Monday, April 21, 2014

Any Thing That Can Happen Is

                   You've gotten to hear me repeatedly espouse, "The only eventuality is the inevitability of truth." And this is how we de-arrange the past into, "Our New History." I'm not lying. This is where that which was conceived becomes real. Dreams that come true. Beauty that becomes manifest. Everything we enjoy today was once an infinitude of possibilities that filtered down to become our one and only truth.

                    The multiverse was just a abstract construction to account for our statistically existential improbability. But this branching off of Phase States doesn't lead into the future, at least none that we know of. The greater chance is, we are the only final continuous coalescence of these most unlikely of all possible outcomes. As time goes on, our intelligence only tells us more about how unbelievably miraculous our lives really are. (And how unexplainably fragile we really are. Life and on a lower level enthalpy are the only forms of anti entropy we can observe daily.)

                     Resultantly, it is time I tell you why it is that I always know what is going to happen and why I always prepare for it. (My heart is eternally breaking.) The laws of entropy are extremely predictable. As all existence occurs as energetic "Phase States," we merely need to look at the "Avenues of Least Resistance." Interestingly they are most often never where people expect. At least not without considerable foresight. As all life starts in the highest possible energy state for any given life form, and that all of the movements along a time line tend toward higher states of entropy, (lower states of order,) we can trace out probable outcomes for events in individual and shared events. These "Intuitive Apprehensions" are these most rational of our survival instincts. Hard to believe I know.

                     That fact that I resort to modeling the totality of being, as modular, is neither unique nor innovative. (Ancient Medicines) If you've been reading along, you would know from the first hundred posts, I'm obsessed with our shared coalescent histories using (Modular) "Intuitive Diagnostics. (God I miss my Russian readers, they got it. Damn you Putin.) I have one of the worst "Cassandra Complexes" I've ever heard of. So I decided the trick would be to prove my life's work by writing a story, a story that is the truth. Go figure. Talk amongst your selves.

                     No one but a hand full of loyal readers has any idea what is happening here or what is going to inevitably result. I know perfectly well how crazy this all sounds, and I'm OK with it. But dang if I'm going to stop now just because at this time people are only interested in my art. As the art is distributed throughout the world, people are going to want to know how the art is produced. Then people will be exposed to the math and "Awesthetics." Eventually, as my life will be rounding up I will be recognized for the art, research, writings and accurate analysis. I don't really mind the quiet obscurity of my personal life right now. When ever I want to look at the alternate timelines, I just close my eyes and go back to sleep. I love you people. Thanks for your kind thoughts and consideration. Peace out.