Monday, December 16, 2013

With The Voice Of The Child

                  Karmic Memory? Lyrical Style? What am I doing here? Let's explore a little seasonal Magic. (As I will do throughout our next upcoming year.) In the language of metaphors we have a well metered tradition for the "Observances" of ceremonial time. These times are not just measured in dry continuous lines. No, we have memory of the time in meanings. This "time" of life is measured in discreet units of highlights and low points. Our measure of time is matched with our shared (Meta Formally Logical) culture. We call this time the calendar. When we are young, these moments in time and meaning have a greater symbolic significance because the soul is still fresh. Hence the lyrical nature of early life. End of a year, Old age, Father Time. New Year, New Life, the Child Born Anew.

                   Contrary to the popular myth conceptions of spiritual guilt, no child is ever brought into the world with bad Karma. Even the terrible child is innocent. They just don't know it. It takes this child of fifty seven, (Me,) to rail against the abuse of corrupted spiritual communities, to demand give us back our "New Year" to the children. These metaphors are the language and they never should have been myth appropriated.

                   In a "New Epoch" the children are the redeemers. Only the innocent will know the truth of joy and rapture as is foretold in a time of renewal. Out of darkness comes the light. Any of you who are familiar with these metaphors will recognize the symbolic language, latent to our shared cultural narrative. Metaphysics have also been co opted by the evil lords of stupefaction in the same way that the so called "Law of Karma" has been perverted to perpetuate the Caste System.

                   I repeat, "No child has ever been born with bad Karma." (I'm sorry Dalai Lama, I'm not blaming you, I know you have your faith cut out for you. And you have a job to do. But there is good reason why all the worlds religions are NOT in agreement.) This myth of inherited Bad Karma is why Buddhism and Hinduism are fraught with the same "Bad Karma" that have plagued the Three Big Monotheistic Religions. When you lie to the children with myths of original sin and in born inferior worthiness, the dogma of the Kali Yuga is perpetuated at the expense of the open hearted and the innocent.

                   As children we all sing with our hearts, for the love of those we want to shine. We all overflow with "Lyrical Style." It's only when the adultish rationalizations of others, crush our spirits do we find ourselves afraid to love. Afraid for our selves, and ultimately afraid for the ones we love. But it is by the voice of the innocent child that we are redeemed.

                  As a confirmed Atheist friend of mine said, "It's not blasphemy if you don't believe." (Did Jesus believe in punishing innocent children? Did Buddha believe in punishing innocent children? If either of them brought Original Sin or inherited Bad Karma with them into the world, then I certainly would never worship or believe in either of them, ever)