< Je Suis Charlie >
Researching the release and dissemination of information out into society has had results. It's taking time for information to be processed and directed back to the designated destinations; be it for business, family or pleasure. However, just like all the media I've used to communicate, everything is somewhat time sensitive. Even Good News gets old fast. We usually don't know right away if someone received the information we sent at all. This Isn't about me. The Web Server doesn't care if you are getting your streaming video, email or League of Legends tournaments, or not. The information is still in transit. Asking for the right information at the right time is essentially web community. The information you request is in your Personal Business (and social) Culture.
Most of us need an app just to collate the notes that otherwise would just pile up and get lost spread out across our personal mental work space. Just by, choosing, sending and receiving Personal Business Culture, P. B. C., it's possible to avoid that dangerously stressful double life caused by having healthy but alien unfamiliar interests, and of course that hazard of swimming in ones own intellectual waste.
The time it takes to report and investigate the news depends on how much time it takes for requested information to get to us in the first place. Then, Questions have to be asked. Data has to be digested, condensed and translated. Your audience isn't going to wait around to get the latest news. As discriminating consumers of the news, we're only going to read what we're interested in anyways. Investigative Journalism is often called the "Widow Maker," because in the news business there's only dangerous missions available for reporters now days.
I know about accessing public information in this way because I'm already "Pinging the Public." Even in my work as the Pro Psychic, I must watch for the mistakes that accompany the delayed transfer of necessary information, I can often hear the truth groaning under the weight of all that background informational noise pollution. I know for instance, when I tell a friend to stop punishing themselves, it takes awhile for the information to get to them. I too am somewhat caught up in my own mental fishbowl. I want to be able to organize and process the information I receive with information I am communicating in real time. I want to stay in front of my studies and produce an interesting news media, (And Counter Lobbying.) Blogging is a great way to measure the controlled responses of a select audiences, but how many more subscriptions could I have with better information. This isn't about me. (Is it?) It's back to the library, the experiment goes on.
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