Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2.) Apologies to Games Theory / CALCULATING FOR RISK

                   The one thing I believe I have undervalued about Games Theory is it's usefulness in counting hazards along with any possible outcome. A purely objective oriented predictive model can be overly materialistic in outlook, but accounting for risks in terms of potential losses is just good business. This may not require a mathematical solution, but I like being able to itemize possible risks. Just like writing about the Enumerative Partitions of each of the Symmetrically Coalesced oracles, I want to be able to number each and every risk factor. That's technically not Games Theory but it does make good use of the optimization of applied Games Theory. The sciences of predictive analysis is void of any bad faith of and by it's self. It's just that as humans all our truly powerful intellectual resources can be easily corrupted.

                    By stealing the devil's tools, I want to take them back. I want to use these tools for the good of humanity as they may have originally been intended. One of the main reasons I persist in the "Analysis of the Para Psychological Methods," is because of the overwhelming similarity between the slippery nature of the oracles and the abuses of great power in general. Great power is synonymous with the obscure farthest reaches of knowledge and understanding. I know for a fact that many of my potential readers have been turned off because of my total unwillingness to play dumb. I've tread the knife's edge between popular mysticism and belligerent positivism. Mystics say, "You must believe to achieve." Positivists say, "If you can't prove it, it's probably (absolutely!) falsifiable. And therefore worthless. (Hence the smug superior attitude I get from belligerent "Rational Positivists," about my Palmistry. The Multi Variate Statistics used for identifying deep and fine line markings alone are going to require the rest of my life to provide comprehensive analysis. The problem is made much harder by true believers who insist that there is direct causation between omens and the associated subjects of inquiry.)

                    Obviously ideational absolutism can be a bad habit for anyone. Ironically the truth often lies somewhere in between our changing Oppositional Biases. I have tried to acquaint us all with these most simple of boundary definitions. Asking, "Where is the line with you?" Simple dualities, Polar opposites and Unknown quantities are all boundary definitions. When we look at Games theory as a systems analysis or as a form of problem solving, it looses it's stain of exploitability. I would like to be able to create a games theory of psychic mediumship, but I may be a better magician than I am a mathematician. Resultantly I'm advised to stick to my area of expertise. But what is life without a little calculated risk. (These are the domains of Psychics, Economists, Diagnosticians, Research scientists, Strategists, Investigators, Games Theorists, Etc.)