Tuesday, December 24, 2013


                   Yesterday's  request for your silent witness did offer me a difficult suggestion, which I did ask for. As always, I am sorry if the challenges of this literary exercise go into potentially unpleasant topics. I have no intention of compromising the quality of this difficult feature proposition. Talking about competitive "Psych Out" between psychics is understandably distasteful, but it does beg the question, "Why is there still such controversy surrounding our ART."

                  I think asking you, my few remaining readers, may be the only way I'm going to be able to know objectively whether I have correctly outlined and documented the importance of the "psychic" transformative functions, and it's influence on society. I know this might seem a lot of pressure to put on you my readers, but I am still operating under all of the same principles (Ahimsa, non violence) and intentions ("Complementarity") that I first used to outline the "Para Psychologic Methods."

                  So, here we go again. I want to back to writing my serial novella? Do you think I should post it separately on one of the other blogs? Or can we just keep it all together for know?  (You don't care. Who am I trying to kid.) I'll only post a few pages at a time and the other work on religious observances and advances in spiritual technologies and techniques will continue to be included. You know, that's by the rules, I'm only guessing at what you might think. And the only proof I have of your participation is by the very general audience identification on my blog stats. I in no way know who you are, other than to guess. I also believe I'm kind of hearing your thoughts, if only by conjecture. But subjunctive reasoning (Fantasy) is permitted. I will give this a little thought, but I think I'm already getting some clear impressions of the varieties of your opinions. Hence my appeal for a greater "COMPLEMENTARITY." (Unite and Conquer!)  

                  I'll try to explain why I feel I need to remain loyal to my principles and you my readers. Because of the fact that from day one I decided not to pander or patronize, I have chosen to accept very low profile. The work and it's survival is basically why I'm still alive today. I only want that who ever you are, that you are able to understand what this work really means for our civilization, it's transformation and thus ultimate survival. And that the work will have to survive on it's own merits, without me. I realize that if what I am trying to do succeeds, it must in fact be more beautiful than what any of us are able to comprehend, even today. Thank you for your help.