Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Diamond Justice

                   The Vajra (Diamond/Thunderbolt) Path is known for it's purity and adamantine hardness. Justice is a woman. We no longer have the time to quibble over territorial disputes. Even after having my blogs banned in Russia, someone (I wont say where.) is shunting my research documents, (possibly all fiction,) behind the new Iron Curtain. I'ld say thank you, but it is only by the genius loci that anyone, even me, is able to understand this elusive yet very predictable shifting boundary of opinion biases. This new awareness is now coming to our attentions.

                   This whole concept of, "The only predictable eventuality is the inevitability of truth" is simply too powerful to suppress. I am just the medium. Who cares who said it. I don't. I know what's going to happen and so I just started writing it down. It has never been my intention to pursued, only to support and provide. As information is the only primary currency of nourishment, I have been allowed to influence an ever widening sphere of contacts. It is most ironic that for this force of creative speculation to be released into the world, my ego had to die. That I have survived long enough to set my little children of the mind free is just a miraculous accident. My personal shame is that such vision would be visited upon such an inferior person, (Me).

                  As I predicted, my work definitely has a life of it's own. But I can't just turn my back and expect that everything will take care of itself. Consciousness, of and by itself, is amorphous. I really don't expect people to understand me. Therefore my work is in the inoculating of society from it's self. Our species is in fact too crude and primitive to keep up with, much less appreciate, the subtle variability of the human dynamic. Hence it has became necessary to discover these most essential symmetries of being. "Old Wine In New Bottles?"

                 The trees will touch the sky. The heart will hear a song. The past may be forgotten. And in that diamond lattice, the play of light will reveal the secrets of that which is here and gone. I am just another heavy world. As I go deeper into the self, the walls melt, the world recedes and we are in free fall. The dream is coming true now. Please forgive me, there is "No Other Way."