Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Separate Reality

                   Looking at the sunlight on the hinge of my laptop, I'm seeing this same light shining somewhere else. I may be getting ready to have another mild narcoleptic seizure. But as I try to type this perception of somewhere else that maybe exists or not, I'm brought to the edge of tears. Will I wake up here or will I end up in another body somewhere else again? The view is beautiful from here. I'm seeing lace curtains framing the windows and floral patterned wallpaper embracing the cherrywood dresser with crystal decanters and a globe lamp. To the outside, a scene of snowy hills hugging the house on the bank of a tree lined river. With the front door facing the docks I can see the road just beyond the yard. Light is delicately sliced by the bare trees waving in the gentle late warming winter breeze. The afternoon is calm and relaxed. The peace of the moment betrays the difficulty of the life she has led. Whose eyes are these that I stare blankly out of? I need to take a nap.