Thursday, April 9, 2015

Creative Personalization

                  In creating a virtual personal profile, we try to lead with our interests. Interest Based Learning is the essence of an avocation. Information becomes media. Media becomes entertainment. We are witnessing the birth of a Mutual Magazine Culture. A new Social Transition Phase. "Creative Discovery" is the pursuit of an unknown. Self Identifying boundaries can be changed. All Personal Learning Dreams have three Transitional Phases;

                  1.) Interest Based Learning, is any appetizing knowledge that we might crave.

                  2.) Inspirational Familiarity, nourishes our understanding of that Healthy Learning Appetite.
                  3.) & The Execution and Closure of Learning is just that Re Enculturation, Re Socialization and reprograming that happens as a realistic economy of change. Fulfillment from that love of learning is that each person learns differently, and the identification of self matures and changes.

                  Creative Discovery has always been accompanied by a resulting sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, even during deprivation. This gratification that one derives from intense personal interests can be all consuming. People have been known to go without food. My Personalization Profile reads my email, watches what I watch, and makes suggestions about things I might also want to do. I'M GETTING MY PERSONALIZATION PROFILE TO GO OUT AND DO MY HOMEWORK FOR ME. It even searches the internet for me while helping me to study everything. Fast. Much faster than I could if I had to click on all of these individual pieces of data landing on my dashboard. I like taking suggestions from an informed machine. My profile is looking so much better, and the S. E. O.'s think so too.

                  Don't join any on line communities. Don't use email for anything accept business. Be cheap! It makes the profiling algorithms have to work much harder. Let yourself be lead by curiosity alone. I'm not saying shut yourself off from people, I just mean let the profiling algorithms do the profiling for you. Research communities yourself and join nothing. Spend less than nothing on anything if it's not business related.. The heuristics of the personalization soft ware like it when you make it difficult to limit your interests. When your are not identified with a target market, your search parameters aren't monetized. The profiling algorithms start to notice. Your not giving anything away. How do you want the machine to see you? Talk to you? To inform you? Let the machine educate you first? Quality information is an acquired taste. Get ready for a delicious data overload.


  1. Wish I'd read this ten years ago.

    1. Dear John, If there is a John. In Heaven if there is a Heaven. Sorry for not responding to your comments. I've had no comments from anyone for so long I forgot to check. For all the incognito engagement I've had, I am just guilty pleasure among rare and discreet readers. I get some back and forth commenting on other peoples posts, but that's usually just the re-postings memes. I feel affection for the few who dare to ask questions. But I still ask, "IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE?"


Is there anybody out there?