Saturday, November 16, 2013

Gradients of Commitment / Displacement of Resources

                   Most of what we do, have done, or ever hope to do requires energy. If we consider the utility of a purely sensitive approach to psychic reading technologies, we can account for social and personal dynamics in terms of the movement of energy resources. There are many obvious ways that people show the effects of "ENERGY CONSTRAINTS." Memory and processing take energy. Making choices, decisions, changing your plans or your mind is something we all do differently. As a result there are signature qualities to our individual actions and behaviors that can be as distinctive as an opinion. These dynamics of human behavior are very easy to overlook and misunderstand. Most of us are not prepared to be wrong about ourselves much less each other and as a result we live with private pains and misunderstandings, sometimes unnecessarily. When we judge others we do so with limited resources of our own biases. These biases not only shape and direct our attention, but our opinions also form boundaries to what we can know. This is a big part of why I try not give advice most of the time. Were I to delude myself into thinking that I have objective knowledge about the personal lives of other people, I would dilute the powerful Diagnostic Sensitivities that I do truly have. For instance, I am acutely aware of how difficult my writing is to read. And I don't presume to be able to prescreen my reading audiences. Let it be said that there are many of you who object to my whole line of reason, because of my indifference to opinion bias in general. Even more who wont like or understand what I'm trying to say.

                    If we go back to the dynamic models of human variability and networking we can see that there are Gradients of Commitment. How much energy we commit often involves making decisions. We can see people weighing decisions, choices and opinions on the basis of available energy. I'm not referring to just the noble ideals of loyalty or dedication, we often just don't want to make changes. For better or worse we can just as often be confronted with a Displacement of Resources that force us to have to change. I think it is just too easy to assume that people are always to blame for their own bad choices. I myself feel blessed by not wanting to judge. It is rare that I can't understand someone else, through my own bad unfortunate decisions. I'm also fortunate to not have to rationalize my own feelings. I like to say, "You don't get to decide for me what I'm going to feel."

                   My teacher once pointed out that when we choose a way to get somewhere, we often tend to take the straight paths first and then leave the turns for later. We do this because turning takes more energy. This is definitely a generalization, but it does illustrate a very common kind of direction oriented choice. We often prefer a straight path over the sharp turns. Some temple designs use a corner into the entry way to break the line of access from the outside to the in, protecting the sacred site from evil energies. This takes advantage of the displacement the attention. This expresses an awareness of a functional discontinuity. By breaking the line of sight we can also symbolize the exclusivity of access into a sacred space.  (Narrow path or gateway.)

                  My own particularly strong gradients of commitment, show that I will appreciate the necessary displacement of available resources and demand commitments. In other words, I would not want you to stumble into areas that you are not prepared for. There is probably nothing more mysterious than a true mystic who has completely abandoned all pretense of mystique. I'm not being obscure. I'm writing about math models used in the occult. If I thought I could just give you the answers, I would. But that's not going to just happen. (A little verbal math trick. As Gradients of Displacement, we get the commitment of resources. {Resources go into Commitments, together they contract canceling each other out, [no resources/no commitments].}) None of this will come easily. We will be seeing the limitations of people projecting opinions.