Monday, December 30, 2013
Truth's Waiting Yet.
Renewed and forgiven, we're cleansed then released. Times I have dreamt of all my deceased. Coming and going, in and out too. I never did lose the sight of you. How can I miss you, when you always knew? That all of these dreams will always come true.
I dreamt you a story, t'was just for a laugh. Now you believe? And that's just the half. If I had this tale, intend you receive, of this living dream, I could not conceive.
So I dreamt of a child, that I've never had. I dreamt of a story, so crazy and mad. To know of the truth, have you yet perceived? Of "Love's many faces?" of sadness relieved?
I wrote you a story, that you may not get. But this will not stop us. Our time's waiting yet. And though there will be, a time and a space, worlds are unfolding between every place. The laughter dies down, we see shining tears, the upturning frowns, the vanishing fears.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Mystique or Dogma, WHAT IS GOOD FAITH?
What a lot of us can feel can often be expressed as "Emotional Language." I'm just a very good medium.
Just like almost everything else, languages have polarities.
Dynamics of assertions and denials, propositions and disproof. There are also dynamics to persuasion. Appeals and Refusals, Approach and Deference. Interrogation and Accusation. We all want to know, how and when to act, and why. Influence is a very strange phenomena of human behavior. The intent can express dominance and recessiveness, (See, SOCIAL RECURSION.) The language of influence is not easy. (As a "Sensitive" I've been given a whole extra arsenal of resources.) Getting people to want to cooperate can be very positive, but you do have to worry about the worthiness of all the cooperating parties. We hope that we can see the utility of good, fair commitments. But once you have to look at the place of a situational ethic, "We soon recognize the possible inevitability of corruption and bad faith."
The moral question probably does come down to a pursuit of personal power and knowledge, freedom and responsibility. These are very real normal constraints. Our innate religiousity is incredibly rational and practical. People don't need excuses to want to have good faith. Most people can appreciate the value of a viable social contract. A moral good. NO ONE WANTS TO BE THE TARGET OF "BAD FAITH." But we are still looking for some understanding, some knowledge or language with which to feel secure, that everything has a meaning. It's usually my atheist friends that come up with the best explanations of God, and a few actually don't judge me for my commitment to being a psychic. In a religion of awe, "We need not forgo having faith." Physicists are said to be many of the most innately religious people. Because atheist or not, we spend an inordinate amount of time contemplating the possible existence of God.
A "Complementarity" thus involves a "Middle Path" if you like, a path of "Mildness." Somewhere between antagonists. Society not only produces works of "Coalescent Symmetries," but society also, functions as a continuous collective. Maybe good and so called evil are not the cause of everything that happens, but a sense of moral direction is something we are all supposed to be able to understand. Even if it is only for the sake of important dramatic resolution, closure. This is particularly important for anyone who claims to be a psychic. People can be deceitful. People have attitude. Calling my self a psychic is almost an invitation to be asked to leave and not come back. Let's be honest. I said it before, "I'm not supposed to be trusted." I'm an actual psychic, whatever that means to you. But "I" do trust you. And I'm definitely going to want to trust in your ability to find a reasonable and rational "Complementarity" for your self. Lets' see where this goes now from here.
Google Plus is Obsolete, {Thumbs Way Down}
In review of my blog I just discovered the unasked auto link erased close to 80 equations from my blog without my notice or permission. BOO! Everyone I know says google plus has no cohesive documentation and is therefore simply too time consuming and arbitrary. Haven't they ever heard of usability? I have spent weeks trying to hunt out the bugs. YUCK! It's probably going to take me another HUGE block of time to correct the intrusive violation of my <>. I only turned on the google plus for the youtube movie feature so as that I can use youtube for my math videos. I hope in the future I will not have to continue using my blog space to comment on the use and misuse of my blog by google plus, HISS! (And on a completely unrelated issue, thumbs up to the Russian porn mafia. I never did subscribe to any of their products or services. But check out my post, "Who is the Spaminator" August, 20th, 2013. At this point I'm am infinitely happier with the people who decided to let my blog temporarily go to Russia, even if it was done surreptitiously. Almost a thousand page hits. I'm actually getting really good feelings from them if only that they showed enough interest in my work to help me stay motivated through the first few months. I had no other followers. They dumped me when I wrote about them and their market philosophy. Ce la vie. I have been told by a friend from Russia that Russians are very superstitious. I said maybe, "But that they are also hyper literate and that my blog is a very tough read." Thank you "Spaminator.") BOO to google plus. BOO! Evil. Wrong. Bad. BOO!
Yesterday's request for your silent witness did offer me a difficult suggestion, which I did ask for. As always, I am sorry if the challenges of this literary exercise go into potentially unpleasant topics. I have no intention of compromising the quality of this difficult feature proposition. Talking about competitive "Psych Out" between psychics is understandably distasteful, but it does beg the question, "Why is there still such controversy surrounding our ART."
I think asking you, my few remaining readers, may be the only way I'm going to be able to know objectively whether I have correctly outlined and documented the importance of the "psychic" transformative functions, and it's influence on society. I know this might seem a lot of pressure to put on you my readers, but I am still operating under all of the same principles (Ahimsa, non violence) and intentions ("Complementarity") that I first used to outline the "Para Psychologic Methods."
So, here we go again. I want to back to writing my serial novella? Do you think I should post it separately on one of the other blogs? Or can we just keep it all together for know? (You don't care. Who am I trying to kid.) I'll only post a few pages at a time and the other work on religious observances and advances in spiritual technologies and techniques will continue to be included. You know, that's by the rules, I'm only guessing at what you might think. And the only proof I have of your participation is by the very general audience identification on my blog stats. I in no way know who you are, other than to guess. I also believe I'm kind of hearing your thoughts, if only by conjecture. But subjunctive reasoning (Fantasy) is permitted. I will give this a little thought, but I think I'm already getting some clear impressions of the varieties of your opinions. Hence my appeal for a greater "COMPLEMENTARITY." (Unite and Conquer!)
I'll try to explain why I feel I need to remain loyal to my principles and you my readers. Because of the fact that from day one I decided not to pander or patronize, I have chosen to accept very low profile. The work and it's survival is basically why I'm still alive today. I only want that who ever you are, that you are able to understand what this work really means for our civilization, it's transformation and thus ultimate survival. And that the work will have to survive on it's own merits, without me. I realize that if what I am trying to do succeeds, it must in fact be more beautiful than what any of us are able to comprehend, even today. Thank you for your help.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Projective Twistor Space
Although all of these graphics are based on simple functions, it's possible to make stereographic projections that map out surfaces forming some very exotic manifolds. In the case of the tubes at the corner ends of the complex star below form a stereographic projection from all sides of the object under rotation. I put the PTSpace Movie on my Goggle plus page as my blog doesn't handle you tube movies very well. Access my Google Plus page with the flower icon at the bottom of my post archive list, right side of the page.
More from Out of the Bottle
These two lovely graphics experiments are designed to demonstrate the the place of intuitive induction in creativity, art and science. Did I intend this? Well yes, sort of, But I'm probably more surprised than anyone. This has been done through a process of elimination. Choice is the only thing that is even vaguely deductive about this type of aesthetic selection. Yes, I've studied hard and long to learn the mathematics of symbolic language. But this is more on point than I had ever expected. I wont even waste your time with the theory of functions.
A Cup Overflowing
As the New Year approaches I feel the desire to tell new stories coming back. I find the most baffling part of my life, is the grace. I feel incredibly awkward using a word like grace in correlation with my name, but it's true. To live in the past, the present and the future all at the same time is such a strange and delicious proposition. I find this almost impossible to believe myself and yet I am the one who get's to live with such undeserved love, peace and joy. Maybe it is a tragic thing that I will let this story find it's own audience with no ambition on my part at all. This may change however, if only that acceptance is no excuse for passivity.
If this story is worthy of finding an audience then I will want to entertain you. ( True Hoax? I love my work!) Let me see if I can guess what you want. I,......., I am almost afraid to ask. Well, here goes, "What do you want me to write?" Tell more Stories? More Documentaries? Web Entertainment and Psychic Performances? (God, what am I trying to do? Build a better {Psychic} Mousetrap? Do I really want the world beating a path to my door?) What the heck, I've already decided what I was going to do way back when I was 9. Ultimately I'm doing all of this and I'm giving myself another, oh,...., about twenty years to get this stuff to a survivable classic quality. Society is already struggling to preserve those things which will never be replaceable. The Psychic Arts (Intuitive Diagnostics) are one of our cultural traditions that is irreplaceably priceless.
Could you imagine how outrageous it would be to have actual competitive, "Psych Outs?" Talk about an unreal "Reality Program." That would (or will) be so funny. O.K. I didn't plan this, but I did ask you what you readers might want to get to read about. Which one of you people thought this one up? I haven't even posted this page yet and you guys are already sending me messages. L.O.L. Maybe I'm just going to have to start listening to you much more closely. This is unexpectedly pretty good. It's obviously not mine or original, and I'm clearly not making this one up.
As much as I've been advocating for taking the "Psychic Arts" back out of the side streets and tea rooms, back out on to the stage where I believe that we belong, "Psych Outs" could be too much like the tragic dance marathons of the Depression Era. What if it's possible, by the process of elimination, to determine whether psychics even exist, by simply making us compete, "I PSYCHIC." <Patent Pending> Just imagine the callbacks. We as a society could finally publicly put this debate to bed once and for all.
NOT EVERYONE WOULD WANT THIS. This is just horrible, but somebody saw it, I just asked, I just wanted to know what you want. Some of you actually think this way, own it. I know who you are. At least one of you has had the audacity to think this one up. I'm just writing it down. Is that what this is going to end up becoming? Everyone wants proof. Oh my God I can't believe it. This is just great. My cup is bubbling over. Please don't hate me. Please,...., I'm just the psychic writing this down, I can't loose my grace. If I did start a competition I would loose the rest of you, my followers, and I would deserve it. But what an idea, sooner or later, it's happening. Arg, well I guess it's back to the keyboard for me. Later friends. Let's do this more often. It's been fun.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
My Strangest Prayer
I believe that we exist with and for an intent to apply awareness. And with this spark of awareness we exist, (or so as that we may believe?) We have an applied math and a pure math, (supposedly.) Do we also have an applied intelligence and a pure intelligence? (I doubt it.) Pure intelligence sounds like such a scam or a hoax. If I may have anything of value to offer for the benefit of others, I hope it is understanding. Isaac Newton is quoted to say, "If I have seen much further than other men, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants." That is the world I see.
It is my privilege to serve this banquet buffet of sumptuous delicacies of the spirit in baroque elegance. That is the world I see.
This tiny offering of my life's work is just a small window into that incredible genius that is Psychic Intuition. That is the world I see. This is my strangest prayer.
Up to this point I have used shapes to define the different types of analytical models used by psychics, seers and doctors to the self. I have avoided dealing with the so called occult because there is little point in perpetuating mystique. There is much more of value that can and will be understood that for the time may appear unknowable. It is the same with science, this is science.
I refer to this type of language as a "Red Code." This I do because of the seeming obscurity and difficulty that comes with, "The Coding Density Threshold." When ever we need to learn a new language there is that point of commitment, that point where we must immerse ourselves into the totality of this new experience. Long term, short term and what I call a mid term memory must be actively engaged to learn anything new. I've worked with this coding issue when understanding the symbolic languages of poetry, math or religion. As a relative nube to the techno revolution, I'm very happy to see software code definitely is a "Red Code." Seemingly insurmountable. But in the same way there is no #hashtag for "A NEW TYPE OF CODE" software codes as of yet have no clear theory. That is not because that ultimately there wont be a grammar for the syntax and usage of coding languages, we are still at the beginning of these new language geographies. Just like our shared histories of language, grammar and theory was the afterthought of these social conventions. Intelligence precludes understanding. My work, a grammar of "Psychics and Intuitive Diagnosticians" is and will emerge from our immersion in this new medium. It's true. A truly dense "Red Code" never ceases to be esoteric, at least not outside the boundaries of common usage. Here in the U. S., French isn't just considered esoteric, it's considered vulgar and alienating. That's the U. S. Peoples resistance to learning new language is merely a defect of the mature human brain.
Friday, December 20, 2013
The Road Ahead And Why
Here will be looking directly at my motivations for the processes coming to expression. I have as an objective, the teaching of practical intuitive language. A good way to discuss Intuitive Logic, and our Practical Religious Conventions are with symbols, signs and metaphors. That does not mean that we will have to give up on developing a more lucid, honest type of language. We already share a visual language of religious experiences. There is much we need to learn and understand about the purely functional, rational practical aspects of our shared religious histories. Conveying the actual usefulness of most religions is made much more difficult by it's use, misuse and abuse by power politics. We all have needed the social structuring. Not to mention basic laws of sundry cleanliness. even if we are "Secular Humanist," there will always be the place for academic faith. But there are still many confused ideas and stubborn prejudices. To challenge these misappropriated social resources, this will require honest admissions, and fair play. I don't want to be a social critic. There is still too much that is good in the world, and people don't want to give up. We may need a newer better language for understanding "The Codes of Religion." As a psychic sensitive I have a responsibility to share candidly my results very honestly, and without censor. My clumsy attempts at brevity are only my own personal opinions.
But I still have much more to do before I take this blog back apart again and rewrite it;
1.) Research public domain; illustrations, charts, maps, diagrams.
2.) Scan or Photograph the necessary; pictures, models, artifacts, experiments.
3.) Document all supporting; bibliography, footnotes, vocabulary, graphics.
4.) Construct; index, table of contents, appendix, glossary.
I intend that by showing the basic statistical analysis, used to perform intuitive diagnostics, we'll have the dialog that this expansive subject demands. These questions aren't going away until we have the courage to ask the hard questions. I believe the work will only hard because we will be learning a "A New Type of Language."
Falling Up, Aspiration and Desire
I believe that because of my radical religion I must be willing to apologize and admit to being wrong, Sometimes.
I have probably offended everyone equally. I apologize to all the Buddhists and Hindus for saying that there is no law of karma if it is arbitrarily directed at INNOCENT CHILDREN. "No child is ever born with bad karma." I probably also owe the Jews, Christians and Moslems apologies too, for saying, "There is no personal Devil!" People tend to want to believe that their God is personally theirs or that God is for them, that they are somehow important. I say what we really need is faith. Faith to abandon the old bigotry and popular prejudices when they stop being relevant.
Desire of and by itself is just a point of departure. I don't want you to have to believe me, I want for you to decide for yourself and if you choose to go to church or mass or temple or mosque, I support you. I believe, you have in fact much more to offer others than you will ever get to take away for yourself. And that's not about you or me.
Everyone knows of someone who has confessed to having doubts. Desire is just the ground from which we aspire. The term "Spirituality" may be a little bit of a misnomer. How can one grasp the wind. When we speak of our "Spirituality" we are usually talking about our religion. Religion, of and by itself, is where we get the fundamentals of our shared cultural faith. But as is expressive of our aspirations, religion is a point of departure into the unknown. Not the destination. It is the means to the end, not the end itself.
My teacher once said, "You think that if you are able to think something up, that that means someone else will think it up too." I wish this was true. But if Steve was right, you too may be capable of original thought, (much to the contrary of popular prejudice). And we are deluding ourselves if we think we aren't needed. We are needed to understand. Needed to communicate. Needed to find our voices. We are needed, we just aren't that individually important. This is why I don't believe in personal karma or original sin. Not everyone is equally selfish and "An injury to one is an injury to all." People often say, "It must be God's will, or you will be rewarded (punished) in your "Next" life. I"m sorry, I don't buy it.
Core Concept of "A NEW HISTORY" requires that I challenge the tyranny of "Authoritation By Proxy." Just cause someone told you what to believe, or what is believed by someone else, doesn't make it true. I just want to show you how shifting opinions and the revolutions in popular beliefs are a social dynamic. I documented this most effectively in the first hundred posts. But one of the biggest challenges of making a blog interesting is writing for a discriminating audience. The purely technical elements of psychic reading technologies appeals to one type of readership. The mathematical modelings of the multivariate statistics appeals to another marginalized group. The historical documentarian essays on the religious practice of epic poetry appeals to another very esoteric and eccentric sub group. There is NO #HASH TAG for ideational innovation.
I send this up to the dreams. Up into the ethers, I send my apologies to desire.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Out of the Bottle, The Spirit Is
These next 3 Mandalas are joint efforts of June Moon and I.
This next work is all June's. It is her version of a Rosicrucian Cross. I only did the crude background.
The rest of these graphics are mine.
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