Sunday, November 17, 2013

Philophilia and the Philophile

                   Hi. My name is Phillip. I am a philophile. I don't mean just that I love myself, although I do. I am contrasting functional philophilia with misanthropy. I've written about the destructive popular prejudices about misanthropes in, "LIES ABOUT MISANTHROPES" Sunday, August 18th 2013. It's about time I come to my own defense. I called this blob Zenophile after the Greek stoic philosopher Xeno, who stood before the porch speaking to everyone. Thus the term Xenophobe is used to describe a person who fears or hates strangers.

                  My obsession with plotting the the boundaries of shifting opinion biases reflects my faith in the social process of collectivization. Similarly we work with what I have come to call the "Symmetrical Coalescence" of shared resources. This has produced our astronomy, math and statistics, as they have evolved from pre scientific meta formally logical procedures. I personally doubt that any one would ever participate in such a difficult writing without a faith and love of both themself and the greater society that has brought us this undeniable truth. Even my choice of language reflects my somewhat unrealistic expectation of desire to perform recognizable good deeds. Such is the peculiar and extreme temperament that qualifies me as an irrational optimist. I used to say that I am repaying my debt to society. But even though I have done some pretty unforgivable things, I not an ex con, so I just had to except that I believe humanity is worth saving and that we need some loving clarity.

                  I found that first off I must acknowledge my inevitable mistakes. As part of engaging my critiques, I'm confronted with the error of my chosen style of communication. I make mistakes. I am frequently wrong. I don't ever want to be in denial of my limitations as a teacher, reader or psychic. I've made it necessary that I will not take someones money under false pretenses, even innocently. I have even lost friends when they found out that my pleasantness is a mask of convenience. And that I take no pleasure in defending an opinion. (Hence my "Bias Fear.") There is nothing I hate more than winning an argument. My generously forgiving nature makes me seem like a doormat, until someone figures out that my greatest offense is my self effacing sarcasm.

                 But I promised this wasn't going to be about me. I have a privilege to portray a functional dynamic in the extremes of human temperament and most importantly the complimentary styles we have to share in contrast to each other. Were I to point out why I like being wrong or how excepting criticism usually discourages bullying, I would be giving myself away. Not to mention that when I allow people the freedom to make their own decisions, I'm not liable for their mistakes. Simply as a matter of technique, we all have much to learn from our complementary opposites. Thank you. "WE LOVE YOU!"