Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bias Against Bias; Rational Bias Fear

                  Reason demands continuous closure, embrace the probable, eliminate the lies and correct the falsehoods that take the place of our ever growing personal experiences of learning. Taking sides often achieves nothing.

                   I've outlined many of the basic methodologies of Psychic Reading. I've explained Meta Formal Logic as means of "Enumerate Partition" for abstract quantities, which informed the ancient processes of rudimentary analysis. Astrology is mother to Astronomy, Stellar Cartography, Navigation and Calendars. Physiology was preceded by the Meta Formally Logical ancient Intuitive Diagnostics, where again we see abstract quantities uniformly divided up into; Temperaments, Elements and Meridians in Chinese Medicine. (More Clockwork) The philosophical end table of modular ancient Chinese Meta Science was "Symmetrically Coalesced" into our "I Ching", the Book of Changes.  Through mass literacy, the traditional Jewish Culture witnessed the coming alphabet of symbols translated out of the Torah into the Talmud, into the Sefer Zohar, to most strangely the Playing Cards and finally the "TAROT."  From many tiny pieces of evenly divided maps, the language of our actual modern medical palmistry is as difficult as any. We only have to look at the elegant complexities of any hand writing or the uncial fonts to catch a glimpse of what I get to look at everyday, whenever I'm reading for someone. These are the short list of tools I work from. I'm outlining traditions that came together to become our modern practices of Intuitive Diagnostics, and more casually Fortunetelling. All totalities, all Unities, all Maps.

                   :Why would such arbitrarily simplistic ways of partitioning data end up producing such sound scientific foundations? They just needed to be corrected. Independent of personal biases, we have two very significant issues.

                   1st. The shear overwhelming volume of information we have requires huge lexicons. Order demands simplicity. We have to start somewhere. Partitioning an informational space into a "Unity" divided equally by vectors, is the only way to find a language of "Self." We have simple words for "Local Symmetries," "Perceptual Orientations," and the "Rotations of an Angularity." This gives us shared language of place, perspective, variability and differentiation. I'm up, your down, right or left, backwards and forwards, successions in order, inter relations going on defined by moving boundaries. Language must be simple in order to keep up.

                   2nd. So much of what we learn about each other happens at the very deep level of preverbal sensitivities. "Echo Imprints" maybe all we have to distinguish what we feel about each other. At any point that awareness of individual distinctiveness is so undeniable, Penguins on the beach are rarely confused about "Positive I. D." The parents look out for their own baby chick, even though all penguins look the same to me.

                    Ancient practices of dividing down data sets delineated by "Local Symmetries" create "Enumerate Partitions." Reconstructed these become "Coalesced" into soft technologies that we're still learning today. As the psychic, I've become skilled at surfing these opinion boundaries in between ignorant superstitions and arrogant intellectual bigotries. (They are blood brothers.) The truth still lies somewhere in between. Not at the extremes of Bias.

                                      New Subject;           CRITICAL SENSITIVITIES 

                   This process of interpersonal differentiation is critical, even though it is largely understated behind the courtesy of group identities and a sense of belonging. Boundaries of Identification come with distinctions. This is where and why we get "Proxy Dependencies." This is how we can mutually identify ourselves and therefore we take on the language and perspectives of a "Group." It's usually a critical sensitivity that prompts a person to question and challenge a group think. Bias is not the same as actual sensitivity.

                   Even from within any group can come separate opinions, sensitivities or awarenesses. Each one of us can have unique sensitivities which may necessarily make us critical of each other. Grooming is a most beneficial expression of this co supportive mutual sensitivity. The awareness of personal differences is critical for the survival of said individuals and the group. Check relations to relative distance. People are linguistically, both objects (1.) and subjects (multiple). Mutual boundary definitions are often as arbitrary as are Sun Signs and will say nothing about a person's individual nature at all. It is often only by distinctively critical sensitivities that people become more than a mere label. Our human capacity for expression is not just for "Signatures of Identification" but we are biased to communicate personal differences through critical sensitivities. Bias is an objective, not a sensitivity.

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