Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Time Of Light

                   When I started this blog over a year ago I relied heavily on the stats feature included as one of the elemental features written into the blogger software. Apparently almost all of the traffic now is carried by my google plus account. I've gotten to see google plus carry out deletions into and out of my blog without any notification. As well I've seen google plus fail in it's desire to out serve it's competition, spacebook. Over engineered and clumsy, no cohesive documentation, no reverse linking back to either blogspot or youtube, (which was the whole point of why I engaged google plus in the first place, youtube has superior real time rendering math graphics for my art.) I'm conflicted, my google plus page is blowing up. Credit due to the googleplexus. But I no longer have any clue whatsoever who you are, where do you hail from or what kinds of traffic sources your using.

                   I suppose I should just count my blessings and accept the challenge of getting bumped upstair by a confluence of decisions made between business departments and contract software designers. It's not the changes I object to. I'm basically reading in the dark. It's just that I've been operating under the mistaken expectations of the expressed design features of the blogger software I am using.

                  Certain aspects of the "Behind the Keyboard" modern computer culture has remained absolutely misanthropic. I want to ask my friends why there is no cohesive documentation, (Instructions Manuals) I have been quite horrified to discover all the years each of us mindlessly groping for clarity. Even asking for help is met with understandable attitude of smug saturation. I myself find no satisfaction in wasting my already advanced years, just to fit into this arbitrary culture of techno-insularism. I promised in reporting this great hoard of "Spiritual Technologies," that I would not descend into social criticism. But, I will confess I am tired of loosing friends to the mass internment of our otherwise productive minds, each lost "Behind the Keyboard."

                 Again, I owe you, my readers, (If you are actually reading me, I have no way of knowing any more.) another sincere deeply felt apology. I make a distinction between complaining, which I am doing, with making excuses, which I am not. As I wrote in "Google Plus is Obsolete, {Thumbs Way Down} Dec. 24th, 2013, "I just discovered that an unasked auto link, erased close to 80 equations from my blog without my notice or permission."

                I have almost no indications, other than your individual follows, if anyone is doing anything other than robo dialing my profile. The equations are almost never linked from out of my blog. I thought people were only interested in my graphics. For the tens of thousands of pagehits I get every week, it wasn't until I got a google plus notification welcoming me as a new member to;
oIsCore Project: Friendly Artificial Intelligence, Web Systems and Technology for Homes & Businesses
that I realized somehow, inexplicably, someone is able to access relevant data pertaining to my: "The Bridge Between the Worlds" Surreal Novella. What the,.....  I still think someone at google plus got paid for nothing. I accept the challenge. Bring it on. We are living in a society of psychiatric "Black Box Diagnostics." Impacting on the psychological health of everyone, individually and collectively, (something that my diagnostics and systems analysis does not do.) I say we should be surprised that this "Social Media" which I am presently using will soon invariably be replaced by a much less compromising "User Friending" platform. I'm going to shut up now.

                  This Ray of Light is Particularly Pointless. I give G+ about 6 months before it's sent back to the drawing board. Point is, Because I'm using my blog as free content only and not as social media, I'm beat the game by not playing. Thank you very much. Check my propositional assertions. Someone out there, and I don't know who, is trying to read me. I myself am a reader. And now you too may be reader as well. I am also an "Entertainment Medium," as well.  That's my job. I really don't take myself that seriously, but thank you very much anyways. Your good people.