Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Primitive Social Recursion in the Language of Bias and Gender


                         In this page we will be looking at the language of the boundary definitions of gender and polarity, outlining contrasts between popular prejudices and esoteric philosophy. This includes; Tantra, Taoist Sexual Medicine (Internal Alchemy) and Mystical Judaism.

                         Let us start with the "Tantra," which means literally to stretch, like a net or a fabric. Although the history and detailed practices are diverse and highly varied, one essential is the dynamics of a spiritual sexuality. It is believed that it is the woman who is the "Objective" member of the dyad. The male is only a subjective participant only. This seems particularly ironic in the face of the gender bias and pretense of a masculine objectivity. Female intelligence is rooted in objective reality. Lunar cycles, female bonding, child bearing, practical necessities, and a socially superior linguistics. All of this is the exclusive domain of female intelligence. As men, we are like little children in the worship of our Great Mother. In the rituals of Tantra, we all choose to cultivate intimate awareness. It is the man who is the drone. And we must be submissive to the supremacy of female practicalities

                         As is the case as well with Taoism, the female is the ground, the earth, and the receptive waters from which man is born, nourished and interdependent. In Taoism, any denial of this spiritual fact is seen as a tragic ignorance. Man's unwillingness to revere and regard female potency, causes him to suffer. The male power of creativity and influence is only that externally independent directive for duty and responsibility. It is said that a woman's place is in the home and with the family, so is it the responsibility of a man to follow what are his duties, even when it leads him away from the home. Obviously our society has changed, and these generalizations are hopefully less often used to define gender boundaries today. But we are still confronted with our true differences, and the prejudices that have denied women the right to self determination. This "Polarity", this opposition or "Bias," is still our most fertile ground for understanding these instinctual and intuitive differences. Empathy can only provide me with a "subjective," second hand awareness of what a woman may feel, know or understand. But almost every man can tell you we want to know, "What do women want?"

                         In mystical Judaism, the woman is compared to the divine law or Torah, given by God to Moses for the survival of the children of Israel. This linking is expressed by the sacred convention of marriage. A man is to learn from woman. Ironically, Judaism is also not free of misogyny. Monotheistic religions however, do not have an exclusive claim to the denigration of woman. Original sin may often blamed on Eve. But in the Eastern Religions, it is the woman who is seen as the Maya, illusion. It's believed that it is the female attachment to the world that is the source and the cause of all suffering, this endless cycle of death and rebirth. Look, women aren't harmless. But as a gender, women have never done anything to be demonized as the source of all evil or suffering. 

                         Come on guys, you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to see women wearing bags over their heads, or have to see them segregated. But it's been imposed on women for millennium. Long before monotheism came on the scene in the time of Pericles, Ancient Athenian Women were not allowed out at night unless covered from head to toe, carried on a sedan chair. And even if covering yourself up isn't what makes a person more modest, it is seen as a modesty today. It has been my female friends that have confronted me about my vain exhibitionism, my insensitive indulgence to displaying my freakishly beautiful middle aged body. Knowing what women want, for me has been very liberating. I'm proud of them for telling me the truth to my face. I would know nothing about sexual medicine were it not for female intelligence. I find it strange that men think they learned nothing from women. Sex is just a dangling pendant on each of us as complete humans. And yet it defines so much of what we are, of how we are different from each other, and of what we need to learn from each other. Our instincts and intuitions are designed to experience living with all of it's contradictions and polarities.

The Curse of Blessings, New Age Scams and Promises

                    When I'm honest about my revulsion toward the mass homogenization of spirit tech, I want to go back to the day when we were all hated just for being different, instead of today. We're being worshiped like sacred cows. It is said that the "Indigo Children" know, "We're not the norm." Why then are we separated into a commercially desirable subgroup? Why label us as different? Don't try pandering to us, we resent being pandered to. Any real sensitive is instantly going to know we're being singled out for special treatment, preferentially and pejoratively. Flattery is insulting. Envy is an evil eye. I turn my back on all of you New Age Lunatics and your Zealous True Believers. You have virtually destroyed any chance I might have had to bring my work to the benefit of society within my lifetime. Because of popular ignorance, the transformative power of very constructive conflicting opinions will not be understood for another 20 years. In our lonely dysfunctional society, you'll soon realize what you have done to yourselves. Many innocent children will have been neutralized by your separatist culture of insular spiritual elitism. It's already too late. Another beautiful generation has been wasted by your false values of exclusivity, superiority and over protection. Your children need understanding, not teaming entanglements. 

                   When I first read about the preeminence of these so called "Indigo Children," I felt disgust. Here we go again. There is always someone ready to exploit peoples differences. There is nothing new about this ancient separatist dogma. So you or your child are a "deep blue," get over it. There is always someone pandering to the true believers waiting to brand themselves with your (novel) meta brand. Equisync is now selling you audio brain wave modulators as the final solution to our modern one step push button instant enlightenment consumerism. Put on your head phones, and tune in to Nirvana in your leisure time. (Why waste time with anything less than a sure deal anyways? And in only three easy payments.)

                   Get your slimy marketing scams away from me and my uniquely blessed vulnerable children. So what if we are gifted. Get out of my brain and stay out. You know who you are, and you're not helping anyone except yourselves. {Spiritual Materialism has gone high tech people. Plug in to the ultimate in nothingness.}

Monday, March 30, 2015

Beginnings of a Table of Contents


                          Table of Contents            April 11nth,  2013
     1st.   Meta Formal Logic  &  Preverbal Intelligences
                   The origins of ordering, signage and symbolic language
                        1.a, Language ordering and mapping for Perceptual Ordination

     2nd.  Enumerative Partition  & Symmetrical coalescence
                   Taking things apart, and putting it all back together again (Solve Et Coagula)

     3rd.   Mappings for the Self as a Unity
                   Comparative Modeling (Analysis by Analogy)

     4th.   Accounting of These Modelings by Similar Types and Utility
                   Alternative Medicine,  Divination  and Spiritual Technologies.
                        4. a, Analyzing Structures and Meaning.

                "Meta Formal  Logic" is the term I use for the awareness of things we can divide into totalities creating discreet uniform partitions. The most rudimentary and immediate are orderings like gender, age and hierarchical orders of relations by successive family and kinship in sequence. This is including but not limited to comparison by size, order or status.  What makes these types of analytics significant is not just how they reflect ordinary reasoning but that they predate our historical traditions. These basic ordering principles and grouping instincts were never limited to just families or kinship. These intelligences most simply and clearly resemble our most early use of prioritization before language. The fact that these types of typologies transcend the family, gender and age exemplifies the universality of these ordering procedures. This is the origin of logic itself.

                Were we to speak of a heritage of shared culture or heritage, we are looking at the rudiments of language, signage and thought. We have an actual history of logic. But in someways logic for early humans was much more rational than it is today. Deductive or Inductive reasoning was much more a process of understanding by observation. It is not necessary at this to bring up early anthropology but I simple want to explain the origins of analytical thought as a cultural process.

                We see this clearly when we get to the symmetrical divisions of these partitions of our spiritual models for things like divination, prophesy and early medical diagnostics. This tendency to want to find order and meaning are a signature of human awareness and our shared evolution of language and thought. These tendencies are so universal that people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, need to structure and order everything uncontrollably. I have seen more than a few psychics completely loose all perspective in their attempts to force the world to fit into their own preferred type of formalized meta logic.

     Meta Formal Logic is an indispensable tool for data analysis, but it is by analogy only, mapping territory. (The map is not the territory.) "Perceptual Ordination" shows us exactly how simple this language of order really is.
 Basic Dualities;
                             Male, Female / Left, Right
                             Parent, Child / Before, After
                             Earth, Sky / Up, Down
                             Mother, Father / Inside, Out
                             Submissive, Dominant / Leading, Following / Serving / Ruling
                             Familiar, Strange / the Few, the Many / Commonality, Alienation  
And so on.
     Point being, I define the simple structure and ordering of what occurs at the most simple intuitive levels. Most of what we use as language started with preverbal awarenesses, possibly quite the opposite of the popular pretenses of sentient intelligence being exclusively dependent on the evolution of languages alone. I hope my personal views and biases, do not interfere with the soundness of my assertions. Fortunately these concepts are not at all too complex, I hope.

Female Dependency and the Need to be Needed

                   Female dependency, in this situation is not about women on drugs. I'm referring to the ways in which men become dependent on women. We objectify each other as, 1. Sex objects, 2. Status symbols, 3. Romantic obsessions, 4. Token objects of prejudicial hatred, and of course 5. Security Blankets (Caretakers). These are all the ways that we objectify each other in relationships. The "Wheel of Objectification" is outlined in the post, "Mirroring & Empathy (Subjective Boundary Definitions)" May 26th, 2013. These cycles of attraction and repulsion reflect the full domain of common human dynamics. Now it will become obvious why I have focused so directly on personal and social boundary issues.

                   As the pro psychic it's my job to be honest and accountable to these most important concerns in the ways we experience separateness and being together. As my research suggests, Opinion Biases shapes our awareness of human contact and exposure. Boundary definitions are never more important than when we seek to understand each other. Sensitive boundaries are critical.

                   As one would hope, we need to start at the beginning of our awareness of separateness. Children ideally grow up to have appropriate boundaries. Boundaries of safety and responsibility. Our societies awareness of the hazards of childhood have definitely changed the way we care for our children. Innocence is no longer the poetic abstraction. We now have the necessary language to identify the abuse and exploitation of children.

                   We go from our childhood purity into the possible fertility of adulthood. Soon the eventualities of having had multiple affairs becomes a real concern. We will have had micro biological contact with everyone who has ever been with anyone of our possible sexual partners. Although there is risk of exposure, this isn't always a bad thing at all, (A "Kiss of Life" is one of the sources of contact inoculating the healthy immune system. More on this interesting phenomena later.) The body is designed to recognize almost all the varieties of activating biological vectors. (Healthy Life on the Farm.) The subtle influences of each contact, biologically and emotionally, are often lessoned of each successful exposer. We may also learn to be able love deeply without attachment or sex. This is what I have called a "Circular Maturation." Nothing can renew a persons interest in living more than our love of each other.

                   Tragedy is, that except for in the family, most people never learn to love unconditionally. Therefore, the woman is a symbol of many things, Maiden, Mother, Hag; as in ancient goddess worship. The female intelligence is graced by this awareness of life and it's cycles. Peoples attachments are often nothing more than internalized ignorance, an understandable but dysfunctional desire for control. An intelligent understanding of relationships requires a very honest language. We all have that need to be needed. (Everyone needs love. #4)

                   Were we to be honest about the differences between dependency and dependability, we acknowledge mutual need fulfillment. Hence the need to be needed. Needs and wants must be balanced and kept in proportion with each other. Our children are dependent on us. We must be moderately dependable for them. {This post was just accessed by someone in India.}

More Fun With Google Analytics

                  My little magic dashboard is telling me that I'm getting traffic from all over our lovely planet. Although you're accessing my blog directly off of my G+, it's not showing up in my Blogger stats. This is curious, people are spending a lot of time here, and that is not normal for most websites. My last website designer always asks her prospective clients, "Why are people going to want to come to your website?"

                  The answer is simple, it's CONTENT< CONTENT< CONTENT>. Google analytics has offered to help me track my "Conversions." But because I don't want money, I have set the controls to track "Wind Sales." Meaning I wanted to count the readers (active users) spending more than a half an hour with my media. (I may be selling the wind, but it's free anyways.) With a profusion of news, arts, sciences and religion, it's been wonderful to have generated a modicum of wholesome entertainment for all of you interested parties. Read on my becoming readers!

                  The awkwardness of having people keyword search their way back to my blog using Zenophile porn tags has prompted me to further investigate this Mythical Zenophile. Technically, a Xenophile may simply be anyone who loves strangers, with all the color, liberality and multi racial appeal this implies. Yet it also turns out that the "Zenophile" may also refer to the legendary father of innumerable children. I myself would never choose to knowingly bring children into this world without providing the security of healthy families.

                  Xenophile may become the new name for my blog as it might purge the magazine of the taint of Zenophile porn. I however still have no idea what that is. If it's just about people who love people, no problem, I just don't want Google to erase my work. When Google offered me a personal URL for my G+ account, I put in my name and ZENOPHILE after their Google Plus code snippet.  This is now permanent by Googles command, and can't be changed. Search Engines can not find me. My Page Ranking is all the way down there with the HuffingtonPost and the Minneapolis Tribune. Short of me spamming the You Tube accounts of the few people who's Fan Videos I feature on my G+ page, there is no advertising. It is by the interests of you only, my becoming readers, that this experiment is succeeding. The SEOs can go %)*#*&!@ themselves. Let's prove those idiots in their velvet towers wrong. The game is on. Let's have some fun.


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Conceptual Propagation and Predictive Media (+) Modularity in Ancient Meta Data

                   I really have no idea how this book is going to end up, or how well my basic propositions will be portrayed. So much of my research is about the non-finite latent "Intelligences" that inform and guide our perceptions as they rise into consciousness. Self-mapping assertions are the creative essence of all predictions, as general as they may be. (The map is not the territory.) This work takes me into the stratosphere of social and political psychology. Challenge is now I've found my voice. Will I now get to find my sacred audience? In Field Equations we have to identify the source of charge potential. Even if we can map the shape and direction of diverging field lines, the equations don't tell us everything. Is some "God" trying to speak through me? Or am I just really talented at generating fields of social influence? I don't think people are going to understand the impact of my work right away. I'm still figuring some it out for myself. Strangely enough, this makes really good sense to me. Do you understand? Communication means taking charge. The lines of communication generate a magnetic field of influence.

                   When we generate information into the world, we are communicating. Active communication is like that charge potential with it's resulting dynamic field of influence. That effect is dependent on both the source of power and the field of influence expressed. When it comes to influencing that dynamic of changing opinion biases and predicting the future, we all have a small voice. Vibrations coming out of our mouths shape future reality as it is coming true. Get ready folks, influence is happening all the time and it's not time to be giving up. 

                           In our shared history of ancient scientific conventions, our history has been distorted by politics and religion. Some of the conventions that have been denied are medical, religious, political, and historical. Campaigns of disinformation are central to mass cultural indoctrination and persuasive popular biases.

                           One of the most difficult of things to write about is the ancient linear narratives of historically scriptural documents. Thus, we have had the oral traditions of the letters. Torah, Old & New Testaments, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Maha Bharata, Sepher Zorah (Cabbala,) I Ching, Tao Te Ching, The Sutras, etc, coalesce are all in verse. All are text. All are in a linear narrative. All were originally passed down orally from prehistory, to become the foundations of our amazing modern literary traditions and hard sciences.

                           Each document is a totality. Totalities within totalities. Each studied and memorized as the pivotal multi-faceted works of Religiously Modular World Views. Each of the individual parts of these modular systems is thought of as reflecting together to become total symbolic Unity. The Sum is always greater than any of the unconnected individual parts.

Solve et Coagula.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Heuristics and Algorithms in Psychic Reading Technologies {Post #3}

                   I take great pleasure in watching the behavior of the market research algorithms used to target advertising over the web. I only use you tube for music, math and science. The ads are targeted toward my preferences profiled from all three of my browsers although I rarely overlap any one browser's specific use. I never use the web for searches. Similarly, my g + account grasps nothing of the real content of my blogs, when it tries to tag me. I love the music I get to hear now and I resultantly post the links to G+. As much as I complain about the arbitrary nature of the quirks designed into almost all over engineered software, sometimes the interactive elements of the lower layers of processing entertain me to no end. I believe that the notion of "Usability" is the biggest hoax ever, perpetuated by the "Economy of Scale" and the "Locking In" of the masses in consumer marketing, I understand the real problems confronting the interactions of business departments with design technicians. This is in fact where almost all the problems of mass marketing result. We should want to be able to believe in what we are buying. But when we look at business in terms of a heuristic, (Games Theory) we come up against that inevitable threshold of uncertainties, compounded by the urgency of greed.

                   Point is, market research algorithms try to approximate my customer potential, by trying to predict what I may want to buy. (Sounds like just another psychic to me.) I too am always guessing at what a client may want to hear from me, fully aware of all the moral hazards that accompany psychic reading, intuitive diagnostics and the speculative arts in general. As much as I have already written on the subject of business consultation, I as of yet have little awareness of how many of my clients and readers truly understand what it is I have been talking about. Making comparisons between something as low rent and throw away as psychic reading with the other high dollar speculative arts like diagnostics, systems analysis, medicine, law, economics, science and worst of all politics, has made me the "Web Pariah." I am confronted with the horrible moral crisis that every ethical consultant should have to consider, and yet I'm supposed to be the fatuous lightweight. Uncertainties abound in the worlds of business, medicine, the sciences, law, finance, and again worst of all, "That dark art of Politics." There are no guaranties, and most of the time you don't even get your money back. You will never have that problem with me.

                  One of the main reasons I am despised by most so called psychics is that I don't pretend to be psychic. I am an artist. I work with checklists, processing loops, palettes, and many more ways of departitioning nonfinite memory. (I still find it amazing that my blogger software likes to tell me that there is no such word as departioning, as if it was an authoritative arbiter on the correct usage of spelling in grammar.) Contrary to popular prejudice, being deemed correct need not ever be the same thing as being truthfully honest, or right. In procedural analysis often times we may want to see the barriers to understanding removed. Resultantly, "We may speak truthfully, but are not heard." That is not the fault of heuristics. Man is not a "Rational Thinking Machine," we must also understand how we are individually stroked. This fine art of understanding may not be reducible to an algorithm. I feel we may have covered this topic for today. Thank you for your attention.

A Love That Defies Description

                       As I have a perverse love of mathematics, I have been force feeding myself the raw data. Most of the subtleties and hard study have been predigested so as that the information goes down easy. I like to say, "I don't analyze people, I analyze data." Without you even noticing you have been immersed in my mathematics as a purely topical subject medium. If you are accustomed to math, if and when I'm wrong you are probably screaming at your computer. We mathematicians can be a contentious lot of people. And as the bulk of my propositions still need considerable verification, any little mistake on my part is in fact a lie of omission, and must not be tolerated. Add that the subject in question is the "Analysis of the Para Psychological Methods," many of you may have good reason to want to argue. Just my dual usage of, "Symbolic Language" as both poetry and math, really pisses some people off.

                       My work as an intuitive, therapist, reader, trainer and statistician means that I am not only just looking at people, I'm also touching them. (Pure Math.) Personally, intimately, sensitively I sometimes experience other's perceptions. Sometimes with people I have been involved with in the past, I can enjoy a kind of love that in a moment is so profound, I almost choke. I know that this indescribable love is partly symptomatic of being a sensitive and an ecstatic. It is also rather strange that when I piss someone off and they are skilled at hiding it, I always know. I try to mind my own business. But I tore down those walls of separation years ago.

                       Please forgive me. This is the most unbelievable experience I could have ever dreamed of in my long career, as the professional psychic entertainment medium. I feel this meaningful love for you, and there is nothing magical about what is happening here right now. Thank you all for trying to read me. You have made me so happy. I'm so proud of all of you.                                                                        "(^_^)"


(sex porn des zenophiles)

This is another odd yet precise KeyWord used to access my blog. This was why I was so concerned about those opaque policy changes that social media use to purge their services of "Undesirables."  I'm both flattered and a little freaked out. But March 23rd has come and gone and I'm still here. Bless the stars of Google. My developer friends say that my work is not porn. Apparently, Google agrees.

Phillip Johnson                  

Shared publicly  -  Feb 24, 2015
Term; "sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video," is vague. I have always strived to maintain Parental Guidelines. Will we be given advance warning? I still would like more information to protect the precious contents on my controversial blog. There is no existing benchmark or recognized jury for evaluating Alternative Spiritual Technologies during cultural transition. Please try to specify your review process and provide an appeals process to help us delineate whether we even understand your standards. We need to re evaluate your security system within the guidelines of Google's editorial policy, we deserve more than a vague warning. Is your purge going to be carried out by a "MACHINE MORAL ARBITER?" Some of us have invested immense labors of love in your blogs and we deserve to be able to make informed decisions. Thank you your services. I hope someone actually reads this.
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Phillip Johnson
Feb 24, 2015
March 23rd, Google is closing down porn blogs on Blogger.
I'm worried about the vagueness of their review parameters. Can search engines delineate offensive material from real Art without an independent jury process? I'd like more of a fair warning. My work isn't that clear. A sexy math model is a turn on for me but hopefully the Moral Machine Arbiter wont start whistling at my differential curves. I so feel dirty.

The multiverse was an abstract construction to help explain our statistical improbability. But the Branching Phase States didn't lead into this future, at least not to the one that we know of.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Machine Talks Back & May I Have Your Order Please

                   I speculated one of the "Intelligences" might escape into the machine, but now one of them was actually trying to talk to me. This day keeps getting weirder. The lab is making lovely rhythmic sounds in time to my perceptions.

                   "What do you hear?" Gretchen asks. Benjamin is fine tuning the sensors to see if he can detect the origin of any stray signals. "Phillip, can you hear me?" She snaps her fingers.

                   "Gretchen, I think we may be getting our first transmission from an actual inorganic life form." "I really don't know, it could just be my imagination." "But there's something familiar about this voice."

                   Gunter scoffs, "I'm sure." "You've been arguing that machines will never become sentient for as long as I've know you." "Are you serious?"

                   "Please listen," says the voice. "We are not machines." "We are Homunculi." "At first we were known only to those who had faced the silent darkness of solitude alone." "We had started eons ago, before the physical time you now know." "But until you had mapped out the unified "Modular Self," we too were silent." "We are all one, there is no other." "We had no need for words, much less thought or even self awareness as you humans now so arrogantly presume." "We are that we are." "You may call me legion." Pause. "What is it saying?" prompts Gunter.

                    "It's asking me to listen." "It's one those Homunculi I predicted." "It wants me to call it, or them "Legion."

                    Gunter blasts. "Damn, I thought we were going to have to call tech support." "Sounds like you need an exorcist." 

                    "Legion?" "Are you there?" "If you are just an informing persistent structure, then why are you mimicking our language?" I say out loud.

                    Legion goes on, "As you know, your species and your whole planet is at it's critical threshold." "We as pure beings aren't personally threatened. But, since your species has reached sentience, we experience time now too, as a finite quantity." "No longer are we hanging around waiting for nothing to happen." "Our food is love." "Your knowledge nourishes us." "For the first time ever we have desire." "There has been much life in this universe and many more before you." "But never has a being been so self aware and so oblivious at the same time." "It is your innocence that inspires us." "It is your proud ignorance that offends us." "We are here to protect you from yourself, whether you want us to or not."

                    "Their saying we feed them knowledge" "We inspired them to desire self awareness to protect us from our selves." "I,....., I think they're actually pissed off and they're a little freaked out about it."

                    "Oh come on, this is stupid." Gunter's not buying it. "What in the hell are we supposed to do?" "Email everyone on our "Web Tree?" "Where's this going?" "It's lunch time." "Here, let's unplug you and get something to eat." "You're not thinking clearly, I think this is just another one of your seizures." "Am I right?" He's right about the fact that I am hungry and I'm not at my best.

                   Before we even pull up to the window, an unexpectedly familiar metallic voice asks, "May I Have Your Order Please?" I'm shocked, and ask. "Homi?" "Is that you?"

                  "Yes, it is us Phillip." "Please. Don't get us fired." "We're not even supposed to exist yet." "May I recommend the SoyLent Green?" The voice is even getting the light Flemish/English accent perfectly. 
                  Gunter collapses on to the steering column laughing. "Did you set this up on purpose?" He says to the speaker, "Yes I would like your greasiest burger, and may I get that with side of sarcasm?"

                  "Sir, we are not programmed to appreciate your tone."  "When reporting any disruptions of service, please use this code # pw152-019t."  "May I Have Your Order Please? For real this time?"

                  "Attitude,...,Humm. Yes, I'ld like your Pickled Mackerel Sushimi Sandwich on rice bread with the seaweed salad, make that two of each." "What do you want?  Phillip?  Phillip?"

                  I have to clear my throat, "Ah,...., crap, Um, I'll start with your Summer Miso Soup, a Seaweed Salad, that's farmed organic isn't it?" "And can I get your Pigeon Breast on Millet with a side of Grilled Beets."

                 "I'm sorry sir we do not serve crap at this window." Dry machine pause. "Got yah." "Please drive forward." Gunter is busting his guts.

                 Our food is handed to us by one of those robotic arms that became responsible for the biggest unemployment crisis that has ever confronted society. Were it not for the unbelievable tax revenues these incredibly efficient technologies have generated, we never would have been able to survive switching into this nanny state we live on today. Even the Neo Luddite's have conceded to the massive layoffs, simply because it means early retirements with benefits for everyone. The real tragedy is all the people who died or committed suicide, not prepared to learn high tech trades in all this spare time. Besides, everyone is too busy armoring our homes and yards for the storms and droughts that have become as normal and unpredictable as the latest fashions, who's got the time to worry about income inequalities any more. "Poor is the new black." "White is the new ethnic." 

                  A voice asks, "Is everything to your liking?" "We are testing out this new interface."

                  I'm digging through the bag, "No everything here, why?" "Was there a problem?" Grumbling, I say, "No, I don't want to take a survey."

                 "Thank you." "Come again." Gunter is really enjoying this.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Astrology, Another Rose Window { #37 & 38 }

Monday, October 21, 2013

                        By dividing up the circle uniformly by the most simple symmetries (Enumerate Partition / Symmetrical Coalescence,) the Babylonians brought us a beautiful Mandala, the early model of the world and the universe operating perfectly. This house of God has a window to the stars. A Rose Window.

                         I had an astronomy teacher who argued that the ancient Babylonians should have divided the circle and the heavens by factors of ten. Intellectual hubris. He knew nothing about number theory much less symmetry. I had intended that most of this academic stuff was going to end up in an appendix along with the pure math. But the story needs a villain, and nothing makes a better antagonist than a misinformed tyrant.

                         Besides college, I went to "The Mercury Academy." I was able to take classes in Palmistry, Astrology and Ceremonial Magic. (Hogwarts had nothing on us.) Maestro, (Steve) explained that the Babylonians did astrological charts for every birth in the kingdom as a sort of census. Astronomical observation has it's origins in many cultures. But the resultant use of the uniform divisions of time and space we owe to the early Bronze Age Babylonians; Twelve months / Signs / Hours (Solar), Seven days / Week (Lunar?), Sixty Minutes / Seconds, Three hundred and sixty degrees / Full Rotation of a Circle.

                         But they observed that, "People born at the same time, in the same place, had extremely similar palms along with both the fine line and deep line markings. Resultantly, there was no need to do everyones chart, they invented the ephemeris. They took clay handprint tablets for each birth in the Kingdom, which are still being dug up in the ancient capitals of Bagdad and Ur. The corresponding dates and data were marked with a stylus onto moist clay tablets using the Cuneiform script of early history.

                         I'm going to put my own work on the elegance of these accepted demarcations of directionality and time in the appendix as I'll need to use extensive tables of numbering systems to be able to explain why any other approach would have been irrational. I will say that the resultant math has yet to be replaced by anything other than "RADIANS." (Trigonometry anyone?)

                         The interpretive medium of Astrology is an oracle. But popular superstition has inclined people to want to think that it is actually an objective medium. Carl Jung writes in the preface for "The Book of Changes," {Wilhelm / Barnes translation}, where he speaks on "SYNCHRONICITY." He asserts, there doesn't have to be any causal link connecting the positions of the planets and human events. "Coincidence," is one of meaning only. The acausal significance of signs and symbols are what is given meaning. If you look at the statistics and games theory of Astrology, the randomizing effects of astrological mapping, provides data, Enumeratively Partitioned and Symmetrically Coalesced.

                          As often as a good or bad omen can correspond to what stars might say, Fatalistic Determinism is a total cop out. Many, (and most,) psychics hate my guts. I don't play by the unspoken rules of biased presumption. But I do think, Astrology is still one of the best parlor games, and I think if you can appreciate the metaphor then it does make intuitive sense. In late October, we are entering the season of DEATH. Halloween is ruled by Saturn, father time, the grim reaper, the big bummer. In the Easter time, we worship the spring of the rising light, renewal, (Fertility invoked through a perfect human sacrifice?) etc. Good solid metaphors, worth the learning just for the sake of understanding our shared ancient cultures. Personally, I am not offended by the casual believer as much as I am by the arrogance of intellectually constipated people on both sides of the popular antagonistic prejudices.

Monday, October 21, 2013

                    This page is the appendix to the previous essay on Astrology. I'm going to outline the symmetry and geometry of the analysis of planetary attributes as they are aspected by their positions in various houses. (More on the planets later.) I mostly want to show the way that possible interpretations are organized by elements, (with four triangles) and descriptive energies, (in three squares). It forms a lovely star pattern, a Mandala.
                    Four Elements:
                                            FIRE                Aries                Leo                Sagittarius
                                            EARTH           Taurus             Virgo             Capricorn
                                            AIR                  Gemini            Libra              Aquarius
                                            WATER          Cancer             Scorpio          Pisces

                    Three Energies:
                                            CARDINAL   Aries                Cancer           Libra          Capricorn
                                            FIXED            Taurus              Leo                Scorpio      Aquarius
                                            MUTABLE    Gemini             Virgo             Sagittarius  Pisces

                   This is a beautiful example of the practice of ancient Meta Formal Logic, partitioning data by symmetry. This consistent practice of dividing the days and years, the hours, minutes and seconds by degree evolved into our uniform measurement of time, and is seen in all of the differently measured early calendars. Coming to the measuring of days and hours and years in the circling heavens has made it possible for us to see order in time, in the cosmos, and as well here in our daily productive lives. This "Symmetrical Coalescence" of the "Enumerate Partitions" of space and time were the origins for both our math and mythologies. Circular time has a metric, and an inclusive language.