Saturday, April 18, 2015


                  Before I get to what I feel is going to be the industry of Zenophile Gaming, I'll start with reviewing what I'm seeing from google analytics.

                  I'm considering disconnecting the analytic features on my blog. I have written far more than I could have planned and it lacks organization. Active users are limited by the parameters of optimization algorithms and I am not interested in business for it's own sake. Truth be told my writing isn't bad. I just don't care about pretenses of beliefs or success. As is the case with all of my work in investigation and research I never miss my mark. As the pro psychic, for me there are no mistakes, there is only opportunity. I have so much more to learn about writing, blogging, publishing and influence media. Yet instead of discouraged, I'm overjoyed to know where the barriers to healing our society lie. And the results are resolved in the realm of shared soul. Problems are just solutions waiting to be discovered, nothing more.

                  For now almost all of my blog traffic is going to Ukraine, for what purpose I don't know. I'd think it's for classes but the chances of that seem unlikely. They don't seem to use any google translation software. Yet the same posts are reread repeatedly, over and over again. Are "THEY" all using the same node, or is this just one person? I love a good mystery.

                 I'm also seeing google trying to link me to many other countries. But gone are the days when my blog was a test subject for the blog media moguls, obsessed with trying to figure out what I was doing. My first half year was accessed exclusively by snoopy competitive media giants, one of which was sold to became Al Jazeera America. But they may not have been interested. Then a year ago, I turned on G+. Enough about that.

                 Zenophile Gaming is a "Mutual Support System" in game form. People want to learn from each other. The only thing missing is the structure with which people can share mutual study. I can't tell you what to do, I only tell you how. I myself am overwhelmed with the shear volume of data I use to identify people during examination. Each "Reading" is as unique as the person I read. I don't want to confuse or discourage readers with the daunting challenges and responsibilities of applied spiritual technology. But practicing mutual reading techniques will become the vehicle for the mass proliferation of these said soft technologies. Asking for your sign however, may obviously tell us nothing except randomized generalities. But that's not my problem. I want you to respectfully touch each other, see and listen. Explore, experience, respectfully understand each other. Be detached, dispassionate, clinical. This works. People will tell you when to stop if you watch, listen and pay attention.

                 This is happening. Go slow. Be patient. Be sensitive. Prepare for what you learn. The walls between people are coming down, and it's falling down hardest on the people who don't want to learn. I stopped working contract personnel for large corporations because I resented popular prejudice. Even this dread I am outgrowing. The Zenophile Game is good clean fun. But don't push your luck. I don't. The Game is on.

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