Monday, March 30, 2015

Female Dependency and the Need to be Needed

                   Female dependency, in this situation is not about women on drugs. I'm referring to the ways in which men become dependent on women. We objectify each other as, 1. Sex objects, 2. Status symbols, 3. Romantic obsessions, 4. Token objects of prejudicial hatred, and of course 5. Security Blankets (Caretakers). These are all the ways that we objectify each other in relationships. The "Wheel of Objectification" is outlined in the post, "Mirroring & Empathy (Subjective Boundary Definitions)" May 26th, 2013. These cycles of attraction and repulsion reflect the full domain of common human dynamics. Now it will become obvious why I have focused so directly on personal and social boundary issues.

                   As the pro psychic it's my job to be honest and accountable to these most important concerns in the ways we experience separateness and being together. As my research suggests, Opinion Biases shapes our awareness of human contact and exposure. Boundary definitions are never more important than when we seek to understand each other. Sensitive boundaries are critical.

                   As one would hope, we need to start at the beginning of our awareness of separateness. Children ideally grow up to have appropriate boundaries. Boundaries of safety and responsibility. Our societies awareness of the hazards of childhood have definitely changed the way we care for our children. Innocence is no longer the poetic abstraction. We now have the necessary language to identify the abuse and exploitation of children.

                   We go from our childhood purity into the possible fertility of adulthood. Soon the eventualities of having had multiple affairs becomes a real concern. We will have had micro biological contact with everyone who has ever been with anyone of our possible sexual partners. Although there is risk of exposure, this isn't always a bad thing at all, (A "Kiss of Life" is one of the sources of contact inoculating the healthy immune system. More on this interesting phenomena later.) The body is designed to recognize almost all the varieties of activating biological vectors. (Healthy Life on the Farm.) The subtle influences of each contact, biologically and emotionally, are often lessoned of each successful exposer. We may also learn to be able love deeply without attachment or sex. This is what I have called a "Circular Maturation." Nothing can renew a persons interest in living more than our love of each other.

                   Tragedy is, that except for in the family, most people never learn to love unconditionally. Therefore, the woman is a symbol of many things, Maiden, Mother, Hag; as in ancient goddess worship. The female intelligence is graced by this awareness of life and it's cycles. Peoples attachments are often nothing more than internalized ignorance, an understandable but dysfunctional desire for control. An intelligent understanding of relationships requires a very honest language. We all have that need to be needed. (Everyone needs love. #4)

                   Were we to be honest about the differences between dependency and dependability, we acknowledge mutual need fulfillment. Hence the need to be needed. Needs and wants must be balanced and kept in proportion with each other. Our children are dependent on us. We must be moderately dependable for them. {This post was just accessed by someone in India.}

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