Saturday, February 22, 2014

Truth is Not A Generality

                   Pardon my broken time lines. I'm back here, now in the past with you again, before what I am writing about proves to have inevitably come true.

                   In review, I'm very pleased to see that many of you readers are taking seriously my call to read. Many of you are going back and reading pivotal posts for the correct documentation of core issues and concepts. Reading a linear narrative essay on the documentation of my life's research I know, is potentially very tiring and difficult.

                   At first, almost all of my first 1500 page hits came from Russia only, (on this issue I wrote, "Who Is The Spaminator?" Tues. Aug. 20th, 2013. Almost to the day then, Putin had banned the Glasnost of open internet in Russia.) I was little harsh pointing out the fact that when I went to check out their "Traffic Sources" I'm directed back to the porn sites marketing their seduction training videos. Because of my complaints, or not,  I was dropped. Oddly, those early readers were mostly interested in my precise documentation on the theory and core concepts of traditional psychic reading and other spiritual technologies. The sincere interest in the formative elements of my work was both very reassuring and somewhat incongruent with the popular prevailing prejudices people understandably have about pornography and or womanizing in general. (But Russia is in a post atheistic religious resurgence along with all of their other iconoclastically banned traditional practices, including superstitions.) Before I ever got a new computer, blog site, or working I. P. address,  I was researching social media and advertising on the web with an extremely limited access using only a very old Macintosh. Using only 1G wireless access, I contacted them at their, "The Tao of Badass" Russian Porn Mafia website directly to congratulate them on their clever use of female executives to explain their sexualized "Games Theory." A very business centric approach to understanding woman's social psychology. I pointed out however that they were coming on a little too strong, (an insult to any solicitous games theorist) and I suggested that what they were selling could just as easily be used to target hot young rich guys, just like them. Although I was not interested in their product at that time.

                  I try to apologize for criticizing their questionable use of misleading URLs to hide their actual referring URL. I believe they may have been ethical and honorable with me back then. If I try to go back again now today however, I risk getting malware.

                  In this era, where I have an overwhelming responsibility to be straight forward in my thinking and speaking, the pure over generalized sleaze and phraseology of over compartmentalized repartitioned code data, (Meta data) has bred itself "The Cultures of LIKES & DIS LIKES." I was the target for misleading monetizing analytics. Almost all of the earliest traffic sources had ulterior motives and agendas. Finally now,  the Russian Porn Mob is referring only those readers interested in "Reading." (But since I reported recording each of these "traffic sites" used to access my blog, almost all traffic from Russia has stopped again. Like before, they'll be back.) A blog on a highly technical subject like intuitive diagnostics and psychic reading technologies, did not come with ready made #Hash Tags. Personal media marketing with engagement strategies is all about Branding, not ethics.
Please, don't over generalize me out of an honest meaningful career in political journalism. I return you now back to your future entertainment programming, already in congress.