But my instincts have been entirely correct up too this point, and maybe my visions of the future is right too. For those of us who suffer with a liberal guilt, we do feel responsible for the suffering of the world. And I believe that even this must have some positive good.

                        Essential problem set? Let's go back to the dynamic dyad and the shifting of mutually defined opinion biases. This is where I think my work can make a difference.

                        Did Mark change my opinion? No bloody way!!!!! I still believe our species will solve this problem the same way we are healing the Ozone Layer.

                        Did I change Mark's opinions? I certainly don't think so. That's not the problem anyways. "Societies General Opinion Biases change faster than do peoples individual Personal Opinion Biases." My much younger friend Sean says that, "Popular paranoia isn't as prevalent in youth culture as it was in the decades past." Fascism isn't as fashionable in most of the rest of the world as it is here in the U. S. Hell, most of the old farts who are responsible for the evils of the world will be dead soon anyways.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

This Ever Changing Picture

                         By amassing great amounts of information we experience knowledge as an ever changing picture.

                         I will be your medium for the evening. I hope that you will enjoy this performance created for your edification and entertainment. Nothing would please us more than your happiness. We do warn our audiences to strap yourselves in, we wont be moving but you may experience extreme turbulence. All of the exits are clearly marked. I will be telling your stories. If you are uncomfortable with experiencing strong emotions it can be recommended that you focus on any stationary object in your cabin and grip the arms of your chair. As we will be experiencing many differing perspectives brought into contrast by morphing metaphors, the experience of linear time will crumble. Generally we are not supposed to feel that others can know us right away, but none the less you are going to get read. Although results may vary, the confidence levels for these statistical analysis are wild.

                       Seriously we do see knowledge change, and changing awarenesses change us. Basic primary assertions about changing opinions are that; "Societies General Opinion Biases change faster than do peoples individual Personal Opinion Biases." Take a second to consider what that means. As prospective readers (speculators), you will need to prepare for anything. What was often once considered true can change. Sometimes authorities are wrong. Dead wrong. Sometimes we can think we know what is true, but in the areas of expertise we have been exploring we have seen that for all of the types of "Styles of Evasion" and denials, we have greater responsibilities than ever. We can no longer blame others for misinformation. Choices we make end up our mistakes.

                       How do we tell someone that we need to take an alternative perspective on issues of personal consequence? I believe that rather than assume that we can wear down each others resistance, we must try to inspire. And nothing inspires like beauty. And I don't mean pretty. This Ever Changing Picture, is one of profound beauty. I can only hope that I may be worthy of this privilege of learning from an audience as beautiful as you. Learn on!

Old Wine in New Bottles

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                         Being that this blog is a book about my life's research into the analytic modeling of the para psychological methods, I have been bumped up to the realm of documentarian. Oh the thrill and the hurting. Because of my profound love of you people and this subject of people reading, I have moved small mountains of information to get to be here with you. Nothing will mean more to me than to be gently leading us out of our own private and individual denials into a place of mutual support and understanding. Hence we will by tasting rare essences of human beauty and understanding. But these elixirs of great learning have been mislabeled and left on the shelves of informational undertow by the modern purveyors of quick fix self help and new age platitude.

                         No one want's to be wrong. But the intuitive arts are speculative arts. And we all know what happens when people lie. Bad things happen when people try to claim authority for things they do not know. Doctors sometimes accidentally kill. Detectives, lawyers and judges sometimes jail the innocent. Politicians sometimes mislead nations. Economists and stockbrokers sometimes bankrupt nations and the world. Religious and spiritual teachers sometimes pander and victimize the vulnerable. But we are not as ignorant as we are told. Throw off the shackles of stupefaction.

                         The scope of this work is more than grandiose. But I can assure you, that under no circumstance would this book ever sell, unless I am right on telling the truth. No amount of lying or prevarication will extract this tired old subject of intuitive reading technologies until everything is honestly identified and rebottled. This sweet wine of understanding is not getting any younger. If nothing is done, these great hoards of information will slip into the fog. It is my pleasure to bring these fine foods for the soul, back out of the side streets and tea rooms, back out onto the stage where fine art belongs. Have fun kids, and be good to each other.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Crystaline Data and The Infinite Scroll

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                         How does one keep in front of the undertow of information, that gravity of learning that life ultimately demands? The ordering of information and it's meaning, this is at the core of humanity. The metaphysical world is about that search for structure and meaning."If precision is science, then brevity is art."

                         In the posts so for I have demonstrated ways that comparative models for predicting human behavior and the outcome of events, have been at the center of the mediums of divination. I have attempted to focus exclusively on the structuring of the data distributions without any attempt to assume objectivity. This makes it possible to demonstrate the virtues of analogous modeling. We ask a question. Input. The oracle spits out the sample compared to an independent system for analysis. We as mediums are just decoders, reading the instructions for people not familiar with either the oracle or the medium. This process of analogous modeling is only possible because of the comparable data sets on which we can successfully map Enumerative Partitions from a Symmetrically Coalesced Analogous Model. We as a species designed these models (AS METAPHYSICS) out of our creative aesthetics. This implicit modeling of structure that we impose on the question at hand occurred at the level of the collective unconscious. Before we really had the means to understand what we have brought together, the process of collectivization produced these profound and often inescapably usable tools. Tools that are as much about culture as they are about religion, faith or superstition.

                         I have insisted that we look at the shapes of these models. Politics and religion aside, Are they not beautiful?
                        Astrology, Modern Astronomy and Math.
                        Tarot, Synthetically Based Historically Symbolic Models for Divining Human Destinies.
                        Handwriting and Palmistry, Biometrics.
                        Chinese Medical Diagnostics, Alchemy, Physiology and Anatomy.
                        The I Ching, Randomization of Data Processing. (The I Ching is not a chaotic mash of unrelated data. The I Ching is a perfect crystalline data set. So much symmetry, so much information. Learning the I Ching and Taoism is an exercise in Comparative Living Through Interpersonal Systems Analysis, Boundary Distinctions and All.)

                         I recommend these spiritual technologies on the basis of their applicability. Generally the result is the mushing together of information in the brain, until we are able to accept the total independence of co mapping onto an unrelated phenomena. This procedure is done simply for the sake of comparative modeling, without pretense of objectivity. God I hope some of you people are able to understand what I'm talking about here. This is not just my opinion. And thank you again. I hope I can make this enjoyable for you, so as that this can be interesting for you. The elegant simplicity of these ancient yet relevant traditions are why rational thought started as the process of conjecture in our early oral traditions. This has happened in the light of our awareness of these glaring uncertainties that surround all of our lives.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Enter: The Hope of the World

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                         As the blog has grown from those first Propositions, I have had the pleasure of watching a lifelong dream grow from a little sprout. Tenderly nursed, this child of my imagination has rewarded me with love. Love from friends and strangers alike. And now as it is bearing fruit I get to enter that vision of a future shared. I am one of those people who has gone to the future. I can see that for all the hard work that is in front of us, that we are going to get there together. I have seen the promised land. These may just be the ravings of an enlightened mad man. But we live in a lonely society. Someone needs to speak for the children until they can take responsibility for all the little children yet to come. And as this is a love letter to the future I believe it is necessary for me to brave the hostility of a faithless society. Many will claim to speak for God, but I say, "where is the love?" "Love Is Where We Find It."

Who Hears God's Prayers?

                         I would like to thank all of my new readers, Isn't technology grand.

                         When You Click on the Flower Icon at the Bottom of the Archive List Accessing My Profile, You'll Get to My Designer Math Graphics.

                         I know asking these questions is going to invite skeptics from both sides of the debate. I'm writing a book in a blog that is about the application of the Para Psychological Method. I'm of necessity modernizing. I keep looking to the prevalent industries of computer technology like I read the oracle. Unlike the concise games modeling of a versatile medium like the I Ching or the general applicability of the Tarot or Astrology, modern technology is a buyers game. Whereas the ancient oracles are often misapplied, most people are not as critical of the technological mass marketeer. I love what can be done when we can do it. But the industry is far more competitive and arbitrary than any competent psychic would care to confront. But let's look at the question. Who Hears God's Prayers?

                         I would be an idiot to pretend I could speak for God, (I don't even believe in a personal god.) But I will say this, "I believe in respecting peoples faith." And if I could speak for God, I would call on the voice of the little child who doesn't get to go out to play any more. I'ld call on the parents who don't have the time to help their children grow. I'ld say we need to look at the dialog that has broken down between people. I'ld say we need to forgive ourselves for letting others control the dialog, only when we forgive ourselves will we take responsibility for the future we deny.

                        Who Hears God's Prayers? Why do people come to us readers? I'll tell you. People are told not just what to read, but we are also told how we are supposed to read. I'm afraid that the interpretation is still up for debate. Has the computer replaced books? I hope not. Has science replaced religion? I find that laughable. People have good cause to rebel against the abuse of power, but we must not replace one culture of corruption with another worse one.

                        I will continue to add purely technical information about psychic reading with my own peculiar modern bent. But I will also keep adding these narrative essays on what it means to by an ethical and thoroughly modern psychic. No gimmicks. Honest.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Who Will Dry God's Tears?

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                         Hello There.  I'm only Posing this seemingly silly question because being able to predict the future is absurd, especially if your good at it. Now talk amongst yourselves. I have so much to say but were God to talk to me I would say I never met him. I would mind my own business. I would have to have laundry sent out because when God cries it's an awful mess, and the only God sized hankies I would have are at least the size of bed sheets. Everyone is always talking to God, asking for that and this, saying "Hear me Lord."

                          But Who Will Dry God's Tears? Any Volunteers?

Transitional Relations

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                     The last post must have seemed out of context, as a professional psychic you will have to think on your toes without the comfort of a net. The "secret bond" is in fact a transitional relation and is therefore generally temporary. "There is no love greater than a love that is never meant to be." Rebound affairs, buddy love, trips to Paris (or Vegas if you are a guy.) These relations are a measure of our capacity to love without expectation or attachment. People will want you to search the stars for their one true love. What they don't want to hear is that "Love" is where you find it. Wow. No wonder I stopped taking money.

                     As I ultimately will want links to all of the pertinent information to be handy, I'll be making references to some of my pages routinely. My work has simple symmetries. This next repost is "Growing into a New History, THE NEXT CORE DOCUMENTATION." It shows the systematic ordering of information in a "Circular Timeline." This is where eastern philosophy meets western style systems analysis.

                     I am going to re-repost this page from back on Thursday, July 4, 2013 

Here's Another Wheel of Life Model:

                                                         2.  Monogamy / Marriage
                                 1.  Childhood Abstinence  ^ ~X~ V  3. Post Monogamy / Promiscuity
                                                         4.  Emotional Affairs / Transitional Relationships

                            Let's look at another one of my models. "Circular Maturation." When we are children we are sexually pure. We were all tops, starting on the wheel of life the first "Ideal" prepares us for the assent into "Marriage." Ideally from virgins we are sanctified for becoming uncorrupted "Parents." Anything past a personal history of monogamy implies an adultery, a non-monogamy. I know this sounds like B.S. but bear with me just a little longer. From the top of the wheel we turn again downward. We mature to an almost inevitable state of non-monogamy. Maturation can always be seen as a decline into a lower energy state. Post marital divorce almost always precedes 2nd marriages, however now days most of us lost our virginity before marriage. <Promiscuity is by definition any sexual contact with more than one other person.> This obviously can't be the end. We reach the bottom of the cycle only prepared to take on a new beginning with the ability to "love" many people emotionally, even without attachment. Maturation does seem to involve new capacities for a "love " that can again be pure, and it is generally not sexual. Unlike a supposed "one " true love, Emotional Affairs are almost always transitional in nature. Many of the most profound love relations are of this purely friend type.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Secret Bond

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                    These brief posts are intuitive arts and games. Everyone wants recognition. (Fourth axiomatic law of the para psychological method; "#4. Everyone needs love" Thursday, Apr. 25th, 2013. Hence we devise elaborate means to get to know each other. The spiritual technologies we have been reading are like magic decoder rings to our clients. Analogous models for human behavior and variability help us to manipulate data. Randomness and chance are at the core of psychic reading. Pick a card. Spin the wheel. It's a great game. Some of the different models for analyzing data about people are more specific than others. Chinese Diagnostic (Inductive) Medicine is very hands on. But in this sense, it is the only model we've discussed so far that isn't divination. When I can identify unique identifying features about someone that person feels recognized.
                     I would like to speak again on the problem of transferences. When you have a sense of trust it's like place of safety. Just being a soothsayer is enough to get people to trust you. I believe I am getting rid of clients by dropping my prices. I'm expected to buy my own hype. When my work involves touching a person and reading them like a book, pun intended, people often feel validated. We crave a certain amount of security. The feelings of familiarity can be comforting. This is often confused with love.

                     My teacher said, "The secret bond is the most sacred bond of all." "The secret bond creates a place where it is safe to talk?" He was able to tell me all about his trouble and all the horrible things that were going to happen to him. And everything he said has come true.

                     People try to tell me what I should think about love, but that's just cause I'm sensitive. If I was more of a man's man I'ld probable not have to worry about people sucking me dry. My problem. But I still basically love people and I don't want to get attached. Let's see how long I can keep telling myself, "I just want to be left alone."

                     Loners need love too. Pretty people need love. Silly people, "#4. Everyone needs love" Thursday, Apr. 25th, 2013. How do we love each other? We face each other. How much easier it is to face each other when we are relaxed? When we feel safe? The allure of unexpected opportunity, "New Flesh." The power of maturity and conviction, "Old Wisdom." When do we feel safe? And with whom? What are the rules? How will I know if I really love you and am not just throwing myself away? These are not rhetorical questions. Many of you readers will have a strong sense of your own values and principles. I too have the power of my own convictions. But I am not immune. I don't know if any of you will be able to make use of the "Johnson Method." But if you can handle the stress of feeling for people, the payoffs are varied and inconsistent. I love to be loved, but I don't need to be liked.

                    Marriage is it's own reward, with the good and bad. But it is a tradition, potentially beautiful. But the need for purity, the right to be uncontaminated is a big responsibility. Even marriage is a contract with emotional currency. Being obliged to be familiar with personal, emotional and sexual awareness makes intimacy a challenge for everyone.

                    Supposedly Emotional affairs are sometimes very healthy. They can be awkward. But I would say, that a truly open honest "secret bond" can be very meaningful. But ulterior agendas and hidden motivations are symptoms of one sidedness, often leading to disaster. The "bond" is supposed to be mutual.

                    Up to this time, my sketchy reports on the use of oracles makes fortune telling look too easy. However as a conscientious professional I want to provide a quality service. I try to avoid checking to see how clients are receiving me. But people do want to be recognized and this is often confused with something spiritual. The secret bond (private affairs) are more often the result of personal hardships than just familiarity alone. People can think they know you and still trigger your emotional alarms. The secret to the secret bond is the safety to talk freely without fear. You have to be free to decide for yourself.

Dividing the Circle

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                    As we have been attempting to explore the rudiments of divination we have come to see the partitioning of data. These analysis have been identified by analogy to such Meta Forms as: Up, Down / Right, Left / Backward, Forward / Inside, Outside / Speeding Up, Slowing Down / Rising, Falling / Shedding Light, Casting Shadow. All of these divisions and changes of position have their opposite. Add them together and we have a kind of universal language. We will find these concepts in all cultures.

                    Going together and coming apart, these subjects all are reflections in pairs and are all part of the greater "UNITY." (Elementary Taoism 101) There is no better metaphor for the soul than to think of the self as a unity.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Astrology, Another Rose Window

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  I just upgraded my blog to Google Plus. Apologies to every new reader. This has been a work in progress and many of the readers following this blog have been reading this blog since I first wrote out a Table of Contents, back in April. I hope this will be interesting for all you new readers as well. Welcome. If you like, take a little time to look at the graphics. Thanx for showing your interests.

                    I'm writing this page as an appendix to the previous essay on astrology. I'm going to outline the symmetry and geometry of the analysis of the Planetary attributes as they are aspected by their positions in the various houses. I mostly want to show the way that possible interpretations are organized by elements, (with four triangles) and descriptive energies, (and three squares). It forms a lovely star pattern, Mandala.
                    Four Elements:
                                            FIRE                Aries                Leo                Sagittarius
                                            EARTH           Taurus             Virgo             Capricorn
                                            AIR                  Gemini            Libra              Aquarius
                                            WATER          Cancer             Scorpio          Pisces

                    Three Energies:
                                            CARDINAL   Aries                Cancer           Libra          Capricorn
                                            FIXED            Taurus              Leo                Scorpio      Aquarius
                                            MUTABLE    Gemini             Virgo             Sagittarius  Pisces  

                   This is a beautiful example of the ancient Meta Formally Logical partitioning of data. This consistent practice of dividing the days and years, the hours, minute, seconds by degree into uniform measurements of time is seen in all of the early calendars. Coming to the measuring of days and hours and years on the circling heavens made it possible for us to see order in time, in the cosmos as well as here in our daily lives. This "Symmetrical Coalescence" of the "Enumerate Partitions" of space and time were the origins for both our math and mythologies. Circular time, inclusive language.
                 My first You Tube Movie,

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Astrology, A Rose Window

                         I had an astronomy teacher who argued that the ancient Babylonians should have divided the circle and the heavens by factors of ten. Intellectual hubris. He knew nothing about number theory much less symmetry. I had intended that most of this academic stuff was going to end up in an appendix along with the pure math. But the story needs a villain, and nothing makes a better antagonist than a misinformed tyrant.

                         Besides college, I went to "The Mercury Academy." I was able to take classes in Palmistry, Astrology and Ceremonial Magic. (Hogworts had nothing on us.) Maestro explained that the Babylonians did astrological charts for every birth in the kingdom as a sort of census. Astronomical observation has it's origins in many cultures. But the resultant use of the uniform divisions of time and space we owe to the early Bronze Age Babylonians; Twelve months / Signs / Hours (Solar), Seven days / Week (Lunar?), Sixty Minutes / Seconds, Three hundred and sixty degrees / Full Rotation of a Circle.

                         But when they observed that, "People born at the same time, in the same place, Had extremely similar palms along with both the fine line and deep line markings. Resultantly, there was no need to do everyones chart, they invented the ephemeris. They took clay hand print tablets for each birth in the Kingdom, which are still being dug up in the ancient capitals of Bagdad and Ur. The corresponding dates and data were marked onto the moist clay using the Cuneiform script of the early history.

                         I'm going to put my own work on the elegance of these accepted demarcations of directionality and time in the appendix as I'll need to use extensive tables of numbering systems to be able to explain why any other approach would have been irrational. I will say that the resultant math has yet to be replaced by anything other than "RADIANS." (Trigonometry anyone?)

                         The interpretive medium of astrology is an oracle. But popular superstition has inclined people to want to think that it is actually an objective medium. Carl Jung writes the preface for "The Book of Changes," {Wilhelm / Barnes translation}, Where he speaks on "SYNCHRONICITY." He asserts, there doesn't have to be any causal link connecting the positions of the planets and human events. The "Coincidence," is one of meaning. The acausal significance of signs and symbols are what has meaning. If you look at the statistics and games theory of astrology the randomizing effects of astrological mapping provide data, Enumerative Partitioned and Symmetrically Coalesced.

                          As often as a good or bad omen can correspond to what the stars might say, Fatalistic Determinism is a total cop out. Many, (most, ) psychics hate my guts. I don't play by the unspoken rules of bias and presumption. But I think it is still one of the best parlor games, and I think if you can appreciate the metaphor then it does make intuitive sense. We are entering the season of DEATH. Halloween is ruled by Saturn, father time, the grim reaper, the big bummer. In the Easter we worship the spring of the rising light, etc. Good solid metaphors, worth the learning just for understandings sake. Personally I'm not as offended by the casual believers as much as by the arrogance of the intellectually constipated people on both sides of the popular prejudices.

                          Anyways, by dividing up the circle uniformly by the most simple symmetries (Enumerate Partition / Symmetrical Coalescence,) the Babylonians brought us a map. A beautiful Mandala, the early model of the world and the universe are still running perfectly. This house of God has a window to the stars. A Rose Window.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Primitive Recursion in the Language of Bias and Gender

                         In this page we will be looking at the language of the boundary definitions of gender and polarity.

                         I will try to outline the contrasts between popular prejudice and esoteric philosophy. This will include; Tantric practices, Taoist sexual medicine and religious traditions.

                         Let us start with "Tantra," which means literally to stretch, like a net or a fabric. Although the history and detailed practices are diverse and highly varied, one essential is the dynamics of spiritual sexuality. It is believed that it is the woman who is the "Objective" member of the dyad. The male is the subjective participant only. This seems particularly ironic in the face of gender bias and the pretense of masculine objectivity. Female intelligence is rooted in objective reality. Lunar cycles, female bonding, practical necessities, child bearing, and superior linguistics. All of this is the domain of female intelligence. As men, we are like little children in the worship of the Great Mother. In the rituals of Tantra, we all will choose to cultivate awareness. It is the man who is drone.

                         As in Taoism, the female is the ground, the earth, the receptive waters from which a man is born, nourished and interdependent. In Taoism, any denial of this spiritual fact is seen as tragic. Man's unwillingness to revere and regard female potency, will cause him suffering. The male power of creativity and influence is that external independent directive of responsibility. It is said that as a woman's place is in the home and with the family, so is it the responsibility of a man to follow what are his duties, even when it leads him away from the home. Obviously our society has changed, and generalizations are less often used to define gender boundaries (hopefully). But we are still confronted with our true differences. This "Polarity", this opposition "Bias," is still our most fertile ground for understanding instinctual and intuitive awareness. Empathy may only provide me with a "subjective," second hand awareness of what a woman may feel. But almost any man can tell you, that they want to know, "What do women want?"

                         In mystical Judaism, the woman is compared to the divine law, (Torah) given by God to Moses for the survival of the children of Israel. This linking is expressed by the sacred convention of marriage. A man is to learn from woman. Ironically, Judaism is not free of misogyny. But the monotheistic religions do not have an exclusive claim to the exploitation of woman either. Original sin, is often blamed on Eve. But also in the East, it is the woman that is Maya, illusion, attachment to the world and the cause of all suffering. Look, women aren't harmless, but as a gender they have never done anything to be demonized as the source of all evil. Come on guys, you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to see women wearing bags over their heads, but it's been imposed on women for millennium, long before monotheism came on the scene. (Ancient Athens in the time of Pericles, women were not to by out at night unless covered from head to toe, carried on a sedan chair.) And even if it is today seen as a modesty, covering yourself up isn't what makes a person more modest. It makes people even more dangerous. It has been my female friends that have confronted me about my exhibitionism, my insensitive indulgence in wanting to display my freakishly beautiful middle aged body. Knowing what women want from me is very liberating, and I'm proud of them for telling me the truth to my face. I would know nothing about sexual medicine were it not for female intelligence. I find it strange that a man could think that they learned nothing from women. Sex is just the dangling pendant of each of us, the complete human. And yet it defines so much of what we are, of how we are different from each other, of what we need to learn from each other. Our instincts and intuitions are designed to experience living with all of it's contradictions.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Solve et Coagula

                         Solve et Coagula is Latin for; to take apart and to put back together again. It is a famous alchemical formula. I use it here to highlight the complementary rational functions of the Meta Formally Logical processes, ENUMERATE PARTITION and SYMMETRICAL COALESCENCE. {Apr. 11th, 2013}  We are blessed with these two very complementary complex conjugates for intelligence. [Left Brain / Verbal / Deductive / Nominative / Particular] * [Right Brain / Non Verbal / Inductive / Cumulative / Gestalt] They work in seemingly dissimilar ways.

                        We will be looking at neuroanatomy, aesthetics and philosophy as we plumb the origins of human consciousness. The popular modern arguments tend to suggest that sentience is the exclusive domain of humans and language. "In the beginning there was the word." I, however, will be exploring the kinds of intelligences that are non verbal. And I would like to offer that maybe self awareness is not the same thing as linguistic self referencing. Were we to say that sentience is a purely rational process, then we could assert that the primacy of language is for identifying and indexing the ordering principles of self awareness. But if my research is correct, we may not be able to exclude the intuitive mind from this phenomena called self awareness or sentience. And I intend to demonstrate that the basic ordering principles of language and intelligence derived originally from aesthetics. Does the love of beauty not rise to consciousness until it is named? Or does our awareness emerge from somewhere much deeper, much earlier. Language maybe thought of as a very singularly human behavior. Or at least that's what many believe.

                         I feel these questions become most pertinent when we debate the intuitive. Because intuition is an inductive reasoning process it is either right or wrong. But as I have already said, intuitions are perfect for distinguishing that which is not yet known. There is a kind of unease we feel in the face of so much awe and uncertainty. I call it, "INTUITIVE APPREHENSION." Is not life amazing, all by itself? But how much more amazing is this awareness, with which we witness life? Let's take it apart and put it back together again.

                         In the same way people have asked; "What created God?" Or "Was there anything before the Big Bang?" And "Where did consciousness come from?" The first two questions I leave to theologians and astrophysicists. The third is an easier one to define because it maybe an emergent phenomena. If we can identify origins for language we are in the right area. If we look into human history, at the point we predate writing we call this "Prehistory." There are many oral traditions that predate written history.

                         There is a beautiful mythical beast called the "Worm Ouroboros." Like the snake that swallows it's own tail consumes its self, it is not unlike that mystery of this thing we call self. Self consuming, self sustaining, self destroying, sounds like consciousness. My teacher once said, "There are no higher or lower levels of awareness, there is only awareness." And we have that mysterious quotation from the Upanishads, "The self is ubiquitous." Awareness is a phenomena that defines itself, only exists within itself and has no limit other than itself. (Yawn!) This isn't helping.

                          Let's look outside our own language of human definitions. I'll try to answer each of these questions.
                          Do Dolphins, Elephants, Apes, Dogs, etc, have an actual language and or do they communicate without semantics? (Granted that formal semantics do involve the unit objects; Right, Left, Up, Down, Forward, Backward, Before, After, Inside, Outside.) Our perceptual ordinations are this meta formally logical extension of these simplest of all of the namable divisions in space and time. Bees use a little dance. They take instructions and give instructions to other Bees using directions and distance by the number of their waggles.

                          Do we define these people as being sentient and self aware; Autistics, Developmental Challenged, Narcissists, Ignorant, and so on? And if they are sentient and self aware, to what degree? Question is, how do we understand this actual awareness of self outside of the acquisition of language? Can we say that someone who has limited perceptions is less self aware?

                         Do we only experience remembering our earliest childhoods through the language and words we use to construct and retrieve memory? I don't even know if I'm asking this question in the right way. Can we experience remembering things before we have had the language to identify what we are recalling? Understanding can drive a clear path into and through memory, but the mind still wanders, (We forget. We can forget what we have remembered. If I know enough to look, I often can remember almost anything, but that seems to have been learned. I've always remembered subjective self awareness from very early infancy. Bottle feedings, diapers, the basinet, those little bathes in the sink.) What we remember is both intentional and unintentional. Do I remember all of this stuff only because I had read about remembering to remember it? Could I remember to remember without language? I may never know.

                        As we are getting to the evidentiary part of this exercise, we will be looking at the self contradictory nature of both self awareness and it's awkward language.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Checklists for Handwriting Analysis

                         Checklists for handwriting analysis are some of the most non finite of all the esoteric diagnostics. And yet because of the almost infinite combinations of all the systems of interpretation, the different characterizations for each letter are all too easy to forget. Hence, we need the intuitive eye. We have a descriptive language for many of the more general contrasting styles, but most of the individual attributions for each character have been forgotten. Let my start by saying that here in the United States, our Constitution was written in cursive by Thomas Jefferson. He had great penmanship. It has taken most of my life to learn to write legibly.

                         There was this practice of the attributions of signs, called the "Law of Signatures," This was done for the sake of expedience. This entailed corresponding identifying features with their associated similar objects. Metaphorically; She's a peach, He's a jerk, Or, we are stuck in a rut. We see this practice in mnemonics, (memorization). The "Law of Signatures" however was generally used to give names and attributions to herbs. Liverwort; Hepatica. Mandrake; Mandragora. We have also seen this practice applied to Palmistry; The Mystic Cross, a central intersection crossing the rising fate line with the transverse simian line, (Dominant Raja marking, {FIRE / ACTIVE}, it is not necessarily an indication of mysticism.) Jacob's Ladder, a series of lines extending across the Jupiter mound in succession from the upper mound of Mars toward the Saturn, Sun and Mercury fingers (supposedly indicative of an aspiring nature and social confidence).

                          Somewhat regrettably, this kind of interpretation by analogy has dominated the practice of handwriting analysis as well as many other unconnected popular superstitions. Let's look at a checklist for common interpretations and this will become obvious.
                          Line Quality:
                                               Fine and sensitive     or     Thick and heavy handed
                                               Stylish and ornamental     or     Blockish and architectural
                                               Rhythmic and coordinated     or     Dynamic and unordered
                                               Linear and connected     or     Aerated and spaced out
                                               Smooth and nerve steady     or     Jagged and jittery
                                               Rounded      or     Angular
                                               Flattened horizontally(Stringing), Secretive or Vertically, Narrow mind
                                               Rightward / Extrovert / Impulsive
                                               Vertical / Ambivert / Even Tempered
                                               Leftward / Introvert / Restrained
                                               Alternately Rightward and then Leftward / Chameleon / Unpredictable
                                               Flat on the baseline, grounded and self supporting
                                               Below the baseline, depressed
                                               Above the baseline, spirited and ungrounded
                                               Wandering baseline, moody and not self supporting, thieving
                                               Writing upwardly toward upper right hand corner, Cheerful enthusiasm
                                               Downwardly toward the lower corner, Bumming out, Hitting bottom?
                                               Ascending and descending loops overlapping above or below other lines of writing; Connotes confusion, (Overlapping crowded writing looks confused.)

                                               Small, good concentration, pedantic, controled
                                               Large, drive, untaught
                                               No capitals or punctuation, no sense of self
                                               All capitals, chivalrous
                                               Margin to margin, pragmatic
                                               Few words to a page, idealistic
                                               Crowds the page, utilitarian
                                               Few words to a page, Want words to have emphasis
                                               Everything clinging to the left side, Has difficulty finishing
                                               Writing up to the right edge, finishes hard
                                               Writes down the right side of the page when coming to the edge instead of just starting another line, Conquerer! (That's Me! {I am Napoleon!})

                         As with any diagnostic It is advisable to not get bogged down in assumptions. People often have reasons for their quirks. Sometimes a flourish is just a flourish.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ergonomics Physiognomy and Biometrics

                         Today we will be looking at why organizing your data is at the core of Intuition. When we are looking at something as varied as people, rational analysis alone is just too slow. One of these most crucial forms of data analysis is statistics. Yet even as we are asked to follow well established procedures, we are often asked to make decisions.  These choices can very much effect the outcomes. We use multi variate statistics and the calculus of variation to compare and correlate distributions of variabilities.
                         1. Ergonomics: Do your clothes or furniture fit you?
                         2. Physiognomy: Have you ever seen your nose on someone else before?
                         3. Biometrics: Can your signature change so much as that your checks could be refused at your bank?
                         Probably no, Definitely no if look close enough, and Hopefully no not ever because for one thing no one looks at signatures anymore, in that order.

                         We have normative means or averages that usually are the most prevalent of the possible difference in say; 1. Our body size or shape, 2. Our distinguishing recognizable facial features, and 3. Our identifiable signatures.

                         In the "Normal" distribution, the average, or mean is usually thought of as that peak of the "Bell Curve." I prefer to think of that hump of normalcy, as the "slump" of predictability. As a sort of inescapable pit into which data, expectation and hopes fall in, never to be heard from or seen again. Marketing is often focused at optimization of market share. This means; if you are too big or too small, too pretty or too plain, or too neat or too messy, you are skewing the data. And you are going to be ignored as you are not an appreciable target consumer. You may be noticed as the exception however (Outlier), but only in terms of "Deviance."

                          Case in point, the algorithms that are designed to perform key word searches on my blog do nothing to identify the breadth of the issues and diverse subjects I use. Imagine searching for something as diverse as the kinds of non finite multi variate statistics I'm using everyday in my work as a psychic (Hands, Writing, Faces Voices, etc), as a massage therapists (Skin Tone, Muscle Density, Organ Placement, Subject Sensitivity Thresholds, etc), or as a profiler examining hand written job applications. I can assure you no man is going to be able to design a software code that is going to be able to keep up with this ever expanding wealth of knowledge, much less that ever widening "VOID Of CONTENT" that our preverbal intelligence is uncomfortably confronted with every day. Computers may store and process, but do they understand the choices we make to search for data. Not yet, Maybe not ever. Intuition as of now, is still at the core of even this, our fortunate lust for data.

                         I would like to reiterate to my brave readers, that as of yet I've heard of no other person who is successfully bridging the esoteric directly with science as an evolving history, at least not at the scope and the scale of these documents. And again thank you so much for your "Supervision."

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ack, A Ghost

                         Damn, I saw a ghost in my apartment. I'm going to have to put out traps. I don't want to have to go on anti seizure medication again. I thought I closed that door a long time ago. I'm supposed to be rational. I don't believe in ghosts any more than I believe in remote viewing or traveling faster than the speed of light. Ouch! I left the door open to let the air flow through and I turn around and the guy tries to head back out of the door before I see him. Look, I'm used to seeing the ancestors hanging around people. And my own relatives keep coming around and share my dream houses with me as if they never left. They rarely ever say anything. But damn. In my own home. When I'm awake. Damn.

                         As an Echo Imprint, this guy is just as distinctive to me as anyone I know. I think I know him. I didn't see him out of the corner of my eye, I saw him straight on. I think I remember him being a pleasant sort. I like to humble brag about why I'm never alone. But now that I've adjusted to the fact mom was right, I admit I'm trying to explain the unexplainable. He seemed pleasant enough, If I'm going to be seeing ghosts in my home I should appreciate that they don't want to be a bother.

                         Spiritualist will ask me if the souls I'm seeing are the dead who have yet to "Pass Over." I don't know and I don't care. I'm not sure that I'm not just having another temporal lobe seizure. I have been having the headaches again, I just have to cut back on the herbs and the protein, and I do feel a lot better. I seem to be in control. But I have been able to bliss out. I believe that the world is embracing me for the love and the dedication I'm am showing in my life, friendships and work. But time falls apart. I think I am somewhere in the future reporting back what is happening in the world. But then I realize I have been asleep and that none of this has happened yet. I don't know where this is going but I've already been there. It's how I've always known that we will get there and that the world wasn't going to come to an end. It hasn't.