With the closing of one year and the opening of the next, you may get to hear me speak of things as if they have already happened. You may find my views on grace and providence blasphemy. The vessel is full and the vessel is empty. And as the great are laid low and small shall rise to the top, I only ask of God, "How may I help?" Out of infinite satisfaction I am stunned be the joy of learning. When most have turned on their T. V.'s rolled over and gone to sleep, I too have that bad habit of sleeping with the T. V., but I get much of my best work done in my sleep. Eyes open or eyes closed I see another world where we are all together. But not so much as that you would have to notice, at least not any more. I believe that if most people saw the world the way I do, nothing would ever get done. Everyone could be laughing inappropriately at everyone else's pride and evasions. But then again if everyone was aware of the purely subjective elements of each person's self awareness, then we would have no cause to laugh at the absurdities of self denial and aggression. Problem Identified, Problem Solved. That is the world I see.
I believe that we exist with and for an intent to apply awareness. And with this spark of awareness we exist, (or so as that we may believe?) We have an applied math and a pure math, (supposedly.) Do we also have an applied intelligence and a pure intelligence? (I doubt it.) Pure intelligence sounds like such a scam or a hoax. If I may have anything of value to offer for the benefit of others, I hope it is understanding. Isaac Newton is quoted to say, "If I have seen much further than other men, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants." That is the world I see.
It is my privilege to serve this banquet buffet of sumptuous delicacies of the spirit in baroque elegance. That is the world I see.
This tiny offering of my life's work is just a small window into that incredible genius that is Psychic Intuition. That is the world I see. This is my strangest prayer.