Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Love Is Not A Singularity

                    As I've said, "Peoples preoccupation with human imperfection is spiritual obesity," in it's perversity of evil. I've also said, "There is no such thing as Original Sin." You've also had to hear me rave about how, "There is no such thing as a child born with bad karma."

                    I've found in my maturity that the most gratifying part of this endless healing of my "Soul" is feeling love. I don't get to decide how others will love me, I just know that I do feel love. (Thank you very much.) I'm outlining the steps I'm getting to take to deliver me to this state of grace that has been allowed me. I know that seems to give all the of power to you, to love me or not, but so be it.

                    In mapping out these distinctive "Quirks" of our human natures, I've discovered not only our illusions of preference, but I've also found the directive by which I am allowed to love all of you. Don't ask me why. Believe it or not, it was the church designated "Beast" Aleister Crowley, who first said "EVERYONE IS A STAR." Such a man, that has been called the father of rock and roll, (Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll,) would be horrified by our modern societies shortsighted hedonism. The evil of our society is in it's self indulgence. This has produced a culture of fatalism, Blech.

                    What's the answer? I'm not going to tell you. But I will say, you think our lives are hard. Talk to your ancestors. They can speak to you. They loved you. They survived so as that you and me can live now, today. This is another one of those amazing medicines of our modern "Fringe Science." I myself, don't believe in an afterlife, heaven or reincarnation. (I'm not suggesting that there is no possible God or Reincarnation, I'm saying that such beliefs may not be necessary, and they may in fact be cluttering our lives.) So what's left? TAOISM! Ancient Ancestor Worship and Animism, (Ghosts and Nature Spirits) are much older than our other modern religions. People only fear death because we are told to be afraid. Afraid of God's punishment, that's not my God. Afraid of being reborn, that's not my Buddha. Afraid of not being loved, that's not my love. I know that as someone who is espousing the virtues of a "Complementarity," this must sound very harsh. But I am an entertainer, not a propagandist. My job is to inspire, not pursued. You can't tell me what to play. I love you, and for me that is always been more than enough. Love Is Not A Singularity.