Let's take a closer look at how we see each other. First, whatever boundaries we experience between us: Space, Time, Gender, Politics or Religion, we experience boundaries of separation as uncertainties. Whether we acknowledge it or not differences are important. Bias is not always a bad thing. Quote from the "Book of Changes," "If we want to compress something, we must first let it fully expand." (#38 hexagram for Opposition/Polarity)
So, Now let's look at that boundary, which for all purposes is impenetrable and impervious to our desire. It may be a barrier paper thin like the distance between two hands touching yet always separate. Now instead of seeing these boundaries on edge, separating subjects of inquiry, let's turn now to face our boundaries as what they really are. What do we see? The Plane of Separation becomes Mutual Points of Contact. Our walls can become windows, Our doors become bridges. But to where? And to what end? To whom will we get to encounter? By definition it is the "Other." That which we may avoid, we can also seek.
Hence when I encounter your sensitive boundaries, I would like to be able to be sensitive with you. This is the essence of intuitive sensitivity. Receptivity is a two edged sword. Sometimes it's none of my business what you may think, feel or want from me personally. I believe that for anyone who has the stamina and fortitude to apprehend the totality of others, we choose to let credit go to others for their worthiness. Why waste your time? Most real psychics don't want validation. We are quite happy to go unmolested. (And now for Meta Modeling)
I've been borrowing heavily from other unrelated disciplines; Math, Physics and Science. As an example of analogous mapping for comparative modeling we see anything can be used as a metaphor of something else. (Everything is a metaphor.) Quite interestingly as a kind of reverse homomorphism the thing we are projecting onto reflects back. Loosely we can speak of feedback. I like the notion of a mirror agent which simply responds. But I'm getting little ahead of myself.
But very much to the point, let's talk about the scientific jargon that has bled through into a language of metaphor to become the bastard property of the new age scams. Picking up "VIBRATIONS." And what about those vibrations we call color. I don't want to I hear one more person tell me what color my "AURA" is supposed to be. One of these most profound applied metaphors is the actual diagnosable vibes of reflex "Twitches" and Twitch Cycles. Our bodies are tuned to cycles, waves, pulses, rhythms, tempos. And yes, even waves within waves, actual twitches. Obvious sensitivities we experience together in touch, listening and watching. Observing twitches are a fertile ground for observing others being observed. Vibes, like style is something that can't be faked, it can only be imitated. Please, tact everyone, tact.
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