Friday, February 28, 2014
META BRANDING, Your "Creative Medium"
If we want to look at truth, at the power of predictable truth, that transformative inevitability of truth: We need only to look at those "Truths" which have split the popular opinion biases in favor of good sense. Examples:
1.) Non Violence,
2.) Human Rights,
3.) Globalism,
4.) Secular Humanism,
5.) and now "Complementarity."
If we look at the strengths and weaknesses of each of these social revolutions, we realize these conflicts to varying degrees are long term, ongoing and seemingly unresolvable. But we have also witnessed the undeniable force of change expressed through the inevitably transformative tidal power of information. The gravity of these foreshadowed "enlightenments" have generated predictable waves of truth's swells, signaling the onslaught of these unstoppable awarenesses that inform and construct the outcome of events, regardless of the power vacuums and fear mongering that feed off of decaying cultures in denial.
Usually when we are attacked for our radical or revolutionary liberalities, it is usually done through a process of Branding. The enemy of my enemy is a friend with a recognizable brand label. Woe. We humans can be exploitably dumb. My one time secretary says that, "Historically oppressed peoples can make for predictably gullible followers."
If, "It is the privilege of wisdom to listen," then I say, it is the wisdom of privilege that makes me need to speak out, because I know most people don't know what freedom is. Freedom to think. Freedom to speak. Freedom to make choices for one's self without permission from others. To be able to decide for one's self what it is that each person will do.
The concept of free speech and what it is to be qualified for protection under the law is still viewed as matter of citizenship, and therefore is still a matter of state. This is Branding in it's largest political dimension. Meta Branding is the titled name for each of the forces for constructive change. (See table above.) Brand name states are always co-opting for these idealized associated powers of the Meta Brands, through programs of "Stated" objectives whether a political machine is ever able to deliver on the promised "Stated" objectives or not. As a matter of course, peoples gullibility makes the political (Macro Economic) world go round.
Answer; Meta Branding that can't be mis identified. Of the five Meta brands I have sighted above in the table, "Human Rights" seems to be the only one that doesn't stink of extreme liberal politics (Yes, I am a liberal.) And yet in the final analysis, All of the liberal Meta Brands are very anti-branding, (Case in point; "There are no violent militant pacifists.) Creative mediums, as I see it, are nothing more than models for intelligent prediction. Try to prove me wrong. My Meta Brand of "Complementarity" can't be re-branded. But businesses will try, just watch. This is the world I see.
Hello market researchers. I am your friendly enemy. A frienemy is a friend that hurts you. Me on the other hand, I am going to help you, and you are going to like it.
I don't need to be writing science fiction. The facts are scary enough, and are highly contested. I've written you an apology for hiding the truth in plain sight. Now we get to test it out. I know you are watching me and I've given permission for any free use of my published research findings. This "Offering," (A give away dance,) protects me from unnecessary and unsustainable wealth. By avoiding the usual avenues of monetizing analytics and social media scams, I'm writing for a very discriminating audience only. If you have stopped letting the machines "Read" for you, and are reading this now with your own two eyes, I would like to congratulate you. You too may be a qualified "Reader." Welcome to the world of "Creative Speculation."
This is where we stop short selling our options and look to the long term payoffs that come with intelligent projections. "High volatility investments may also be difficult to sell. Similarly, it may prove difficult for you to obtain reliable information about the value or risks to which such an investment is exposed." Most business models are based on outdated "Games Theory." This is largely what is responsible for our bloated economy of scarcity and scale. You, my snoopy little market research followers, are much too rationally cowardly to come out from behind your safe culture of deniability, to confront me directly. I'm warning you. This is about to change. I have made it my business to thrive in the mixed bohemian postgraduate ghetto of proud underachievers. I thumb my nose at your arrogant popular paranoia and your slavish subservience. Woof. Keep trying.
Thank you for your attention. I know you can do much better.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Stretching the Bias
Apology time,....., Again. You readers are so fussy, (and I love you for it.) You know I watch the stats on my blog, looking at the reading habits of my readers. For as few of you as there are now, I'd swear some of you are telling each other where the most pivotal tasty bits are buried. I still think the loyal readers don't like the "Surreal Novella." Oh well. For those interested, it starts with;
"Another Day in the Future" {Posted Tues. Nov. 19th, 2013} for the next 17 first issue posts,
"A Zeal of Purpose" {Posted Thurs. Nov. 28th, 2013} I go back to documentary magazine blogging. I re-post it as,
"Re Enter My Surreal Novella" {Posted Wed. Jan. 5th, 2014} It continues through only the next 3 posts. I restart the novella at,
"Return to the Future; The Last Laugh" {Posted Mon. Feb. 14th, 2014} For the next 9 posts, leading up to today. Ultimately this blog is the beginning of many books and documents to be "Partitioned and Coalesced."
The second apology is for my over generalization of the value of unity as the only best solution for spanning those biases of conflicting opinions exploited by the abusers of power. "I come not to bring peace to the world, but to bring the sword." Yes that's, right that's good old J. C. talking, (Supposedly.) But the message is iconoclastic if not down right social criticism.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Hungry Ghost In The Machine
I would have to be dead, to not notice how humble and unsuspectingly beautiful Jennifer is this balmy warm windy Belgian Spring morning. My soul waxes poetic. I don't see what's coming and that's the way I like it. I look up through the trees, to the smell of rain to fall. I see the covering of dark cloud come to shelter us, providing comfort and sustenance. Soft thunder announces the changes foreshadowed by the productive affairs from our "Night Before the Morning After." I Know I haven't seen anything yet. I don't care. She holds out her hand feeling the first mist to fall before the larger drops will reach us here on the ground. Suddenly that feeling of suspense and free fall kicks in. I know there is trouble. I again take her hand and gesture that we need to go inside, again she stops.
"I can't go in with you yet." "You need to face this alone." "Your friends will be there to help you, I still need to be prepared." Jennifer then says with conviction, "We aren't done, I will come and find you." I still don't know what in fact happened last night behind the scenes, or even what lead up to our little rollout event. She knows more than she says, and I'm a little uncomfortable with her abrupt change of mood. After decades in this job you would think I'd be used to it.
The warmth of light is gone, I take to the door and pull the handle. It feels like night here in the basement of this old church refurbished to provide a casual venue for intimate entertainment for we intelligent. The sweet smell of must from this old building reminds me of antiques.
Gretchen approaches, "Phillip, we are in trouble." "The price of both Oraca and InterSpace stock is plummeting." "This was always a real possibility, but we didn't anticipate the boards acting in collusion, claiming that this was a conspiracy to misappropriate company software." "They claim our stunt rollout was an intentional violation of copyright to wipe out their exclusive proprietorship of all the Games Systems." "They must have found out last night and filed suit against you, me and Gunter in the U. S. before the sun even came up." "I've just been told subpoenas are coming and that warrants for our arrests are also in the works." She's noticeably shaking. I was a tool and I right went along with it. These kinds of proxy fights have dogged me since I first started documenting the analysis systems for my P. P. I. Services business. The stock holders have always threatened to withdraw their money if we don't provide business securities to insure their investments. This was to be my primary motivation for creating limited liability partnerships in the first place.
"Gretchen, you did this on purpose" "I will support you in any way I can, but this whole event was so unlike you." "You really are the person I came here to extract." "I myself like a little controlled uncertainty." "But my research asserts, people generally want the sure thing." "Why are we making waves now?"
There is a shocking blast of blue white light knocking out the electricity with explosive thunder. Lightning hits the building shaking the foundation, leaving us in the dark. It is night time until the circuit breakers reconnect power to illuminate the pitch black basement. Gretchen is holding on to me. This is the woman I always knew her to be, powerful, vulnerable, impetuous.
Quivering she steps back and says, "This is too weird." "I'm in love with Gunter and I'm just too scared to not have a job." "I know I can always freelance code writing, but I just hate not being in control of my own life." Being the head of the corporation just got to me." "I love the work but I hate the games that go along with having to pretend that I even care about the money." "The more money I have the easier it is to get it taken away from me, and I guess I just couldn't prevent myself from sabotaging my chances of retiring at the top of my career."
Gunter is coming down the stairs with a big grin on his face, "Did you hear, We're getting sued." "Isn't that great?" He laughs. There is another blast of lightning and thunder this time a little further away. It seems the tension is being broken. He looks at Gretchen and sees that she is noticeably upset and hugs her. "Oh Gretchen I'm sorry, you are such a dear." "We'll get through this just like we always do." "We only did this so we can be together, don't my cry sweetheart" "I'm with my family again."
Test Post #10 - Just Another Day In The Future {Posted Tues. Nov.19th, 2013}
Please forgive the reposts. These are to clarify the continuity of the narrative and help make the job of reading easier, Most psychics detest my insistence on the Reading by the "Numbers." My soul is just another radiant machine. It is our human consciousness that is invited to dance in our "Cyborg Bacchanal."
Thursday April 23rd, 2031 I get my usual wake up call, I have to get ready for my 10 o'clock conference link with the board of Inter Space Limited. They are having problems with their best web designers getting brainwashed by a competing cult called Oraca. Interspace has been patenting it's social applications for re-socialization web modules, which have been very successful helping people with re-invention. Oraca has been taking credit for the critical criminal science features of the software because of a supposed copyright infringement on Oraca's claim to the "Confidence Game." <Patent Pending> It is intellectual property that they claim was the invention of their leader, John Miller. However their selective desensitization reprograming looks suspiciously like a cross between EST and Scientology. Their only real claim to intellectual property was their "Diagrammar" of meta speak, which really was a brilliant coup of the order of an endless source of intelligently marketable gibberish. The amazing logic of this synthetic language is it's fluidity and thus provides Oraca with the perfect medium for branding.
I feel a certain allegiance with the geeks at Inter Space. They were instrumental to the final collation of the "Johnson Method." The patent courts wouldn't give me credit for the decades of research that went into my producing the Personality Inventory Assay Matrices because they insisted that I hadn't invented the calculus of variation. It took InterSpace's team of top scientists, lawyers and soft ware engineers to produce a distinctive coding for my otherwise very ordinary looking data profiling systems. But I was the one who designed the first Mutual Profiling App using Signature Physiognomy, Biometrics and Alternative Medical Diagnostics derived from the ancient practices of palmistry, handwriting analysis and Chinese Medicine. Plus a whole parcel of other related spiritual technologies. Who would have thought that all that old wine could be repackaged in new bottles, (spirit tech) and would become so profitable. I did.
I am flooded with dread, I'm not looking forward to this video conference. I know I'm going to be asked to go to Oraca and extract the web designers. They won't really want to leave the cult anyways. They are opposed to apologizing to Interspace. Robbed of their pet project of Re-Socialization Apps, they will probably never apologize. Plus they have been so corrupted by Oraca's Confidence Gaming style Meta Speak, that they've doomed themselves to being virtually unemployable anywhere else except InterSpace. But the board at InterSpace is demanding a public apology. So the first thing I should have to do is to get my working relations at Inter Space to own up to their cheap profit sharing scams and their bad faith. Those web designers had good reason to defect to the enemy camp. The pay isn't much better at Oraca, but at least over there they are treated like actual comrades. Even if it is just the standard "Confidence Game." I want so much to go back to sleep, but I better start packing for Belgium. These webbies aren't going to free themselves.
Thursday April 23rd, 2031 I get my usual wake up call, I have to get ready for my 10 o'clock conference link with the board of Inter Space Limited. They are having problems with their best web designers getting brainwashed by a competing cult called Oraca. Interspace has been patenting it's social applications for re-socialization web modules, which have been very successful helping people with re-invention. Oraca has been taking credit for the critical criminal science features of the software because of a supposed copyright infringement on Oraca's claim to the "Confidence Game." <Patent Pending> It is intellectual property that they claim was the invention of their leader, John Miller. However their selective desensitization reprograming looks suspiciously like a cross between EST and Scientology. Their only real claim to intellectual property was their "Diagrammar" of meta speak, which really was a brilliant coup of the order of an endless source of intelligently marketable gibberish. The amazing logic of this synthetic language is it's fluidity and thus provides Oraca with the perfect medium for branding.
I feel a certain allegiance with the geeks at Inter Space. They were instrumental to the final collation of the "Johnson Method." The patent courts wouldn't give me credit for the decades of research that went into my producing the Personality Inventory Assay Matrices because they insisted that I hadn't invented the calculus of variation. It took InterSpace's team of top scientists, lawyers and soft ware engineers to produce a distinctive coding for my otherwise very ordinary looking data profiling systems. But I was the one who designed the first Mutual Profiling App using Signature Physiognomy, Biometrics and Alternative Medical Diagnostics derived from the ancient practices of palmistry, handwriting analysis and Chinese Medicine. Plus a whole parcel of other related spiritual technologies. Who would have thought that all that old wine could be repackaged in new bottles, (spirit tech) and would become so profitable. I did.
I am flooded with dread, I'm not looking forward to this video conference. I know I'm going to be asked to go to Oraca and extract the web designers. They won't really want to leave the cult anyways. They are opposed to apologizing to Interspace. Robbed of their pet project of Re-Socialization Apps, they will probably never apologize. Plus they have been so corrupted by Oraca's Confidence Gaming style Meta Speak, that they've doomed themselves to being virtually unemployable anywhere else except InterSpace. But the board at InterSpace is demanding a public apology. So the first thing I should have to do is to get my working relations at Inter Space to own up to their cheap profit sharing scams and their bad faith. Those web designers had good reason to defect to the enemy camp. The pay isn't much better at Oraca, but at least over there they are treated like actual comrades. Even if it is just the standard "Confidence Game." I want so much to go back to sleep, but I better start packing for Belgium. These webbies aren't going to free themselves.
Drunkards of the Spirit, Junkies for the Love
I take Jennifer's right hand with my left and walk to the back door of church, back under the trees. "So why did you ask me about the infinite repartitioning of memory using meta formal logic strings to encode imprint data?"
"I started thinking about the way you compare the Super Normal Sensory Stimulus Response, with superior intelligence." She slows down in the shadows of the trees rosy dappling sunlight. Gentle rhythmic breezes drive the warmth all around us, the leaves making dancing fingers of sunlight massaging the air. She goes on talking as she stops and faces me with her back to the open river bank. "I remember reading your Propositional Assertions." "Your statistical models for distinctions always account for personal differences as the dynamics of a variable" "There are always more Socially Recursive Boundary Definitions to find." "You say this is how we see ourselves as being different or the same." "But the problem for me is when do we stop redefining ourselves relative to each other?" "It seems to me like every time you find another variable, you always find the polarities and the directional momentum for each trait and characteristic in mutual transition." "I mean are we really that diametrically dynamic or is that just another one of your writers tricks?"
I know she isn't trying to be sarcastic, but I like well thought out questions. "I'm thinking that's not a question, you're trying to open the dialogue." "Am I right?"
"No, you're right." "I'm just getting started" She turns and starts to walk toward the north side of the church, past the back door toward a garden wall that is over grown with vines and shrubs. The Lilacs have just started opening, as does so much more inside of me and all around us.
She continues, "You wrote about, CONTROL DOMINANCE Versus TRUST DOMINANCE." "About the "DUEL NECESSARY VICES of Optimism and Pessimism." "About the CONFLICTING VIRTUES of Over Dependability and Un Expressed Expectations." You talked about how everything in human nature is just a modeling for a distribution, and at the heart of all our Presumptive Values is merely the symmetrization of variable personal social dynamics, pro and con." "All these maps to cycles and waves of predictable eventuality, today will be yesterday, as of tomorrow, blah blah blah, etc. etc."
"And again Jennifer, you're highlighting my embarrassment as a self doubting psychic." "But as much as I agree with all your objections, I ask you to review the findings." Jennifer leans against a cool bare spot on the brick wall looking at me. She is framed by the budding vines in the perfume of the earliest spring flowers. I myself am like this older neighborhood with all the mature trees, established perennials and deep healthy roots in the fertile soil. "If you Remember, in my "Surreal Novella" I always recommended Splitting the Bias." Her fresh flawless skin is glowing as her eyes begin to sparkle. I know I'm getting to her point. "In all of our "Mutually Defined Socially Recursive Boundary Definitions we have Biases, Polarity." "Remember?"
"Yes, I do." "All that stuff about shared social properties of a Symmetrical Coalescence made perfect sense to me and Splitting the Bias is nothing more than getting people to resolve their conflicts through clarifying boundary definitions." "Nothing new there.""I also know there was probably no other way for you to demonstrate the Meta Formal Logic of an Intuitive Induction, other than mapping Opinion Bias as social change" At this moment, I swear even the birds are singing in harmony with her.
She goes on, "But a TRUE HOAX?" "Confessions Of A Professional Psychic?" "That's just cruel!" "Did you have to trick people to get us to believe you are telling the truth?" Now we are getting somewhere. The warm wind is blowing stronger through the treetops. In the pink morning sky a storm is coming. Jennifer is right on target.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Applied Entropy
My work as editor of Zenophile Magazine prepared me for these unplanned media events.
Jennifer and I are soaked from sitting on the wet grass. We should be cold. But the morning is warming up nicely and we're the in sun. She's saturated all down the right side of her Gingham dress, and I look like I peed myself.
"Do you always cry this much?" she asks as we stand up to go back inside. "I mean, shouldn't we wait out here so we can dry off a little first?"
"Let's stand over by the wall," I said. "It's nice and warm over here." "And yes, I am a weeper, but it used to be much worse." "I used to actually howl." "Wouldn't want to be my neighbor." "Why?" "Is it that obvious?"
Jennifer laughs, "I've got like about twenty different personalities, and I get along with almost all of them fine but I'm a little schizophrenic when it comes to my emotions. "I wrote a lot about personality dynamics and I just want to hear how you gauge your own temperament."
"Oh,...., you want me to talk about depressive pragmatism." I'm looking up into the trees lining the church garden. The Maples are in bloom and fragrant. There is a very large old Star Magnolia in full bloom at the top of the hill by the front door of the church. The warm west fresh Spring air carries the perfume down hill too us. Jennifer sees me sniff the air.
She takes her own deep breath. "Yes, I can smell it too." "I don't understand." "How can you be so emotional when you are trying to teach other people how to be unaffected?"
Turning to face the wall I shine the Sun on my butt. "I know it sounds like a contradiction, but if I'm not being authentic it makes my emotional pain much worse, I find it's simply much easier to stay on top of my emotionally fluid predicament." "I was taught to be emotionally unaffected, not unfeeling or insincere." "People are usually preoccupied with their own emotions and feelings. Psychic training gives me an escape from being preoccupied with my self." "I know it sounds kind of stupid but this is how and why I do it." "Generally the last thing a temperamental person wants is to get caught up in is themselves." "I just find it easier to let people come to their own conclusions about what I'm doing. How others feels about my work relates to them personally." "This is usually why people ask each other personal questions, it's the nice thing to do."
Jennifer get's right to the point, "Why am I never alone?" Her question makes me giggle nervously. I ask her with my eyes to go on. She wonders out loud, "I mean, I'm always feeling everything, like I'm living in several different places at once." "I try to ignore it, but at times I just know it's time to see the world from someone else's point of view." She looks back at me smiling.
"I am going recommend a little constructive laziness, a little Applied Entropy." "This is the best response to that un answerable question of separateness versus our inevitable shared existential confusion." "Jennifer, you have a very unpleasant gift." "You are going to need to cut yourself a whole lot of slack." We are almost dry. We can go back inside.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Truth is Not A Generality
Pardon my broken time lines. I'm back here, now in the past with you again, before what I am writing about proves to have inevitably come true.
In review, I'm very pleased to see that many of you readers are taking seriously my call to read. Many of you are going back and reading pivotal posts for the correct documentation of core issues and concepts. Reading a linear narrative essay on the documentation of my life's research I know, is potentially very tiring and difficult.
At first, almost all of my first 1500 page hits came from Russia only, (on this issue I wrote, "Who Is The Spaminator?" Tues. Aug. 20th, 2013. Almost to the day then, Putin had banned the Glasnost of open internet in Russia.) I was little harsh pointing out the fact that when I went to check out their "Traffic Sources" I'm directed back to the porn sites marketing their seduction training videos. Because of my complaints, or not, I was dropped. Oddly, those early readers were mostly interested in my precise documentation on the theory and core concepts of traditional psychic reading and other spiritual technologies. The sincere interest in the formative elements of my work was both very reassuring and somewhat incongruent with the popular prevailing prejudices people understandably have about pornography and or womanizing in general. (But Russia is in a post atheistic religious resurgence along with all of their other iconoclastically banned traditional practices, including superstitions.) Before I ever got a new computer, blog site, or working I. P. address, I was researching social media and advertising on the web with an extremely limited access using only a very old Macintosh. Using only 1G wireless access, I contacted them at their, "The Tao of Badass" Russian Porn Mafia website directly to congratulate them on their clever use of female executives to explain their sexualized "Games Theory." A very business centric approach to understanding woman's social psychology. I pointed out however that they were coming on a little too strong, (an insult to any solicitous games theorist) and I suggested that what they were selling could just as easily be used to target hot young rich guys, just like them. Although I was not interested in their product at that time.
I try to apologize for criticizing their questionable use of misleading URLs to hide their actual referring URL. I believe they may have been ethical and honorable with me back then. If I try to go back again now today however, I risk getting malware.
In this era, where I have an overwhelming responsibility to be straight forward in my thinking and speaking, the pure over generalized sleaze and phraseology of over compartmentalized repartitioned code data, (Meta data) has bred itself "The Cultures of LIKES & DIS LIKES." I was the target for misleading monetizing analytics. Almost all of the earliest traffic sources had ulterior motives and agendas. Finally now, the Russian Porn Mob is referring only those readers interested in "Reading." (But since I reported recording each of these "traffic sites" used to access my blog, almost all traffic from Russia has stopped again. Like before, they'll be back.) A blog on a highly technical subject like intuitive diagnostics and psychic reading technologies, did not come with ready made #Hash Tags. Personal media marketing with engagement strategies is all about Branding, not ethics.
Please, don't over generalize me out of an honest meaningful career in political journalism. I return you now back to your future entertainment programming, already in congress.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
You Are The Moon In My Life
With the Sunbeam shining in the basement window I am drawn to the sounds of soft crying outside, in the yard behind the church is a garden. I quickly run out through the dining room, up stairs out through the hall behind the stage to a backdoor. I turn to my right and there sitting on the wet grass is Jennifer in her bare feet. As my own eyes are still trying to focus through my own tears, I notice the dewdrops sparkling in the morning light. I feel strangely relieved to see her. We are enclosed on the side of a green wooded bank sloping down to a river I can not see.
"Jennifer are you alright," I ask. I'm to my surprise holding my Coffee and Croissant and I pass them to her while I sit down cross legged. "Would you like a bite?"
Without looking up, "I don't want people see me so sad like this." "I don't know why I get this way." She looks up at me and sees my face wet, and slowly starts to smile, and even giggles a little bit. She is every bit a radiant being. "Oh I'm sorry, you know what I'm talking about." For a moment I'm seeing myself through her eyes again and I'm very upset and happy at the same time. I try to look away but I remember that I'm here to find other readers.
So I ask her, "Jennifer?" "You mentioned you thought you may be another me." "What did you mean?"
"All my life I've been living in at least two different place at a time." "I have this strange awareness of other people as if I'm never alone." "I'm often more aware of what others feel than I am of myself." "Add in all the other strange phenomena that you based your whole career on, and well, Phillip?" "What is happening to us?"
Without intending I shift my weight over to her left side and we put arms around each other softly. Leaning toward each other we are both shivering from the emotions we are sharing. It seems silly but I am completely helpless to steer the conversation to what is obvious. Jennifer is probably right. We may be simultaneous incarnations of the same consciousness in separate bodies.
"Jennifer?" "For the time being, let's play this down.""I'm afraid I think I know all too well what you are talking about." I'm starting to see a delicate play of the diamond patterned NADA colorfully dancing in the droplets on the grass, on her face, in her eyes, in the air all around us. "It is Kriyas." "If what you are saying is true, and as far as I can tell You could be a person I've been in silent contact with, I don't want this getting out." "This in fact may be one of those things that by itself doesn't have to be important, and it really isn't anyone else's business." "At this point I'm glad I got to meet you." "What do you think we should do?" "Every dream I've ever had is pressing on my awakened mind." I have arrived.
She sniffles and laughs. She is observably relieved. "I don't know." "I suppose you are right, what is there to do." "I guess I'm happy to know that what I'm seeing is something I can share with someone, but I still feel like I'm supposed to be doing something." "How many people like us do you think are out there?" "This isn't something like a cold like you could catch from somebody, is it?"
I am so taken aback by seeing the world through her eyes, her body, her personality, that I totally forgot I'm actually here, right now. In between us is a sunburst. A blazing consciousness of being shining a single light. the world disappears.
"Phillip?" "Are you alright?" except the words came from my mouth. My eyes focus and we look at each other and both start laughing. "I probably need some more sleep." She picks up my Coffee and hands it back to me. It's gone cold but it's still tastes good.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Entry into a Masters Level GAMES MODULE
If you would like to start at the beginning of this story, Just Another Day In The Future, Tues. Nov. 19th, 2013. It started yesterday, {April 23rd, 2031}.
After I buy my breakfast pastry and first Coffee, I turn from the service window and savor. Gretchen flags my attention from across the dining room. At a brisk relaxed pace she floats up. Smiling, "Good morning Phillip, You were talking in your sleep again." "And we taped you if you ever want to see it." "But It's also been transcribed for threading into the web. Of course we'll want your written consent first." "All rights are yours exclusively." "Gunter wanted me to apologize to you again for our horrible ruse, tricking you into coming here." "We've learned enough from you over the years to know how loyal you are."
I ask, "Can I assume that you and Gunter are only adversaries for the sake of Oraca and Inter Space Limited?" "You two have been carrying on discretely, without either of the boards knowing, haven't you?"
"Yes." "And if it's any consolation, Phillip you performed so much better than any of us could have anticipated." "You gave us all the most naive trusting display of honorable good sportsmanship I think any of us could have hoped for." "You survived each of our technicians onslaughts." "And you were still ready to play our game."
"So what about the rollout?" I ask. "I want the charts on confidence levels for our latest "Game." "And how was this supposed to help with your merger." "Did we piss anyone off at the head offices?"
"Phillip, You are so right on target again." "By making this PSY CON party a working flash mob event, the boards were never invited." "We're giving all of the proceeds for this copyright directly to your company if you want it." "Even this morning, before the markets opened, news was out." "Both Gunter and I have gotten letters of resignation from all of our most greedy short sighted board members." "Yes we really pissed those tight asses off." "Those idiots can't even read a thank you note much less any other expression of humans emotion." "The fact that we got you to "Ring the Bell," meant that the original designers were back together without even a shiver of resistance from anyone." "I wasn't able to sleep all last night."
"Wow, Wonderful." "But Gretchen, why did it seem that everyone was so worried about me, even those strangers who picked me up out front of Oraca?"
"Phillip, I think you know what the answer is." "The one thing you are best known for is your uncontainable love." "You make leaving one's comfort zone an act of pure joy." "It's THE POWER OF YOUR HEART." Suddenly I realize that we are alone in the basement together, and tears are streaming down my face. I thank Gretchen and apologize excusing my self with a thanks and a hug and walk quickly back to the restroom. The tiled walls are echoing my wailing sobs as a solitary sunbeam enters through the basement bathroom window. But there seems to be someone else here. I need to find Jennifer.
Ahhhhh,....., I just had the most wonderful nap. I think I was dreaming about one of my other lives, I don't remember where I went to sleep. Eyes open warm and cozy, I see colored light coming in through a Rose Window. Gentle tones of beautiful music, beckons me to engage the theatre full of people milling in dawns quiet peace. The doors of the one time church open as the cool sweet April air flows through the doors, down the aisles, down around my dangling feet rising up to my waiting nose. The bouquet of fresh spring steals my thoughts away. I had been placed in a easy lounge chair sometime last night. I don't want to finish waking up. I'm so happy, all my children are back together again. I'm starting to recognize many more of the people around here. I'd stopped noticing peoples faces before I finally blacked out. Everyone just went on with the rollout party without me. Was I reading in my sleep again?
Eyes half shut I start seeing that new alternative world that Terry told me about last night, the one with all those alien art excavations. I'm remembering the digs where we found that prehistoric Silurian Dome that predated all previously known sentient life here on Earth. I'm watching my inner safe place moving panoramically beneath me. That ancient city was found in 2025 in the very place I return to in my dreams when I'm too sick to be around anyone. Maybe it is all just a dream. Before I can force myself to wake up, I hear a soft familiar voice. I see myself from the foot of my recliner, through someone else's eyes looking at me asleep.
"Mr. Johnson?" "Mr. Johnson, I'm sorry to bother you." "Can you hear me?" "My name is Jennifer." As I open my eyes I realize she's seeing herself through my eyes too. I feel her body, she may be feeling mine too.
I jump to my feet and almost fall down. Jennifer grabs my arm to catch me and says, "Ouch." I think she is herself feeling the bruise on my arm from the night before. I've performed many An extractions before. Where I'm the one taken prisoner to help someone else get out of some cult, or a bad job or some other dangerous relationship. But most of the time we are usually released quickly, just to get rid me. This seems much more serious than those other times on earlier missions. This is just too weird. "Sir, are you alright?" She asks, "Do you need anything?" "Should I call someone?" Jennifer looks worried.
Catching myself, "I'm sorry Jennifer, good morning." "Yes, I'm glad to meet you, have we ever met before?" Secretly, I've always hated being a sensitive. I used to think it was disrespectful to look into peoples eyes directly. My poor wife had to put up with my shy eyes. "Jennifer, I'm still waking up and I really do want to talk with you." "Do you have to be anywhere soon?"
"Mr. Johnson?" "I think I might be another one of you." "I mean I wanted to come and meet you person, I've all read your books about Transpersonal Identification." "And all about how we share emotional boundaries through contact, and about how our emotional boundaries can actually mirror information back and forth with each other, and about how whole experiences can be shared by this fluid expression during touch." "And when I got to the part where you talk about the infinite repartitioning of memory using meta formal logic strings to encode imprint data." "Oh gosh I'm sorry, it's just I'm so excited." "I thought I've been writing about the same things and I just didn't understand why my life started getting a whole lot easier, I'm sure you must hear this all the time."
"Can I get back to you?" I ask her. "I don't know what to say and I really do want to talk to you." "Are you going to be here awhile longer?" "Please call me Phillip, I feel like an idiot."
"Of course, I'm sorry." She apologizes again, "I didn't mean to attack you like some crazed fan." "Do you mind if I just hang out for awhile, I would love it if I could show you some of my notes." I smile and nod. She is a very pretty yet athletic brown haired lass with curves and a sweet voice. Whoever you are Jennifer, I like you.
I want ask her so much, does she see it? This young girl actually understands the whole point of my work. Does she actually see the moving light? I'm shocked. All of these people here this morning are really smart. But usually after someone gets to see the walls melt, we simply die. Jennifer seems to be ready to take the last step. And I don't think she's even afraid. What if she is the one, well o.k. one of the ones. If it turns out she came with the same encoding protocols for the discrete partitioning of all language, we may be looking at an actual "Mutual Self Dual. " Just like when both Newton and Leibniz independently arrived at the Integral Calculus. Different minds can think the same thoughts. Indeed.
I walk down to the basement to use the bathroom, everyone in the halls seem pleasant. I smell Coffee. That always gets things moving. There is the kitchen that must have served countless Sunday luncheons. I think I can still smell them cooking donuts during mass.
Eyes half shut I start seeing that new alternative world that Terry told me about last night, the one with all those alien art excavations. I'm remembering the digs where we found that prehistoric Silurian Dome that predated all previously known sentient life here on Earth. I'm watching my inner safe place moving panoramically beneath me. That ancient city was found in 2025 in the very place I return to in my dreams when I'm too sick to be around anyone. Maybe it is all just a dream. Before I can force myself to wake up, I hear a soft familiar voice. I see myself from the foot of my recliner, through someone else's eyes looking at me asleep.
"Mr. Johnson?" "Mr. Johnson, I'm sorry to bother you." "Can you hear me?" "My name is Jennifer." As I open my eyes I realize she's seeing herself through my eyes too. I feel her body, she may be feeling mine too.
I jump to my feet and almost fall down. Jennifer grabs my arm to catch me and says, "Ouch." I think she is herself feeling the bruise on my arm from the night before. I've performed many An extractions before. Where I'm the one taken prisoner to help someone else get out of some cult, or a bad job or some other dangerous relationship. But most of the time we are usually released quickly, just to get rid me. This seems much more serious than those other times on earlier missions. This is just too weird. "Sir, are you alright?" She asks, "Do you need anything?" "Should I call someone?" Jennifer looks worried.
Catching myself, "I'm sorry Jennifer, good morning." "Yes, I'm glad to meet you, have we ever met before?" Secretly, I've always hated being a sensitive. I used to think it was disrespectful to look into peoples eyes directly. My poor wife had to put up with my shy eyes. "Jennifer, I'm still waking up and I really do want to talk with you." "Do you have to be anywhere soon?"
"Mr. Johnson?" "I think I might be another one of you." "I mean I wanted to come and meet you person, I've all read your books about Transpersonal Identification." "And all about how we share emotional boundaries through contact, and about how our emotional boundaries can actually mirror information back and forth with each other, and about how whole experiences can be shared by this fluid expression during touch." "And when I got to the part where you talk about the infinite repartitioning of memory using meta formal logic strings to encode imprint data." "Oh gosh I'm sorry, it's just I'm so excited." "I thought I've been writing about the same things and I just didn't understand why my life started getting a whole lot easier, I'm sure you must hear this all the time."
"Can I get back to you?" I ask her. "I don't know what to say and I really do want to talk to you." "Are you going to be here awhile longer?" "Please call me Phillip, I feel like an idiot."
"Of course, I'm sorry." She apologizes again, "I didn't mean to attack you like some crazed fan." "Do you mind if I just hang out for awhile, I would love it if I could show you some of my notes." I smile and nod. She is a very pretty yet athletic brown haired lass with curves and a sweet voice. Whoever you are Jennifer, I like you.
I want ask her so much, does she see it? This young girl actually understands the whole point of my work. Does she actually see the moving light? I'm shocked. All of these people here this morning are really smart. But usually after someone gets to see the walls melt, we simply die. Jennifer seems to be ready to take the last step. And I don't think she's even afraid. What if she is the one, well o.k. one of the ones. If it turns out she came with the same encoding protocols for the discrete partitioning of all language, we may be looking at an actual "Mutual Self Dual. " Just like when both Newton and Leibniz independently arrived at the Integral Calculus. Different minds can think the same thoughts. Indeed.
I walk down to the basement to use the bathroom, everyone in the halls seem pleasant. I smell Coffee. That always gets things moving. There is the kitchen that must have served countless Sunday luncheons. I think I can still smell them cooking donuts during mass.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Return to the future; The Last Laugh
I'm sorry if I can't wait any more. I want to stay here with all of you. But there is still not enough of us to sway the direction the world will take. You are still not making enough time for me. I must return to the future from where I came.
Parting note, I'm so happy to have gotten to work with all of you readers, but you must get ready for all the new readers waiting for us here in the future. They wont be held back by religion, politics or personal opinion bias. I hear them calling me back, "We want the Zenophile." I'll try to stay in touch with all of you here in the past, but I have been far too generous with you and it's time for the training wheels to come off. If you have been keeping up so far, you know I have left you with a huge backlog of homework and bedtime reading to keep you busy for many years. I want that by the time I get back, you will have at least tried to consider what was in my recommended reading list and why, if you are serious, you will need to wake up and cut yourself a whole lot of slack. You haven't been paying attention.
I'm sorry I'm going to have to write and run, but if the world is going to be properly prepared for the impact of the "Predictable Truth" I must go ahead now and prepare the way. As always, I love each and everyone of you. And I'm sorry for any drama I may have brought you, if that wasn't what you wanted.
And now, I return you to the future and get ready to have the last laugh.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
As always I'ld like to give credit to the wonderful people at Pacific Tech for this marvelous Graphics Calculator and many examples of creative uses for mathematics. This heart is in particular all theirs.
So how do we make our dreams come true? Heart? We want proof.
As a writer I want to be authentic. I want to do my job right. I want to have Editorial Integrity. "I believe information is our only fully renewable resource."
This is why I proposed to prove the existence of a "True Hoax." I want to be able to provide you with an excellent quality reading material. My true hoax is all about breaking the "Viral Ceiling," creating my own special interest niche. I'm writing, this is happening.
As a numbers game, I'm going all in on the bet, that I'm right. We want information.
I am selling a very calculated game. My literary experiment. The game will be coming out first soon in Russian. It's first release will be mostly as a series of on line classes. Beings as there is an unlimited organization to the available content, the large data sets I use are for the very interactive (potentially social) media. The first couple of incarnations of my "PPIReader" will in no way be issued under my logo. But very soon we're going to be buying psychic reading games and software. It's going to make the Russian's billions. Fortunately psychic reading is an expansive subject. By the time that we start seeing the mass marketing appeal for well thought out Interactive Social Media here in the States, everyone will be able to get there own P. P. I., Psychic Personality Inventory, right on line. I'm almost dreading what's going to happen. It's a very good application to play with and a good buy for your subscription dollars.
My Mutual Support Systems Workshops will probably become an institutional mainstay of the Recover Health Spa Movement. I want my book "The Johnson Method for Observational Interaction" to become a very profitable best seller. People will become much better at defining Social Identification Boundaries. The rules are breaking. I'm just saying.
If my research is correct;
: Editorial Integrity is a Marketable Service Industry.
Being a good writer is about speaking to my audience, just like being a good reader. Providing a quality service as a journalist, means using clean business practices reporting any viable information. The informed public want to know. Journalism is a competitive sport. As a "Creative Medium" Heart is everything. I have friends who are going to be so pissed when they read this, they know I'm probably going to get away with this.
Information; Your Infinitely Renewable Resource
Let's look at what has happened so far to our Propositions. We are looking at progressing transformative influence. Information is what creates our "Influence Matrix." (Our vectors of change.) I tell you a story and it turns out to be true. But what we are seeing is just the inevitable eventuality of emerging truth. I happen to provide a marketable skill that as of yet is still in it's burgeoning infancy. I've laced this blog with gritty little gems of technique and technology. It is absolutely necessary to release this information slowly in small bites, so as that the cumulative value of my research can not be hoarded or misappropriated by an otherwise unprotected charlatan. Mine is a badly misused and misunderstood profession. I've forgone the luxury of pandering to you, my respected unknown audience. As professional psychics, we have a responsibility to protect all people from the unreasonable abuse of power. These applied observational sciences have fortunately been subject to constant rational criticism by almost everyone because of the superstitious fantasy appeal of professional psychics. And yet the truth still changes everything.
Now let us suppose what has probably already happened. This is not the first time I've gotten to release powerful creative influences into society. Again, if I had tried to influence society, I'ld be kidding myself and making myself look very foolish. I'm just a very lucky person with a winning attitude and a very interesting job. Working with many other brilliant practitioners of science and art has given me strength and hope.
But a very interesting thing happens to us when we love what we do so much. We open up our hearts and the truth and beauty come out. The time has come. And for a moment the world seems to shimmer in the light of becoming. Our separateness falls away.
My work is being carefully translated and redistributed in the countries that first showed the greatest interest in my documentary publication. There is no limit to the power of information.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Test Post # 8.) Projective Pseudo Spectral Higher Order Waveforms
Here are more of those nifty proofs. See if you can find the answer expressed in the form of a question.
Fine Art and Dis Objectives
Fine Art and Dis Objectives:
In the love and expression of beauty, we are often confronted with the unfamiliar. Much of what is to said about love and business are the same. Love is an adaptation. Power has a tendency to express itself through fields of influence. (4th. rule for a parapsychological method, Everyone needs love. {All things gravitate toward love, [and power,] especially love and power.}) This "Sphere" of influence that we loosely call power is a very dynamic system. Most people confuse power with control, ownership or the illusion of dominance. This is where the power of violence comes from.
We too, often acknowledge a power of "LOVE." Beauty is it's own curse. When people love selfishly we risk losing those who depend on us to be responsible. Most people prefer to be in control as a matter of safety. Be when we are caught up in an attachment to the thing that we worship, we loose perspective with what is, that is uniquely beautiful in each and everyone of us.
However when it comes to the perception of human beauty, there is nothing like being a professional psychic. I often say it's just like prostitution. The more I charge the more business I get. By reading people really well, I basically do touch people. I've studied and practiced diagnostic massage therapy for decades and always get to learn more. Because of using a sliding wage scale for my price structure, I've been able to protect myself from un necessary income and attention that I neither want, need or deserve, yet. Focusing on providing a highly marketable quality service has allowed me to understand limitations to being the "Psychic" medium. This makes my a very fair judge of other peoples limited personal liability for their involvement with me as the psychic reader. It also has afforded me the freedom to tell people the truth with authoritative accountability. An appropriate "Games Theory" would ask, "What is the object of The game." I am not an object. I am not a game.
I'm a human being. I'm up here. I don't want to be treated like an object. I don't objectify others either. Somehow looking at people, as people, has freed me up to be the kind of person I want to respect. If I was trying to be all noble and pure I don't think I would get away with it. My sincerity and authenticity are the only thing I have to fall back on, integrity is hot. Virtue is sexy. So I market the information, the human contact, not me the thing. Who in their right mind wouldn't want a decent, respectful meta physical therapist. Good people are great. But not all care providers are equally ethical. Not all entertainers are equally entertaining. The general public has been exploited. As the medium I have the privilege of supporting and encouraging other peoples healthy skepticism. I like it when my customers come to me with a skeptical playfulness. Everybody's a critic. Nobody likes a critic. Therefore nobody likes themselves. (Just kidding.)
Obviously I've got an attitude and I can be very annoying, this is probably a good thing. So,......, being in an industry that is both glamourous and corrupt, I've chosen to approach this controversial career as a Fine Art. Because as my art, I have the means and motivation to exceed conventional assumptions. This blog is nothing more than field notes corrected for inaccuracies.
See, I was talking about human beauty and fine art and I've completely forgotten about feeling uncomfortable. I like being able to appeal to people. It comes very naturally to me. It does make it somewhat easier to get people to want to talk to me. But pretty people often think "We are more important." Even if that it is true, being charming and charismatic, just like being beautiful, can be a total curse. Again, if I was trying to fake it, I wouldn't be able to get lost in all the details of what I get to do. I'ld never get away with it. Everyone wants to believe in something, "Everyone Needs Love." But that's why people are so understandably critical of psychics. True beauty can never be owned or objectified. True contemplation aways transcends the objectives. Happy love day.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
The Ending of Whats Trending, TIME STOPS
What is trending? Xenophobia is making a resurgence amongst democratically elected neo fascists. As the ultimate self defining inclusive reference frame, patriotism almost always causes people to want to look elsewhere for the blame of their own personal problems. This would not become a problem were we humans actually capable of rational objectivity. So, I could say, what is trending is not a trend. The cutting edge is sometimes just the blade of a guillotine. In order to clear the way, TIME STOPS. It's war that persists. (When God awoke, he opened his one judgmental eye, and the world was consumed entirely by holocaust and lightning.)
Most of what of I've written so far has been essentially very positive and optimistic. What gives? Why stop now? If all we need is good news then we can read the Christian Science Monitor. They have a great editorial policy of putting good news on the front page, bad news in the back.
During my last session with my teacher at the Mercury Academy, ("What Is Inter Sensory Perception" Mon. Dec. 2nd, 2013) we discussed his particularly grim outlook about human history as it stretched out before us from that date on May 18th, 1980. We had developed a way that he could communicate to me long after he would no longer be able to speak. We knew perfectly well what was going to happen to him, to me and to the rest of the world. We used a system of storytelling, some of which I would make up or retell to him. He also would tell me many stories from literature, history and classic movies. These narratives made it possible for us to construct durable memories, each specific to elaborate detailed contexts for understanding the human dynamic. One of the movies he outlined for me was "Zorba The Greek" from the book by Nikos Kazantzakis. I had not seen that movie. The story sounded to me, like it was an indulgent trip into the destructive mania of "Zorba." I had always hated anything that seemed to glamorize mental illness or nihilism. Many people loved that movie as quality cinema, but without even having seen the flick I told Steve, "It sounds like the guy had a destructive impact on the lives of everyone he came in contact with."
He said, "It isn't necessary for you to like the story." "Your opinion is valid, what is important is that you use the film to reactivate the memories of what you learn." He went on to state, "I thought you liked reading Kazantzakis, you said you liked his "The Saviors of God." Then to finish framing the issue, Steve went on to say "Sometimes you need to destroy things to make room for what is new." There was very little real freedom for the characters of this modern existential Greek tragedy. "Zorba couldn't really help any of the people in the story anyways." "It was enough that he should exist."
This is a matter of course, it is one of the most difficult aspects of an occult world view to convey. There is an inseparable unity and coequal place of the creative with the destructive. This horrifying perspective is very much a throwback to the bronze age mythos of the cyclical continuity of life and death; sunrise, sunset, springtime, the fall, day after day, life after life. Once we decided we needed the "Creator" we needed to create a destroyer. Our belief in a personal devil was the inevitable result of believing in death as something separate from life. Please forgive my overuse of unexplained TIME STOPS.
To me the whole notion of what is "trending" is a symptom of an erroneous sense of immortality. As long as we are afraid of death, well,....., Sometimes the answers will seem very strange and even threatening. I believe this is why true innocence is always unexpected. (Will I be unforgiven for trying to tell the truth?)
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The Alert Spoiler
Spoiler Alert: Building the Better Psychic Mouse Trap, Beats a Path to my Door!
You know that longing your feeling? It could be the turning point. When you feel the boundaries of your known world, you can feel very much alone. Right before the satisfaction of understanding a very difficult problem, there is often an extreme boredom. I've been blessed with a very trusting, forgiving nature. And yet in my advancing years I have come to know the violence that dwells in men's hearts. This is often an unanticipated consequence of the honest inquiry into the domain of the human nature. One might expect that someone as gentle as me, would never be asked to be the enforcer. How wrong we can be.
Knowing exactly what people are going to do can really wreck havoc on an otherwise beautiful dating life.
I have chased away all the stragglers. I tell them, "Run away as fast as you can, run away while you are still free." "I will love you until the day I die."
It's so wonderful to get to meet with you here again, here in the future, we always knew you were coming. Is there anything that I can do to make you more comfortable right now? This can't be easy for you. This is a very strange place that no one else has ever told you about before. You may have read about these parts in a book some where, some time, some how that you can't quite remember. But it all seems so familiar, as if you knew. We were planning for you to be able to get back with us again, eventually. How did we know? Was it the boredom? Was it loneliness? Was it that damn endless longing and hunger that led you back to us, here again?
I have told you a story, half asleep, that I knew you would partly understand. But I also knew you had to be trusted. You had to decide for yourself that you would remember. I did not want to startle you. I knew that if you were told what to expect, you might not believe that you would still be able to go through with all that you need to do. So, instead I gave you a spoiler alert so you could hear the story, enjoy the drama and not know, that the story is about you. You are the medium, the message, you are the maestro. If I had told you exactly what was going to happen in a way that you believed, you would never have come back. Isn't there enough heartache in the world without depriving people of freewill. Deterministic prognostication is at best just more bad art. So I made you a better psychic mousetrap, so you too, may get swept up in the gentle path beaten to my door. I really do love you. Please, if you can, be well. And if when you are ready, remember yet a present, I love you all the while.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The Unbroken Chain of Affirmation Is the Guaranty of Success
The Unbroken Chain of Affirmation Is the Guaranty of Success.
As you can see, we join what is good from the past into the future. This linking of what is right in ourselves, is with each other. As a medium I don't experience time. Everything's happening right now. Everything that has happened is gone. What is in the future may never happen. I believe that the time has come, and time has nowhere to go but to here, now, forever. Everything that is, has been or ever will be, has coalesced out of the imagination's of our ancestors dreams and vision. That's why when we do any real kind of magic, we must be very gentle. Nothing is more fragile than that robust dream whose time has come. "Beyond the abyss, all contradiction is unity."
Out of this joining, this grand coalescence, we have all come. Into this grand becoming, we all may get to go. As an amateur physicist, I myself obsess about ontology (Being, Existence, the Nature of Reality.) The meaning of life may just be a pointless distraction, one that I had to give up decades ago just for the sake of survival. Most of the people who had successfully "Detached" from their ego's during the sexual revolution, filled the ashrams and mental hospitals to capacity during the sixties and seventies. Having the ego die means we all knew what was right, but we had all lost our ways.
"Master, I am a good person, but what am I supposed to do?" We would say, "Please tell us what there is to live for." We were all understandably pathetic. The absurdity of our existence was this unbroken chain of affirmation. Is there any wonder we ended up as the generation of indulgent parenting? We all suffered horribly for our undeserved freedom and the loss of external oppression. In our Bohemian expansiveness we needed to embrace the privilege of our advanced education. This ladder to infinity, lead from knowledge to awareness, from clarity to understanding, it made us the indomitable Baby Boom. Now we have to watch our children and grandchildren struggle to find even a glimmer of the attention spans we were given back in the era of slide rulers and computer index cards. Ouch! The worlds population has increased by billions in my short life. I know where life takes me, but I've survived the normally lethal ego death. Generally, most people who have died to themselves, just die. However, I have been given my work to do. The guaranty of success is not a material thing. My obsessions are not about any one person. I am so hungry all the time. I want so much to be able to nourish you, to protect you. But you are not mine. And you, like me, are just a fleeting vision of beauty so rare and unbelievable. I can barely remember to breathe. I am just a spirit medium trapped between the worlds of today and maybe a tomorrow. Forgive me. My heart is so full and heavy from the weight of this world. All that I desire to live for, is the hope that the sun will rise and bless all the world's children again, forever. The Unbroken Chain of Affirmation Is the Guaranty of Success.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Soul Games
And to my friends and fellow nerds, a nod out to all the people who share my love of a good game. "The Play Is The Thing." We all need occasional entertainment. A game can often involve a narrative, a context for a social identity. HILLEL: "If only for others, then who am I?" "If only for myself, then what good am I?" "And then, if not now, when?" Games are often simple programs, rule sets, actual codes. Mathematicians have been trying to break the bank using those old games of probabilities for centuries, lots of money rides on calculated risks, educated guesses and speculation. Everyone place your bets.
Social physics is life in the matrix of probability. As a purveyor of quality entertainment I have much to gain from honing my craft as a statistician. As a gamesman I love the pride I get from competing, calculating odds, plotting projections. Good sportsmanship means I get to play well with others, whether I like it or not. Being a successful psychic means I have to work especial hard, not to bullshit people or play on our human gullibility.
The first two para psychology books I ever looked at were; "The White Goddess" by Sir Robert Graves, and several large volumes on Psilocybin research from the fifties. I was eight. I've had to learn that soul eating just isn't polite, I have to really honor each person who let's me witness a part of their lives. Generally most people only encounter me briefly, so I usually don't have to worry. But then we are all fair game. As a Soul Eater I get to understand you in ways that is unique to both of us, no matter how briefly we encounter. Soul Eaters have had to worry about having the "Touch" for as long as we've been telling fabulous stories. Once someone enters my field of attention, the game is on. I will want to be there for you, in that moment. I can be totally yours, for that brief time. What I lack in strategies, I repay with tact. I hope I will always leave you wanting more.
The only relief I've found from the guilt of being a Soul Eater is by refusing to take money. People want more than I need to give. Its enough that I can sincerely try to understand each and every person. I have a responsibility to communicate that awareness of each person's distinctive soul. When I have the luxury of your presence, hopefully it will not be for too long. Let the games begin.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
I again like to thank whoever it is that is participating in this still very early phase of proof. You have guts. For as absurd as is everything I'm suggesting at this phase, if you have an interest in the work at this point, I want to support you.
I'ld like to share many more of these amazing social skills that make "Complementarity" work. Again, many of the things I'm offering at this point will seem strange. That's the point. Often, when we don't see solutions, we are looking in the wrong place.
Are you a changing, "Becoming" person? (You probably are, good for you.)
Don't focus on problems as barriers, we are the boundaries leading to solutions. Confrontation is better thought of as points of contact, as unpleasant as that often is. Your computer doesn't care who you are, "God is no respecter of persons." The mirror of karma is never flattering. Harsh, I know. Live without blame the best you can, but know that failure is not the enemy, it is a necessary gateway to success. Engage the critique. Seek answers.
A big part of why I've gotten to love so many wonderful, beautiful, decent, messed up, successful human beings is because I'm not offended by the truth about what kinds of problems "Real" people have. As a matter of fact, we are never really alone. An injury to one is an injury to all. As commonly as we suffer alone, our problems are of a social dimension which is never just ours alone. Nothing feeds an ego like self indulgent misery. Approach, Avoidance, Attraction, Revulsion, the mirror has two faces. There are no problems that can't be contained by the imagination. The only problems that have no solutions are pointless. There are much more important problems than:
Is there a "God?"
Are there any "Real" psychics?
Can intelligent people disagree, or does someone always have be proved wrong?
Is there a shadow government? (How can there be a conspiracy if we are in collusion?)
These are all significant issues. BUT, these problems are only problems. Vital Paradoxes are vital because they make us think. These pointed arguments are useful tools for understanding differences in opinion. <Author's Message> Don't get bogged down in argument, please. There are much more important problems that need our attention now. Like can we save the world?
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Never Be Mine, The Lost City
The privilege of writing this blog has made for a perfect venue through which to communicate with a theoretical future. My work has allowed me respect as a becoming human being. My failings have added to my resolve. I have much to do.
I'ld like to return to this issue of fantasy. Most of us have been deprived of the sense of wonder that comes with creative decision making. A certain amount of that is due to maturity, accepting the need for healthy limitations. All that is good. But in my case I also have to allow for the responsibilities that come with a career that is commonly confused with fantasy and fantasy thinking.
As a pro psychic I often have to tell people things truthfully that they don't want to hear. My most previous post addressed MY personal beliefs. I'm not suggesting that God can't exist or that people can't reincarnate. I obviously don't know. I just find that if I am going to be honest with people, I may have to admit to my religion. I'm not very spiritual, but I am extremely religious.
What I experience as "GHOSTS" is intelligent, but not self aware. As a medium, I do not experience time. There is no afterlife for me because that would imply attachment. Were I to attach myself to the expectation of doing anything more than channelling an "Echo Imprint" of that persons innate beauty, I would be stepping on my own toes. The ancient tradition of "Spirit Mediumship" has become detached from it's origins of "Ancestor Worship and Animism." Ancient Egypt, the Bible and Vedic Hinduism have all given us an afterlife. However that kind of an afterlife can be compared to a lost city, a place to which we can only imagine. (A land of wind and ghosts.) Instead of trying to en trance you, I only wish to inspire. I highly doubt we need to confuse issues when it comes to the very healing prospect of responsible "Spirit Mediumship." (But I can also easily imagine what each of you, individually, is thinking about me, right now.)
I myself tend to be very obsessive and I almost never get to forget people. Thinking about other people all the time takes an incredible amount of energy for me. And rather than living in regret because of missing other people, I much prefer to enjoy the distinctiveness of each and everyone who comes to mind. It's almost impossible for me to miss someone who is always in my thoughts, prayers and dreams.
I have also had to learn a kind of realistic dispassion and detachment when it comes to intimate relations. I love you. I do not own you. But when you are gone, I'll be glad I knew you.
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