Monday, March 31, 2014

Sexual Guilt and Antisocial Escapism

                   I want to be able to give you an interesting Magazine. Today I'm going to launch right into what guys never talk about.

                   Vulnerability may be cute, but most guys don't like talking about vulnerability. It's about as much fun as one of my connective tissue massages, it can hurt like hell, but you usually feel much better afterwards. In my experience, #4. "Everybody needs love," is the actual house in the sexual relation. Sorry, this one isn't mine, so don't act like you haven't experienced feeling deprived, shut out, left out in the cold. We all have. Vulnerability can be very cute, but it also can be very pathetic.

                   When we as young men need to confront our feelings of responsibility, a certain amount of sexual guilt is inevitable. It amazes me when enlightened women with whom I've had the privilege of dating are surprised to discover that sexual guilt is not all that uncommon amongst men. I have seen men like me, who were capable of evil, who of necessity must also wrestle demons of hideous proportion.

                   In confronting my own recovery, I've learned to benefit from advanced alternative medical resources available to our general society. (Some much better than others.) Knowing the human social psyche in honest detail is considered both dangerous and socially unwelcoming. I have an immense responsibility not to take my good fortune for granted. As my skill set and associated available resources have come together, I'm confronted with the need for almost total anonymity. Intimacy must be with exceptional people of exceptional understanding. I've come to understand the latent schizophrenia that seems to be synonymous with the modern success profile. See if you also like this?

                   Virtue is very sexy and integrity is totally hot. (Forbidden Fruit?) I personally believe that integrity has always been the point of our shared historical regard for the sanctity of innocence. Vulnerability may be a sign of really good character. It is the unexpectedness of integrity that is redeeming. People try to talk about their honor. Reputation is not the same thing as personal integrity. Honor is usually nothing more than the perversity of a mob will. Families should not seek to punish there daughters for the sins of the fathers. Nations should not criminalize "Victimless Crimes." Banks should pay for the mistakes. Appearances are often nothing more paranoid illusions. "He who is without sin, be the first to cast the stone." Most guys want to believe, I am good people.

                    Senseless vices and hedonism have possessed our death obsessed popular culture, (nothing new here.) We must collectively be witness to this mass inoculation of society with the pretense of soulless sex. More business as usual. I'm not above wanting to have sex. Neither am I opposed to abstinence. But some of us guys are really sensitive about what it is women really have to go through. No pity. But I think a lot of us guys really would rather be bachelors, than have to worry about hurting anyone else. You may be too good for me. You may be better than me. (Anyone who meets my standards is too good for me.) I believe reticence is definitely called for. A little dispassion, a little reason, it's a good thing. I want to be able to let people love me as I see necessary. Why am I being singled out as the heavy just cause I actually like the female brain. Very much. I actually like people and I actually am un afraid of letting myself unconditional love any body. Being happy and healthy is even more dangerous than being sick and depressed all the time. (Run away, run away.) Such are the pains of the true ZENOPHILE.