Saturday, March 8, 2014

Personally Correcting Your Political Computer

                   Not all "Speculations" are dire. But when I give in to joking, I'm drawn to the need for laughing through the pain.

                   I know that this blog is creating suspense, a potentially uncomfortable feeling of Cognitive Dissonance. My vague assay on vague assays. I'm not trying to be difficult. The uncertainties of modern life require honest disagreement.

                   Vladimir Putin wears makeup, he bans Pussy Rock and the Web, and invades Ukraine. The C. C. P. in China is loosing ground to itself in bloated bureaucracy while choking it's populace in smog. In the land of the "U. S." we spy on our friends and enemies alike, to a cost that refuses to be accounted for legitimately.

                  I have friends who pray that the Illuminati and the Aliens are still running things like they did back in the Fascist days. (I say, "We should be so lucky." At least we would know our enemy.) When I say to them "I don't care," I can feel their anger directed at me. I'm not afraid. I'm pissed off. The important issues are being lost to cultures of popular paranoia and mass indoctrination through fear mongering. Whose side are we on? The land of the free my ass. Free to be afraid, free to be lied to, free to abandon each other when we disagree.

                  This blog is designed to prove the viability of the soft "Spiritual Technologies." My open handed approach to these controversial subjects has allowed me inside information on the creative instincts of our modern "Speculators," (Doctors, Detectives, Stock Analysts, Scientific Researchers, and so on.) As most of my theoretical evidence has gone largely unnoticed, I've had the privilege to realize that if I'm serious about making this work available to the general public, I must hit bottom. I must abandon any pretense I may have of privacy or anonymity. I must allow the microscope to be turned back on me. There is no point in being a social critic. The web has taken care of that. People are numb now to the horrors of how the other half live, vicariously thrust into the eyes of everyone, regardless of personal or political biases.

                 I now have to turn my attention from analyzing the variabilities of distinguishing identifiable markers used by us psychics and intuitive diagnosticians alike, to the much greater purpose of mapping out the possible futures. It isn't going to be all good or bad. But if I am correct, it can, will and is being done. I've routinely teased my more pessimistic friends by calling their doomsaying "Scary Bedtime Stories." But, there is always the chance that they are right to be so negative. I hope that this blog is not so unpleasant as to disincline readers from wanting to explore these "Soft" technologies themselves.