"The Para Psychological Methods" are not just for our immediate benefit. This work is designed to embrace, adore and affirm children yet to be. If you have been learning from these models on mutual support you have come to recognize many of these shared resources.
As sensitives we of necessity explore, keep subjectively auditing your friends. When you read people you are in fact touching in a way than can be both very loving and disorienting at the same time. You might be saying, "I'm not an auditor." But as you read this blog, you're auditing me. We all engage in mutual Boundaries of Contact.
Who are all of you wonderful people? I look forward to reading for you everyday. Who is that in the Ukraine? And who is that person in Russia that has been reading me in Russia for a long time now? And what about all you new people reading me through Indonesian and Malaysian traffic sources. All of the new people reading me here in the U. S. Am I making any sense for any of you? Send me a sign. I've unblocked the comment pages. But I mentioned, I'm reading to you in the dark, No feed back means I have to imagine what you are looking to read. The only way I know who you are is by; National Traffic Source, Operating Systems and your Browser. I'm also using some Google analytics to get a look at your reading habits. (Persuasion Profiling) So when you're reading me, I'll try to be reading you too.
These are some of our experimental, Boundaries of Contact. This may not seem very intimate, but in some ways it is more personal than the standard "Cold Readings" most people expect to get when they go to amateur psychics. As real sensitives we all experience boundaries that are hard to define or identify. But the diagnostics of critical sensitivities is the final frontier, and intimacy is a Phase state in transition. As we learn from each other we learn about ourselves, and vice versa.
Greetings from downtown Mankato, Minnesota; under half an inch of fresh snow turning slowly into slush. :)