Monday, April 20, 2015

Glamoury and Mindwash

                  I agonize over the exploitation of Chiromancy and Chirography. Psychic Pschmychic, what kind of non sense is this? Polarizing Subterfuge or Glamourous forbidden fruit? I remember the first time I was accused of brainwashing. I said, "You are damn right this is brainwashing." The young atheist man thought I must have a different definition for what brainwashing is. I said, "No. Brainwashing isn't always a bad thing." "I wouldn't trust anyone who wanted to be a Palmist." I said, "Would you trust anyone who wanted to be a politician?" "I know what I'm trying to do, and I don't waste your time by conflicting with you." "Politics is just politics, please don't try to get me to abandon my faith."

                  Dialectical Diagnostics; Easy to learn, Harder to explain, Impossible to believe in. This is just applied spiritual technology and secular religion. When somebody washes our mind in a good way, our mind becomes silky and manageable. "Good Faith" is Spirit! We all want to have someone we can trust. It's all too easy to distrust others who don't share our faith. If parents raised us to follow in family traditions, we "Honor our Parents" by trusting their guidance. When I show respect for your faith, I'm taking down the barriers to our communication. I won't argue or disrespect you. I just maybe wont agree. Thank you for your interest.

                  Too much of the worlds religions have become about political infighting over the exclusivity of one faith against another, one brother over another. Whatever happened to there only being "One God?" Why would I ever expect to get away with Glamoury and mindwash, you are a discriminating person. Yes, You. I won't waste your time by disrespecting what you believe. Please don't waste our time by arguing. (Holy Spirit, Pentecost, the Gift of Tongues.)

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