Monday, February 16, 2015

Sharing the Keys to Your Vehicle, Modular Diagnostics

                   Featuring amazing work from many other wonderful artists, some of which is from public domain. I have a huge spiritual debt to pay. Beautiful models confuse westerners. We have a lot of superstitious people here in the United States on both sides of the popular prejudices. Our Modern Technology is only as good as are the applications. In our society, people are very self conscious about medical examinations, we need more than one methodology. What Asian medicine lacks in complexity, it makes up for in thoroughness. We must look to the body and it's information. The body is a mapped territory. Diagnostics are the one thing we shouldn't devalue prejudicially. We've come to understand a chemistry of health. And it is modular by design.

                   Awareness of other people's "FEELINGS" can now be done by the numbers. Alternative medicine is strictly modular in this form. The diagnostics encompass more than words and languages, but it is helpful to know what the languages are trying to say. The history of Modular Diagnostics is a standard academic subject. Alternative Medicine is the Definitive Boundary Issue, complete with dynamic shifting opinion biases. We are seeing changes to today's practices, attitudes, and beliefs, as cultures mutually interact.

                   Our best Entertainment Mediums are similarly studying us too. Cherished sacred mediums listen for our prayers. When we ask an oracle a question (or a search engine), questions bias the medium. Today's Businesses fish for all the possible Desired Target Audiences. Large corporations accurately predict behaviors in order to reach sales goals. We should pay close attention to each other. I do. Businesses are "Testing" us. I myself examine each person I read. I touch on your critical sensitivities. Reading sensitivities, I want to know what you are feeling.         

                   And as always, ask for more than one opinion:

"A dying King orders all the doctors in his kingdom to hang lanterns in the shop windows for each patient who had died. A doctor was found with only two lanterns, rushed to the King's deathbed. The King asks, "How do you have such a wonderful reputation." The young doctor confesses, "I just started yesterday." 

                   Medicine is educated guessing and "Black Box" diagnostics, at best. Trust your doctors. But either way always ask for that second opinion, and sometimes even a third. Some of us use "Meta Formal Logic." We should all be able to read a medical chart. Doctors always make the worst patients. So study your vehicle. Modular diagnostics are elemental to all of the traditions. I understand the unified self and analyze "personal" data. Let me guess, you haven't been in touch with your body.


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