Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What the Code?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Is The Code? Finding the CODING DENSITY THRESHOLD

                   A systematic analysis of Symbolic Languages, be they mathematics or lyrical poetry, demands that we decompress the pressureless dust, (This term is borrowed from astrophysics to describe the infinitely dense, infinitely massive pointless matter singularity at the Big Bang.) Like a Big Bang, the amount of information available to be studied and processed is infinite. An accurate multi variate statistical analysis, (Relative to say just one subject like languages,) is one of the most cumbersome forms of Calculus possible. Indexing a directory of important usable vocabularies (data profiling systems) is endless, especially now with code. Now that we have the processing capacities of computers, we can catch up with the naming of different terms we use to describe our unique perceptions. Resultantly, we are seeing an exploding revolution in personal and utilitarian languages. Identifying with the social boundaries that define language exclusivity is generating innumerable elite subcultures. "What Is The Code?"

                   Because almost all of my work in Intuitive Diagnostics is directly derived from diverse irreplaceable cultural histories, I am confronting interpersonal language barriers directly. We also get to see the constant advance of a largely expanding computer language code, and yet the Coding Density Threshold of human interaction and sensitivity is almost ignored. Our modern short attentions and technological creep, feeds this dangerous fracturing of languages. Preferred styles of communication and colloquial tribal language etiquette is often considered law within these exclusively elite sub cultures.

                   I have often been accused of exploiting peoples biases by talking highly partisan "New Age" B. S. By measuring the relative vagueness or over generality of my "readings," I find I have a relatively esoteric High Coding Density for my language. This is why I largely prefer reading for skeptics. People with strong opinions, although we are often just being intellectually constipated, are just as often very shrewd and discriminating. This is why I promote "Complementarity." Understanding the complex language subtleties of just one of these diagnostic methods, like "Chinese Medicine," does not translate easily. My beautifully dynamic system of diagnostics, which incorporates ergonomics, biometrics, physiognomy and my system of Social Recursion Modeling for identifying self defining mutual distinctiveness as our individual exclusive boundaries, most people wont understand. I may as well be speaking Greek.

                  I have sited for instance, the "Mutually Conflicting Virtues" of things like, OVER DEPENDABILITY as opposed to UNEXPRESSED EXPECTATIONS. Contrast this with the "Necessary Vices" of BASELESS OPTIMISM and RATIONAL PESSIMISM. Whether I am right or not, these models are as just Meta Formal Logic. I define a norm relative to a linguistic polarity. The unity is subject to Enumerative Partition, (by two.) The domain of these polarized natural extremes of human diversity is then Symmetrically Coalesced to redefine variability. Get it? I didn't think so.

                  Let me see if I can make this any simpler. I have managed to directly hit the Coding Density Ceiling. My work in applied esoteric diagnostics has "Split the Opinion Bias." (Point Counterpoint) Popular opinions on these soft (spiritual) technologies are changing. And the change is in our language. What was once esoteric has now become colloquial. Code is probably just a word for any new language. To some of us, "Code is Poetry."

                  Thank you. You have been very helpful.

The "South Park" Effect

                   Here in the States, we had a cartoon series called "South Park" with foul mouth pre teens leading our nation in the direction of a rational social criticism. Lampooning the likes of Barbara Streisand, Phil Collins, and "The Biggest Douche Bag in the Universe," JOHN EDWARDS. Utterly inexcusably phony psychic, JOHN EDWARDS. I hate him too. People like him ruin it for everyone. But without these little brats from "South Park" I might have been able to resuscitate my career as a psychic without the humiliation of having every younger Gen "X" male jumping down my throat. In the program, little Eric Cartman tries to prove he is psychic and of course is shown up by his other little friend who argues Psychics are all just cold reading by making overly general statements and then just watching for the reactions. It is very true that most so called psychics are really goofy and often arrogant.

                   But after watching this popular cartoon, if you had known nothing about psychics, you would now have more than enough ammunition to dog pile onto anyone who ever tried to be a psychic. Don't misunderstand, at the end of the cartoon John Edwards get abducted by aliens to be judged in "The Biggest Douche Bag of the Universe Contest," and wins. I concur. But it does bring us back to this most important point of departure which is, "We are all cold reading each other all the time anyways." And that's not what I'm doing.

                  I can thank "The South Park Effect" for helping to inoculate society against the abuses of bad phony psychics. (Odd, I'm grateful to a cheesy adult cartoon.)

                  One of my readers has now successfully managed to get through to me, and he is the first. Without asking any questions he's mentioned "Starting" to understand what I'm writing about. I accept the criticism, and I accept the challenge. These super smart readers don't care at all for psychics, this is perfect. I feel like I should post it on my web site, "All True Believers Are Verboten." And "Skeptics Only Need Apply."

                  Beings as this blog is designed as a literary experiment, my goal has been to crash the "CRITICAL MASS CEILING," by writing the best explanation possible for a Para Psychological Methodology." This has entailed accurate documentation of histories and analytical modeling. As I know the vast majority of my readers will never have had my background in classical literature, philosophy or math sciences, I must divine a "Neutral Language" with which to liberate this lost art form. I've got my work cut out for me, and I'm looking forward to the challenge. Stay tuned.

Monday, July 28, 2014

On Crystalline Matrices

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Crystalline Matrix

                   We will be looking again at the models of human diversity. Spectrums, distributions, gradients and displacements. There are many ways of mapping the variabilities of human diversity. We don't need a crystal ball or a star chart to count all the ways we are distinguishable. Most of the Socially Recursive varieties of personal differences are not always symmetrical: Man / Woman, Young / Old, Big / Small. And yet if we look at comparative distributions, we often will find a centered mean balanced by equal sides, just like Perceptual Orientations. Now of course any of these groupings can be skewed. But we all seek the balance of;
                  A. (Man to Woman) {Gender}
                  B.(Young to Old) {Successions in Time}
                  C.( Big to Small) {Scale}
And what is one extreme without the other. Polarity can come in many different ways. (Vectors in a Matrix)

                  There are different ways we can draw comparative analysis from the six diagnostic checklists we have been looking at;
                  1. Perceptual Ordination: Up / Down, Right / Left, Forward / Backward, etc.
                  2. Taoism and the I Ching:  Yang (Creative) / Yin (Receptive)
                  3. Chinese Medical Diagnostics: Empty / Full
                  4. Astrology: Rising / Descending
                  5. Kabbala and Tarot: Severity / Mercy (Sorry for my misuse of attributions.)
                  6.  Handwriting and Palmistry: Masculine / Feminine

                 Now of course we will be needing to look at much higher orders of dimension in our analytical space, but for now simple is the core of our shared meta formality. We can always further divide our areas of investigation. Yet we need not be intimidated by the simple elegance of traditional meta formal logic. We need only accept that it exists and that it has been at the core of language since the practice of all of the earliest oral traditions. We might say that the symmetry is "Local," in that we needn't bog down in infinities. The dynamics of the observable variabilities are defined by mutual exclusion. Up is not Down. Yang is not Yin. Empty is not Full and so on. As dualities are formed, these are bound by unity. These distinctions may seem trite in regards to much finer details of variability, but as we construct much more precise terms for analyzing variability, we will be glad we laid out accurate metrics for comparison. Hopefully, when we get to the rotational displacements of periodic behaviors in mass movements we may be able to make sensible predictions about individuals as well as for societies in transition.

                  As we have already seen much of these notations on "Social Valences," anticipate that the contraction of the corresponding gradient variabilities will negate and neutralize the countervailing indexing displacements. (A Lot of Data Is Redundant.) Simple language will make the more abstract mathematical language more understandable, hopefully. As always, wish me luck. I'm not quite done yet.

More On Every Dyad

                        The comparative modeling for each of the diagnostic and divination practices are getting quick treatment here.

                         I still believe that without the comprehensive overview of a practiced magician, it can all be a lot of B.S. I can always come back and fill in footnotes, checklists and matrices. And I do. Now is the time to link most of the core concepts, we proceed.

                         Linking Propositions:
                                            1. Each and every person has a distinctive identity. {Just like baby penguins on the beach, waiting to be recognized by their loving parents.}
                                            2. Each and every person you meet may create a unique impression inside of you. This subjective awareness of the distinctiveness of anyone, I have called; "The ECHO IMPRINT."
                                            3. This preverbal awareness includes; Visual Facial and Bodily Recognition, and the Awareness of Voice, Scent and much more.
                                            4. Each and everyone of us also has unique perceptions of others that are as distinctive as are our fingerprints, signatures and idiosyncrasies.
                                            5. Every "Echo Imprint" is the combination of other peoples distinctiveness as perceived, and your quirks. It is filtered and processed by you. You are unique.
                                            6. THEREFORE: Between any two people is a distinct and peculiar identity of that singular Dyad. Between any two people there can become a unique relation. (Don't wear it out.)

                                            We see this phenomena not only between family, friends and even enemies, even bonds between species have been known to show this deep personal preverbal intelligence.

                                            As I've suggested very early in this book, "Ghosts" if they do indeed exist, are obviously "Echo Imprints." As you develop "psychically," you will adapt to the awareness of these very real subjective sensitivities. You need not believe, in order to perceive.

Zenophilia; A Complementarian Movement

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Complementarity Movement

                   Tonight I'ld like to start by saying, "Hello" to any of my friends here in the U. S. who are actually reading my blog. If any of you are reading my blog, you are not saying much. I also left the comment boxes blocked on purpose, I'm deliberately trying to find out what it's like to appeal to an unknown audience without getting direct feedback. Thanks.

                   Complementarity is an idea that is able to promote itself. I think asking for everyone's opinion at this time would be confusing. Complementarity is an idea whose time has come. I provide working models for the study and application of the changing dynamics of personal and social opinions. These transforming social awarenesses are released into a receptive changing society. It'll happen without me.

                   I want to make this just like getting a "perfect reading," where the reader doesn't have to be there with you. I want to make this fun for you, just like having someone read to you in an entertaining way. We used to use tape recorders, to record the readings. Like with good music, when reading out loud we can become entranced. But if you like what you see then please pass this along. Thank you.

                   The kinds of real information I get to use to help identify you, is particularly accurate. By virtue of being derived from objective distinguishable markings, I can always show you what it is that I am trying to interpret. Done this well, almost everyone can learn to look for these characteristic distinctions between people. Having this broadest base of diagnostic resources, means that I get to show people things very directly. The touch therapy (massage) is an effective way for me to identify our real emotional boundaries. Understanding these emotional dimensions that shape a persons physical awareness, means I often get to experience things that are very unique. Recognizing people as unique is often very gratifying for me. I love that I've been trained to know how to relate to people as individuals.

                   Whenever we are dealing with anyone who is feeling defensive, a respectful diplomatic sensitivity is the best way to respond to peoples painful and often unintentional avoidances. Generally when I tell someone, I'm an entertainment medium, it's my way of letting people know I'm open. I care about what people think for the same reason I want to be aware of other people's feelings. I always try to pay attention to what other people may be feeling. I sometimes fail bad at reading people, but I do try to stay on topic, while allowing myself to enjoy peoples company. Were I to deceive myself, I would be a terrible fraud.

                   The place where we generally get hung up is with our interpretations. As individual humans we all have our preferred language. And there is so much unclaimed emotional baggage on both sides of a polarizing subject like Psychic Readers. How we interpret language is as distinctive as a fingerprint. And studying peoples individual distinctiveness, as a "Personal Intimacy," doesn't have to be confused with the New Age popular romance fantasies or narcissistic self absorption.

                   I have a job that demands that I be able to understand and appreciate the value of different people and their sometimes conflicting expectations. I propose that there in essence is a "Complementarian Movement" already in popular culture. Accept that there is no such thing as a "Complementarian." Yet.

Dynamics of the Modular Self

                   If you ever get the chance to read such pivotal works as "The Book of Thoth" by, yes Aliester Crowley, or "The Great Mother" by Erich Neumann, you get an overview on what I call "Models of a Modular Self." The "Enumerate Partitioning" of the "Unity of Self" is "Symmetrically Coalesced" making for an analysis by analogy. Unit point to unit line, unit circle to unit sphere, we are all each a universe, a totality which is dually mapped back on to each and every one of us.

                  In my pursuit of 21st Century technology, I revel in the rich environment for comparisons between the processes of computing, and human awareness. The sentimental anthropomorphic of objects like God or of like, "I like to call my car Betty," to me seems silly. But the ways in which technology reflects our intelligence processes fascinates me. The real challenge for me is in decompiling what in fact may be "Context free language." We look to the primary order of language as being driven by culture. And yet, if we go back to the most essential origins of language we come to the emergence of syntax. How we use language, and why. There is a uniform structure to how we seek to organize information. The same holds true for all layers of information, you just have to know how and where to look.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Joy of Dying

                   I feel guilty being the pro psychic. Talk to the dead, don't believe in afterlife. Remote viewing blind reader, making the future happen while others fight over scraps. Knowing truth can't tie my shoes. Beautiful at sixty, weird.

                  What is "Joy of Dying?" Immortality is just "The Art of Living Fiction." One of my favorite ghosts is my younger Brother who died "92." I fall asleep with the TV, he's watching too, Mom's in the next room. Even my atheist Dad is here with me. I don't forget. But that's just the start.

                  Visions possess my living will. Dreams too bright, love too deep, words too sweet to swallow. Everything falls to we who wait for only a right to share. Wealth is the accumulation of material cast offs, and all I get is this priceless immaterial. You can say I am a cartographer of the exterior calculus. Nothing that does not further.

                  I live with these nagging headaches, picking at my food, tasting smells, loving anyone, these agonizing ecstasies are nothing to brag about. Joy of living is the joy of dying. No one wants to die unless we are very sick or troubled, but occasionally we find the middle. Once a sense of meaning is derived, a resultant can be extracted. This memory recoil carries over into the next lives with vigor boosting life onto new beginnings and joy. Walls melt, people learn, and never a drop is spilled. Embrace the darkness, love the forgiven, we have been here a million times before.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Wonderful Accident; Reality Programming and Entertainment Mediums

                   The future of mass media has become interactive with the object of contemplation being the "Judgements" of a target audience. The standard is changing. I am a perfect example. Although I do not see myself as being that entertaining, I do perform a highly rarified function in our modern celebrity obsessed culture. I am an "Entertainment Medium." And resultantly, "I am the Art of Living Fiction." I am a "True Hoax." I am an "Urban Legend." Do I really exist or am I just another phony cold reader? I like to tell people I am a Professional Psychic, an Entertainment Medium. I never say that I am psychic. As a predictive medium I may be just another bullshit artist. Like a Doctor, or an Economist, or a Lawyer, I make educated guesses. Any of these artists usually works within a community of hopefully well educated authorities in their areas of expertise, but everyone knows about the folly of pretentious authority. Don't get me wrong, I'm not beating up on the wealthy or elite, I'm merely reiterating the "Predictably Inevitable Truth" of the "Second Axiomatic Law of the Para Psychological Method," "EVERYONE HAS BLIND SPOTS AND EVERYONE'S BLIND SPOTS ARE DIFFERENT." With the limited attention and interests that are of necessity hardwired into our brains, we may all be best advised to sometimes "Get a second opinion." (And a third, and sometimes even a fourth opinion when necessary.)

                     My analytical mapping systems allow me the privilege to take an active inventory of what it is that I don't already know. For anyone working in the Speculative Arts, (Educated Guessing is why we get paid the big bucks,) humility may be a very good thing. Being able to imagine what an answer may look like means that in order to prove my predictions correct, I will want to show my work. All ego aside, (mine died back in "75") our whole belief in freewill is dependent on taking personal responsibility. Yet we must all reach that point where we will need to be able to trust some one else. "Proxy Dependency" and "Authoritation by Proxy" is an inevitable consequence of facing uncertainties. (I so love how Blogger spell check likes to insist this word that I routinely use, "Authoritation" does not exist. Let's see how long that happens.) I observe the variability of these boundaries of "Authority" all the time. My work on "Styles of Approach and Evasion" reflects my attitudes about the dynamics of interpersonal boundary definitions, and the changing language of said authorities.

                     The Representative Authorities of the mass media are sometimes Carnival Barkers, and sometimes Good Shepherds. The standard is changing.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Story So Far "Our Shared Unknown"

                  I've been told that if I want to be read, I may want to appeal to the self destructive and stubborn in us all.  So, don't you dare read this unless you are stupid, foolish and easily misled. (I personally don't think this is going to work, but I'm willing to do almost anything to get people to cooperate with me.)

                   Let's talk about what we have already achieved. We have awareness. As readers we have the art of living fiction. I don't mean that we live fictitious lives, I mean that we tell stories that come true. When we say we are going to do something, it doesn't always mean that it's going to happen. We are committing to an action. When we approach an unknown, something happens. A story emerges. The unknown is a boundary. We are defined by boundaries. We tell stories about our boundaries. They almost always include people. We become aware of our personal and social boundaries by identification.

                    The story up to this point has been about cultivating the awareness and identification of boundaries. Social, personal, intellectual, physical boundaries. This is a literary experiment in language and documentation.

                    We have identified a type communication that is in fact influence. As we confront and define popular opinion biases, pro and con, we see that boundaries of opinion shift. This story is to help mark, and facilitate that moving shift of popular opinions.

                    Much to my surprise, I see very little work that is designed to help "Society" learn en mass. Most stories are oriented to preferentially biased markets. That's why I've insisted on not pandering to you my "Sacred Unknown Audience." I want you to all be different. If I do this right, the story takes effect without you even noticing. If this story is to become true it must be handled very delicately.

                    As your reader, I may even get to know if I've done my job correctly. You may be able to feel the gentle release from the overly familiar. There is always suspense that accompanies true learning. My job as a reader is to teach, not preach. I may even be able to teach you how to be a good reader. You are reading this story right now. And all I had to do was trust in your ability to recognize the truth when you see it, even if it is still only just another story.

                    This book is a door into "Our Shared Unknown."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Heuristics and Algorithms in Psychic Reading Technologies

                   I take great pleasure in watching the behavior of the market research algorithms used to target advertising over the web. I'm one of those geeks who is pleasantly insulated by my limited interests. I only use you tube for music and the ads are directed by my use of all three of my browsers although I rarely overlap any one browser's specific use. I never use the web for searches. Similarly, my g + account grasps nothing of the real content of my blogs, when it tries to tag me. I love the music I get to hear and I resultantly post links to g +. As much as I complain about the arbitrary nature of the quirks designed into almost all over engineered software, sometimes the interactive elements of the lower layers of processing entertain me to no end. As much as I believe that the notion of "Usability" is the biggest hoax perpetuated by the economy of sale and mass consumer marketing, I do understand the real problems confronting the interactions of business departments with design. These are in fact where almost all of the problems of mass marketing arrive, we want to believe in what we are selling. When we look at business in terms of a heuristic, we come up against that inevitable threshold of uncertainties.

                   Point is, market research algorithms try to approximate my customer potential, by trying to predict what I may want to buy. I too am always guessing at what a client may want to hear from me, fully aware of all the moral hazards that accompany psychic reading, intuitive diagnostics and the speculative arts in general. As much as I have already written on the subjects of the business of consultation, I as of yet have little awareness of how many of my clients and readers truly understand what it is I have been talking about. Making comparisons between something as low rent and throw away as psychic reading with the other high dollar speculative arts of diagnostics, systems analysis, medicine, law, economics, and worst of all politics, has made me a "Web Pariah." I am confronted with the horrible moral crisis that every ethical consultant should have to consider, and yet I'm supposed to be the lightweight. Uncertainties abound in the worlds of business, medicine, the sciences, law, finance, and again worst of all, politics. There are no guaranties, and most of the time you don't get your money back.

                  One of the main reasons I am despised by most so called psychics is that I don't pretend to be psychic. I am an artist. I work with checklists, processing loops, palettes, and many more ways of departitioning memory. I still find it amazing that my blogger software likes to tell me that there is no such word as departioning, as if it is an authoritative arbiter on the correct usage of spelling in grammar. Contrary to popular prejudice, being deemed correct need not be the same thing as being honest. In procedural analysis often times we may want to see boundaries to understanding removed. Resultantly, we may speak truthfully but are not heard. That is not the fault of heuristics. Man is not just a "Rational Thinking Machine," we must also understand how we are individually stroked. This fine art of understanding may not be reducible to an algorithm. I feel we may have covered this topic for today. Thank you for your attention.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Test Post # 43 / Who Will Dry Gods Tears

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Who dries God's tears?

"I do." said the child.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Movie Cushion

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Technology

                   I have my first You Tube Movie,

Saturday, October 12, 2013

That's What