Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Functional Role Modeling

                   Yesterdays post was done pre migraine. I had to go back and correct a few things. I'm trying to post only correct pages, some of you use an auto download subscription and I don't want you to have to read my trash.

                   I said we would be looking at the functional dynamics of biased opinions and how we are using variable Functional Role Modeling. We are confronted with this whenever we make choices. I chose to speak to an elite discriminating readership, knowing perfectly that my choice comes at a cost.

                  Probably the most important, and the most boring, assertion of this book is on mapping "The Variabilities of Opinions." Variables of opinions between different people at different times in different social groups, effect the outcomes of everything. Functional Role Modeling is traditional as well as it is contemporary. Drama itself is founded on the notion of dynamic tension and suspense. Tension between peoples, generations and even men and women, bias isn't always bad. That's why from the very beginning of this literary exercise I asked you not to change your opinions, one way or another. "UNITE AND CONQUER."

                  Most peoples opinions are shaped by nothing more sinister than personal preference. It is true that personal passions are inflamed by partisan social politics. But most of the time peoples resistance to change is just a defect of the human brain and internalized beliefs. Being arrogant in the face of opposition reenforces resistance. If we want our "Role Modeling" to be "Functional." we must embrace the viability of dissimilar opinions. I know how much what I'm saying offends people. But I'm reading to you as a "PRO PSYCHIC." I have no business pretending I can tell each of you what you want to hear. "Complementarity" and "Neutral Opinion Bias" is my way of showing us what to do when "Nobody" is totally right. I chose the subject of "Analytical Modeling of the Para Psychological Methods" because of the fortunate joining of my life's work with much deeper issues. As a Functional Role Model I would want to do what I believe is right. I'm not making this easy for anyone, least of all myself. I would want that as these hard to understand elements of my writing come under scrutiny, that you will forgive me for not packaging this book for popular culture. And again thank you. I'm choosing to trust in your ability to make good choices for yourself.