Sunday, November 3, 2013

Life's Insatiable Longings

When You Click on the Flower Icon at the Bottom of the Archive List Accessing My Profile, You'll Get to My Designer Math Graphics.

                   Good evening. I hope you are well. So much of the work I had set before me is being done on schedule. I need to allow for time with each of you personally. There is never enough time for visiting. I believe that I'm not alone in the awareness of the pain of regret. We all can feel shame about what we believe we should be able to do and worry about getting things done. I know that we all crave a sense of ease and familiarity. We all have said or heard, "You just need to let it go." I try to never say that to people, if only that it seems patronizing and it doesn't seem to take into account the inevitable difficulties of living.

                   Shouldn't we trust people to find the meaning in life for themselves? And might it be more important that people create there own sense of order without the illusion of "Ease and Familiarity." I strive so hard to make sense out of multi variate calculus, but I'm not that good at it. But I still persist in wanting to learn how to convey what I'm doing mathematically all the time. These longings may in fact be the best thing for me. No point in fretting about the fretting. No one wants to be in distress. But yet we do not always know how to listen. If there is art in psychic reading it is in the delivery. I know that most of what people can say is just routine. I myself use checklists and statistical analysis. There is very little chance I can change anything. But I still try to be able make sense for people. The best I can do is to give people a little hope to carry on in the light of "Life's Insatiable Longings."

                  I want so much to give you cohesive information about systems used by mediums and diagnosticians for interpreting the oracles. But as I have outlined, it is the actual modeling of the data that is analogous to the subject compared, that makes for an understandable reading. If someone is not comfortable with a particular type of mapping analogy, they generally wont like the reading. I may be being very foolish to think that I may be able to make what I do easy and familiar.
                                         (Be sure to look at the bottom of this page.)
But maybe that's just part of being a human being. We all seek an ease and familiarity in order to make sense out of the order and meaning of our "Life's Insatiable Longings."