Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Is The Code? Finding the CODING DENSITY THRESHOLD

                   A systematic analysis of Symbolic Languages, be they mathematics or lyrical poetry, demands that we decompress the pressureless dust, (This term is borrowed from astrophysics to describe the infinitely dense, infinitely massive pointless matter singularity at the Big Bang.) Like a Big Bang, the amount of information available to be studied and processed is infinite. An accurate multi variate statistical analysis, (Relative to say just one subject like languages,) is one of the most cumbersome forms of Calculus possible. Indexing a directory of important usable vocabularies (data profiling systems) is endless, especially now with code. Now that we have the processing capacities of computers, we can catch up with the naming of different terms we use to describe our unique perceptions. Resultantly, we are seeing an exploding revolution in personal and utilitarian languages. Identifying with the social boundaries that define language exclusivity is generating innumerable elite subcultures. "What Is The Code?"

                   Because almost all of my work in Intuitive Diagnostics is directly derived from diverse irreplaceable cultural histories, I am confronting interpersonal language barriers directly. We also get to see the constant advance of a largely expanding computer language code, and yet the Coding Density Threshold of human interaction and sensitivity is almost ignored. Our modern short attentions and technological creep, feeds this dangerous fracturing of languages. Preferred styles of communication and colloquial tribal language etiquette is often considered law within these exclusively elite sub cultures.

                   I have often been accused of exploiting peoples biases by talking highly partisan "New Age" B. S. By measuring the relative vagueness or over generality of my "readings," I find I have a relatively esoteric High Coding Density for my language. This is why I largely prefer reading for skeptics. People with strong opinions, although we are often just being intellectually constipated, are just as often very shrewd and discriminating. This is why I promote "Complementarity." Understanding the complex language subtleties of just one of these diagnostic methods, like "Chinese Medicine," does not translate easily. My beautifully dynamic system of diagnostics, which incorporates ergonomics, biometrics, physiognomy and my system of Social Recursion Modeling for identifying self defining mutual distinctiveness as our individual exclusive boundaries, most people wont understand. I may as well be speaking Greek.

                  I have sited for instance, the "Mutually Conflicting Virtues" of things like, OVER DEPENDABILITY as opposed to UNEXPRESSED EXPECTATIONS. Contrast this with the "Necessary Vices" of BASELESS OPTIMISM and RATIONAL PESSIMISM. Whether I am right or not, these models are as just Meta Formal Logic. I define a norm relative to a linguistic polarity. The unity is subject to Enumerative Partition, (by two.) The domain of these polarized natural extremes of human diversity is then Symmetrically Coalesced to redefine variability. Get it? I didn't think so.

                  Let me see if I can make this any simpler. I have managed to directly hit the Coding Density Ceiling. My work in applied esoteric diagnostics has "Split the Opinion Bias." (Point Counterpoint) Popular opinions on these soft (spiritual) technologies are changing. And the change is in our language. What was once esoteric has now become colloquial. Code is probably just a word for any new language. To some of us, "Code is Poetry."

                  Thank you. You have been very helpful.