Hey folks, fancy seeing you here. Sorry if the trip was a little rough. If we are going to be honestly dealing with issues like the mathematics of shock values, social biases and games theory, we are going to have to keep moving. There wont be enough time to get comfortable with hangups about death, love and educated guessing. Whether we like it or not we have to except that there is a job to be done and it is neither glamorous or flattering. I'm not the best one to be playing bad cop, But I do believe the zenophile act has served it's purpose and now the story matures.
I promised this wasn't going be about me. In fact this has turned out much better than I would have expected. The work has been laid out well and is far more accurate than I expected. I have had the privilege of a life of study and now I'm enjoying the results.
In this next blog I will be proving my basic assertions already proposed using statistical models. I'll use common gemstones I collected, paper geometric art pieces, number theory and the actual source materials for the limited subjects we are covering. We are going to push the "True Hoax," into popular culture, thus providing the final proof of the changeability of opinion biases, personal and popular.
By the end of this you will probably be sick of me. I am already a little disgusted with myself. I hope to make this fun and entertaining. Otherwise even if I am able to prove most of my assertions correct, if I can't make this fun to read then I will fail at this last most important proof of a "TRUE HOAX." It has always been my intention to write a best seller, in blog form about a dry subject that no really cares about, just to prove that we are not stupid and that people really do want to learn. Oh god, I know how stupid this sounds, but it's the truth. Thank you for having a sense of humor.