Sunday, February 9, 2014

Soul Games

                   And to my friends and fellow nerds, a nod out to all the people who share my love of a good game. "The Play Is The Thing." We all need occasional entertainment. A game can often involve a narrative, a context for a social identity. HILLEL: "If only for others, then who am I?" "If only for myself, then what good am I?" "And then, if not now, when?" Games are often simple programs, rule sets, actual codes. Mathematicians have been trying to break the bank using those old games of probabilities for centuries, lots of money rides on calculated risks, educated guesses and speculation. Everyone place your bets.

                   Social physics is life in the matrix of probability. As a purveyor of quality entertainment I have much to gain from honing my craft as a statistician. As a gamesman I love the pride I get from competing, calculating odds, plotting projections. Good sportsmanship means I get to play well with others, whether I like it or not. Being a successful psychic means I have to work especial hard, not to bullshit people or play on our human gullibility.

                   The first two para psychology books I ever looked at were; "The White Goddess" by Sir Robert Graves, and several large volumes on Psilocybin research from the fifties. I was eight. I've had to learn that soul eating just isn't polite, I have to really honor each person who let's me witness a part of their lives.  Generally most people only encounter me briefly, so I usually don't have to worry. But then we are all fair game. As a Soul Eater I get to understand you in ways that is unique to both of us, no matter how briefly we encounter. Soul Eaters have had to worry about having the "Touch" for as long as we've been telling fabulous stories. Once someone enters my field of attention, the game is on. I will want to be there for you, in that moment. I can be totally yours, for that brief time. What I lack in strategies, I repay with tact. I hope I will always leave you wanting more.

                     The only relief I've found from the guilt of being a Soul Eater is by refusing to take money. People want more than I need to give. Its enough that I can sincerely try to understand each and every person. I have a responsibility to communicate that awareness of each person's distinctive soul. When I have the luxury of your presence, hopefully it will not be for too long. Let the games begin.