Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Secret Bond

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                    These brief posts are intuitive arts and games. Everyone wants recognition. (Fourth axiomatic law of the para psychological method; "#4. Everyone needs love" Thursday, Apr. 25th, 2013. Hence we devise elaborate means to get to know each other. The spiritual technologies we have been reading are like magic decoder rings to our clients. Analogous models for human behavior and variability help us to manipulate data. Randomness and chance are at the core of psychic reading. Pick a card. Spin the wheel. It's a great game. Some of the different models for analyzing data about people are more specific than others. Chinese Diagnostic (Inductive) Medicine is very hands on. But in this sense, it is the only model we've discussed so far that isn't divination. When I can identify unique identifying features about someone that person feels recognized.
                     I would like to speak again on the problem of transferences. When you have a sense of trust it's like place of safety. Just being a soothsayer is enough to get people to trust you. I believe I am getting rid of clients by dropping my prices. I'm expected to buy my own hype. When my work involves touching a person and reading them like a book, pun intended, people often feel validated. We crave a certain amount of security. The feelings of familiarity can be comforting. This is often confused with love.

                     My teacher said, "The secret bond is the most sacred bond of all." "The secret bond creates a place where it is safe to talk?" He was able to tell me all about his trouble and all the horrible things that were going to happen to him. And everything he said has come true.

                     People try to tell me what I should think about love, but that's just cause I'm sensitive. If I was more of a man's man I'ld probable not have to worry about people sucking me dry. My problem. But I still basically love people and I don't want to get attached. Let's see how long I can keep telling myself, "I just want to be left alone."

                     Loners need love too. Pretty people need love. Silly people, "#4. Everyone needs love" Thursday, Apr. 25th, 2013. How do we love each other? We face each other. How much easier it is to face each other when we are relaxed? When we feel safe? The allure of unexpected opportunity, "New Flesh." The power of maturity and conviction, "Old Wisdom." When do we feel safe? And with whom? What are the rules? How will I know if I really love you and am not just throwing myself away? These are not rhetorical questions. Many of you readers will have a strong sense of your own values and principles. I too have the power of my own convictions. But I am not immune. I don't know if any of you will be able to make use of the "Johnson Method." But if you can handle the stress of feeling for people, the payoffs are varied and inconsistent. I love to be loved, but I don't need to be liked.

                    Marriage is it's own reward, with the good and bad. But it is a tradition, potentially beautiful. But the need for purity, the right to be uncontaminated is a big responsibility. Even marriage is a contract with emotional currency. Being obliged to be familiar with personal, emotional and sexual awareness makes intimacy a challenge for everyone.

                    Supposedly Emotional affairs are sometimes very healthy. They can be awkward. But I would say, that a truly open honest "secret bond" can be very meaningful. But ulterior agendas and hidden motivations are symptoms of one sidedness, often leading to disaster. The "bond" is supposed to be mutual.

                    Up to this time, my sketchy reports on the use of oracles makes fortune telling look too easy. However as a conscientious professional I want to provide a quality service. I try to avoid checking to see how clients are receiving me. But people do want to be recognized and this is often confused with something spiritual. The secret bond (private affairs) are more often the result of personal hardships than just familiarity alone. People can think they know you and still trigger your emotional alarms. The secret to the secret bond is the safety to talk freely without fear. You have to be free to decide for yourself.