Friday, May 29, 2015

Good Hunters of the Heart

                   In imagining what it takes to have a constructive creative influence into our society, I keep seeing an actual plan. "Heart Hunters." We need social mixing. I want to find other people who love what they do. "Interest Based Learning" is often just be a hobby, but just as often, we do what it is we love most. And as I've said, "Everyone needs love." Rule #4. (Love is the best motivator.) My desire to return the kindness that has brought me such joy, is more real to me than the ground I stand on.

                   I hope that people coming back to reading again are motivated. I respect you so much. As an "Entertainment Medium," I want to appeal to your interests, regardless of opinions or bias. "Complementarity" is my offering by which I may get to appeal to your interests exploring "Shared Sensitive Boundaries." No kidding, I really want to write something very digestible. Being sensitized to social issues, we may be able to disagree without guilt. Generally it's very hard to know what people are talking about anyways. Popular opinion biases can corrupt even the most honest exploration of shared social issues. Even if people want to change, we are often constrained by conventions to identify exclusively with a clique or clan. I can assure you, as the "Psychic" (or as the so called "Healer" if you prefer,) I am acutely aware of how others may feel. Fortunately, as the entertainer I do have a little freedom. And as the "Reader" I translate oracles for people. (My discretion.) My personal "Love" is for the schooling of the ancient traditions of "Psychic Reading." It keeps me interesting. I make a much larger stage for "Reading." I want to be easy for people to understand when you are just starting out. Politics and bias are unfortunately tangled into our social fabric. And as always, the fundamentals come first.

                   This blog is about you, my holy sacred unknown audience. Spooky huh? I've fantasized about a "Heart Hunters" talent agency and clearinghouse for decades. Self promotion can be so very difficult and embarrassing. Oftentimes it just lends itself to an environment of office seeking and fraud. Generally anyone who really is good at reading people may also be a freak and a hazard to themselves and others. But as I promised, this book isn't going to be about me, and I am glad the material is coming together. The overall quality of my writings has appeal, even if I am going to have to re-edit the devil out of this thing. I want to sell it as a book.

                   For those of you who are coming back now for the first time, I hope my purist intentions don't cause you to be turned off, shut down and resultantly dropped out. If, and whether or not, you do decide to be a "Reader," as always I've  appreciate your attention and it's been great. Thanks again, You've been wonderful. Sincerely.

A Table of Contents

     1st.   Meta Formal Logic  &  Preverbal Intelligences
                   The origins of ordering, signage and symbolic language
                        1.a, Language ordering and mapping for Perceptual Ordination

     2nd.  Enumerative Partition  & Symmetrical Coalescence
                   Taking things apart, and putting it all back together again (Solve Et Coagula)

     3rd.   Mappings for the Self as a Unity
                   Comparative Modeling (Analysis by Analogy) {Time Metrics}

     4th.   Accounting of These Modelings by Similar Types and Utility
                   Alternative Medicine,  Divination and Spiritual Technologies.
                        4. a, Analyzing Structures of Meaning. {Analysis by Analogy}

                "Meta Formal  Logic" is the term I use for the awareness of things we can divide into totalities creating discreet uniform partitions. The most rudimentary and immediate are orderings like gender, age and hierarchical orders of relations by successive family and kinship in sequence. This is including but not limited to comparison by size, order or status.  What makes these types of analytics significant is not just how they reflect ordinary reasoning but that they predate our historical traditions. These basic ordering principles and grouping instincts were never limited to just families or kinship. These intelligences most simply and clearly resemble our most early use of prioritization before language. The fact that these types of typologies transcend the family, gender and age exemplifies the universality of these branching ordering procedures. This is the origin of logic itself.

                Were we to speak of a heritage of shared culture or heritage, we are looking at the rudiments of language, signage and thought. We have an actual history of logic. But in someways logic for early humans was much more rational than it is today. Deductive or Inductive reasoning was much more a process of understanding by observation. It is not necessary at this time to bring up early anthropology but I simple want to explain the origins of analytical thought as a cultural process.

                We get symmetrical partitions by division in our spiritual models for things like divination and early (Inductive) medical diagnostics, which simultaneously had emerged along with all early Babylonian time metrics of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and degrees. (Which we still use today.) This tendency to want to find order and meaning are a signature of human awareness and our a shared evolution of language and thought. These tendencies are so universal that people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, need to structure and order everything uncontrollably. I have seen more than a few psychics completely loose all perspective in their attempts to force the world to fit into their own preferred type of formalized meta logic.

     Meta Formal Logic is an indispensable tool for data analysis, but it is by analogy only, mapping territory. (The map is not the territory.) "Perceptual Ordination" shows us exactly how simple this language of order really is.
 Basic Dualities;
                             Male, Female / Left, Right
                             Parent, Child / Before, After
                             Earth, Sky / Up, Down
                             Mother, Father / Inside, Out
                             Submissive, Dominant / Leading, Following / Serving / Ruling
                             Familiar, Strange / the Few, the Many / Commonality, Alienation  
And so on.
     Point being, I define the simple structure and ordering of what occurs at the most simple of intuitive levels. Most of what we use as language started with preverbal awarenesses, possibly quite the opposite of the popular pretenses of sentient intelligence being exclusively dependent on the evolution of languages alone. I hope my personal views and biases, do not interfere with the soundness of my assertions. Fortunately these concepts are not at all too complex, I hope.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Boundaries of Your Dyad (12+)

                         Having great reception is a lot like being a concessioner or retailer. "Transactional Analysis" and "Games Theory" allow for modeling all human relations as business. Mutual benefit is at the core of all intentional dyads. (Dashboard Dictionary says;

                           dyad |ˈdīad|
                           :noun technical
                           something that consists of two elements or parts : the mother–child dyad.
                           • Mathematics: an operator that is a combination of two vectors.
                           • Chemistry: a divalent atom or radical.)

                         In, "Turning to Face Your Sensitive Boundaries" May 25th, 2013, I talk about how people see personal differences as separating boundaries and barriers. These can be differences of; age, status, gender, politics, religion, language. Almost anything can seem like an insurmountable boundary, keeping people apart and unable to communicate.

                         Yet, we can look at said boundaries as planes of contact. Not just one surface of separation,  but we see shared points of contact between two surfaces of connection. Those differences act as a topological duality. Opposite sides of the same boundary. Experiences and differences between any two different people creates a new language, unique to each and every two people.

                         Taoism allows for a very dynamic model. Communication between polarities in a simple way means, a communicator and a receiver. This type of simplistic modeling however, when over generalized is the cause of so much misunderstanding. Sexism has always been exploited gender politics. The male brain is not well known for linguistic sensitivity. Men through monotheistic history have feared and reviled women as the source of all Original Sin. Being the bearer of life, but also is seen as the vessel of all that is tempting. This has been blamed on women, as if women were innately evil.

                         Fortunately, when we talk with each other, our polarities can reverse. If I talk, you might listen. When you need to communicate, I can listen. If communication is a charge dynamic, then listening is positive reception and the "Charge of communication is alternating. It's not about gender per se. It is generally more common with the female brain that you will see women listening and talking simultaneously. With age, I now too can do this a little. But my brain has freakishly good reception for a guy. And although I must never try to multitask, (I have a one track mind) listening is my luxurious privilege.

                         As an active communicator, I never let anyone waste my time. I wont waste yours. I believe in the sacredness of a receptive audience. I don't waste time. Taking the initiative means I almost never expect others to understand everything I say or do, no matter how much I want to be understood. But I do try to always make good sense. I make myself understandable.

                         Having great reception is a lot like being a concessioner. A "Transactional Analysis or "Games Theory" allows for modeling human relations as business. Mutual benefit is at the core of all intentional dyads. Getting to speak with you is just one of these kinds of "Dyad" relationships.

Primitive Social Recursion Language in Bias and Gender

                         In this page we will be looking at the languages of boundary definitions for gender and polarity, outlining contrasts between popular prejudices and esoteric philosophy. This includes; Tantra, Taoist Sexual Medicine (Internal Alchemy) and Mystical Judaism.

                         Let us start with the "Tantra," which means literally to stretch, like a net or a fabric. Although the history and detailed practices are calculated and highly varied, one essential is the dynamics of a spiritual sexuality. It is believed that it is the woman is the "Objective" member of the dyad. The male is only a subjective participant only. This seems particularly ironic in the face of the gender bias and pretense of a masculine objectivity. Female intelligence is rooted in objective reality. Lunar cycles, female bonding, child bearing, practical necessities, and a socially superior linguistics. All of this is the exclusive domain of female intelligence. As men, we are like little children in the worship of our Great Mother. In the rituals of Tantra, we all choose to cultivate intimate awareness. It is the man who is the drone. And we must be submissive to the supremacy of female practical necessities.

                         As is the case as well in Taoism, the female is supporting ground, the earth, and the receptive waters from which man is born, nourished and interdependent. In Taoism, any denial of this spiritual fact is seen as a tragic ignorance. Man's unwillingness to revere and regard female potency, causes him to suffer. The male power of creativity and influence is only that externally independent directive for duty and responsibility. It is said that a woman's place is in the home and with the family, so is it the responsibility for a man to follow what are his responsibilities, even when it leads him away from the home. Obviously our society has changed, and these generalizations are hopefully less often used to define gender boundaries today. But we are still confronted with our true differences, and the prejudices that have denied women the right to self determination. This "Polarity", this opposition or "Bias," is still a most fertile ground for understanding these instinctual and intuitive differences. Empathy can only provide me with a "subjective," second hand awareness of what a woman may feel, know or understand. But almost every man can tell you, we want to know, "What do women want?"

                         In mystical Judaism, the woman is compared to the divine law or Torah, given by God to Moses for the survival of the children of Israel. (THe Law is the Lady.) This linking is expressed by the sacred convention of marriage. A man is supposed to learn from woman. Ironically, Judaism is also not free of misogyny. Monotheistic religions, however, do not have an exclusive claim to denigrating woman. Original sin is often blamed on Eve exclusively. Also, in the Eastern Religions, it is the woman who is often seen as Maya, the illusion of attachment to the physical world of suffering and un satisfying pleasures of the flesh. It's believed that it is the female attachment to this world that is the source and the cause of all suffering, this endless cycle of death and rebirth. Nirvana is supposed to be release from this inescapable wheel of reincarnation. Look, women aren't harmless. But as a gender, women have never done anything to be demonized as the cause and source of all evil and suffering. 

                         Come on guys, you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to see women wearing bags over their heads, or have to see them segregated. But it's been imposed on women for millennium. Long before monotheism came on the scene, in the time of Pericles, Ancient Athenian Women were not allowed out at night unless covered from head to toe, carried on a sedan chair. And even if covering yourself up isn't what makes a person more modest, it is seen as a modesty today. It has been my female friends that have confronted me about my vain exhibitionism, and my insensitive indulgence to displaying my freakishly beautiful middle aged body. Knowing what women want, for me has been very liberating. I'm proud of friends for telling me the truth to my face. There is nothing to know about about sexual medicine, were it not for female intelligence. I find it strange that some men think they don't need to learn anything from women. Sex is just the dangling pendant on each of us as complete humans. And yet it defines so much of what we are, how we got here, of how we are different from each other, and of what we need to learn about each other. Our instincts and intuitions are designed to experience living with all of it's freshness, contradictions and polarities.


                   Table manners come up in therapy. When I'm on the table, my order is taken. When you are on the table you get to order. Therapy for me is especially painful, so I always have to take responsibility for what's happening while I'm on the table. I'm the person who decides how far my joints are moved or how much medicine I take. I always try to follow instructions exactly, and I do accept authoritative criticism. I understand what is getting done. I've waited this long for good service, I want to pay people for what their time is worth. Good service is hard to find and I learn and grow much faster under other people's guiding influence: aesthetically, culturally and intellectually. (FEED ME! Feed my soul.)

                    Supportive Interplay is most fun with other professionals. For now I only work on other professionals, I don't like fumbling or risking hurting people as I stroke and or dig into them. There are at least as many demands made on me while I am receiving therapy as there is when I'm waiting on someone else. To give is to receive. I hate how painful my therapy really is, but I do feel much better and behave much better too because of the work. I try not to hurt people, but especially with big muscular guys I often have to really dig. Fortunately if they know what I'm dishing up, and guys always appreciate my strong gentleness while getting them good results. With woman and children however, you can usually feel what it is that they need to have gently rubbed and they respond very quickly. And it usually feels quite good for them, contrasting to the kind of agony I have to get served up for me. But I too am getting exactly what I'm paying for, it's just by necessity much more painful.

                     The Meta Model for all Service Industry is a dyad. Retailing is an exercise in service. "What would you like?" >>>>>> We should ask, "I don't know. What's good?" The chained networks of business and sales flows products and services through successive "points of sale," each exchanging currencies of value per each commodity sold. Said commodities continue to be resold, partitioned into individual products and services for the general market. We always want to be able to give people what they want to purchase. We want our exchanges to provide needed payments in order to sustain further professional business dealings. Without the exchange of goods and services for money, life as we know it would cease to exist. {I myself am on a very strict "Complementarian." diet. I always say "Please and Thank You." And I eat like a frugal prince and I always tip. May you always have reason to want to say grace. Life can be good and we need to have good manners.}

Echo Imprinting (7+)

                     I create my own terms to help identify these shared perceptual resources.  This most primary of subjective awarenesses I call "Echo Imprinting."  Our Brains are designed to recognize and identify people distinctively. This awareness of the distinctiveness of others is so deep as that we sometimes can experience it as the actual presence of that person, even when that person is not here.  On a purely rational level I believe this is what people call the, "Spirit's of the Dead."  I myself try not to mess with Necromancy, although I am very good at it.  I think that people need to talk to our own dead ancestors.

                     I myself don't believe in an afterlife, but I have never let that get in my way.  Generally I get the impression that when the dead can be heard, they are not interested in worrying about us.  When I do see the ancestors, I feel they would rather make light of how hard their lives really were, much harder than ours. And in spite of our petty regrets, I doubt they are ever malicious. This obvious psychic indiscretion is one of the mistakes I see most Mediums making. I am embarrassed for everyone. I can assure you this is one of those things that makes me very unpopular amongst psychics, skeptics and true believers alike.  (More on this "Mutually Inclusive Negative Double Opinion Bias" against professional psychics, later.)

                     Back to those of us still living, I love people. I love the way we look. I love the way we talk. I love the way we move, and sound, and feel. I love almost everything distinguishing about what it means to be human. I especially love our little flaws. This is why I make the big bucks. Forgive me,  but "There is gold in them ills." Nothing is more distinctive and identifiable than our little quirks. (Signature Behaviors) I'm not giving humanity a pass for neurotic idiocy, but I am willing to overlook most people's individual "Blind Spots," 2nd Law of the Para Psychological Methods. "Everyone has Blind spots and everyone's Blind Spots are different." (We will be dealing with these variably common; "Blind Spots", "Opinion Biases", and "Styles of Evasion" later, in diagram format.)

                    The point here is that, these "ECHOs" of our impressions of each other, "IMPRINT" onto our human consciousness.  We all experience each other in these most subtle yet undeniable levels. This is what I read.

Anatomy of the Psyche ~ MAPS OF AWARENESS

                  Returning readers may find this discussion redundant, but that means you've been studying and are ready to hear something new. Closure and centering are affects of internal processing. The rotations of multiple modeling axis is enough to make anyone dizzy. Within the subject awareness of self are dynamics of extremity just like with the physical body. Learning to identify these dynamics is at the core of most of the spiritual technologies we are dealing with. We will start with the physical linking principles that inform the structure of self awareness.

                  We will go back to the base perceptual ordination of; right vs left, (and how we know the difference) up vs down, (also hardwired) and forward and back. (including movements through time) These features of perceptual processing are at core the conception of self and the basis of all mobility. The ideational elements to a language of psyche always have these components even when obscured behind religious pretenses or dogma.

                  I'll go into much more detail on these perceptual linguistics of awareness and their meta physics in the next post. The movie shows a rotation of two axis simultaneously. (inside twistor space) I want to test out the back link of my movie into g+. URL listed below.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mysteries of Compatibility (+)

                  As this book is ending, we can put the clockworks of psychic reading back together in working order again now. We will be glad we put time into explaining the subtleties of human variability. This deceptively simple elegance of human nature must never be denied. Here we will get to itemize many of the most valuable "Mysteries of Compatibility."

                  First we must recognize the mechanisms of identity, "Echo Imprinting." Remember the baby penguins calling to it's unique and singularly loving parents? This happens at at least five levels of identifiable distinctiveness. There's:
                  1.) VISUAL
                  2.) TACTILE
                  3.) AUDIBLE
                  4.) CHEMICAL
                  5.) VERBAL

                  These elements of distinctive identification are then communicating for us. We can call this communicated information "Signaling." This signaling is the identifiable distinctiveness communicated both Intentionally and Unintentionally.

                  Our intentional signaling of personal distinctiveness, is usually done overtly as in like showing off and attention getting behavior, (often phony and self conscious). But just as often we mask insecurities behind covert displays of distinctively hiding ones true self, when we hide our true feelings, problems and pain, we are usually trying to show only the best of who we are. Even though this covert style of evasion is in fact potentially very noble, it is still rather a little dishonest and sometimes extremely dysfunctional.

                  Our unintentional signaling of our personal distinctiveness is mostly just the Socially Recursive "Valences" of; POSITIVE, NEGATIVE or NEUTRAL variables of distinctiveness, (boy / girl, young / old, rich / poor, pretty / plain, etc. All socially recursive boundary distinctions form single planes of contact between any two different people forming basic Dyads.) These differences are in fact purely aesthetic. Although most people like to think that things like wealth, relative beauty and age are absolutes, from the point of view of compatibility, these are just more variables.

                  And now, on to the Boundary Definitions of Real Social Barriers. These are not to be confused with Valences as these distinctions represent actual distances between separate people rather than just mutually defined conjoined differences. These barriers are either Cultural or Proximal.

                  Our most common culturally defined social barriers are because of; Religions, Politics, Economic Status, Language Barriers, and Education.

                  The most common social barriers are; Location, History, Age, Gender, Approachability and Accessibility. These issues are mostly important pertinent to our next distinction, Objectives.

                  Romantic objectives are the main reason most of us now days retain the "Right of refusal" resisting arranged marriage in favor of a more personal aesthetic and operant selection process. In choosing someone else we need to be able to say "no." A dear friend of mine had me write a list of all the qualifications of what I would demand of my, (Design Your Own) Dream Lover. It was a devil's bargain. Anyone who meets all my standards is too good for me and out of my league. Not to mention the unintended consequences of trying to date the "Perfect Lover?" This is where Games Theory fails almost every time.  We humans are all willful and flawed.

                  What are your OBJECTIVES?
                  Family and Children?
                  Division of Labor?

                  Wow. That's it. Not so complicated to write down. But what a lot of stuff to have to keep track of when I'm trying to introduce people to each other. But then I have always been much more successful as a "Yenta" (matchmaker) than as a spouse. Next post, we'll be looking at Attraction and Marriage. Which now days means taking Personal Responsibility.

The Possession of a Witness

                  Todays lesson is on the "Eye of God," that horrible symbol of war. The eye of god is a blind talisman, and a sign of protection against the evil "Eye of Envy." In many of the Old World cultures, looking at someone intently without an introduction is a violation of space. (Don't look at me!)

                  Everything that can be seen is sacred. Don't be afraid to look briefly. (But be afraid of what you may see.) We are all supposedly Children of God under protective custody, whether we believe or not. I could demystify the traditions of "Reading" by extricating the origins of our shared modern science from the "Sins of our Fathers," only to realize that I am now up to my eyeballs in the Symbols of Faith. Not what I wanted. And now you too are a witness to a temporal vision. The reality of life is not convenient or comfortable. My greed for a light of consciousness has made me gross. Bottoms fall out, there is no bottom to hit anymore. The world goes on in a tenuous dream. Feet are flying, the winds howl, truth is not always beautiful, we need each other's help now, to understand why beauty is never in the eye of just beholder alone.

                 So holy are the methods for stopping time, that when that Eye of God opens the world disappears. The dream ends and all The Possessions of the Witness go back into the void from where all emerged. We have all heard the stories before, but do we understand? Close your eyes, shut the doors, the words don't make sense anyways. We can dream tomorrow, that it all will all be over soon anyways. Everything inevitably comes down to, "The Possession of a Witness."

Conjugate Consciousness: The Positive Negation

                   In logic, statistics, number theory and in systems analysis, we get to see the value of looking at things in opposition to themselves. (Some things exist only in the context of their opposite, their conjugate.) Such is the dynamic of reason. Never are we more rational than when we are willing to engage contrary points of view. (Hypothetically.) This virtue, this strength is my gift to you.

                   Social Recursion, if you remember, is the Self Identifying Mutually Distinguishing Boundary Definition. I am a boy. You may be a girl. We are different, but yet we may have much in common. Appreciating our differences can make it meaningful and fun for us. Although these Mutually Defined Boundary Distinctions may create a feeling of separation, our love may unite. (Enter: The Cult of Complementarity.)

                   Politics in it's present incarnations, (and it's exploitation,) is the perpetuated "Illusion of Conflict." But in spite of real conflict just like some demonic dance, opposing parties feed each other, they feed each other hate. Behind the scenes, you might think that the Fascists work for me cause when they look stupid, I get too shine. And when radical liberals want to spit at a cop, I wonder if they're working for the opposing team. I hope that this subtle but very real dynamic of human behavior is understandable. Being self critical is the only reason I trust myself to be a Pro Psychic. Without the power of self criticism and self negation, I would be a hack. The power of rational thought always exceeds mere rationale.

                   How are you at asking yourself the really hard questions? (Two heads are better than one, but it does make you a little schizophrenic.)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Back to the Philosophy

                        In Chinese philosophy the Taoists are known for their respectful balance for the Male and Female, Yang & Yin, Light & Shade, Warm & Cool, etc. This essential "Diametric" is integral to understanding Chinese medicine and diagnostics. No where has the sophistication of Meta Formal Logic provided such well accepted and practiced methodology. Although here in the west Acupuncture is becoming an accepted medical adjunct to western medicine, it is still not well understood. Interestingly enough it is still considered Pseudoscience simply because it clearly contradicts western scientific philosophy. Yet what Chinese medicine and diagnostics lack simplistically it makes up for with thoroughness. The five element mandala can be laid out on a five pointed star, with the elements of;
                                      ELEMENTS                  YIN ORGAN                  YANG VICERA
                                      Fire                                 Heart                                Small Intestine
                                      Water                              Kidneys                           Bladder
                                      Earth                               Speen/Pancreas                Stomach
                                      Wood                              Liver                                Gall Bladder
                                      Metal                               Lungs                              Large Intestine 

                      Or the elements can be laid out as a cross with the Earth element in the center. We'll see another example of this arrangement when we get to the Tibetan mandala for the realms of attachment in the afterlife. The central primary realm is in the center of the diagram. Look at the Yin Yang Mandala. These energies are all interchanging and circulating through the body by longitudinal "Meridians." They are if fact all linked perfectly through the corresponding times of the day and year in series. With the inclusion of the central "GOVERNING and CIRCULATORY" meridians, we get each of the meridians corresponding to the twelve divisions of each day and year where the organ is strongest and most active. Your digestion is timed to be most active in mid day for instance. Your heart is most vulnerable in the heat of the summer.The subtle toroidal geometric symmetries of the meridians are too difficult to explain here without diagrams. This too will be added. Thank you for your patience.

                       Appreciating the rotational wheel behavior for these Meta Formal models is useful for understanding the implicit philosophy modeling the human existence, inwardly in terms of health and outwardly as reflective of nature's cycles and the arc of human dynamic. {"As above so below." Metaphor for the symmetry between the Creator and the created world. <Blessed Be!> } Look at your Yin/Yang symbol. Fire feeds on Wood, but Fire is extinguished by Water. And so on.

Accepting Submissions (+)

                 I wonder if G+ will like being used for marketing online free magazine services. G+ is not designed to handle magazine scale content, as of yet. Most social media isn't. Some are better than others. Social media is becoming a game of data delivery systems for high resolution macro data, independent of sales. Even small sample offerings are gratefully accepted. Don't share anything you don't want the world to see. (This could turn out in any number of ways, I suspect that this will take time before anything happens. Email is in the upper right corner. Use only as last resort) Please feel free to use G+.

                 Let's work backwards, "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A JOB IN MEDIA COMMENTARY." "Test Post Magazine" is accepting submissions for the position of benign essayist. (Please be gentle people.) This is at best only a sport. And if it works that's wonderful, and if it doesn't work, well then we still get to play a good clean game.

                 At this point we are usually asked to make a commitment. Offerings are submitted for jury approval. (For the time being it's only me.) Show us what you've got. I'll make things easy for everyone at first. All initial proposals will be considered. I don't steal or expect response. But for now it's still my baby. I want to see your art and writing, linked. Everyone knows someone who has done something beautiful. Don't sell your mothers pearls yet, but if it's "A Beauty Too Good to Keep," then send it our way and we will see if there is a place in the a Test Post. We give art a second life, a time of contemplation, by sharing. Everyone knows someone who did something so beautiful, that it deserves a double life. When contemplation becomes contemplated, why shouldn't we love the things we do? I'm only talking to those of us who are hopelessly blameless. If this becomes a moral hazard, I will shut it down immediately. I'll keep you posted. Please feel free to use G+.

                  This is still just an experiment, but if it's possible I'd like to see a "MICRO GOOGLE" Archival Society. We can do information storage and archiving, in magazine format. A Personalized DATA MEDIA, it could make money. (It already does for somebody somewhere.) If we want to get Google's attention it'll be for flooding their servers with high density content. I know that might be considered grounds for shutting a website down. But as a non profit that doesn't advertise, how big will we have to get before Google starts to twitch? Please feel free to use G+. And as always, I'm doing this for the fun of rattling the bells on the castle cathedral and then running away. This is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Games and Entertainment Laws allows for the free promotion of "Creative Arts."

                  Brought to you by the good folks at, "A BEAUTY TOO GOOD TO KEEP" Production Company.
                  And a Generous Grant from "THE UNIVERSE."

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Demonstration Modeling

                          Good morning. In attempt to offer a content driven blog, I'm delighted to discover that I'm reaching a very discriminating audience. I watch the Stats feature on my blog. The real shocker is that in spite of the difficulty in collating such diverse issues, in order to reach a discriminating readership, I must be true to the methodology of a double blind. I cannot know my readers. As with the writing of any major work, one must be able to have faith and step away from the expectations of reward. As someone who has reached saturation with my craft, I no longer care for validation. As I review and edit my posts I am happy to see that the over all quality of my work conveys what I am trying to say. I can already see that the text is way too dense for casual reading. Good.

                          I appreciate your involvement in this literary exercise. We will continue to focus on the overriding principles of psychic reading technique. I acknowledge the lack of information about interpretive reading. As my writing is still short on detailed analysis, I just provide resources. Any and all of your personal study, today or during your life, will help with deductive reasoning. This is no small task. Generalizations are just that, and are a perfect excuse for never giving bad news or advice. The worst thing that can happen to a psychic is that you get very good at it. No amount of humility is too much. I realize that by admitting to this, I'm confessing to a zealotry of purpose.

                         ORDERING: The general overview is on the subjects of;
                                                I CHING
                                                TAROT / TORAH / KABBALA
                                                CHINESE MEDICINE / MERIDIANS
                                                PERCEPTUAL ORDINATION & COORDINATE GEOMETRY
                         These allow us to examine many varieties of very precise analytical models. Each of these mediums share basic ordering principles. But remember, not all software is compatible. (When in doubt, just say, "I don't know." I also say, "Let's imagine what the correct answer will probably look like," and often this gives the correct answer.)

                         Starting with the most intrinsic of these models is obviously, PERCEPTUAL ORDINATION. As our language asserts. Up, Down; Left, Right; Back, Forward; and Before and After. Four Dimensions.

                         TAOISM is just that subtle dialectical dialog between all mutual opposites. Impossible to describe, easy to enjoy and ultimately very understandable. (Welcome to my world.)  

                         Chinese Medicine is defined in terms of the Meridian System, and has a Toroidal, (donut shaped) Coordinate Geometry. We are donut shaped with an in door and an out door. The meridians run over the surface alternating with going through the body to communicate with the corresponding organs. This it does with a single interpenetrating line of "CHI" that reverses polarity at the extremities before returning to and past the center to go toward the other end of the body. This it does covering the body twelve times for each of the twelve meridians, the five organs, five viscera and the two governor meridians operating as a perfect biological time clock. It is almost perfectly mirror symmetrical unlike the physical body which always has some asymmetry, the heart is on one side, etc.

                         The Tarot has a few more discreet pieces than does the meridian system but it still contains a very modular unified mapping system. The PLAYING Cards are said to be a picture book of the first five books of the Bible, the Torah.

                        The I CHING has the most beautiful matrix symmetry. 64 hexagrams, 8 trigrams, 2 Yang lines solid and broken, and 2 Yin lines solid and broken. These are equally delineated, 2 changing and 2 stationary lines each. Just the statistical probabilities are a combinatorial dream. This so deserves the graphics. The beauty is in it's precision of modular analytics, mapped comparable to nature's dynamics

                         It's only when we get to handwriting and palm analysis that we come to nonfinite variabilities. There are more than enough observable variances. We have few interpretations of what, if anything, these variabilities signify. The language must be simple in order to be precise. This is in essence the perfect breeding ground for a Calculus of Variation.

                         I felt that the only way I could justify so much emphasis on fundamentals was for the sake of modeling the data. It was never necessary for you the reader to assume authority or belief. It is the ordering of these comparative data models that I want to make easy to understand. Observing these variabilities is the key to mastering spiritual technologies. We're learning to deal with very sensitive issues. And again try not to judge or criticize.

Barriers of Symbolic Language

                  The term Symbolic Language is a math term for precise symbols and methods of things like Calculus and Tensor Analysis. Most people have an aversion to languages that are difficult. 
                                        Coding Density = Foreign Language  
                   I've been beating up on my fellow psychics and to be fair, I'm turning against belligerent science. When it comes to matters of faith, people work hard at building walls. (Science takes faith.) I'm building a bridge between the supposedly antagonistic contenders for the attentions of the faithful. Pro and Con. Latin Mass or Physics Lecture, it doesn't matter. Language is used to communicate and/or alienate.

                    I love Math just like I love Jesus, Buddha and whoever else has lived to free the world of ignorance and illiteracy. But both are abused and taken for granted.  People who worship the slide ruler are often as sadistic as, well...,  I think I need to get specific.

                    When I first started getting my sanity back, I again started using a simple drafters compass to divide the arcs of the circle, (Meta Formally Logical Induction by Ancient Time Keeping Metrics). It turns out to be much much easier to use a compass and a straight edge than it is to try to do the same Geometry with a Graphics Calculator Software.

         Similarly it has been the case with using small varied round clear stones to prove "Preverbal Ordering Principles":
         Each stone is different, just like people; (Size, Shape, Color, Clarity, etc.)
         Each stone is a discreet entity, just like people; (One Stone, One Person.)
         It's much easier to visually remember each stone without symbolic language than by naming each stone.  Like people, if you can't remember what someone looks like, the name doesn't matter. Names are important but the memory is for much much more.
         Counting each sampling specimen forms comparative groups,  just like people.  As humans we have been imposing Symmetrical ways of Collating groups for as long as we can remember. This Symmetrical Coalescence and Meta Formal Logic,  is at the core of all Ancient Spiritual Technologies.  [Father/Mother,  Brother/Sister]/{Day/Night, Morning/Evening}/[1./2., 3./4.]

                     Our animal brains are much too developed to be limited to linguistics alone. It's just to slow.  That's not to diminish this most precious shared resource of symbolic language, and language should not be dumped. To the contrary I want Math to be that universal language, but that's asking a lot. The need for intuitive simplicity will always demand that creative thought experiments takes precedence over the much more difficult hard technologies. Then we can get on to the hardware. I'm fortunate to have had a lifetime to study. When it comes to defining differences between stones, people, concepts or even just variabilities in general, in between said objects and/or subjects, categories of comparison emerge. Language is our shared naming and ordering of categorized objects and subjects, symbolically.

                     Point being now days the term Intuitive is an equally vague and commercial new age marketing gimmick. Symbolic Meta Speak is also done by sales representatives of computers.  The language of both Meta Physically and Materialistically Opposed World Views are both pandering and spiritually exploitative. Belligerent Science and Materialism is just a new way of manipulating peoples beliefs. I'm hoping that with my own overwhelmingly neutral opinion bias, that if I must offend, I will have offended everyone equally without alienating anyone.           Good luck.