Monday, December 23, 2013

A Cup Overflowing

                   As the New Year approaches I feel the desire to tell new stories coming back. I find the most baffling part of my life, is the grace. I feel incredibly awkward using a word like grace in correlation with my name, but it's true. To live in the past, the present and the future all at the same time is such a strange and delicious proposition. I find this almost impossible to believe myself and yet I am the one who get's to live with such undeserved love, peace and joy. Maybe it is a tragic thing that I will let this story find it's own audience with no ambition on my part at all. This may change however, if only that acceptance is no excuse for passivity.

                  If this story is worthy of finding an audience then I will want to entertain you. ( True Hoax? I love my work!) Let me see if I can guess what you want. I,......., I am almost afraid to ask. Well, here goes, "What do you want me to write?" Tell more Stories? More Documentaries? Web Entertainment and Psychic Performances? (God, what am I trying to do? Build a better {Psychic} Mousetrap? Do I really want the world beating a path to my door?) What the heck, I've already decided what I was going to do way back when I was 9. Ultimately I'm doing all of this and I'm giving myself another, oh,...., about twenty years to get this stuff to a survivable classic quality. Society is already struggling to preserve those things which will never be replaceable. The Psychic Arts (Intuitive Diagnostics) are one of our cultural traditions that is irreplaceably priceless.

                  Could you imagine how outrageous it would be to have actual competitive, "Psych Outs?"  Talk about an unreal "Reality Program." That would (or will) be so funny. O.K. I didn't plan this, but I did ask you what you readers might want to get to read about. Which one of you people thought this one up? I haven't even posted this page yet and you guys are already sending me messages. L.O.L. Maybe I'm just going to have to start listening to you much more closely. This is unexpectedly pretty good. It's obviously not mine or original, and I'm clearly not making this one up.

                 As much as I've been advocating for taking the "Psychic Arts" back out of the side streets and tea rooms, back out on to the stage where I believe that we belong, "Psych Outs" could be too much like the tragic dance marathons of the Depression Era. What if it's possible, by the process of elimination, to determine whether psychics even exist, by simply making us compete, "I PSYCHIC." <Patent Pending> Just imagine the callbacks. We as a society could finally publicly put this debate to bed once and for all.

                NOT EVERYONE WOULD WANT THIS. This is just horrible, but somebody saw it, I just asked, I just wanted to know what you want. Some of you actually think this way, own it. I know who you are. At least one of you has had the audacity to think this one up. I'm just writing it down. Is that what this is going to end up becoming? Everyone wants proof. Oh my God I can't believe it. This is just great. My cup is bubbling over. Please don't hate me. Please,...., I'm just the psychic writing this down, I can't loose my grace. If I did start a competition I would loose the rest of you, my followers, and I would deserve it. But what an idea, sooner or later, it's happening.  Arg, well I guess it's back to the keyboard for me. Later friends. Let's do this more often. It's been fun.