Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sensitive Boundaries and Changing Opinion Biases, A Naked Singularity

                   As a Sensitive, understanding Social Boundaries is everything. My integrity is the only thing that is not repairable.

                   As our opinions change, so does the surface of our "Self Identifying Boundary Definitions." We all have these changes of emotion, experience, a shifting frame of reference. The language of changing social boundaries is still a battleground, with influence.

                   As the soul proprietor of this limited liability partnership, I have the responsibility. Where does the fiction end? Will I be ready on the other side to catch this great hoard of resources pouring through from the void? I really put a lot in to this.

                   I've been leaving myself messages. I've been so glad to get them back when I need them. And now everything still goes forward. The process is another day closer to it's final conclusion.

                  I've been able to give considerable thought to our subject of changing opinion biases. Understanding and recognizing our bodies and ourselves, we have come to our base need for a social ethic. Change is inevitable. It's symbols that we hold on to. Beyond what we believe, that's my job. I get to tell stories, stories that comes true. I get paid for telling stories that come true. So far so good. How do I know? Everything in life is so delicately balanced , that even the slightest ripples can be felt between the head and the heart.

                  I call it the "Naked Singularity." It represents most wholly the true sensitive nature, subjectively and objectively. We as living animals, are very temperamental. The subtleties of human sexuality alone breeds volumes. The elephant in the room of course, is that I am given permission to look at people very close up. I'm very much appreciative of the respect people give me when they let me read them. It can be a lot of fun. There usually is some touch involved.

                  We are all "Naked Singularities." It is suggested that even an artificial intelligence may one day be able to achieve singularity,  Sentience. If machines can learn to love they will first need to trust. and to trust there must be contact, touch. This awareness is usually described as a glow or a "Light" of consciousness. My job is to make "Self Awareness" fun for you. I'm just looking at area codes. "The self is ubiquitous." (From the Upanishads)  Mutual boundaries are the new frontier. I got in.