It's time that I explain what the point is with the math graphics. This whole literary project is about creative assertions and the process of any kind of speculative art. We are all confronted with varieties of choices and I knew of no other way of proving the viability of a creative aesthetic than to just do it. Most of you will have a much clearer memory of the pictures than of what's written on individual posts. If you have seen any of the graphics from my earliest pages before, these will stick out as memory aids. The words are not as memorable as the visualizations, but even this is not going to make up for all the difficult reading material. We are looking at dynamically preferential indexing systems in traditional psychic reading technologies. The information is too dense to be generalized. I have had to find ways of tricking your eyes into looking at things that are unfamiliar.
All of my research has been about exploring this "Void of Uncertainty" that our appetite for learning feeds off of. Unless we are accustomed to recognizing that which as of yet is unknown, the whole point of the esoteric is lost to useless mystique. I'm not trying to be a spoiler. I think when people shop for prognosticators of any discipline, we should have the right to know what we are buying. I don't know how much of my research is ever going to be useable, but I do feel it is a noble pursuit.
I'm going to write the next books on the subjects of;
Handwriting, with emphasis on variability of forms and tensor analysis.
Palmistry, and it's medical applications.
Diagnostic massage treatment.
And pure math.
Under no circumstances should I clutter this book with more of the potentially obscure interests that will appeal to very limited audiences.